Republican Team ISIS Fighters quitting their 'lost cause' fight.

Tresha91203 13860422
This is extreme. He already told you he wants ISIS dead and everything he posts supports this.

I am not refuting the fact that Delbert wants ISIS dead. It's too bad Tresha has blinders on so she missed this fact and renderedd her responses to be way off point.
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Tresha91203 13863871
FFS, you cant even admit Obama misstepped re Syria.

Tresha has put forth a claim as a fact that I must admit that Obama has misstepped in Syria. There is no explanation of what that misstep was. How can I admit to such a vague slur against the President of the United States.
Tresha91203 13860120
hat was not my comparison. You seemed to be saying that because people blame Pres Obama, it must mean they are happy about ISIS horrors.

Tresha has misconstrued my point here too. I'm not saying that Republicans are happy about ISIS horrors. I'm saying they are happy about the political benefit they were handed against Obama by exploiting ISIS horrors.

Now moving forward, I'm saying Republicans are getting worried that ISiS retreating in Iraq mostly and by the next election means exploiting ISIS horrors THERE will not be as exploitable. And hopefully they get punished for defying our president in a time of war beyond the water's edge. It's been so disgusting and dishonest what they've done and are still doing.
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Get a grip on reality Republicans. Putin did not do this. Obama sent in special forces to do this. Congrats to our Special Forces and to Obama for these great kills.

"U.S. special forces carried out the strike against Haji Iman, officials told Reuters. One of the officials said the plan was to capture, not kill, him. But after the commandos’ helicopter was fired on, the decision was made to fire from the air."

Pentagon: Senior ISIS Leaders Likely Killed In U.S. Operation
Tresha91203 13863871
FFS, you cant even admit Obama misstepped re Syria.

Tresha has put forth a claim as a fact that I must admit that Obama has misstepped in Syria. There is no explanation of what that misstep was. How can I admit to such a vague slur against the President of the United States.
#1 You already said "goodbye" to me but have to get 3 more last words?

#2 I thought you claimed to be informed. If you do not remember his missteps in Syria, including the widely criticized red line, you are intentionally blind.

#3 Please point out where I claimed to want to carpet bomb anyone. Hint: you cant, because I dont.

#4 You have not addressed the obvious dichotomy that republicans cannot both root for ISIS and want them dead. Please clarify.
Tresha91203 13863871
FFS, you cant even admit Obama misstepped re Syria.

Tresha has put forth a claim as a fact that I must admit that Obama has misstepped in Syria. There is no explanation of what that misstep was. How can I admit to such a vague slur against the President of the United States.
#1 You already said "goodbye" to me but have to get 3 more last words?

#2 I thought you claimed to be informed. If you do not remember his missteps in Syria, including the widely criticized red line, you are intentionally blind.

#3 Please point out where I claimed to want to carpet bomb anyone. Hint: you cant, because I dont.

#4 You have not addressed the obvious dichotomy that republicans cannot both root for ISIS and want them dead. Please clarify.

I said goodbye because you are not engaged in the discussion. You are sermonizing.

I asked if you agreed with Delbert and Cruz and Trump on carpet bombing millions of Muslims in cities. You did not engage until now. I'll ask again, do you agree with me that Carpet Bombing millions of innocent civilians is extremist and is not a viable alternative to the military action that Obama has taken.

I have addressed you dichotomy point several times - all I got was more preaching from the fence post calling me an extremist.

When I said goodbye I did not intend to not comment on the fallacies of your comments.

I do not agree that Obama made a misstep in Syria / search my name keyword Syria see me points on all that.

You still can't tell me what YOU think that misstep was. Here's a clue. All of Asssad's CW/BW arsenal and production facilities have been removed or destroyed. That was goal and it was achieved.
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Tresha91203 13866742
Tresha91203 said:
#2 I thought you claimed to be informed. If you do not remember his missteps in Syria, including the widely criticized red line, you are intentionally blind.

It is fascinating to see how fence sitters operate. Tresha considers partisan hack 'criticism' as fact. And she demands that I accept it as fact.

The red line remark was about chemical weapons. The chemical weapons are gone from Syria. The Red Line was a success not a misstep.
Tresha91203 13863871
FFS, you cant even admit Obama misstepped re Syria.

Tresha has put forth a claim as a fact that I must admit that Obama has misstepped in Syria. There is no explanation of what that misstep was. How can I admit to such a vague slur against the President of the United States.
#1 You already said "goodbye" to me but have to get 3 more last words?

#2 I thought you claimed to be informed. If you do not remember his missteps in Syria, including the widely criticized red line, you are intentionally blind.

#3 Please point out where I claimed to want to carpet bomb anyone. Hint: you cant, because I dont.

#4 You have not addressed the obvious dichotomy that republicans cannot both root for ISIS and want them dead. Please clarify.

I said goodbye because you are not engaged in the discussion. You are sermonizing.

I asked if you agreed with Delbert and Cruz and Trump on carpet bombing millions of Muslims in cities. You did not engage until now. I'll ask again, do you agree with me that Carpet Bombing millions of innocent civilians is extremist and is not a viable alternative to the military action that Obama has taken.

I have addressed you dichotomy point several times - all I got was more preaching from the fence post calling me an extremist.

When I said goodbye I did not intend to not comment on the fallacies of your comments.

I do not agree that Obama made a misstep in Syria / search my name keyword Syria see me points on all that.

You still can't tell me what YOU think that misstep was. Here's a clue. All of Asssad's CW/BW arsenal and production facilities have been removed or destroyed. That was goal and it was achieved.

I am engaged in the discussion. You just disagree and are dismissive of contrary opinions. I am sermonizing no more than you are demonizing.

I already said I would not carpet bomb and you acknowledge I have said so, so what is the point of asking again? I already pointed out a misstep (the red line), you just disagree. That's cool. That's a great thing about the US, we are free to form our own opinions.

I disagree with Obama on many things (like the Russian reset), but I do not demonize him. I am on record defending him as an apparently great husband, father and role model. I got flack from the far right for adamantly defending having his MIL live in the WH and travel with them. I defend his children and got flack for calling them our 1st children, saying they deserve our consideration while their parents serve our country.

My whole point here was that you claim ALL republicans are basically ISIS supporters to spite Obama. That's flat out ridiculous. I even asked you what party you recommend for moderate conservatives since the moderates have been purged from the Democratic Party, but you ignored it. You don't believe moderates exist, which leads me to believe you are extreme and surround yourself with extremists. You cannot believe a Republican when they tell you they want ISIS dead and claim they only want to hate Obama. I don't know what else to say except open your eyes and ears. We are more prevalent than the extremists, but it is very difficult to be louder than extremists. Hear what normal, working, family raising, thoughtful Republicans actually say without filtering through your preconceived position. You are telling me what I believe and why I believe it and you are just plain wrong, condescending and completely closed minded.

P.S. Happy Easter. I don't need to change your mind but wanted to defend myself. That's all. You are, of course, free to hold your own opinions. While I may disagree, I am more than grateful to be able to have these differences in the US. I just wanted to be heard and will leave it at that.
Tresha 13875444
I already pointed out a misstep (the red line), you just disagree.

What about the red line was a misstep. You saying it was a misstep means nothing. You need to explain why YOU think it was a misstep. You give me nothing to disagree or agree with. There was no misstep on the red line because CW have been removed. It was a great accomplishment.

And I've been asking if you consider carpet bombing to be an extremist response to the terrorist threat from Iskamic extremists.
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My whole point here was that you claim ALL republicans are basically ISIS supporters to spite Obama.

No that is not what I claimed. Republicans that make the most noise and spew hatred for Obama no matter what are the Republicans that are on team ISIS. Deltex is one of them because he offers no real solution to destroying ISIS.

Has any Republican here including yourself expressed appreciation to Obama and the Special Ops Team for the killing of the number two ISIS leader?

I only go by what I see. And what I see is Deltex stating that Obama is not killing them.

Here's a clue. Deltex is wrong. So the question is why is he wrong?
?... ive said "no" twice, but again, I do not support carpetbombing them. I don't feel you hear me and suspect that's why you dont know any sane Republicans. You dont hear us.

... and I've been asking what party you expect moderates to belong to after being purged from the Democratic Party. At this point it really doesn't matter, though. We are here -waves- and we aren't fairytales.
My whole point here was that you claim ALL republicans are basically ISIS supporters to spite Obama.

No that is not what I claimed. Republicans that make the most noise and spew hatred for Obama no matter what are the Republicans that are on team ISIS. Deltex is one of them because he offers no real solution to destroying ISIS.

Has any Republican here including yourself expressed appreciation to Obama and the Special Ops Team for the killing of the number two ISIS leader?

I only go by what I see. And what I see is Deltex stating that Obama is not killing them.

Here's a clue. Deltex is wrong. So the question is why is he wrong?

My apologies. I took:

"I don't know the Republicans you know. Every Republican I know blames Obama for the existence of ISIS. Every Republican talking head, every righty on forums, every rightwing politician, every right wing radio host,"

to be you questioning the existence of normal Republicans, but see how that could be a misinterpretation. My position is pretty common among my peers: 40+, small city, educated, South Louisiana, white collar Republicans. I don't waste much time with the fringes, of which there are several in the region on both sides.
Tresha 13875444
P.S. Happy Easter.

Happy Easter to you. I had a fine non-religious Easter and I hope you had a good one religious or not.

I worked until 4:30 but enjoy my job. The moms came over after and we had chicken korma, chana masala, asparagus and naan. Was delicious. My mother-in-law (Canadian) is an excellent cook of Indian cuisine. All I had to do was dishes so it was lovely.
Tresha91203 13876599
and I've been asking what party you expect moderates to belong to after being purged from the Democratic Party.

Now if you agree that a moderate political Party is one who believes:

... a woman's reproductive decisions are between her and her doctor;

... Would not nuke or carpet bomb innocent millions to kill 30,000 terrorists,

... has a record of creating more jobs than the other Party,

... The environment and natural areas should be preserved and protected;

... Would not ban Muslims from entering the country when they are vetted properly.

... Does not believe most Mexicans entering the country are rapists murderers and drug dealers and or bringing diseases.

...Believes that the middle class needs to have a share of the gains made by those at the top income brackets that earn and do well based mostly on investment income and being well-connected politically,

...It's better to have Muslim men fight on the frontlines against ISIS in Iraq and Syria rather than have US troops do the ground fighting for them.

...That invading Iraq was dumb an unnecessary.

...The Federal Government has a role in enforcing civil rights.

...The Second Amendment must be preserved but there is much that could be done that makes the right to live without senseless gun violence more important than the right to have ammo clips designed to kill lots of people quickly. And most gun owners and non gun owners in this party more so than the other Party favors stronger background checks.

Now if you fear Bernie Sanders Democratic Socialism you need to recall that Sanders is behind in this Party's primary and not likely to win.

Hillary and her husband are not socialists and not even close. She is likely to be the nominee where you get all the above.

The other Party has its two front runners expressing all or most of the extremists views listed above.

If you truly want a more and inclusive more middle class oriented Party I'd recommend you vote Democratic specifically on a national level.

The Teapublican Party has become overwhelmed by its extremists. The Democratic Party most certainly has not.

You would be welcomed there as the moderate you are.
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Western-backed forces report new gains eastern Syria, approaching Raqqa

. HASAKAH ــ Within its military campaign against the radical group of Islamic State (ISIS), the western-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have reportedly reached the borders of the group’s main bastion of Raqqa, eastern Syria, local sources reported on Sunday.

The SDF, which includes the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) along with allied Arab and Christian groups, have arrived in the village of al-Malha (30 km southwest of Shaddadi) in Syria’s northeastern province of Hasakah.

The Kurdish-Arab alliance aims to create a security belt around Hasakah province and the city of Tel Abyad (Gire Spi) to deter any possible attacks by ISIS.

Speaking to ARA News in Shaddadi, media activist Hussein Bakry reported: “After having captured the area of Abu Fas southwest Shaddadi in battles with the terror group, the SDF forces have been about 4 km from the al-Malha village on border with Raqqa.”

Western-backed forces report new gains eastern Syria, approaching Raqqa - ARA News

When will this steady accumulation of military advances and successes by the Obama led coaltion against ISIS in Iraq and Syria force Trump, Cruz, Deltex and all like-minded Republicans to drop their ignorant extremist calls for carpet bombing millions in order to kill 30,000 terrorists? When do they have to admit that Obama has given the war against ISIS the most rational, intelligent and effective strategy available? When do they admit Obama's refusal to put large numbers of US combat troops on the ground in Iraq and Syria to engage the terrorists directly is a life saver to our troops that have already left too much of their blood on the ground in Iraq because of Bush's deadly decision in 2003?

The Republican political vendetta and harassment against Obama regarding the fight against ISIS in Iraq and Syria is wilting away more and more every day.

How many really believe these right wingers are happy their best political tool against Obama is no longer going to help them?
ISIS military commander of Qayyarah killed south of Mosul
By Abdelhak Mamoun - Mar 30, 2016

ISIS military commander of Qayyarah killed south of Mosul - Iraqi News

Every single day there are reports of the death of leaders and members of ISIS, but Delbert cannot tell that truth:

deltex1 13856338
My objective is the death of Isis...not being accomplished by your weak dick friend.

What is the reason for Delbert's lack of honesty, if it is not Delbert's displeasure at the fact that Obama has ISIS in retreat mode in Syria and Iraq?
Are Republicans getting worried that ISIS terrorists are in retreat in Iraq and Syria?

Republicans politicized prayers that ISIS fighters conquer all of Iraq are going unanswered.

At the rate that Islamic State defenses are crumbling and fighters are running from fights in Iraq and Syria, by the time November gets here Trump and Cruz dare not bring up Obama's successful US led coalition against the very same bunch of killers that were the best thing to happen to Republicans since Benghazi.

Front-line commanders no longer speak of a scarily formidable foe but of Islamic State defenses that crumble within days and fighters who flee at the first sign they are under attack.

“They don’t fight. They just send car bombs and then run away. And when we surround them they either surrender or infiltrate themselves among the civilians,” said Lt. Gen. Abdul-Ghani al-Assadi, commander of Iraq’s counterterrorism forces, who is overseeing the latest Iraqi offensive to capture the town of Hit in Anbar province.

“Their morale is shaken. We listen to them on their communications devices. Their leaders are begging them to fight, but they answer that it is a lost cause. They refuse to obey orders and run away.”

In Syria and Iraq, the Islamic State is in retreat on multiple fronts
do leftist morans actually think obama has that much to do with this?

how many times to you retards have to be told about bombers coming back with their bombs?

Do you have to be reminded that this was obamas 'JV team'? that he fucked around with and then needed help to contain, russian help for fucks sake

good lord you 'people' are so dumb it should hurt.
Two Thumbs 13902101
do leftist morans actually think obama has that much to do with this?

Obama as the elected (twice) Commander in Chief is the only person in the U.S. that has everything to do with every dead terrorist in Iraq and Syria or wherever US military, directly or indirectly, through US trained local combatants on the ground, kill them. And/or as US intelligence agents locate and identify terrorist targets for Obama to authorize.

Who do you think is in Command of the U.S. Military and the full range of US intelligence services if it is not Obama?

You are the moron if you cannot provide a name other than Obama.

Are you a runner like Delbert?
Two Thumbs 13902101
do leftist morans actually think obama has that much to do with this?

Obama as the elected (twice) Commander in Chief is the only person in the U.S. that has everything to do with every dead terrorist in Iraq and Syria or wherever US military, directly or indirectly, through US trained local combatants on the ground, kill them. And/or as US intelligence agents locate and identify terrorist targets for Obama to authorize.

Who do you think is in Command of the U.S. Military and the full range of US intelligence services if it is not Obama?

You are the moron if you cannot provide a name other than Obama.

Are you a runner like Delbert?
wow, you actually think obama is making combat decisions.

I don't pity you, I pity the people around you that have to tolerate you level of stewpud

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