Republican Voters Against Trump


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
These are Republicans, former Republicans, conservatives, and former Trump voters who can’t support Trump for president this fall.

Wow, I was amazed at what they have to say. I also just saw the latest anti-Trump ad from It is devastating.
A lot of understandable buyer’s remorse.

The woman who voted for Trump because she thought he wouldn’t be goofy as president is typical: Trump voters who rationalized their vote for Trump believing “how bad can Trump really be” – now they know how bad Trump truly is.

I agree! What amazes me is how they couldn't see that from the very beginning. I heard sirens and saw flashing red lights when Trump walked down that escalator to announce his run for the presidency. How could they be so gullible and stupid?
A lot of understandable buyer’s remorse.

The woman who voted for Trump because she thought he wouldn’t be goofy as president is typical: Trump voters who rationalized their vote for Trump believing “how bad can Trump really be” – now they know how bad Trump truly is.
Yeah, they have a whole 5223 likes on facebook. And you have to trust they aren’t lying as to who they really are.
A lot of understandable buyer’s remorse.

The woman who voted for Trump because she thought he wouldn’t be goofy as president is typical: Trump voters who rationalized their vote for Trump believing “how bad can Trump really be” – now they know how bad Trump truly is.

I agree! What amazes me is how they couldn't see that from the very beginning. I heard sirens and saw flashing red lights when Trump walked down that escalator to announce his run for the presidency. How could they be so gullible and stupid?
That's the ticket....Deride and belittle people who won't vote the way you do.

I hope the DNC hires you two condescending jackasses to head up their voter outreach efforts.
A lot of understandable buyer’s remorse.

The woman who voted for Trump because she thought he wouldn’t be goofy as president is typical: Trump voters who rationalized their vote for Trump believing “how bad can Trump really be” – now they know how bad Trump truly is.

I agree! What amazes me is how they couldn't see that from the very beginning. I heard sirens and saw flashing red lights when Trump walked down that escalator to announce his run for the presidency. How could they be so gullible and stupid?
It’s complicated…

There are Trump voters who voted for Trump because they knew he was unfit to be president – it was their way to demonstrate their contempt and disdain for the ‘Washington establishment’ and ‘business as usual’ politics; what better way to destroy a hated, broken political system than place an incompetent neophyte in the WH.

There are Trump voters who voted for Trump because they think he’s ‘funny’ and ‘entertaining,’ looking for four years of amusement.

There are Trump voters who voted for Trump because they incorrectly believed Trump was the ‘lesser of two evils.’

There are Trump voters who voted for Trump because they are blind partisan Republican hacks who would vote for any Republican presidential candidate no matter how reprehensible and wrong.

There are Trump voters who voted for Trump because they bought into Trump’s politics of fear, hate, and division; wrongheaded white voters looking for a ‘champion’ to ‘defend white culture’ against immigrants, diversity, and inclusion.

And there are Trump voters who voted for Trump because they approved of his authoritarianism, conservatives looking for a ‘strong man’ to compel conformity and punish dissent – Trump’s response to the George Floyd demonstrators is a perfect example of that.

One can only hope that enough Trump voters learned a hard, bitter lesson – and won’t make the mistake of voting for Trump again.
A lot of understandable buyer’s remorse.

The woman who voted for Trump because she thought he wouldn’t be goofy as president is typical: Trump voters who rationalized their vote for Trump believing “how bad can Trump really be” – now they know how bad Trump truly is.

I agree! What amazes me is how they couldn't see that from the very beginning. I heard sirens and saw flashing red lights when Trump walked down that escalator to announce his run for the presidency. How could they be so gullible and stupid?
It’s complicated…

There are Trump voters who voted for Trump because they knew he was unfit to be president – it was their way to demonstrate their contempt and disdain for the ‘Washington establishment’ and ‘business as usual’ politics; what better way to destroy a hated, broken political system than place an incompetent neophyte in the WH.

There are Trump voters who voted for Trump because they think he’s ‘funny’ and ‘entertaining,’ looking for four years of amusement.

There are Trump voters who voted for Trump because they incorrectly believed Trump was the ‘lesser of two evils.’

There are Trump voters who voted for Trump because they are blind partisan Republican hacks who would vote for any Republican presidential candidate no matter how reprehensible and wrong.

There are Trump voters who voted for Trump because they bought into Trump’s politics of fear, hate, and division; wrongheaded white voters looking for a ‘champion’ to ‘defend white culture’ against immigrants, diversity, and inclusion.

And there are Trump voters who voted for Trump because they approved of his authoritarianism, conservatives looking for a ‘strong man’ to compel conformity and punish dissent – Trump’s response to the George Floyd demonstrators is a perfect example of that.

One can only hope that enough Trump voters learned a hard, bitter lesson – and won’t make the mistake of voting for Trump again.
That's right....Keep acting as though your political opponents are beneath you.

No need to try and appeal to them, because they're too stupid, bigoted, and ^ahem^ deplorable to understand how wonderfully benevolent and doting that you are.

Please, keep this up....Contempt and snobbery are such tremendously useful bridges to rapport and mutual understanding.
Republican Voters Against Trump

These are Republicans, former Republicans, conservatives, and former Trump voters who can’t support Trump for president this fall.

Wow, I was amazed at what they have to say. I also just saw the latest anti-Trump ad from It is devastating.
LOL, 100 paid globalist hacks that are mad we didn’t go to war.

I agree! What amazes me is how they couldn't see that from the very beginning. I heard sirens and saw flashing red lights when Trump walked down that escalator to announce his run for the presidency. How could they be so gullible and stupid?
A lot of understandable buyer’s remorse.

The woman who voted for Trump because she thought he wouldn’t be goofy as president is typical: Trump voters who rationalized their vote for Trump believing “how bad can Trump really be” – now they know how bad Trump truly is.

I agree! What amazes me is how they couldn't see that from the very beginning. I heard sirens and saw flashing red lights when Trump walked down that escalator to announce his run for the presidency. How could they be so gullible and stupid?
because they are just like him.
A lot of understandable buyer’s remorse.

The woman who voted for Trump because she thought he wouldn’t be goofy as president is typical: Trump voters who rationalized their vote for Trump believing “how bad can Trump really be” – now they know how bad Trump truly is.

I agree! What amazes me is how they couldn't see that from the very beginning. I heard sirens and saw flashing red lights when Trump walked down that escalator to announce his run for the presidency. How could they be so gullible and stupid?
It’s complicated…

There are Trump voters who voted for Trump because they knew he was unfit to be president – it was their way to demonstrate their contempt and disdain for the ‘Washington establishment’ and ‘business as usual’ politics; what better way to destroy a hated, broken political system than place an incompetent neophyte in the WH.

There are Trump voters who voted for Trump because they think he’s ‘funny’ and ‘entertaining,’ looking for four years of amusement.

There are Trump voters who voted for Trump because they incorrectly believed Trump was the ‘lesser of two evils.’

There are Trump voters who voted for Trump because they are blind partisan Republican hacks who would vote for any Republican presidential candidate no matter how reprehensible and wrong.

There are Trump voters who voted for Trump because they bought into Trump’s politics of fear, hate, and division; wrongheaded white voters looking for a ‘champion’ to ‘defend white culture’ against immigrants, diversity, and inclusion.

And there are Trump voters who voted for Trump because they approved of his authoritarianism, conservatives looking for a ‘strong man’ to compel conformity and punish dissent – Trump’s response to the George Floyd demonstrators is a perfect example of that.

One can only hope that enough Trump voters learned a hard, bitter lesson – and won’t make the mistake of voting for Trump again.
Thank you for posting your rationale' for not supporting Trump. Please find my push-back on your items:
1. Trump is not "unfit" to be president. He is a US businessman, a successful CEO type instead of the "community organizer" types who never ran as much as a lemonade stand. You are correct in that we wanted someone to shake-up the DC "swamp" and fix the broken political system. Both party "establishments" sold out US workers to China and kept making trade deals that helped Wall Street and hurt main street. Here is a graph that shows that the "swamp" is killing the middle class, but helping the top 1% of incomes.

2. No one voted for Trump because he is "funny or entertaining".
3. Trump is not "evil", democrats are evil.
4. You may be right that there are GOP voters vote for any Republican over any democrat.
5. Trump's immigration policies are popular among Trump voters, especially "the wall".
  • No catch & release
  • No diversity lottery
  • No asylum claims unless pre-approved
  • No chain migration
  • Only merit based immigration for who the US needs
  • No birthright citizenship, i.e. no cottage industry for anchor babies from Russia & China.
  • DACA kids get green cards but NOT citizenship
6. Trump is not "politically correct", that is a positive for Trump voters.
7. There are no 2016 Trump voters that will not vote for Trump in 2020. Look at the 300,000 applicants to a Trump rally during a pandemic as proof that Trump is gaining support no matter what the "polls" say.
8. Look at Trump's promises kept list to see how effective he has been as president. Democrats will be surprised how many new back voters will support Trump and his economic growth.

9. Look at "senile" Joe Biden and the democrat's policies and the voters have a stark choice:
A lot of understandable buyer’s remorse.

The woman who voted for Trump because she thought he wouldn’t be goofy as president is typical: Trump voters who rationalized their vote for Trump believing “how bad can Trump really be” – now they know how bad Trump truly is.

I agree! What amazes me is how they couldn't see that from the very beginning. I heard sirens and saw flashing red lights when Trump walked down that escalator to announce his run for the presidency. How could they be so gullible and stupid?
It’s complicated…

There are Trump voters who voted for Trump because they knew he was unfit to be president – it was their way to demonstrate their contempt and disdain for the ‘Washington establishment’ and ‘business as usual’ politics; what better way to destroy a hated, broken political system than place an incompetent neophyte in the WH.

There are Trump voters who voted for Trump because they think he’s ‘funny’ and ‘entertaining,’ looking for four years of amusement.

There are Trump voters who voted for Trump because they incorrectly believed Trump was the ‘lesser of two evils.’

There are Trump voters who voted for Trump because they are blind partisan Republican hacks who would vote for any Republican presidential candidate no matter how reprehensible and wrong.

There are Trump voters who voted for Trump because they bought into Trump’s politics of fear, hate, and division; wrongheaded white voters looking for a ‘champion’ to ‘defend white culture’ against immigrants, diversity, and inclusion.

And there are Trump voters who voted for Trump because they approved of his authoritarianism, conservatives looking for a ‘strong man’ to compel conformity and punish dissent – Trump’s response to the George Floyd demonstrators is a perfect example of that.

One can only hope that enough Trump voters learned a hard, bitter lesson – and won’t make the mistake of voting for Trump again.
Thank you for posting your rationale' for not supporting Trump. Please find my push-back on your items:
1. Trump is not "unfit" to be president. He is a US businessman, a successful CEO type instead of the "community organizer" types who never ran as much as a lemonade stand. You are correct in that we wanted someone to shake-up the DC "swamp" and fix the broken political system. Both party "establishments" sold out US workers to China and kept making trade deals that helped Wall Street and hurt main street. Here is a graph that shows that the "swamp" is killing the middle class, but helping the top 1% of incomes.
View attachment 349699

2. No one voted for Trump because he is "funny or entertaining".
3. Trump is not "evil", democrats are evil.
4. You may be right that there are GOP voters vote for any Republican over any democrat.
5. Trump's immigration policies are popular among Trump voters, especially "the wall".
  • No catch & release
  • No diversity lottery
  • No asylum claims unless pre-approved
  • No chain migration
  • Only merit based immigration for who the US needs
  • No birthright citizenship, i.e. no cottage industry for anchor babies from Russia & China.
  • DACA kids get green cards but NOT citizenship
6. Trump is not "politically correct", that is a positive for Trump voters.
7. There are no 2016 Trump voters that will not vote for Trump in 2020. Look at the 300,000 applicants to a Trump rally during a pandemic as proof that Trump is gaining support no matter what the "polls" say.
8. Look at Trump's promises kept list to see how effective he has been as president. Democrats will be surprised how many new back voters will support Trump and his economic growth.

9. Look at "senile" Joe Biden and the democrat's policies and the voters have a stark choice:

Were getting close to November 3, 2020 and the end of the Trump administration.

As for economic growth, Trump's average real quarterly GDP growth is now down to just 1.97%, lower than any President since World War II except Barack Obama at 1.90% and George W. Bush at 1.87%. Once the 2nd quarter GDP numbers are released in August, it will likely reveal a larger drop in GDP than the first quarter which saw a 5% contraction. This means Trump's average quarterly GDP growth for his term will be the LOWEST of any President since World War II.

Unemployment for April was 14.7%. Unemployment for May is 13.3%. Both figures are the worst unemployment levels seen since the 1930s in the United States!

117,000 Americans are dead because of covid-19. There are 20,000 new infections every day and around 1,000 deaths a day daily from covid-19. Meanwhile a country with a competent responsible leader like New Zealand, has defeated the virus and returned to normal. There are no active cases of the virus in New Zealand now. No one is sick, getting sick or dying in New Zealand because of Covid-19. The United States could have been like that, but Trump failed to protect the country from this virus and now were stuck with it and are failing to get rid of it. New Zealand in the meantime has returned 100% back to normal. The only thing that is different is that there are heavy restrictions on anyone entering New Zealand from another country. You have to remain in isolated for 14 days when you first enter the country, even if you are citizen of New Zealand.

Trump is now moving the Republican Convention from North Carolina to Jacksonville Florida. He wants a stadium full of people for the convention in the middle of a pandemic.

In the real clear politics average of national polls for the UNITED STATES: BIDEN leads Trump by 8.1% points!
Wisconsin: BIDEN by 4% points
Florida: Biden by 3.4% points
Michigan: Biden by 7.3% points
Pennsylvania: Biden by 3.3% points
North Carolina: Trump by .3% points
Arizona: Biden by 3.4% points

Trump's average approval rating in the Gallup poll to date is still only at 40%, the lowest of any President since World War II.

Its curtains for Trump in November. Sure is devoted base will still vote for him, but that won't be enough to save him.
These are Republicans, former Republicans, conservatives, and former Trump voters who can’t support Trump for president this fall.

Wow, I was amazed at what they have to say. I also just saw the latest anti-Trump ad from It is devastating.
how many of them do you think will back biden?....
A lot of understandable buyer’s remorse.

The woman who voted for Trump because she thought he wouldn’t be goofy as president is typical: Trump voters who rationalized their vote for Trump believing “how bad can Trump really be” – now they know how bad Trump truly is.

I agree! What amazes me is how they couldn't see that from the very beginning. I heard sirens and saw flashing red lights when Trump walked down that escalator to announce his run for the presidency. How could they be so gullible and stupid?
they did all know.....are they fooling you?....
These are Republicans, former Republicans, conservatives, and former Trump voters who can’t support Trump for president this fall.

Wow, I was amazed at what they have to say. I also just saw the latest anti-Trump ad from It is devastating.
ZOMG! First, we lost JakeStarkey in 2016, now we lost George Con-weigh
A lot of understandable buyer’s remorse.

The woman who voted for Trump because she thought he wouldn’t be goofy as president is typical: Trump voters who rationalized their vote for Trump believing “how bad can Trump really be” – now they know how bad Trump truly is.

I agree! What amazes me is how they couldn't see that from the very beginning. I heard sirens and saw flashing red lights when Trump walked down that escalator to announce his run for the presidency. How could they be so gullible and stupid?
It’s complicated…

There are Trump voters who voted for Trump because they knew he was unfit to be president – it was their way to demonstrate their contempt and disdain for the ‘Washington establishment’ and ‘business as usual’ politics; what better way to destroy a hated, broken political system than place an incompetent neophyte in the WH.

There are Trump voters who voted for Trump because they think he’s ‘funny’ and ‘entertaining,’ looking for four years of amusement.

There are Trump voters who voted for Trump because they incorrectly believed Trump was the ‘lesser of two evils.’

There are Trump voters who voted for Trump because they are blind partisan Republican hacks who would vote for any Republican presidential candidate no matter how reprehensible and wrong.

There are Trump voters who voted for Trump because they bought into Trump’s politics of fear, hate, and division; wrongheaded white voters looking for a ‘champion’ to ‘defend white culture’ against immigrants, diversity, and inclusion.

And there are Trump voters who voted for Trump because they approved of his authoritarianism, conservatives looking for a ‘strong man’ to compel conformity and punish dissent – Trump’s response to the George Floyd demonstrators is a perfect example of that.

One can only hope that enough Trump voters learned a hard, bitter lesson – and won’t make the mistake of voting for Trump again.
There are Trump voters who voted for Trump because they incorrectly believed Trump was the ‘lesser of two evils.’
thats why you voted for clinton....yea i remember your post....

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