Republican hypocrisy on Robert Mueller

Special counsel Robert Mueller, a decorated Marine Corps war veteran and lifetime Republican was appointed by President George W Bush, and given a 2 year extension by President Barack Obama. Robert Mueller was highly praised for years by both the the GOP and Democrats as an outstanding and dedicated law enforcement professional. Now that he was appointed by assistant attorney general Rod Rosenstein (another lifetime Republican) to investigate Donald Trump, he is all of a sudden untrustworthy, dishonest, biased, and undeserving of serving anywhere. Today's republicans have very short memories, and their attitude reeks with hypocrisy.

Robert Mueller - Wikipedia

"He's a RINO!"

Any Republican who attacks Mr. Mueller has violated Ronald Reagan's 11th Commandment, and that includes Donald Trump&Co.:

To Wit: “Thou shalt not speak ill of another Republican.”

Of course most of us know that anyone, R or D or I who does not kiss the ass of Donald Trump is sure to be tossed under the bus with the infamous call, "you're fired".

Say what?

When the House voted on the amendment on June 15, 1864, it only garnered 93 votes, 13 short of the two-thirds majority required for passage. Only four Democrats broke ranks to vote in the amendment's favor. That summer, Lincoln's position on the 13th Amendment continued to evolve.Jan 30, 2015
Congress Passes 13th Amendment, 150 Years Ago - History in the ...

Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia

The trial in the United States Senate began right after the seating of the 106th Congress, in which the Republican Party began with 55 senators. A two-thirds vote (67 senators) was required to remove Clinton from office. 50 senators voted to remove Clinton on the obstruction of justice charge and 45 voted to remove him on the perjury charge; no member of his own Democratic Party voted guilty on either charge.

Democrats never ever break ranks ...we seen it with the 13th amendment , we seen it with removing Bill Clinton from office, we seen it with no Democrat wanting to repeal Obama care, we seen it with gorsuch nominated for the supreme court..

When have you seen or heard a Democrat call another a DINO. When had any Democrat impose an 11th commandment as did Reagan?

As for history, Will Rodgers once stated, "I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat". A comment made in humor of the reality of the split between the Racist Southern Democrats and the tolerant Northern Democrats.

Where were you in 1968 when the modern Democratic Party has their convention in Chicago?

When will the supporters of the Republican Party stop trying to revise history to establish false narratives. They must on some level know that the BIG LIE only works on those easily led voters, those whose sense of history is what they had for lunch that day.
Special counsel Robert Mueller, a decorated Marine Corps war veteran and lifetime Republican was appointed by President George W Bush, and given a 2 year extension by President Barack Obama. Robert Mueller was highly praised for years by both the the GOP and Democrats as an outstanding and dedicated law enforcement professional. Now that he was appointed by assistant attorney general Rod Rosenstein (another lifetime Republican) to investigate Donald Trump, he is all of a sudden untrustworthy, dishonest, biased, and undeserving of serving anywhere. Today's republicans have very short memories, and their attitude reeks with hypocrisy.

Robert Mueller - Wikipedia

"He's a RINO!"

Any Republican who attacks Mr. Mueller has violated Ronald Reagan's 11th Commandment, and that includes Donald Trump&Co.:

To Wit: “Thou shalt not speak ill of another Republican.”

Of course most of us know that anyone, R or D or I who does not kiss the ass of Donald Trump is sure to be tossed under the bus with the infamous call, "you're fired".

Say what?

When the House voted on the amendment on June 15, 1864, it only garnered 93 votes, 13 short of the two-thirds majority required for passage. Only four Democrats broke ranks to vote in the amendment's favor. That summer, Lincoln's position on the 13th Amendment continued to evolve.Jan 30, 2015
Congress Passes 13th Amendment, 150 Years Ago - History in the ...

Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia

The trial in the United States Senate began right after the seating of the 106th Congress, in which the Republican Party began with 55 senators. A two-thirds vote (67 senators) was required to remove Clinton from office. 50 senators voted to remove Clinton on the obstruction of justice charge and 45 voted to remove him on the perjury charge; no member of his own Democratic Party voted guilty on either charge.

Democrats never ever break ranks ...we seen it with the 13th amendment , we seen it with removing Bill Clinton from office, we seen it with no Democrat wanting to repeal Obama care, we seen it with gorsuch nominated for the supreme court..

When have you seen or heard a Democrat call another a DINO. When had any Democrat impose an 11th commandment as did Reagan?
The Democrats have never been overly creative when it comes to internal labels.......

if (ourLabel == "progressive" && publicLabelPerception == "bad") {
ourLabel = "liberal"; }
else if (ourLabel == "liberal" && publicLabelPerception == "bad") {
ourLabel = "progressive"; }

Special counsel Robert Mueller, a decorated Marine Corps war veteran and lifetime Republican was appointed by President George W Bush, and given a 2 year extension by President Barack Obama. Robert Mueller was highly praised for years by both the the GOP and Democrats as an outstanding and dedicated law enforcement professional. Now that he was appointed by assistant attorney general Rod Rosenstein (another lifetime Republican) to investigate Donald Trump, he is all of a sudden untrustworthy, dishonest, biased, and undeserving of serving anywhere. Today's republicans have very short memories, and their attitude reeks with hypocrisy.

Robert Mueller - Wikipedia

"He's a RINO!"

Any Republican who attacks Mr. Mueller has violated Ronald Reagan's 11th Commandment, and that includes Donald Trump&Co.:

To Wit: “Thou shalt not speak ill of another Republican.”

Of course most of us know that anyone, R or D or I who does not kiss the ass of Donald Trump is sure to be tossed under the bus with the infamous call, "you're fired".

Say what?

When the House voted on the amendment on June 15, 1864, it only garnered 93 votes, 13 short of the two-thirds majority required for passage. Only four Democrats broke ranks to vote in the amendment's favor. That summer, Lincoln's position on the 13th Amendment continued to evolve.Jan 30, 2015
Congress Passes 13th Amendment, 150 Years Ago - History in the ...

Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia

The trial in the United States Senate began right after the seating of the 106th Congress, in which the Republican Party began with 55 senators. A two-thirds vote (67 senators) was required to remove Clinton from office. 50 senators voted to remove Clinton on the obstruction of justice charge and 45 voted to remove him on the perjury charge; no member of his own Democratic Party voted guilty on either charge.

Democrats never ever break ranks ...we seen it with the 13th amendment , we seen it with removing Bill Clinton from office, we seen it with no Democrat wanting to repeal Obama care, we seen it with gorsuch nominated for the supreme court..

When have you seen or heard a Democrat call another a DINO. When had any Democrat impose an 11th commandment as did Reagan?

As for history, Will Rodgers once stated, "I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat". A comment made in humor of the reality of the split between the Racist Southern Democrats and the tolerant Northern Democrats.

Where were you in 1968 when the modern Democratic Party had their convention in Chicago?

Will made that comment in the 30s.

and both the right and the left on here talk about how much the parties have changed, just since the 60s
Special counsel Robert Mueller, a decorated Marine Corps war veteran and lifetime Republican was appointed by President George W Bush, and given a 2 year extension by President Barack Obama. Robert Mueller was highly praised for years by both the the GOP and Democrats as an outstanding and dedicated law enforcement professional. Now that he was appointed by assistant attorney general Rod Rosenstein (another lifetime Republican) to investigate Donald Trump, he is all of a sudden untrustworthy, dishonest, biased, and undeserving of serving anywhere. Today's republicans have very short memories, and their attitude reeks with hypocrisy.

Robert Mueller - Wikipedia

"He's a RINO!"

Any Republican who attacks Mr. Mueller has violated Ronald Reagan's 11th Commandment, and that includes Donald Trump&Co.:

To Wit: “Thou shalt not speak ill of another Republican.”

Of course most of us know that anyone, R or D or I who does not kiss the ass of Donald Trump is sure to be tossed under the bus with the infamous call, "you're fired".

Say what?

When the House voted on the amendment on June 15, 1864, it only garnered 93 votes, 13 short of the two-thirds majority required for passage. Only four Democrats broke ranks to vote in the amendment's favor. That summer, Lincoln's position on the 13th Amendment continued to evolve.Jan 30, 2015
Congress Passes 13th Amendment, 150 Years Ago - History in the ...

Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia

The trial in the United States Senate began right after the seating of the 106th Congress, in which the Republican Party began with 55 senators. A two-thirds vote (67 senators) was required to remove Clinton from office. 50 senators voted to remove Clinton on the obstruction of justice charge and 45 voted to remove him on the perjury charge; no member of his own Democratic Party voted guilty on either charge.

Democrats never ever break ranks ...we seen it with the 13th amendment , we seen it with removing Bill Clinton from office, we seen it with no Democrat wanting to repeal Obama care, we seen it with gorsuch nominated for the supreme court..

When have you seen or heard a Democrat call another a DINO. When had any Democrat impose an 11th commandment as did Reagan?

As for history, Will Rodgers once stated, "I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat". A comment made in humor of the reality of the split between the Racist Southern Democrats and the tolerant Northern Democrats.

Where were you in 1968 when the modern Democratic Party had their convention in Chicago?

Will made that comment in the 30s.

and both the right and the left on here talk about how much the parties have changed, just since the 60s

So much has changed, now it's the republicans who are not organized.
Special counsel Robert Mueller, a decorated Marine Corps war veteran and lifetime Republican was appointed by President George W Bush, and given a 2 year extension by President Barack Obama. Robert Mueller was highly praised for years by both the the GOP and Democrats as an outstanding and dedicated law enforcement professional. Now that he was appointed by assistant attorney general Rod Rosenstein (another lifetime Republican) to investigate Donald Trump, he is all of a sudden untrustworthy, dishonest, biased, and undeserving of serving anywhere. Today's republicans have very short memories, and their attitude reeks with hypocrisy.

Robert Mueller - Wikipedia

"He's a RINO!"

Any Republican who attacks Mr. Mueller has violated Ronald Reagan's 11th Commandment, and that includes Donald Trump&Co.:

To Wit: “Thou shalt not speak ill of another Republican.”

Of course most of us know that anyone, R or D or I who does not kiss the ass of Donald Trump is sure to be tossed under the bus with the infamous call, "you're fired".

Say what?

When the House voted on the amendment on June 15, 1864, it only garnered 93 votes, 13 short of the two-thirds majority required for passage. Only four Democrats broke ranks to vote in the amendment's favor. That summer, Lincoln's position on the 13th Amendment continued to evolve.Jan 30, 2015
Congress Passes 13th Amendment, 150 Years Ago - History in the ...

Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia

The trial in the United States Senate began right after the seating of the 106th Congress, in which the Republican Party began with 55 senators. A two-thirds vote (67 senators) was required to remove Clinton from office. 50 senators voted to remove Clinton on the obstruction of justice charge and 45 voted to remove him on the perjury charge; no member of his own Democratic Party voted guilty on either charge.

Democrats never ever break ranks ...we seen it with the 13th amendment , we seen it with removing Bill Clinton from office, we seen it with no Democrat wanting to repeal Obama care, we seen it with gorsuch nominated for the supreme court..

When have you seen or heard a Democrat call another a DINO. When had any Democrat impose an 11th commandment as did Reagan?

As for history, Will Rodgers once stated, "I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat". A comment made in humor of the reality of the split between the Racist Southern Democrats and the tolerant Northern Democrats.

Where were you in 1968 when the modern Democratic Party had their convention in Chicago?

Will made that comment in the 30s.

and both the right and the left on here talk about how much the parties have changed, just since the 60s

How does one explain the 1948 election, if the parties didn't change until the 1960's? I don't know when Will Rodgers made the quote, but our culture began to change rapidly when H.S Truman issued EO # 9981 on July 26, 1948.
Truman Library - July 26, 1948: Executive Order 9981 issued

Strom Thurman led the Dixiecrats in winning the Electoral Votes in much of the deep south in 1948, and the rift over civil rights lasted in the Democratic Party until LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act. That is when the party of Lincoln was no more and the racists / opponents to civil rights left the D Party and joined the American Independent Party. When that party folded up its tent members joined Nixon in the Republican Party or some of the lesser far right parties which existed at that time.
Special counsel Robert Mueller, a decorated Marine Corps war veteran and lifetime Republican was appointed by President George W Bush, and given a 2 year extension by President Barack Obama. Robert Mueller was highly praised for years by both the the GOP and Democrats as an outstanding and dedicated law enforcement professional. Now that he was appointed by assistant attorney general Rod Rosenstein (another lifetime Republican) to investigate Donald Trump, he is all of a sudden untrustworthy, dishonest, biased, and undeserving of serving anywhere. Today's republicans have very short memories, and their attitude reeks with hypocrisy.

Robert Mueller - Wikipedia

Bush led us into the iraq war which never should have happened. Just because bush appointed him doesn't make mueller some saint beyond reproach.

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