Republican Kari Lake Increases Lead In Arizona Governor Race

This lady is going to shake the foundations of government when she is elected. She is media savvy which means she knows how and why they constantly lie. She will also do everything in her power to prove the AZ. election was stolen and I do not think she can be stopped, short of murder. It is going to be a very happy New Year in AZ.

She's winning atleast Arizona may pull one out

Pennsylvania is a cheatin fucking disaster...

The thing from the goonies and other assorted retards are gonna kill the natural gas
So I guess this means the election is illegitimate since the votes were not all counted in one day right? LOL

It means the cheaters cannot cheat away an authentic double digit lead.

They can cheat a five point lead and did


All were victims of cheating, making the cheaters, meaning candy and the Mossad

Anti hetro
WHAT THE...???!!!
It took the big state of Florida just 2.5 hours to tabulate the votes and call a winner. In Arizona, candidate Katie Hobbs, who's in charge of the voting process can't even call a winner. Now why's that? Oh, because she knows she's going to lose. She doesn't want to give Lake the dignity of the win.
This is a conflict of interest if there ever was one.

WHY is she in charge of the voting process AND running for office at the same time?


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