Republican 'Free Market' Energy Exposed.


Gold Member
Apr 10, 2013
The new rules, confirmed on 12 February, raised the monthly fees to solar customers from $12.75 to $38.51 over 12 years while dramatically cutting back the rates that customers were paid earlier for feeding surplus power back into the grid from about 11 cents a kilowatt hour to about two cents.

Sweet deal for Nevada Energy, paying a smaller percentage to homeowners than what it pays to corporate suppliers. Can you say; 'Screw the little guy?'

Republican response;

Patricia Farley, a Republican state senator who drafted a bill last year to revise the state’s solar policies, claimed solar was only for rich people, and that the new rules were fairer for all Nevadans.


Nevada's solar workers and customers reel as new rules 'shut down' industry
Actually --- you don't recognize this -- but it IS the free market. Those homeowners decided to go into the Energy biz. They are not powering their homes with solar,..,, They are providing a PEAKER source during mid-day for the power companies. They are now "big solar".. And as such -- The cost to the grid operators/retailers is HIGHER to pick up, meter, account for than a "BIGGER SOLAR" guy.. In fact -- they probably wouldn't want to take the losses they are NOW if the Govt wasn't FORCING THEM to put trivially small daytime peaker sources on the grid -- IN FRONT OF --- the more traditional suppliers.

Another leftist that's not real solid in how technology, economy or life in general "works"....

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