Republicans (ways & means committee) refuse to release Trump's tax returns over Russia investigation

For a POTUS who has a long history of deceptiveness, selfishness and misrepresentations of fact, and who also refuses to divest of his personal business holdings while in the office of the President, disclosing his tax returns would be about the best possible way for him to at least provide the information the public needs to have so they can at least know whether his positions are apt to be personally profitable to him.

For me, it's a matter of scale. The man's a billionaire. If he advocates a position that happens to yield him a few hundred grand, I don't care so much. If it's a few million, well, I sort of care. If it's hundreds of millions, I care. If it turns out that his policies form a pattern of consistent gains great and small, well, I definitely care and I'd be inclined to think he's abusing the privilege of being POTUS.

I could take a somewhat less strident position were he to divest truly of his holdings, but he's not done that and shows no indication that he will. Moreover, his kids are on his staff and running the companies. That's just too cozy for us to also have no very detailed visibility to what's what.

It doesn't matter if he put them in his kids names, he will still protect those assets no matter what. The only way he could be 100% conflict of interest free was to sell off those assets which he has not done, and has no intention of doing.

I'd prefer he divest, but I'm not nearly as concerned about whether he actually sells off the assets as I am about visibility. With comprehensive visibility, we can know "what's up." Knowing "what's up," the people, the Congress and the Courts are in a position to hold him accountable and take action if he crosses the line. That's enough for me. His situation is unique -- private mega-business owner rather than owners of public company securities -- so I can get with the idea of taking a little bit different tack. Full and complete disclosure is that tack; that's the compromise with which I'd feel comfortable.

Selling them off is the only way he can be conflict of interest free. PERIOD He hasn't done that and he won't do that. If his kids own those properties he will still protect them.

He isn't going to sell off all his properties. Such a demand is utterly fatuous and absurd. Its only intent is to hurt Trump.

So then you're O.K. with Trump being in violation of the U.S. Constitution--by having conflicts of interest coming out of pore, while you & Trump were demanding to see a US birth certificate coming out of Obama.

"Numerous scholars on the Constitution have cited Article I, Section 9: “No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: and no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept any present, Emolument, Office or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince or foreign State.”

While the rules of punctuation in force in the late 18th century might seem baffling to present-day eyes, the meaning of the paragraph is clear and straightforward enough. No officeholder should be offered a payoff or inducement, and no one should accept either one from any foreign power."
JULES WITCOVER: Trump gets a free ride on conflicts of interest

The Trump empire has expanded into many foreign countries, including China, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, etc. etc. etc.

Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect
Trump sons to attend golf course grand opening in Dubai
Countries where Trump does business are not hit by new travel restrictions
Trump registered eight companies in Saudi Arabia during campaign: report
So then you're O.K. with Trump being in violation of the U.S. Constitution--by having conflicts of interest coming out of pore

Trump could run afoul of conflict of interest laws, but most of them he's exempt from.
What is far more likely is his running head on into the emoluments clause, which is loosely thought of as a conflict of interest law, but is different. Congress could opt to exempt him from this clause.
Still waiting on THE DNC to show us their so called evidence of Russian Hacking any day now.

Why won't they show this to anyone?

This is information that had they shown it to even one person should have gotten leaked, and had they shown it to The Public would have won Them The Presidency!
It doesn't matter if he put them in his kids names, he will still protect those assets no matter what. The only way he could be 100% conflict of interest free was to sell off those assets which he has not done, and has no intention of doing.

I'd prefer he divest, but I'm not nearly as concerned about whether he actually sells off the assets as I am about visibility. With comprehensive visibility, we can know "what's up." Knowing "what's up," the people, the Congress and the Courts are in a position to hold him accountable and take action if he crosses the line. That's enough for me. His situation is unique -- private mega-business owner rather than owners of public company securities -- so I can get with the idea of taking a little bit different tack. Full and complete disclosure is that tack; that's the compromise with which I'd feel comfortable.

Selling them off is the only way he can be conflict of interest free. PERIOD

I'm not sure how THAT works ---- Sasha Obama went from 9 years old to worth $19 million in the eight years her dad was in the WH. I don't remember her writing any books.

So much for that transparency thing, huh?

Of course you have a LINK to that.
I think that is a bit on the high side.

A Kenyan lawyer has offered 50 cows, 70 sheep, and 30 goats for her.

How Much Is Obama’s Daughter Worth? Kenyan Lawyer Offers Livestock For Malia Obama

You need to widen the circumference of you ass--because something very big is going to get shoved up it. If Republicans are refusing to use the (ways & means) to access Trump's tax returns, be assured that Democrats will when they take over in 2018.

"Numerous scholars on the Constitution have cited Article I, Section 9: “No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: and no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept any present, Emolument, Office or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince or foreign State.”

While the rules of punctuation in force in the late 18th century might seem baffling to present-day eyes, the meaning of the paragraph is clear and straightforward enough. No officeholder should be offered a payoff or inducement, and no one should accept either one from any foreign power."
JULES WITCOVER: Trump gets a free ride on conflicts of interest

The Trump empire has expanded into many foreign countries, including China, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, etc. etc. etc. Obtaining his income tax returns would allow the public to see which foriegn countries he's held hostage by.

Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect
Trump sons to attend golf course grand opening in Dubai
Countries where Trump does business are not hit by new travel restrictions
Trump registered eight companies in Saudi Arabia during campaign: report

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Still waiting on THE DNC to show us their so called evidence of Russian Hacking any day now.

Why won't they show this to anyone?

This is information that had they shown it to even one person should have gotten leaked, and had they shown it to The Public would have won Them The Presidency!

I would be surprised to learn that the conclusive evidence is held by the DNC. What is more likely, IMO, is that one or more of the intel agencies participating in the investigation of the hacking and Russian ties to Trump has the detailed evidence. I doubt they'll anytime soon fully disclose the nature and extent of that evidence as doing so might also reveal information about the U.S.' information gathering methods and abilities.
Oh look, a new dumbass snowflake justification for demanding the release of Trump's taxes.....I wonder how many more they can pull out of their collective asses?!

Tax Returns are NOT required to be released to the public. End of Story...unless snowflakes can post the direct link to the rules, regs, and/or laws that say an American citizen MUST turn over their tax returns.

This DERANGED obsession needs to end - 'you people' are sick. Get help.
Trump said he would release his taxes. What reason would he have had to agree to do that? What explanation is there for his reneging?
Still waiting on THE DNC to show us their so called evidence of Russian Hacking any day now.

Why won't they show this to anyone?

This is information that had they shown it to even one person should have gotten leaked, and had they shown it to The Public would have won Them The Presidency!

I would be surprised to learn that the conclusive evidence is held by the DNC. What is more likely, IMO, is that one or more of the intel agencies participating in the investigation of the hacking and Russian ties to Trump has the detailed evidence. I doubt they'll anytime soon fully disclose the nature and extent of that evidence as doing so might also reveal information about the U.S.' information gathering methods and abilities.


Do your research. THE DNC REFUSES to let anyone see the server, and they have not provided the server logs or access to the server to any intelligence agency. The FBI made a request to look at it....not a subpoena....a "request" for THE DNC to voluntarily allow The FBI to look at it, and THE DNC said NO!!!

The only thing any of these Intelligence Agencies have is the Opinion of a PRIVATE DNC Paid Consultant who did not provide any corroborating evidence that he thought Russian's Hacked The Server.

These are the kind of Private IT guys that Bleach Bitted Hillary's Server in Violation of Two Court Ordered Preservation Orders They Willfully Ignored. When they got Immunity to tell us what they knew they pleaded the 5th 256 consecutive times. Y


The DNC STORY is less credible then what Julian Assange testified to, when he was given the acquired emails and told everyone that they weren't hacked by Russians, but they were leaked from Inside The DNC. In fact, I will go so far as to say THE DNC ALLEGATIONS HAVE ZERO CREDIBILITY. They had everything to gain and nothing to lose by showing the "EVIDENCE" and refused to do so.

And again, the SMELL TEST. The DNC is a Dirty Political Machine, and they wanted to win The White House Badly.

All they had to do was LEAK THE EVIDENCE, or simply come out in a press conference and show THE EVIDENCE, and they win in a Landslide.

For Heaven's Sake, you have people leaking the most minor details about The Trump Administration that really aren't even Newsworthy, and the biggest story in the past decade (THE DNC ACCUSES RUSSIANS OF HACKING THEIR SERVER) not even one eeensty.....weeentsy.....ity.....bity....wittle.....ole leak? Not even a screen shot?
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I never understood how racist neo nazi republicans could demand obama release his fucking birth certificate but they dont see a problem with trump not releasing his tax returns.

Very good point!

Actually, it's no point at all ...

1) Obama's eligibility for the office needed to be proven.

2) Trump's tax records have nothing whatsoever to do with his eligibility for the office.

Apples and kumquats ....
Trump's tax returns could tell us what type of personal and business connections he has with Russia. When it comes to conflicts of interest that's the motherload of all conflicts of interest.
I totally get why you and your type are petrified that the country and world could find out the dirty truth about Trump.
If ANY of the allegations turn out to be true it will make Watergate look like a Sunday afternoon garden party.
I wouldn't care if he did have business relations in Russia. I doubt very much that there would be anything in his tax returns that would change my support for Donald Trump.

If it's possible to turn his detractors into supporters by releasing his tax records then he should release them. But your ilk won't be appeased. You don't care about anything that makes him look good. You only care about those things that makes him look bad. Your minds are set. Therefore there is no reason to appease his detractors.
Listening to you Liberals spout bullshit I come to believe that you think that being rich is a reason to disqualify someone from being President. That's discrimination.
For a POTUS who has a long history of deceptiveness, selfishness and misrepresentations of fact, and who also refuses to divest of his personal business holdings while in the office of the President, disclosing his tax returns would be about the best possible way for him to at least provide the information the public needs to have so they can at least know whether his positions are apt to be personally profitable to him.

For me, it's a matter of scale. The man's a billionaire. If he advocates a position that happens to yield him a few hundred grand, I don't care so much. If it's a few million, well, I sort of care. If it's hundreds of millions, I care. If it turns out that his policies form a pattern of consistent gains great and small, well, I definitely care and I'd be inclined to think he's abusing the privilege of being POTUS.

I could take a somewhat less strident position were he to divest truly of his holdings, but he's not done that and shows no indication that he will. Moreover, his kids are on his staff and running the companies. That's just too cozy for us to also have no very detailed visibility to what's what.

It doesn't matter if he put them in his kids names, he will still protect those assets no matter what. The only way he could be 100% conflict of interest free was to sell off those assets which he has not done, and has no intention of doing.
When will you demand the same of all the Dems in congress? Their spouses and kids. Bet you won't .
I never understood how racist neo nazi republicans could demand obama release his fucking birth certificate but they dont see a problem with trump not releasing his tax returns.
That is because the Constitution confuses you.
You don't know a damn thing about the Constitution do you? If trump has done things with Russia in the past that might undermine National Security, congress can release his tax returns whether he agrees with it or not. SInce Congress won't do it for partisan reasons. That leaves it up to the voting public to decide. And since this issue is a growing concern among voting Republicans, Trump may lose his congressional supporters when they get voted out of office. But I thinkTrump would resign before he would release his tax returns. He just couldn't take the heat!

That has nothing to do with the Constitution, it has to do with law and no congress can't release a damned thing. They are allowed to view the returns in executive session. Meaning in a closed door meeting with only essential people involved. Privacy laws prevent them from releasing his returns.

Well, no
H.R. 10612 (1976 ) has nothing to do with the Constitution but your friend JBOND thinks it does. I was responding to his ignorance.

I see you are burdened by ignorance too.

The "privacy laws" you are referring too are ensconced within the Act of 1976 to wit:
The principal change made by the Committee was to require non-tax committees to sit in “closed executive session” when submitting any confidential tax information to the House or Senate. The same restriction was not imposed on the tax committees.
I never understood how racist neo nazi republicans could demand obama release his fucking birth certificate but they dont see a problem with trump not releasing his tax returns.
That is because the Constitution confuses you.
You don't know a damn thing about the Constitution do you? If trump has done things with Russia in the past that might undermine National Security, congress can release his tax returns whether he agrees with it or not. SInce Congress won't do it for partisan reasons. That leaves it up to the voting public to decide. And since this issue is a growing concern among voting Republicans, Trump may lose his congressional supporters when they get voted out of office. But I thinkTrump would resign before he would release his tax returns. He just couldn't take the heat!
Feel free to highlight the portions of the Constitution that you are referring to.
You are the one who brought the Constitution into this. I was simply expressing amazement at your doing so:

Screen Shot 2017-02-28 at 11.56.48 AM.png

See what I mean? And here are the names of your ignorant fan club members who gave you stellar accolades :lol:
Screen Shot 2017-02-28 at 12.00.17 PM.png
I never understood how racist neo nazi republicans could demand obama release his fucking birth certificate but they dont see a problem with trump not releasing his tax returns.
That is because the Constitution confuses you.
You don't know a damn thing about the Constitution do you? If trump has done things with Russia in the past that might undermine National Security, congress can release his tax returns whether he agrees with it or not. SInce Congress won't do it for partisan reasons. That leaves it up to the voting public to decide. And since this issue is a growing concern among voting Republicans, Trump may lose his congressional supporters when they get voted out of office. But I thinkTrump would resign before he would release his tax returns. He just couldn't take the heat!

That has nothing to do with the Constitution, it has to do with law and no congress can't release a damned thing. They are allowed to view the returns in executive session. Meaning in a closed door meeting with only essential people involved. Privacy laws prevent them from releasing his returns.

Well, no
H.R. 10612 (1976 ) has nothing to do with the Constitution but your friend JBOND thinks it does. I was responding to his ignorance.

I see you are burdened by ignorance too.

The "privacy laws" you are referring too are ensconced within the Act of 1976 to wit:
The principal change made by the Committee was to require non-tax committees to sit in “closed executive session” when submitting any confidential tax information to the House or Senate. The same restriction was not imposed on the tax committees.

My bold
(f)Disclosure to Committees of Congress
(1)Committee on Ways and Means, Committee on Finance, and Joint Committee on Taxation

Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the chairman of the Committee on Finance of the Senate, or the chairman of the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Secretary shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request, except that any return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to such disclosure.

26 U.S. Code § 6103 - Confidentiality and disclosure of returns and return information

Remind me again who's ignorant here.
It is common social knowledge that ethics dictates clarity and transparency for someone who seeks the highest office. Only a moron could think of denying this. Trump accepted this concept when he said he would release his taxes. He lied.
You are an educated and trained philosopher like myself therefore you have no excuse for making such indefensible statements like these red herrings you are making.

I am going to write a letter to your alma mater and get you suspended from the Philosophy alumni club if you keep this up.

Only idiots and morons are allowed to make indefensible statements like this.


You left out "the mad", but, then, the statements are the result of observation, and, thus, are not subject to a defense that would be at the same time absurd and redundant.
Republicans are in charge of the Way & Means committee of congress, and can easily get to Trump's income tax returns. The American public has a right to now what is going on with him and Russia. These income tax returns would show any financial ties to Russia and other foreign countries that he may be held hostage by.

Of course this over the two ongoing Senate investigations over Russia hacking into the DNC databases, and General Flynn's firing.
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation
Senator: Investigation of Trump and Russia, including Flynn's conversations, is moving forward

"Coming on top of credible information from America’s intelligence agencies that Russia tried to destabilize and influence the 2016 presidential campaign, these latest revelations are more than sufficient reason for Congress to investigate what Moscow has been up to and whether people at the highest levels of the United States government have aided and abetted the interests of a nation that has tried to thwart American foreign policy since the Cold War.

Given that context, one might expect Mr. Trump to be clamoring for details that would eliminate any suspicion that his administration is in league with an enemy. Instead he has waged an unhinged attack on the intelligence agencies themselves, praising President Vladimir Putin of Russia at every turn and pointing fingers everywhere but at himself, while refusing to take a single step to resolve questions about his administration’s ties to Russia.

Admittedly, this is hoping for a lot from a Republican leadership whose natural inclination is to protect the president. This week, for instance, congressional Republicans closed off one avenue to forcing the release of Mr. Trump’s tax returns, which he has refused to divulge and which could help prove to Americans that he is not indebted to Russian financial entities. (It bears repeating, in this regard, that Mr. Trump didn’t fire Mr. Flynn this week for chummily discussing American sanctions on Russia with Moscow’s ambassador, or for lying about it. Mr. Trump knew all that for weeks. He fired Mr. Flynn after both of them got caught.)

Here is the article, and this is the reason that the New York Times was banned from attending White House briefings.

And it's clearly falling apart on Trump

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -
You're in for a very rough 8 years. :)
I'd prefer he divest, but I'm not nearly as concerned about whether he actually sells off the assets as I am about visibility. With comprehensive visibility, we can know "what's up." Knowing "what's up," the people, the Congress and the Courts are in a position to hold him accountable and take action if he crosses the line. That's enough for me. His situation is unique -- private mega-business owner rather than owners of public company securities -- so I can get with the idea of taking a little bit different tack. Full and complete disclosure is that tack; that's the compromise with which I'd feel comfortable.

Selling them off is the only way he can be conflict of interest free. PERIOD

I'm not sure how THAT works ---- Sasha Obama went from 9 years old to worth $19 million in the eight years her dad was in the WH. I don't remember her writing any books.

So much for that transparency thing, huh?

Of course you have a LINK to that.
I think that is a bit on the high side.

A Kenyan lawyer has offered 50 cows, 70 sheep, and 30 goats for her.

How Much Is Obama’s Daughter Worth? Kenyan Lawyer Offers Livestock For Malia Obama

You need to widen the circumference of you ass--because something very big is going to get shoved up it. If Republicans are refusing to use the (ways & means) to access Trump's tax returns, be assured that Democrats will when they take over in 2018.

"Numerous scholars on the Constitution have cited Article I, Section 9: “No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: and no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept any present, Emolument, Office or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince or foreign State.”

While the rules of punctuation in force in the late 18th century might seem baffling to present-day eyes, the meaning of the paragraph is clear and straightforward enough. No officeholder should be offered a payoff or inducement, and no one should accept either one from any foreign power."
JULES WITCOVER: Trump gets a free ride on conflicts of interest

The Trump empire has expanded into many foreign countries, including China, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, etc. etc. etc. Obtaining his income tax returns would allow the public to see which foriegn countries he's held hostage by.

Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect
Trump sons to attend golf course grand opening in Dubai
Countries where Trump does business are not hit by new travel restrictions
Trump registered eight companies in Saudi Arabia during campaign: report

Remind me again why Clinton shut down her "charitable" foundation? She hates poor people, right? Hypocritical idiot.
Tax information is personal and no one else's business, in the general run of things. Little incriminating information would be likely revealed with usual returns. Politicians speak about their taxes in order to absolve themselves of possible reproach. It is voluntary, a show of good faith. Politicians say things they have no intention of doing in the day to day of capitol politics, and in campaigns. Presidential qualifications demand more, especially with the reverence in the American Pantheon that the office has taken on. The American people deserve an Executive they can trust. This is a case of a supposedly very rich and multi-nationally connected big business person. Anyone reasonable would see the potential in the combination of such economic power with the power of State. Obfuscation and self-contradiction, especially about sensitive information volunteered to be made public, do not lend to the necessary level of trust.
why is it whenever republicans are called out on blatant bullshit they always say "Well i personally disgareed with that" i didn't ask what you personally thought did I? did you vote for the birther president despite knowing he was race baiting lying conpiracy theorist? do you honestly think thats better? let me know when you run for president than i might care what your shitty personal opinions are about anything
I am not rich enough to run for POTUS.

Just look how high Trump has set the bar now.

You need to be a top dog plutocrat first.
Yeah look how high Trump has set the bar.
Be careful what you wish for lefties. There are no allegations of wrong doing by Trump or his staff concerning Russia. The unintended consequence, however, is somebody in the "intelligence community", probably a member of the leftover Obama administration, will probably be perp-walked into federal prison on felony charges related to leaking Lynch's phone calls. .

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