Republicans storm closed-door hearing to protest impeachment inquiry

Who says they aren’t allowed? Any republican who was meant to attend that hearing could spill the beans to anyone afterwards lol.

Do you mean like was done by the Democrats?
Why does it matter what they do if republicans attended the meeting? You see how desperate you people get? My god.
No one could possibly be this stupid. I picture you as the kind who attended Stalin's show trials and applauded everything that went one. You are a disgusting piece of human refuse.
lol what the fuck? The out of left field shit you people say is just adorable.
How is that out of left field? You obviously have no problem with Stalinist tactics. You just admitted that.
When have I ever on this board in the years you and I have been posting have I talked about Stalin?
Oh, now you think the Main Stream Media is "conservative"? Really, Mamooth?

You can fool your fellow cultists with the "LIBERAL MEDIA" big lie, but you can't fool intelligent people.

The funniest thing is how you haven't figured out that it's our nutty conservative MSM that convinced you of the "LIBERAL MEDIA!" big lie.

Dude even The New York Times came out of the closet and admitted that they were liberally biased! Claiming the Main Stream Media is conservative is pathetic. The next thing you'll be telling me is that colleges aren't liberally biased either!
Mmmmmm, the "Russia! Russia! Russia" conspiracy theory was the dumbest imaginable,

Then why was it confirmed by Mueller?

You're really not very good at this. You fall for everything. In contrast, our record is perfect. Zero conspiracy theories.

For almost three years you and your Komrades mumbled incessantly how Meuller was going to get Trump.

No, we didn't. That's another thing you do, just make these stories up. You have to. You're totally helpless at debating what any liberal actually says, and you know it. You can't admit that, so you see lying about what we supposedly said as the only option open to you.

Pity. Life is so much simpler if you just tell the truth. You should try it. You'd never again get all tangled up in lies. Another benefit of being liberal.

Yes, for almost three years the Democrats, CNN, MSNBC, and all the other mainstream media worked hard to convince the public of COLLUSION. Rep. Adam Schiff promised he had the evidence, no one else had, proving President Donald Trump COLLUDED with the RUSSIANS.

So where was it?
All of these crap ALL that you are telling me comes directly from Trump conspiracy theory crap. Created by John Solomon. Investigated started this January by Guilliani working with corrupted Ukrainian people. Guilliani was warned. 2 of them are already got arrested and famous Victor Shokin corrupted prosecutor general.

PAY ATTENTION. Read my post don’t stare at it. Because I don’t bullshit.

Since when a personal lawyer Guilliani henchmen of a president allowed or acceptable to do this investigation?

Guilliani right now is in big trouble. He is going to jail.

Hunter was not qualified and over paid? SO? Did he steal any money from Burisma? Tell me where is the crime committed? If you are going to use that as a silly defense. Look at Kushner running around as diplomat with zero experience as diplomat.

Joe Biden asked Ukraine president to fire Victor Shokin a well known corrupted prosecutor. American allies, IMF, Prosecutors, Ukraine anti corruption, foreign investors and long list of diplomats asked Shokin to be fired.

Before Joe Biden even got involved. Ukrainian prosecutors and anti corruption advocates was pressuring Shokin to investigate the Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevskiy of money laundering. Shokin shelved the case from Feb. 2015 till he got fired. He didn’t do anything.

Joe Biden asked Shokin to be fired. NOT because Shokin was tough or active on the Burisma case.

Then this dishonest president are feeding this country with false information for political gain. Enforce by his lap dogs with lies.

Do you not grasp the difference between Jared Kushner "running around" as a diplomat and Hunter Biden getting paid big bucks for a "no show" job, Charwin? This is a perfect example of a politician abusing their office to enrich someone in their family! Kushner was instrumental in the negotiations with Israel to make Jerusalem the capital of Israel. He actually DID what he was paid to do! Biden never even attended a meeting of the board of which he was a member! He got paid what he did...not for work done...but because the people who hired him were able to have Joe Biden do things like threaten to withhold a billion dollars in US assistance unless the Ukraine got rid of a prosecutor they didn't like!

Jared Kushner is filling his pockets with money people are giving him for influence over Donald Trump.

Corruption is Donald Trump's favorite activity.
Do you have an example of him doing that?

Here is an example of Kushner receiving money from Israeli interests ahead of Kushner's propposals for solution to Israel-Palestinian conflict.

Kushner is brazenly filling his pockets.

You don't have to be a stable genius to smell Kusher's corruption.

Report says U.S. officials are concerned that Israel and others attempted to manipulate Kushner

Please don't thank me.

Jared Kushner’s business interests in Israel revealed in full

... In January, The New York Times reported that just before Kushner accompanied his father-in-law on his first presidential visit to Israel last May, his family’s real estate company received a $30 million investment from Menora Mivtachim – an insurer and one of Israel’s largest financial institutions. ...
Your site says I can't view it if I have an ad blocker.

Fuck that.

You have a bigger problem. Truth block and fact block in your head. Fuck that?
Democrats know how much our nutty conservative MSM hates us, and how much Trump's AG Barr wants any reason for a Stalinist kangaroo court show trial That's why we're extra careful to do everything exactly by the book.
House Republicans stormed a closed-door hearing Wednesday morning to protest Democrats' impeachment inquiry process, breaking up the deposition of a top Defense Department official who was testifying about President Trump's dealings with Ukraine.

Republicans storm closed-door hearing to protest impeachment inquiry

Awww, poor, unruly Republicans. Crying like babies because they don't have access to those hearings -- even though there are Republicans who serve on the investigating committees; and whining that this isn't an official impeachment inquiry because there was no House vote -- even though there's never been a House rule mandating a full House vote to authorize an impeachment inquiry.
So members of Congress are not allowed to know what is going on in Congress?


We aren't talking about Nazi Germany are we, when The Nazi's took over The Weimar Democratic Republic of Germany, are we?
That's how committees function.
I can't believe you have to explain this to folks. This is basic civics/government I had in middle school.
Mmmmmm, the "Russia! Russia! Russia" conspiracy theory was the dumbest imaginable,

Then why was it confirmed by Mueller?

You're really not very good at this. You fall for everything. In contrast, our record is perfect. Zero conspiracy theories.

For almost three years you and your Komrades mumbled incessantly how Meuller was going to get Trump.

No, we didn't. That's another thing you do, just make these stories up. You have to. You're totally helpless at debating what any liberal actually says, and you know it. You can't admit that, so you see lying about what we supposedly said as the only option open to you.

Pity. Life is so much simpler if you just tell the truth. You should try it. You'd never again get all tangled up in lies. Another benefit of being liberal.

Yes, for almost three years the Democrats, CNN, MSNBC, and all the other mainstream media worked hard to convince the public of COLLUSION. Rep. Adam Schiff promised he had the evidence, no one else had, proving President Donald Trump COLLUDED with the RUSSIANS.

So where was it?
Mueller report.
Mmmmmm, the "Russia! Russia! Russia" conspiracy theory was the dumbest imaginable,

Then why was it confirmed by Mueller?

You're really not very good at this. You fall for everything. In contrast, our record is perfect. Zero conspiracy theories.

For almost three years you and your Komrades mumbled incessantly how Meuller was going to get Trump.

No, we didn't. That's another thing you do, just make these stories up. You have to. You're totally helpless at debating what any liberal actually says, and you know it. You can't admit that, so you see lying about what we supposedly said as the only option open to you.

Pity. Life is so much simpler if you just tell the truth. You should try it. You'd never again get all tangled up in lies. Another benefit of being liberal.

Yes, for almost three years the Democrats, CNN, MSNBC, and all the other mainstream media worked hard to convince the public of COLLUSION. Rep. Adam Schiff promised he had the evidence, no one else had, proving President Donald Trump COLLUDED with the RUSSIANS.

So where was it?
Mueller report.

There was evidence of collusion in the Mueller Report? Aren't you the bright one! (eye roll)

Care to show where that WAS in the Mueller Report, Sparky?
There's no signature, fucking moron. Now I see why you refused to post a link to it -- because you were full of shit.

Shokin Statement

View attachment 286424
Look further down the document, shit for brains.

This will be my last response on this subject. Harping on trivialities is your favorite tactic. I'm not playing.
Fucking moron, I showed you the signature line is blank. The only signatures below that are by the translator and the notary.

You lied when you falsely claimed there's a signed affidavit.
I'm done discussing it, asshole. Your favorite hobby is pounding trivial issues into a thin paste.

Fucking moron, you were done when you started with the lie that there's a signed affidavit.

Typical FAUX diversion. The document is signed further down.

Yeah, by the translator and the notary.
Yes, for almost three years the Democrats, CNN, MSNBC, and all the other mainstream media worked hard to convince the public of COLLUSION. Rep. Adam Schiff promised he had the evidence, no one else had, proving President Donald Trump COLLUDED with the RUSSIANS.

So where was it?

When my point is how only Trump cultists and other right wing retards fall for every idiot conspiracy theory that gets fed to them, proudly announcing how you fell hard for the "NO COLLUSION!" conspiracy theory was not your best choice of action

Paul Manafort and Rick Gates, both Trump campaign officials, were regularly providing polling information to a Russian national whom Gates believed to be a “spy.”

Trump privately ordered Michael Flynn to find Clinton's emails. He hired Peter Smith, who told a number of people that he was in contact with Russian agents.

George Papadopoulos, Trump's foreign policy advisor, attempted to arrange meetings between Trump and Putin, and that Trump personally approved that work.

Donald Trump Jr. arranged a meeting for the express purpose of obtaining Russian “dirt” on Clinton

The Trump campaign actively worked with the Russians to improve Trump's election chances. That's collusion, and it's not debatable by any non-liars. Hence, most Trump cultists try to debate it.

So, thanks for proving my point so conclusively. When I need more of my points proven, I'll be in touch.
Mmmmmm, the "Russia! Russia! Russia" conspiracy theory was the dumbest imaginable,

Then why was it confirmed by Mueller?

You're really not very good at this. You fall for everything. In contrast, our record is perfect. Zero conspiracy theories.

For almost three years you and your Komrades mumbled incessantly how Meuller was going to get Trump.

No, we didn't. That's another thing you do, just make these stories up. You have to. You're totally helpless at debating what any liberal actually says, and you know it. You can't admit that, so you see lying about what we supposedly said as the only option open to you.

Pity. Life is so much simpler if you just tell the truth. You should try it. You'd never again get all tangled up in lies. Another benefit of being liberal.
It wasn't confirmed by Mueller. He said precisely the opposite.

And, yes, you and your delusional Komrades said almost every single day that the Mueller report was going to be an impeachment indictment. Instead, it vindicated Trump. I could search through this form and find thousands of Posts where some leftwing whackadoodle is saying the Mueller is going to get Trump, but why bother? Even most leftwingers would agree.
Do you mean like was done by the Democrats?
Why does it matter what they do if republicans attended the meeting? You see how desperate you people get? My god.
No one could possibly be this stupid. I picture you as the kind who attended Stalin's show trials and applauded everything that went one. You are a disgusting piece of human refuse.
lol what the fuck? The out of left field shit you people say is just adorable.
How is that out of left field? You obviously have no problem with Stalinist tactics. You just admitted that.
When have I ever on this board in the years you and I have been posting have I talked about Stalin?
When did I say you talked about him. What I'm saying is that you talk just like him.
Look further down the document, shit for brains.

This will be my last response on this subject. Harping on trivialities is your favorite tactic. I'm not playing.
Fucking moron, I showed you the signature line is blank. The only signatures below that are by the translator and the notary.

You lied when you falsely claimed there's a signed affidavit.
I'm done discussing it, asshole. Your favorite hobby is pounding trivial issues into a thin paste.

Fucking moron, you were done when you started with the lie that there's a signed affidavit.

Typical FAUX diversion. The document is signed further down.

Yeah, by the translator and the notary.
How do you know that? Do you speak Russian?
This so called investigation isn't after the's a sham who's only real purpose is to divert attention away from how good a job Trump has done with the economy and how gawd awful the candidates are that are running for the Democratic nomination!

It’s very sad that supporters like you don’t have a clue.

I asked you several times. Like what regulations that he created jobs? You keep giving me BULLSHIT.

You are missing something big just like everyone else. All these chaos and crisis and discombobulations. Are all created by Trump.

Did you miss the response I gave you to that? Trump pushed through a large tax cut and he also cut regulations dramatically that were passed by the Obama Administration. Is that too simple a concept for you to comprehend? That tax cuts and fewer regulations revs up the engine of our economy? I know that you liberals struggle with economics but this is pretty simple stuff!
G'head, lying con tool.... show me where that increased the rate of employment growth over the last nearly 10 years...

This so called investigation isn't after the's a sham who's only real purpose is to divert attention away from how good a job Trump has done with the economy and how gawd awful the candidates are that are running for the Democratic nomination!

It’s very sad that supporters like you don’t have a clue.

I asked you several times. Like what regulations that he created jobs? You keep giving me BULLSHIT.

You are missing something big just like everyone else. All these chaos and crisis and discombobulations. Are all created by Trump.

Did you miss the response I gave you to that? Trump pushed through a large tax cut and he also cut regulations dramatically that were passed by the Obama Administration. Is that too simple a concept for you to comprehend? That tax cuts and fewer regulations revs up the engine of our economy? I know that you liberals struggle with economics but this is pretty simple stuff!
G'head, lying con tool.... show me where that increased the rate of employment growth over the last nearly 10 years...

I have to show you that Trump's tax cut and slashing burdensome regulations increased employment? Really Faun?

I guess the whole "record levels of unemployment" thing was something you missed?
What's amusing is that you want me to show you how fiscal policy now somehow affected levels of employment ten years ago. Give Trump his due, little buddy...he's killing it with the economy! You know it...I know it...and the Democrats know it because they're desperately trying to focus the country's attention on things like "collusion" and "quid pro quo" so no one will focus on what Trump has done or how the Democrat's agenda will put our economy into a tailspin!
Fucking moron, I showed you the signature line is blank. The only signatures below that are by the translator and the notary.

You lied when you falsely claimed there's a signed affidavit.
I'm done discussing it, asshole. Your favorite hobby is pounding trivial issues into a thin paste.

Fucking moron, you were done when you started with the lie that there's a signed affidavit.

Typical FAUX diversion. The document is signed further down.

Yeah, by the translator and the notary.
How do you know that? Do you speak Russian?

Fucking moron, show me his signature... one does not have to speak Russian to read the English translations. The only signatures at the bottom are by the translator an the notary.

And here's an article from before Biden used the billion dollar aid package to get Shokin fired showing that even Ukranian's parliament wanted Shokin fired...

Signatures for dismissal of prosecutor general Shokin stolen from Samopomich MP Sobolev in parliament
look what dumbass RW's got for a tax cut -

a trilion dollar deficit sitting on top of a GAZILLION DOLLAR budget.

This so called investigation isn't after the's a sham who's only real purpose is to divert attention away from how good a job Trump has done with the economy and how gawd awful the candidates are that are running for the Democratic nomination!

It’s very sad that supporters like you don’t have a clue.

I asked you several times. Like what regulations that he created jobs? You keep giving me BULLSHIT.

You are missing something big just like everyone else. All these chaos and crisis and discombobulations. Are all created by Trump.

Did you miss the response I gave you to that? Trump pushed through a large tax cut and he also cut regulations dramatically that were passed by the Obama Administration. Is that too simple a concept for you to comprehend? That tax cuts and fewer regulations revs up the engine of our economy? I know that you liberals struggle with economics but this is pretty simple stuff!
G'head, lying con tool.... show me where that increased the rate of employment growth over the last nearly 10 years...

I have to show you that Trump's tax cut and slashing burdensome regulations increased employment? Really Faun?

I guess the whole "record levels of unemployment" thing was something you missed?

Lying con tool, I didn't ask you to show me where that increased employment. Why can't you ever stop lying?

I challenged you to show me where Trump's policies increased the rate of employment growth. Because I don't see it. It looks to me like employment has grown the last nearly 3 years as it had the 7 years previous to that...

... and as far as record levels of employment, how hard is that to achieve when you're handed employment at a record level and growing?

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