Republican Politicians Banned From Labor Day Parade In Wisconsin

Quote: Originally Posted by rdean
Every single Republican policy is designed to crush the American worker. Republicans have their own party. It's called the Tea Party. Most of those people seem to be on Medicare and Social Security and Medicaid. Many are too fat to walk far. Better they stay at home.
Why that's a pretty strong statement. I guess your passion for Unions and Dems is clouding your ability to be open minded.

No, it's true. The only thing standing between the complete corporate takeover of this country is the American labor movement. The private sector has been waging war on the American worker for decades. And the American worker, as well as our country, is losing.

Funny thing...

With all of the companies that have gone under over the past several years and all of the people that have become unemployed, I would think you would realize that folks like you are misleading the American Workler when you cry out that that private sector is waging war against them.

It seems more logical that the business owners were waging war against actions that would put them out of business and force the layoff of millions.
Labor is an anathema to Republicans, as they place a much higher value on Corporate Executives over working people.

So I must ask....

if such is true....and taking into consideration the fact that the ratio of corporate executive to lower level employee is about 5% to 95%....

then why do most elections have the GOP/DEM spread of no more tan 8% on either side?

Are you saying that all of those "non execs" that vote GOP are total idiots...or is it possible that all you offer up is an empty talking point without any credibility?
Do the unions own the streets and the sidewalks?

The repubs should just line the parade route, wave, smile, and hold up signs stating:

"Walker's policies are working. It's fully proven!"...."Job's were saved, and the states moving in a positive direction"...."It's a great day for LABOR in Wisconsin!"...."HAPPY LABOR DAY, FELLOW CHEESE HEADS!"....."YOU'RE WELCOME!"

What is your point? Unions are bad because they didnt invite people who are attacking them? Point, please make one.
The point?

Who in the hell are these unions to tell anybody they can't attend a parade?

They don't own the damn streets or sidewalks. This is the United States Of America, where americans can roam freely. They can can line any damn street or siewalk they damn well please, and there isn't a damn thing the corrpupt unions can do about it.

I agree. So, what are you crying about?
With all of the companies that have gone under over the past several years and all of the people that have become unemployed, I would think you would realize that folks like you are misleading the American Workler when you cry out that that private sector is waging war against them.

It seems more logical that the business owners were waging war against actions that would put them out of business and force the layoff of millions.

Pure. Horseshit. They WOULD and DO lay off millions and outsource for GREED because they can get away with it - and then we, the taxpayers who lose those jobs reward them with tax breaks for doing it! Why won't you cons own up to your OBVIOUS anti-American labor stances? Man up! Okay, try this:

Name one - JUST ONE - Republican / Conservative / Corporatist backed piece of legislation that was PRO typical American worker at the expense of the uber wealthy or a big business. JUST ONE.
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What is your point? Unions are bad because they didnt invite people who are attacking them? Point, please make one.
The point?

Who in the hell are these unions to tell anybody they can't attend a parade?

They don't own the damn streets or sidewalks. This is the United States Of America, where americans can roam freely. They can can line any damn street or siewalk they damn well please, and there isn't a damn thing the corrpupt unions can do about it.

I agree. So, what are you crying about?
Me crying?

Oh hell no!....I think it's great. Once again the unions claims that they aren't fully in the pockets of corrupt dem politicians is being fully debunked, yet again, BY THEM!
With all of the companies that have gone under over the past several years and all of the people that have become unemployed, I would think you would realize that folks like you are misleading the American Workler when you cry out that that private sector is waging war against them.

It seems more logical that the business owners were waging war against actions that would put them out of business and force the layoff of millions.

Pure. Horseshit. They WOULD and DO lay off millions and outsource for GREED because they can get away with it - and then we, the taxpayers who lose those jobs reward them with tax breaks for doing it! Why won't you cons own up to your OBVIOUS anti-American labor stances? Man up! Okay, try this:

Name one - JUST ONE - Republican / Conservative / Corporatist backed piece of legislation that was PRO typical American worker at the expense of the uber wealthy or a big business. JUST ONE.

You are galactically clueless, you really are.
Thank you for mentioning that you negged me and are a coward who won't take replies back. Now, I can comment freely.

You don't think this is going to be violent? Who's ass is your head up. This has the makings of a full scale riot. The city should very definitely pull the permit on this immediately.


Are you too stupid to understand the point of the bold feature?

I saw the point you highlighted. You don't like the truth written out in English before you? You don't think union events turn out violent? You don't think this event is set up to be violent? When there is opposition present, unions get violent for some reason.

Truth my ass.

Most union events are not violent. In fact, as a percentage very few are. They just happen to get all the press. If you weren't a brainwashed partisan turd you could've figured that out for yourself.
With all of the companies that have gone under over the past several years and all of the people that have become unemployed, I would think you would realize that folks like you are misleading the American Workler when you cry out that that private sector is waging war against them.

It seems more logical that the business owners were waging war against actions that would put them out of business and force the layoff of millions.

Pure. Horseshit. They WOULD and DO lay off millions and outsource for GREED because they can get away with it - and then we, the taxpayers who lose those jobs reward them with tax breaks for doing it! Why won't you cons own up to your OBVIOUS anti-American labor stances? Man up! Okay, try this:

Name one - JUST ONE - Republican / Conservative / Corporatist backed piece of legislation that was PRO typical American worker at the expense of the uber wealthy or a big business. JUST ONE.

you claim to work in NYC....

SO let me ask you something...

Have you ever been in the Empire State building? The run of glass and steele buildings on Avenue of the Americas? The Chrysler Building? 1700 Bway? All of those 45th-57th buidlings on Nroadway? 520 madison? 535 Mdaison? 747 3rd avenue? 767 5th? I can go on and on...

You know what makes up those MILLIONS of square feet of offcie space?

Small busineesses of 20, 30, 50, 100, 500, 1000 employees that have never hired a single person who lives outsdide the US....thousands upon thousands of them......tens of thousands.....

Yet all you complain about are the IBM's and some of the other fortune 500's..and financial institutions that NEED offices overseas.....

You are freaking clueless and so stuck on talking points you just refuse to open your mind to reality.

You can fucking count in one hour the ampount of companies that are "evil and bad".....and it would take you a year to count the ones that arent.

You are a fucking are so fucking closed minded it gets me sick.
Are you too stupid to understand the point of the bold feature?

I saw the point you highlighted. You don't like the truth written out in English before you? You don't think union events turn out violent? You don't think this event is set up to be violent? When there is opposition present, unions get violent for some reason.

Truth my ass.

Most union events are not violent. In fact, as a percentage very few are. They just happen to get all the press. If you weren't a brainwashed partisan turd you could've figured that out for yourself.

this is 100% true.

I am just curious if you agree with the same premise as it pertains to the Tea Party ralleys....

Just curious.
Are you too stupid to understand the point of the bold feature?

I saw the point you highlighted. You don't like the truth written out in English before you? You don't think union events turn out violent? You don't think this event is set up to be violent? When there is opposition present, unions get violent for some reason.

Truth my ass.

Most union events are not violent. In fact, as a percentage very few are. They just happen to get all the press. If you weren't a brainwashed partisan turd you could've figured that out for yourself.

Interesting philosophy.

When I tell liberals that most Tea Partiers are not racist, and in fact as a percentage very few are, and that the small percentage gets all the press... the liberals laugh and call me a liar and a brainwashed turd since I could not figure out for myself that obviously all Tea Partiers are racist.

Go figure.
I saw the point you highlighted. You don't like the truth written out in English before you? You don't think union events turn out violent? You don't think this event is set up to be violent? When there is opposition present, unions get violent for some reason.

Truth my ass.

Most union events are not violent. In fact, as a percentage very few are. They just happen to get all the press. If you weren't a brainwashed partisan turd you could've figured that out for yourself.

this is 100% true.

I am just curious if you agree with the same premise as it pertains to the Tea Party ralleys....

Just curious.

damnit, you beat me to
Are you too stupid to understand the point of the bold feature?

I saw the point you highlighted. You don't like the truth written out in English before you? You don't think union events turn out violent? You don't think this event is set up to be violent? When there is opposition present, unions get violent for some reason.

Truth my ass.

Most union events are not violent. In fact, as a percentage very few are. They just happen to get all the press. If you weren't a brainwashed partisan turd you could've figured that out for yourself.

Okay, so you don't understand the usage of hyperbole.

   [hahy-pur-buh-lee] Show IPA
noun Rhetoric .
obvious and intentional exaggeration.
an extravagant statement or figure of speech not intended to be taken literally, as “to wait an eternity.”

My apologies for offending you as I generally respect you. I understand you thought I was being literal.

But... knowing the way you post, I am shocked that you don't understand this? /shrug

Maybe I just hit a nerve. Didn't realize you were such a union hack.

Yet all you complain about are the IBM's and some of the other fortune 500's..and financial institutions that NEED offices overseas.....

There is a difference between NEEDING an office overseas and exploiting near-slave labor so your CEO's pay goes up another 23% while your worker drones haven't had a cost of living wage increase since the bottom fell out in 2008 ALL while doing the jobs of the two other people in their dept. that were laid off AS WELL as their own. Dumbass, it is obviously not ME with a closed mind. Pay attention. The truth is all around you.
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I saw the point you highlighted. You don't like the truth written out in English before you? You don't think union events turn out violent? You don't think this event is set up to be violent? When there is opposition present, unions get violent for some reason.

Truth my ass.

Most union events are not violent. In fact, as a percentage very few are. They just happen to get all the press. If you weren't a brainwashed partisan turd you could've figured that out for yourself.

this is 100% true.

I am just curious if you agree with the same premise as it pertains to the Tea Party ralleys....

Just curious.

Yes I do.

And I also agree that the 'racist' element at tea party rallies is the exception not the rule. But sometimes I pretend otherwise for my trolling enjoyment. :eusa_angel:
I saw the point you highlighted. You don't like the truth written out in English before you? You don't think union events turn out violent? You don't think this event is set up to be violent? When there is opposition present, unions get violent for some reason.

Truth my ass.

Most union events are not violent. In fact, as a percentage very few are. They just happen to get all the press. If you weren't a brainwashed partisan turd you could've figured that out for yourself.

Okay, so you don't understand the usage of hyperbole.

   [hahy-pur-buh-lee] Show IPA
noun Rhetoric .
obvious and intentional exaggeration.
an extravagant statement or figure of speech not intended to be taken literally, as “to wait an eternity.”

My apologies for offending you as I generally respect you. I understand you thought I was being literal.

But... knowing the way you post, I am shocked that you don't understand this? /shrug

Maybe I just hit a nerve. Didn't realize you were such a union hack.


Ok, you got me. I owe you a green rep after I spread some around. :thup:
I saw the point you highlighted. You don't like the truth written out in English before you? You don't think union events turn out violent? You don't think this event is set up to be violent? When there is opposition present, unions get violent for some reason.

Truth my ass.

Most union events are not violent. In fact, as a percentage very few are. They just happen to get all the press. If you weren't a brainwashed partisan turd you could've figured that out for yourself.

this is 100% true.

I am just curious if you agree with the same premise as it pertains to the Tea Party ralleys....

Just curious.

I saw the point you highlighted. You don't like the truth written out in English before you? You don't think union events turn out violent? You don't think this event is set up to be violent? When there is opposition present, unions get violent for some reason.

Truth my ass.

Most union events are not violent. In fact, as a percentage very few are. They just happen to get all the press. If you weren't a brainwashed partisan turd you could've figured that out for yourself.

Interesting philosophy.

When I tell liberals that most Tea Partiers are not racist, and in fact as a percentage very few are, and that the small percentage gets all the press... the liberals laugh and call me a liar and a brainwashed turd since I could not figure out for myself that obviously all Tea Partiers are racist.

Go figure.

Hey, guys, he is actually right. "most union events" do not turn into violent demonstrations. I was unintentionally using a hyperbole. I was trying to get a point across and not thinking that anyone would take me literally in that phrase. I did not mean to offend him or anyone else. I simply typed out something that I felt would get my message across and he took it to be a literal translation which he had every right to do.

I'm over it and properly admonished.

No, big deal.

The point?

Who in the hell are these unions to tell anybody they can't attend a parade?

They don't own the damn streets or sidewalks. This is the United States Of America, where americans can roam freely. They can can line any damn street or siewalk they damn well please, and there isn't a damn thing the corrpupt unions can do about it.

I agree. So, what are you crying about?
Me crying?

Oh hell no!....I think it's great. Once again the unions claims that they aren't fully in the pockets of corrupt dem politicians is being fully debunked, yet again, BY THEM!

Ok, there you go again. What is your point? That Unions should extend an olive branch to the same bunch that kicked them around? And if they dont that means they are in the dems pockets? It's almost like you dont understand that maybe, just maybe, people do not want to be friendly to the same people that attack them.
Yet all you complain about are the IBM's and some of the other fortune 500's..and financial institutions that NEED offices overseas.....

There is a difference between NEEDING an office overseas and exploiting near-slave labor so your CEO's pay goes up another 23% while your worker drones haven't had a cost of living wage increase since the bottom fell out in 2008 ALL while doing the jobs of the two other people in their dept. that were laid off AS WELL as their own. Dumbass, it is obviously not ME with a closed mind. Pay attention. The truth is all around you.

Once again, you refuse to READ.

Yes, there are a few (comparitively speaking) companies that outsource overseas to generate a larger profit. But the vast majority that open overseas do so in an effort to remain competative.

Furthermore, MOST companies have absolutely NOTHING going on overseas.

Most business owners as myself opened up a company to earn a profit so we can support our families. We worked hard and grew so we can enjoy some of the better things in life. We do not take advantage of our employees. We hire them and pay them to do a job for us....and there is a point where that job no longer becomes cost effective...for if we find ourselves paying the mailroom guy 10% more every year "to be fair" he will be making 100K to sort the mail by the time he is there 20 now how do we pay a college grad with 3 years expereince 40K to analyze deals for us?

You see, you have no idea how to run a business so it is easy for you to cry out "not fair"....

But I must ask much should I pay a guy to sort the mail?

Now...let me ask you this as well....

Can a guy with 20 years experience sort the mail BETTER than a guy with 5 years experience?

SO why should I pay a guy a 100K to do it when I can pay a guy 40K to do it?

Should I pay him 60K more a year becuase he refused to better himself and stayed as a mailroom sorter for 20 years?

Where will the incentive be for people to better themselves if all they had to do was the same job day in and day out for 20 years to make the biug bucks?

You just dont get it.
I think this is totally bogus. They have every right to be in the parade but as usual the union and democrat's what to play like a 2 year old and throw a temper tampture then so be it. The one who should be left out is the ones you ran across state line who are so much of a baby who cant do their jobs because they cant get their way:321:
I would be OK with it IF the unions were paying the bill. Since they are getting government support, the government gets to decide who gets to be there. Get it?

You are correct Ernie, we had this same problem with a KKK group in Georgia. If there is government funding involved, no group can be excluded. The Supreme Court Decision was based on a private group paying the tab. Now if it is indeed a private event, anyone can be excluded. The New York St. Patty's Day Parade is sponsored by a private group, it appears the one in Wisconsin is not.

Our parade was cancelled, two local community groups have sponsored it since, thus being able to limit participation.

Where the heck is the ACLU on this?? Shouldn't they be defending the GOPs right to participate???

From the OP:

The Marathon County Central Labor Council, which sponsors the parade, includes some 30 local unions.
Not by themselves, apparently

On Monday, Wausau Mayor Jim Tipple released the following statement:

The City is a co-sponsor of the Labor Day parade event, because we provided the payment for the insurance premium for the event, and we agreed to erect a stage and provide city services at no cost to the Marathon County Central Labor Council.

The banning of a political party from participation at any event co-sponsored by the City is against public policy and not in the best interest of all the citizens of the City of Wausau. And therefore, we encourage the event organizer to invite all interested parties, or reimburse the city for other costs.

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