Republicans need to stay conservative

No, let's not confuse libertarianism with a true conservative. A true conservative would have absolutely the least amount of government as possible whether it be social or political.

NO, conservatism is based on FEAR...

FEAR leads to BIG military and BIG criminal justice/prison system

Which IS BIG, BIG, BIG government...

Today's Republicans are NOT social ANYTHING...
And this differs from so-called "liberals" in what way?!?!???

George Wallace was right....Not a dime's worth of difference....

Wallace was referring to 1968 candidates Humphrey and Nixon wanting to desegregate the South...
No, let's not confuse libertarianism with a true conservative. A true conservative would have absolutely the least amount of government as possible whether it be social or political.

NO, conservatism is based on FEAR...

FEAR leads to BIG military and BIG criminal justice/prison system

Which IS BIG, BIG, BIG government...

Today's Republicans are NOT social ANYTHING...
And this differs from so-called "liberals" in what way?!?!???

George Wallace was right....Not a dime's worth of difference....


In stating this argument, you accept the initiating premise.. where Conservatism is said the be fear based... which it most assuredly is not... Conservatism is founded upon the immutable principles which sustain liberty...

But you accept this false premise, in order to offer the erronous premise of your own which confuses Conservatism with the GOP... OKA: Republicans.

Now the distinction between the DNC and the GOP are indiscernible, to be sure... but this is a function of the grope-fest for the Moderate, Centrist, Independent... The great unwashed sitters of fences.

The GOP begins with Conservatism and foolishly moderates to aquire the fence sitting masses; while the DNC begins with Socialism and wisely moderates for the same purpose; thus the result is the same.

But American Conservatism is a self sustaining ideology which has never failed... as it cannot fail, as it is founded in the aforementioned immutable principles. While Socialism rests upon the mythical ether, existing absent ANY PRINCIPLE... thus it has never succeeded, as it can NOT succeed...

See the difference?
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Since none of that so-called "conservatism" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore) exists in the current iteration of the Geriatric Old Party, in any significant quantity, the "difference" is without any substance.

ROFL... AGAIN you succumb to the false premise... which is inderstandable, given that your own self image is exposed as a joke where that premise is exposed as a joke.

Conservatism and the immutable principles on which it rests, are not some ethereal contrivance which depends on someone 'believing' for it to exist...

The liberty sustaining principles of Conservatism are every bit as much a function of Nature as any other law; and as with every other law of nature, one either recognized and respects such laws and enjoys the fruit of their wisdom; or one ignores and rejects those laws and suffers the consequences of their folly.

The US Economy and its decaying culture is presently suffering the consequences of having ignored them...

And either the US will turn from the foolishness of Socialism and left-think on the whole; ir it will continue to suffer the consequences until the liberty which is intrinsic to conservatism departs, with conservatism from the Culture.

You're a populist... a Moderate, Centrist, Independent... OKA: A leftist without the balls to commit... and as such, while you prefer to think of yourself as an American, what ya are, is one of the people who history will conclude to have been one of those who pushed Freedom away, in order to appease or join with, a popular consensus which rejected freedom; and this on the basis that you couldn't find anyone interested in it to join with; so ya joined the other side.

The fact is that I BEGINS WITH YOU! There are no alternatives to Freedom, except tyranny; and there are no means to aquire and sustain freedom other than the aforementioned immutable principles, on which US Conservatism rests.

Yet here you are delcaring that you don't even know what conservatism means and you base this upon your inability to find anyone who advocates for it... which is either a rather unfortunate delusion or a even more unfortunate deception; as such people are ALL AROUND YOU; and if I am not mistaken friend, you've noted that you can't stand most of them...

Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin... Coulter, Ingraham and Beck... Conservatives all... They espouse and advocate for Conservative principles everyday... They author book after book and interview and otherwise expose the nation to like minded individuals who write MORE books...

And what's more they have audiences of massive quanities, who listen to their programs and read those books...

Mark Levins' "Liberty and Tyranny" has been one of the top selling books in the US for 3 months... and this without a WORD being said about it in the MSM...

So enough with the pretense that no one is partipating in and advocating for US Conservatism... it's BS.

Do yourself a favor sport... pick a side and get busy advocating for it. This attempt to define yourself as some enlightened thinker and advocate of freedom, by talking down US Conservatism which is the only means to such is absurd.
I have a side, skippy....The individual.

I tried deluding myself with the game of my-team-of-authoritarian-despots-can-beat-up-your-team-of-authoritarian-despots, and found it intellectually lacking.

But you go ahead and continue living your lie, it's a lot less taxing to actual analytical thought processes.
"Libertarians are wonderful!! Libertarians are great!!"

Why is there so much praise for a party that no one votes for?
NO, conservatism is based on FEAR...

FEAR leads to BIG military and BIG criminal justice/prison system

Which IS BIG, BIG, BIG government...

Today's Republicans are NOT social ANYTHING...
And this differs from so-called "liberals" in what way?!?!???

George Wallace was right....Not a dime's worth of difference....


In stating this argument, you accept the initiating premise.. where Conservatism is said the be fear based... which it most assuredly is not... Conservatism is founded upon the immutable principles which sustain liberty...

But you accept this false premise, in order to offer the erronous premise of your own which confuses Conservatism with the GOP... OKA: Republicans.

Now the distinction between the DNC and the GOP are indiscernible, to be sure... but this is a function of the grope-fest for the Moderate, Centrist, Independent... The great unwashed sitters of fences.

The GOP begins with Conservatism and foolishly moderates to aquire the fence sitting masses; while the DNC begins with Socialism and wisely moderates for the same purpose; thus the result is the same.

But American Conservatism is a self sustaining ideology which has never failed... as it cannot fail, as it is founded in the aforementioned immutable principles. While Socialism rests upon the mythical ether, existing absent ANY PRINCIPLE... thus it has never succeeded, as it can NOT succeed...

See the difference?

1) You said I was on "Ignore"... (translation: when you get your ass handed to you cut & run)
2) You said you are a classic liberal, now you are a conservative... would THAT be a classic conservative?
3) You continue to prove what I said in our first're a right wing PEA brain
4) ROF

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