Republicans Struggle To Say How They Would Pay For Tax Cuts

1st post
Why does government need to keep spending as it does?

Since when are they first in line?

They don't.

However, its just as much a Republican spending spree ans a Democrat Spending Spree, which is why the Tea Party Candidates, although unconventional, are standing in for the spineless GOP Dem-Lite candidates.
Republicans Struggle To Say How They Would Pay For Tax Cuts (VIDEO)

Whats fucking funny is how dipshit rightwing posters in this forum are suppprting a party and its advocacy of tax cuts when it doesn't know to pay for them. Note how Rand Paul said tax cuts don't need to be paid for. Tax cuts, like the welfare check you rightwing lamb shit eaters keep complaining about, also have to be paid for.

First and foremost. Tax cuts do not require payment. They are not debt.

Spending is what creates debt. They have said repeatedly they will cut spending.

Is that too difficult for you to grasp?

Tax cuts are a decrease in revenue. Unless you make up for them with a comparable cut in spending you run a deficit

No kidding. Add the the tax hikes dems have planned and we still run a trillion dollar deficit. IF YOU INCREASE TAXES, you diminish job growth and incentives. You take money from the economy that is needed for stimulation. We have seen how democrats propped up the fabrication that for every dollar spent increases economic activity by another half.

Most of those with little economic understanding might buy into that. But not people that run businesses and have that economic understanding.

You must cut spending, you must not increase taxes at this point in juncture.

The tax us to prosperity theme hasnt worked any where in the world. Why do you think it will work now?
Republicans Struggle To Say How They Would Pay For Tax Cuts (VIDEO)

Whats fucking funny is how dipshit rightwing posters in this forum are suppprting a party and its advocacy of tax cuts when it doesn't know to pay for them. Note how Rand Paul said tax cuts don't need to be paid for. Tax cuts, like the welfare check you rightwing lamb shit eaters keep complaining about, also have to be paid for.

First and foremost. Tax cuts do not require payment. They are not debt.

Spending is what creates debt. They have said repeatedly they will cut spending.

Is that too difficult for you to grasp?

Yah, like they always cut spending before?
why should we believe their lies yet again?
sounds like a fools game to me.
Funny, spending is never an issue with our leftist friends... it's always that we just don't take enough money from the citizens.
5th post
Republicans Struggle To Say How They Would Pay For Tax Cuts (VIDEO)

Whats fucking funny is how dipshit rightwing posters in this forum are suppprting a party and its advocacy of tax cuts when it doesn't know to pay for them. Note how Rand Paul said tax cuts don't need to be paid for. Tax cuts, like the welfare check you rightwing lamb shit eaters keep complaining about, also have to be paid for.

First and foremost. Tax cuts do not require payment. They are not debt.

Spending is what creates debt. They have said repeatedly they will cut spending.

Is that too difficult for you to grasp?

Yah, like they always cut spending before?
why should we believe their lies yet again?
sounds like a fools game to me.

They could be lies. My cynisim tends to agree. But we only have one party talking of cuts.

Pull your wallet out, the dems are in desperate need of useful idiots.
Republicans Struggle To Say How They Would Pay For Tax Cuts (VIDEO)

Whats fucking funny is how dipshit rightwing posters in this forum are suppprting a party and its advocacy of tax cuts when it doesn't know to pay for them. Note how Rand Paul said tax cuts don't need to be paid for. Tax cuts, like the welfare check you rightwing lamb shit eaters keep complaining about, also have to be paid for.

First and foremost. Tax cuts do not require payment. They are not debt.

Spending is what creates debt. They have said repeatedly they will cut spending.

Is that too difficult for you to grasp?

Really? Specifically what spending will the GOP cut? I only ask because it wasn't explained in Boehner's bullshit "Contract Hit on America".

Want me to start list of agencies to cut out again
First and foremost. Tax cuts do not require payment. They are not debt.

Spending is what creates debt. They have said repeatedly they will cut spending.

Is that too difficult for you to grasp?

Yah, like they always cut spending before?
why should we believe their lies yet again?
sounds like a fools game to me.

They could be lies. My cynisim tends to agree. But we only have one party talking of cuts.

Pull your wallet out, the dems are in desperate need of useful idiots.

Talking the talk is nothing, walking the talk is something.

We have been hearing this same cut spending and smaller govt crappy lies deom the republicans at least since 1980.

all we have is talking heads none of them has any balls.
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lOL, there are some real genius morons out there..

How Republicans would Pay for TAX CUTS.

You idiots think WE the people have to pay to get our own TAXES back.

good GAWD.:lol:

Who do you want to pay for the current government spending, not to mention paying off the accumulated debt?

If you don't want to pay for it, who should?

All you lefties who voted for the Obama and his Comrades in Arms.
We'll wait.:lol:

First and foremost. Tax cuts do not require payment. They are not debt.

Spending is what creates debt. They have said repeatedly they will cut spending.

Is that too difficult for you to grasp?

Tax cuts are a decrease in revenue. Unless you make up for them with a comparable cut in spending you run a deficit

No kidding. Add the the tax hikes dems have planned and we still run a trillion dollar deficit. IF YOU INCREASE TAXES, you diminish job growth and incentives. You take money from the economy that is needed for stimulation. We have seen how democrats propped up the fabrication that for every dollar spent increases economic activity by another half.

Most of those with little economic understanding might buy into that. But not people that run businesses and have that economic understanding.

You must cut spending, you must not increase taxes at this point in juncture.

The tax us to prosperity theme hasnt worked any where in the world. Why do you think it will work now?

Statists operate under the assumption of the Zero Sum Game.
10th post
Republicans Struggle To Say How They Would Pay For Tax Cuts (VIDEO)

Whats fucking funny is how dipshit rightwing posters in this forum are suppprting a party and its advocacy of tax cuts when it doesn't know to pay for them. Note how Rand Paul said tax cuts don't need to be paid for. Tax cuts, like the welfare check you rightwing lamb shit eaters keep complaining about, also have to be paid for.

What's fucking funny is how a simple concept: Cut Taxes and Reduce Spending, seems to blow your mind.

If you cut taxes when you're already running up debt, you have to cut spending that much just to get back to where you started.

Do you try to pay off your credit card by making a smaller monthly payment?
Republicans Struggle To Say How They Would Pay For Tax Cuts (VIDEO)

Whats fucking funny is how dipshit rightwing posters in this forum are suppprting a party and its advocacy of tax cuts when it doesn't know to pay for them. Note how Rand Paul said tax cuts don't need to be paid for. Tax cuts, like the welfare check you rightwing lamb shit eaters keep complaining about, also have to be paid for.

Its easy, just cut entitlement programs, government jobs, and government pensions. Stop stationing troops in foreign countries that dont need us there and let those countries defend themselves. Stop giving aid to our enemies like the dictatorships we like in the M.E. and the russian government.

Do you need more? Get rid of obama care, repeal TARP and shut off the bailout/stimulus spending.

More? Make it so congress/senate/president are all jobs where you can earn no more than the average income of all americans. Make them pay for half their health insurance costs and dont make it so they get a guaranteed pension just for getting elected for a term.

There are so many things you can cut....hell make welfare temporary just like unemployment.

More? Stop allowing non-citizens in the united states to get government sponsored health care, education, and food stamps.

Damn are you and those 2 politicians in your article that daft that you cant see the dozens of obvious places we can cut entitelments and spending in order to start paying for what we have already spent?
First and foremost. Tax cuts do not require payment. They are not debt.

Spending is what creates debt. They have said repeatedly they will cut spending.

Is that too difficult for you to grasp?

Really? Specifically what spending will the GOP cut? I only ask because it wasn't explained in Boehner's bullshit "Contract Hit on America".

Want me to start list of agencies to cut out again

Start a list of agencies to abolish that MOST Republicans are running on abolishing.
Republicans Struggle To Say How They Would Pay For Tax Cuts (VIDEO)

Whats fucking funny is how dipshit rightwing posters in this forum are suppprting a party and its advocacy of tax cuts when it doesn't know to pay for them. Note how Rand Paul said tax cuts don't need to be paid for. Tax cuts, like the welfare check you rightwing lamb shit eaters keep complaining about, also have to be paid for.

First and foremost. Tax cuts do not require payment. They are not debt.

Spending is what creates debt. They have said repeatedly they will cut spending.

Is that too difficult for you to grasp?

Really? Specifically what spending will the GOP cut? I only ask because it wasn't explained in Boehner's bullshit "Contract Hit on America".

Did I miss the answer to this?
Who do you want to pay for the current government spending, not to mention paying off the accumulated debt?

If you don't want to pay for it, who should?

All you lefties who voted for the Obama and his Comrades in Arms.
We'll wait.:lol:


You all are so WORRIED how the Guberment is going to continue to pay, you all should go to work and just send all your PAYCHECK to the Nanny Guberment, I'm sure they wouldn't mind..:lol:
Republicans Struggle To Say How They Would Pay For Tax Cuts (VIDEO)

Whats fucking funny is how dipshit rightwing posters in this forum are suppprting a party and its advocacy of tax cuts when it doesn't know to pay for them. Note how Rand Paul said tax cuts don't need to be paid for. Tax cuts, like the welfare check you rightwing lamb shit eaters keep complaining about, also have to be paid for.

Its easy, just cut entitlement programs, government jobs, and government pensions. Stop stationing troops in foreign countries that dont need us there and let those countries defend themselves. Stop giving aid to our enemies like the dictatorships we like in the M.E. and the russian government.

Do you need more? Get rid of obama care, repeal TARP and shut off the bailout/stimulus spending.

More? Make it so congress/senate/president are all jobs where you can earn no more than the average income of all americans. Make them pay for half their health insurance costs and dont make it so they get a guaranteed pension just for getting elected for a term.

There are so many things you can cut....hell make welfare temporary just like unemployment.

More? Stop allowing non-citizens in the united states to get government sponsored health care, education, and food stamps.

Damn are you and those 2 politicians in your article that daft that you cant see the dozens of obvious places we can cut entitelments and spending in order to start paying for what we have already spent?

yeah like any of that will fly.
We are talking politicians here now.

They all promise lots and then enter into the machine and play the game.
Republicans Struggle To Say How They Would Pay For Tax Cuts (VIDEO)

Whats fucking funny is how dipshit rightwing posters in this forum are suppprting a party and its advocacy of tax cuts when it doesn't know to pay for them. Note how Rand Paul said tax cuts don't need to be paid for. Tax cuts, like the welfare check you rightwing lamb shit eaters keep complaining about, also have to be paid for.

Its easy, just cut entitlement programs, government jobs, and government pensions. Stop stationing troops in foreign countries that dont need us there and let those countries defend themselves. Stop giving aid to our enemies like the dictatorships we like in the M.E. and the russian government.

Do you need more? Get rid of obama care, repeal TARP and shut off the bailout/stimulus spending.

More? Make it so congress/senate/president are all jobs where you can earn no more than the average income of all americans. Make them pay for half their health insurance costs and dont make it so they get a guaranteed pension just for getting elected for a term.

There are so many things you can cut....hell make welfare temporary just like unemployment.

More? Stop allowing non-citizens in the united states to get government sponsored health care, education, and food stamps.

Damn are you and those 2 politicians in your article that daft that you cant see the dozens of obvious places we can cut entitelments and spending in order to start paying for what we have already spent?

yeah like any of that will fly.
We are talking politicians here now.

They all promise lots and then enter into the machine and play the game.

If a politician put forth any of the above items I, and I believe the majority of Americans, would be appreciative and show this when it comes time to re-elect them.
More of the same will fix everything.

No, actually, more and more and more unfunded give-aways is what got us here. Time for some thinking beyond increasing taxes by 10% and increasing spending by 20%.

And no, that doesn't mean increase taxes by 30%.

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