Republican Team ISIS Fighters quitting their 'lost cause' fight.

It's all over for ISIS, if there ever really was an ISIS. But Islamic Terrorism will continue.
It was all about killing Assad.

I know of no US backed plan to kill Assad. What is your basis for that because I am very curious about it.

The U.S. has been calling for 'Regime Change' in Syria for years. These leaders have two choices... Either leave voluntarily, or die. ISIS was just one of the many hit squads hired by the U.S. and its allies to kill Assad. You don't wanna believe that, than so be it i guess. Continue living the U.S. Government/Corporate Media lies. It's your call.
Are you saying ISIS isn't contained for the most part in Syria and Iraq?
2016 Brussels bombings

So you're claiming ISIS isn't contained in Syria and Iraq for the most part? You seem to be giving an evasive response to that question.

I will let you answer the question for me:

ISIS is contained. A bomb here and there by small timers notwithstanding.

I'm sure the victims and their families feel a bit differently, no?
Are you saying ISIS isn't contained for the most part in Syria and Iraq?
2016 Brussels bombings

So you're claiming ISIS isn't contained in Syria and Iraq for the most part? You seem to be giving an evasive response to that question.

I will let you answer the question for me:

ISIS is contained. A bomb here and there by small timers notwithstanding.

I'm sure the victims and their families feel a bit differently, no?

ISIS is contained in Syria and Iraq for the most part. They now control very little territory. And Putin did contribute heavily to that happening in Syria.

Now, is ISIS contained in Western Europe? Can't say for sure. Maybe Putin can help? He's got a pretty good track record so far. Give em a holla.
Are you saying ISIS isn't contained for the most part in Syria and Iraq?
2016 Brussels bombings

So you're claiming ISIS isn't contained in Syria and Iraq for the most part? You seem to be giving an evasive response to that question.

I will let you answer the question for me:

ISIS is contained. A bomb here and there by small timers notwithstanding.

I'm sure the victims and their families feel a bit differently, no?

ISIS is contained in Syria and Iraq for the most part. They now control very little territory. And Putin did contribute heavily to that happening in Syria.

No, he didn't. He barely qualifies as a bit player, and 80 percent of his effort had nothing to do with ISIS. He spent most of his time bombing civilians. He was about as helpful in the effort against ISIS as a kid on the corner licking a lollipop.
Tresha91203 13855170
They aren't happy ISIS evolved on Obama's watch. They are pissed off about it. That's like saying dems were happy invading Iraq cost us so much in much more than money. So, people who think Pres Obama screwed up royally are happy about ISIS gains?

Think about what you've written there. You are not comparing terrorist activity to terrorist activity. You are not comparing Bush's 9/11 to Obama's ISIS threat to Iraq.

Neither president decided or wished those tragic events occurred. In both cases Americans should be pissed at the terrorists not the Presidents.

You decided to compare Bush's decision to end UN peaceful inspections and start a major war to Obama's non-decision to have ISIS invade Iraq. That's apples to oranges.

Americans had every right to be pissed at Bush for invading Iraq to find WMD when it became clear and admitted that no WMD was really there.

Obama inherited the seeds of ISIS because of Bush's 2003 bad decision to send UN inspectors home and start a war.

Bush gets wrath because he deserved it. He started a war and mishandled it.

That does not make opponents to Bush's deadly and costly decision happy that so much money was spent, lives lost, and laid the foundation for ISIS.

I gave the right comparison 9/11 under Bush. and 2014 ISIS under Obama.

That was not my comparison. You seemed to be saying that because people blame Pres Obama, it must mean they are happy about ISIS horrors. Republicans are NOT happy about ISIS at all. They are angry. Republicans want ISIS off the face of the globe, overwhelmingly. Some would go so far as to nuke them. I know you know this as it is all over the media and USMB that the evil pubs would torture poor ISIS combatants and that evil Trump is keeping nukes on the table as a viable option to rid us of ISIS.

Disagreement with a president, even ugly harsh disagreement, does not equal rooting for the other side. When you disagreed with Pres Bush invading Iraq, that did not mean you delighted in the deaths of our servicemen, right? Likewise, harsh nasty criticism of Pres Obama does not mean republicans are gleeful when ISIS beheads journalists or missionaries, throws homosexuals off rooftops or crucifies priests.

Republicans can hate ISIS and Obama at the same time, just as Democrats could hate Bush (and, boy, don't they HATE Bush) and Sadam at the same time.
Tresha91203 13855170
P.S. You should get some new friends. Looks like you surround yourself with the extremists on both sides.

Please explain how anything I've written is extreme on either side.

You generalize an entire political party on the behavior of a portion (Tea Party types and Evangelicals) while dismissing similar behavior from the other political party as being "deserved." That is extreme. If all the people you know think like you or are happy about ISIS taking one square inch of land, then you are an extremist surrounding yourself with other extremists ... like an activist who only knows other activists of both sides. Most of us have busy lives, family obligations, etc., and have to pick and choose our causes due to time constraints. Mine is literacy, preK through adult literacy. That is where my free time goes. That does not mean I don't stay informed on other topics and have thoughtful opinions on them. It means I invest where I can impact the most, and my skillset is very well tailored to literacy efforts ... anti-ISIS, not so much. My vote will have a bigger impact on ISIS than a silly protest sign they will never see.

Let me ask you something. What party do you recommend for a right of center, fiscal conservative, non evangelical, live and let live kind of person? You know very well we were shoved out of your party if this isn't your first election cycle.

They are Republicans and Independents. They/we are not happy about ISIS any more than environmentally conscious people were happy about Deepwater Horizon. Only the nutjobs were happy about that. Nutjobs who were mostly Dem or fringe party. I would never claim dems rejoiced about that disaster, though many far left dems did.
Yeah, Belgium shows ISIS is in full retreat....

...and if you like your plan you can keep it.
My objective is the death of Isis...not being accomplished by your weak dick friend.

Your primary objective is wounding Obama. Obama has the same objective except that he is way too intelligent for your type that think through your dicks. You only disagreement with Obama is the time required to KILL ISIS.

So fess up ISIS cheerleader and propagandist, what is you deadline and method that your dream strong-dicked President would engage for you?

This is extreme. He already told you he wants ISIS dead and everything he posts supports this. Yet, you get stuck at "disagrees with Obama's handling of it," and declare that trashing Obama is his primary goal. When you disagreed with Bush, did that supercede the actual issue for you? Was your primary goal suddenly #1 bash Bush, #2 the actual problem he was mishandling? Why the double standard? Extremism.
Tresha91203 13860422
He already told you he wants ISIS dead and everything he posts supports this.

Obama wants ISIS dead and they are dying at a very rapid pace. Delbert's dissagrenent with President Obama is that Delbert wants 90 percent of ISIS terrorists dead in two weeks by use of a massive carpet bombing campaign which is not close to being realistic or possible. So Delbert's dissagreement is pure dick wagging nonsense. What then is Delbert's true objective? It is to tarnish and ridicule the leader of the largest coalition in the world that is ENGAGED in the most realistic and lawful military campaign to defeat ISIS. That partisan sentiment benefits ISIS not the coalition.

My view is not extreme. If you believe as Delbert does that carpet bombing MILLIONS of innocent civilians in order to kill 40,000 terrorists is not extreme just let me know. Are you inclined to support Delbert's mass murder of civilians or Obama's current operations against ISIS. Delbert or Obama?
Tresha91203 13860422
When you disagreed with Bush, did that supercede the actual issue for you?

My disagreement with Bush was when he forced UN Inspectors out of Iraq thus breaking a clear promise he made in October 2002. A broken promise that led to the needless deaths of scores of Iraqis and 4484 US TROOPS.

The issue therefore was no longer my disagreement (prior to the invasion) with Bush and Bush's supporters. It became supporting the truth about what Bush did so he and future presidents are never tempted to lie America into a needless war ever again. It's to protect our men and women who serve this country with their lives from such blatant and knowable lies about the Invasion of Iraq. When telling the truth about historical recorded fact is extremist conduct to you, there is not much I can do to communicate to you. And I'm truly sorry about my inability to do that.

Delbert is not communicating that Obama lied us into fighting ISIS. He is communicating the absurd extreme view that carpet bombing would resolve the ISIS threat in two weeks and be legal and a plausible option that Obama has not taken. There is a difference between our respective disagreements with two president's on matters affecting the lives and safety of our armed forces personnel.
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easyt65 13860322N
Yeah, Belgium shows ISIS is in full retreat....

Nowhere in this thread has there been any discussion about an ISIS retreat from territory siezed by ISIS in Belgium. This thread is referring solely to Iraq and Syria. Besides, if you had your facts straight, you'd know that ISIS has never siezed territory in Belgium from which to retreat.

You must be worried that ISIS has been in retreat mode in Iraq and Syria for nearly a year. Youve exaggerated their gains and deny their losses by contending that ISIS has siezed territory in Belgium.

Perhaps you didn't think your comment through.
Are Republicans getting worried that ISIS terrorists are in retreat in Iraq and Syria?

Republicans politicized prayers that ISIS fighters conquer all of Iraq are going unanswered.

At the rate that Islamic State defenses are crumbling and fighters are running from fights in Iraq and Syria, by the time November gets here Trump and Cruz dare not bring up Obama's successful US led coalition against the very same bunch of killers that were the best thing to happen to Republicans since Benghazi.

Front-line commanders no longer speak of a scarily formidable foe but of Islamic State defenses that crumble within days and fighters who flee at the first sign they are under attack.

“They don’t fight. They just send car bombs and then run away. And when we surround them they either surrender or infiltrate themselves among the civilians,” said Lt. Gen. Abdul-Ghani al-Assadi, commander of Iraq’s counterterrorism forces, who is overseeing the latest Iraqi offensive to capture the town of Hit in Anbar province.

“Their morale is shaken. We listen to them on their communications devices. Their leaders are begging them to fight, but they answer that it is a lost cause. They refuse to obey orders and run away.”

In Syria and Iraq, the Islamic State is in retreat on multiple fronts
Honestly, this might be a bad thing. They seem to be getting more and more desperate as they lose ground (as the recent attack in Brussels clearly shows)...we may very well actually see more terrorist activities as their fighters give up the losing fight in Syria / Iraq and choose to go abroad and possibly commit terrorist acts against nations they maintain hatred for.
Consider what it takes for ISIS to make a move. Or where does the cash come from. Or where do the tanks, etc. come from. Or where does the army hide. Or why can't US technology do a better job of exposing and destroying ISIS & their toys. Amazes me.
It is pointless. You say republicans are cheering for ISIS and complain that they want to carpet bomb them. They are opposite positions. You have decided republicans love ISIS because they are angry Obama hasn't killed them fast enough. You are a nut. Of course, when you opposed Bush, it was different. FFS, you cant even admit Obama misstepped re Syria. You are blinded.
Tresha91203 13860120
You seemed to be saying that because people blame Pres Obama, it must mean they are happy about ISIS horrors. Republicans are NOT happy about ISIS at all. They are angry. Republicans want ISIS off the face of the globe, overwhelmingly. Some would go so far as to nuke them.

Republicans that use the hate rhetoric of nuking or carpet bombing entire cities, where millions of Muslim and other religion's victims are trapped and enslaved by ISIS, are islamaphobes. That includes Trump and Cruz.

This includes your new found Republican that you do not view as an extremist.

deltex1 13856338
. My objective is the death of Isis..."is not being accomplished by your weak dick friend."

You see Delbert is not speaking with reasonable validity when he says "the death of ISIS" is "not being accomplished by your weak dick friend."

The death of ISIS fighters is being reported every day for the past 18 months.Hiwever Delbert is spreading pro-ISIS propaganda to any potential recruitable idiot on line that hears that if you join ISIS now you won't be killed by Obama because he s "weak-dicked".

This is apparently what my weak dicked friend in the White House gets done:

A US airstrike took out ISIS' No. 2 leader
CNNAbd al-Rahman Mustafa al-Qaduli.

ISIS' described No. 2 leader was killed in a Thursday strike in Syria, US officials announced Friday.

The commander, Abd al-Rahman Mustafa al-Qaduli, went by several aliases, including Haji Imam and Abu Alaa al-Afri.

"We are systematically eliminating ISIL's cab US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter said at a briefing on Friday, using an alternate acronym for ISIS, which is also known as the Islamic State or Daesh.

Carter referred to the ISIS commander as a "senior leader serving as a finance minister who was also involved in external affairs and plots."

Qaduli was thought to be a potential successor to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, if Baghdadi were to die.

"The momentum of this campaign is clearly on our side," Carter said of the US coalition against ISIS.

A US airstrike took out ISIS' No. 2 leader

Since Delbert won't post or refer to the death of any ISIS terrorist because his entrenched position is that Obama dies not kill them; any reasonable human being, armed with the facts, can refute Delbert and press the reality that he is worried about the political loss of ISIS that Republucans use to bludgeon the man that has ordered the killing of more Islamic terrorists than any other president in history.

Sorry Delbert and you Tresha, as his pleader, ""the death of ISIS" is VERY Certainly being accomplished by my weak dick friend."[/QUOTE]
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13863871 Tresha91203
Tresha91203 said:
It is pointless. You say republicans are cheering for ISIS and complain that they want to carpet bomb them. They are opposite positions. You have decided republicans love ISIS because they are angry Obama hasn't killed them fast enough. You are a nut. Of course, when you opposed Bush, it was different. FFS, you cant even admit Obama misstepped re Syria. You are blinded.

You are not addressing my point that the Republican positions of nuking and carpet bombing are invalid meaningless unworkable and basically ignorance based positions.

It is not the opposite of Obama's workable and succeeding position. An ignorance based position cannot be the opposite of anything because it is not real.

You have reached the runaway stage without once responding point by point to any of my arguments. You respond with feeble insults about my character. So unless you decide to engage in this discussion based upon the merits of the arguments and the facts - good bye.
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