Republican bill stops funding to states issuing DL's to illegals

It's nobody else's business to "show" you how to handle your shit, you helpless loser. Suck it up, be a man, and figure it out for yourself. You've never been shy here about pointing your feeble finger at everyone else in the world based on your racist bullshit, so don't lay on your back and beg for help.

“Oh, da gub’ment is my mommy and she won’t let me!”
It's nobody else's business to "show" you how to handle your shit, you helpless loser. Suck it up, be a man, and figure it out for yourself. You've never been shy here about pointing your feeble finger at everyone else in the world based on your racist bullshit, so don't lay on your back and beg for help.

“Oh, da gub’ment is my mommy and she won’t let me!”

I wish the world of death on you. You are a heartless son of a bitch that deserves it. If coronavirus spreads in this country, I hope you are one of the first victims, and that goes for anybody that would be associated with an asshole like you.
It's nobody else's business to "show" you how to handle your shit, you helpless loser. Suck it up, be a man, and figure it out for yourself. You've never been shy here about pointing your feeble finger at everyone else in the world based on your racist bullshit, so don't lay on your back and beg for help.

“Oh, da gub’ment is my mommy and she won’t let me!”

Why all the hostility? Are you only a proponent of helping and funding wetbacks and their silver tooth money trees?
It's nobody else's business to "show" you how to handle your shit, you helpless loser. Suck it up, be a man, and figure it out for yourself. You've never been shy here about pointing your feeble finger at everyone else in the world based on your racist bullshit, so don't lay on your back and beg for help.

“Oh, da gub’ment is my mommy and she won’t let me!”

Why all the hostility? Are you only a proponent of helping and funding wetbacks and their silver tooth money trees?

It's morons like him that give us conservatives (if he is one) a bad name. Conservatives are for self-reliance, but not inconsiderate of those truly in need as the Democrats accuse us of. He is the what the Democrats love to paint us as: heartless, unknowledgeable, die in the streets type of person. Scum like Unkotare give us all a bad name.
It's nobody else's business to "show" you how to handle your shit, you helpless loser. Suck it up, be a man, and figure it out for yourself. You've never been shy here about pointing your feeble finger at everyone else in the world based on your racist bullshit, so don't lay on your back and beg for help.

“Oh, da gub’ment is my mommy and she won’t let me!”

I wish the world of death on you. You are a heartless son of a bitch that deserves it. If coronavirus spreads in this country, I hope you are one of the first victims, and that goes for anybody that would be associated with an asshole like you.
iGGY that peckerwood Ray.......he isn't worth it......and he is trolling you.

...government made that choice for me. ....government will make that choice for me. ...government keeps setting me back. they defeated me. There is little I can do at this point.

That is the weakest, most unmanly, unAmerican, pathetic, defeatist attitude I’ve heard from one of you liberal welfare queens in some time.

A government doctor said I can no longer work. Another government doctor will confirm that or deny it. It's all in the hands of government--not me. I can't start out like a kid again with no experience at anything to make a living without help; help that I didn't need until government stuck their nose between my doctors and I. Had they left it alone, everything would be fine today.

Minimum wage jobs were never designed for people who are in their elder years for support. They are for people to make extra money, or kids still living at home with their parents. You cannot support yourself on low wage jobs. It's impossible.

Government put me out of work, so government can provide me for what they took away. it's that simple.

If you don’t mind me asking Ray, what is your medical condition?
Sorry to hear about your troubles...I’m sure you’re a good man, a good’ve done your part and paid your deserve the help from your countrymen...unfortunately the system isn’t set up to assist you in times of need. It’s set up to encourage, fund and reward Guadalupe and ShaQuita for running their baby factories...Sad but true.

Thank you for your support. I don't want to reveal all of my conditions online, but what I will say is that I take 8 different medications. As you can imagine, some have side effects as most all do. As I previously posted, I signed a document allowing the government copies of all of my medial records, and I agreed to see their doctor and submit to any testing they desire to make a determination. I have nothing to hide.

Unfortunately, these online doctors who are not familiar with my situation have determined there is nothing wrong with me; I can just start a new career at the age of 60 effortlessly. As you know from my posts here, there are few more conservative than I am, and I hate taking this route. But given the fact I've contributed to this program all of my life, and now have very few avenues to choose from, I believe since it is bureaucrats that disabled me from work that I'm still perfectly capable of doing, they should provide the necessary means of partial support they robbed from me.

That’s terrible...that’s bullshit and probably a story that can be told way too many times. Your situation motivates me to continue badmouthing our system and how / where we direct taxpayer funds...It just doesn’t make sense to invest in illegals and bottom feeders who refuse to improve themselves when we have our aging and unable to care for. Real sorry Ray.

...government made that choice for me. ....government will make that choice for me. ...government keeps setting me back. they defeated me. There is little I can do at this point.

That is the weakest, most unmanly, unAmerican, pathetic, defeatist attitude I’ve heard from one of you liberal welfare queens in some time.

A government doctor said I can no longer work. Another government doctor will confirm that or deny it. It's all in the hands of government--not me. I can't start out like a kid again with no experience at anything to make a living without help; help that I didn't need until government stuck their nose between my doctors and I. Had they left it alone, everything would be fine today.

Minimum wage jobs were never designed for people who are in their elder years for support. They are for people to make extra money, or kids still living at home with their parents. You cannot support yourself on low wage jobs. It's impossible.

Government put me out of work, so government can provide me for what they took away. it's that simple.

If you don’t mind me asking Ray, what is your medical condition?
Sorry to hear about your troubles...I’m sure you’re a good man, a good’ve done your part and paid your deserve the help from your countrymen...unfortunately the system isn’t set up to assist you in times of need. It’s set up to encourage, fund and reward Guadalupe and ShaQuita for running their baby factories...Sad but true.

Thank you for your support. I don't want to reveal all of my conditions online, but what I will say is that I take 8 different medications. As you can imagine, some have side effects as most all do. As I previously posted, I signed a document allowing the government copies of all of my medial records, and I agreed to see their doctor and submit to any testing they desire to make a determination. I have nothing to hide.

Unfortunately, these online doctors who are not familiar with my situation have determined there is nothing wrong with me; I can just start a new career at the age of 60 effortlessly. As you know from my posts here, there are few more conservative than I am, and I hate taking this route. But given the fact I've contributed to this program all of my life, and now have very few avenues to choose from, I believe since it is bureaucrats that disabled me from work that I'm still perfectly capable of doing, they should provide the necessary means of partial support they robbed from me.

That’s terrible...that’s bullshit and probably a story that can be told way too many times. Your situation motivates me to continue badmouthing our system and how / where we direct taxpayer funds...It just doesn’t make sense to invest in illegals and bottom feeders who refuse to improve themselves when we have our aging and unable to care for. Real sorry Ray.
He's not alone.............But I make the money in my house........My wife has been unable to work for over a decade and NADDA.........turned down twice..........Even with Surgery after surgery after surgery.

Yet I know people who just ate too dang much and are choice .....that get disability........Amazing isn't it.

...government made that choice for me. ....government will make that choice for me. ...government keeps setting me back. they defeated me. There is little I can do at this point.

That is the weakest, most unmanly, unAmerican, pathetic, defeatist attitude I’ve heard from one of you liberal welfare queens in some time.

A government doctor said I can no longer work. Another government doctor will confirm that or deny it. It's all in the hands of government--not me. I can't start out like a kid again with no experience at anything to make a living without help; help that I didn't need until government stuck their nose between my doctors and I. Had they left it alone, everything would be fine today.

Minimum wage jobs were never designed for people who are in their elder years for support. They are for people to make extra money, or kids still living at home with their parents. You cannot support yourself on low wage jobs. It's impossible.

Government put me out of work, so government can provide me for what they took away. it's that simple.

If you don’t mind me asking Ray, what is your medical condition?
Sorry to hear about your troubles...I’m sure you’re a good man, a good’ve done your part and paid your deserve the help from your countrymen...unfortunately the system isn’t set up to assist you in times of need. It’s set up to encourage, fund and reward Guadalupe and ShaQuita for running their baby factories...Sad but true.

Thank you for your support. I don't want to reveal all of my conditions online, but what I will say is that I take 8 different medications. As you can imagine, some have side effects as most all do. As I previously posted, I signed a document allowing the government copies of all of my medial records, and I agreed to see their doctor and submit to any testing they desire to make a determination. I have nothing to hide.

Unfortunately, these online doctors who are not familiar with my situation have determined there is nothing wrong with me; I can just start a new career at the age of 60 effortlessly. As you know from my posts here, there are few more conservative than I am, and I hate taking this route. But given the fact I've contributed to this program all of my life, and now have very few avenues to choose from, I believe since it is bureaucrats that disabled me from work that I'm still perfectly capable of doing, they should provide the necessary means of partial support they robbed from me.

That’s terrible...that’s bullshit and probably a story that can be told way too many times. Your situation motivates me to continue badmouthing our system and how / where we direct taxpayer funds...It just doesn’t make sense to invest in illegals and bottom feeders who refuse to improve themselves when we have our aging and unable to care for. Real sorry Ray.

Unkotare is a liberal at heart. He calls me a racist because I created a post on why illegals should not be allowed to obtain a drivers license in our country. Apparently he must have some illegal family members here from another country why he takes offense.
It's nobody else's business to "show" you how to handle your shit, you helpless loser. Suck it up, be a man, and figure it out for yourself. You've never been shy here about pointing your feeble finger at everyone else in the world based on your racist bullshit, so don't lay on your back and beg for help.

“Oh, da gub’ment is my mommy and she won’t let me!”

I wish the world of death on you. You are a heartless son of a bitch that deserves it. If coronavirus spreads in this country, I hope you are one of the first victims, and that goes for anybody that would be associated with an asshole like you.

But 50,000 posts of you judging and denouncing everyone in the world based on your racist bullshit is just fine? Now that you’re helplessly and shamelessly suckling at the public teat you think you can throw a sweater over your shoulders and play Susie Sensitive? Don’t invoke karma just because you’re finally on the receiving end.
That is the weakest, most unmanly, unAmerican, pathetic, defeatist attitude I’ve heard from one of you liberal welfare queens in some time.

A government doctor said I can no longer work. Another government doctor will confirm that or deny it. It's all in the hands of government--not me. I can't start out like a kid again with no experience at anything to make a living without help; help that I didn't need until government stuck their nose between my doctors and I. Had they left it alone, everything would be fine today.

Minimum wage jobs were never designed for people who are in their elder years for support. They are for people to make extra money, or kids still living at home with their parents. You cannot support yourself on low wage jobs. It's impossible.

Government put me out of work, so government can provide me for what they took away. it's that simple.

If you don’t mind me asking Ray, what is your medical condition?
Sorry to hear about your troubles...I’m sure you’re a good man, a good’ve done your part and paid your deserve the help from your countrymen...unfortunately the system isn’t set up to assist you in times of need. It’s set up to encourage, fund and reward Guadalupe and ShaQuita for running their baby factories...Sad but true.

Thank you for your support. I don't want to reveal all of my conditions online, but what I will say is that I take 8 different medications. As you can imagine, some have side effects as most all do. As I previously posted, I signed a document allowing the government copies of all of my medial records, and I agreed to see their doctor and submit to any testing they desire to make a determination. I have nothing to hide.

Unfortunately, these online doctors who are not familiar with my situation have determined there is nothing wrong with me; I can just start a new career at the age of 60 effortlessly. As you know from my posts here, there are few more conservative than I am, and I hate taking this route. But given the fact I've contributed to this program all of my life, and now have very few avenues to choose from, I believe since it is bureaucrats that disabled me from work that I'm still perfectly capable of doing, they should provide the necessary means of partial support they robbed from me.

That’s terrible...that’s bullshit and probably a story that can be told way too many times. Your situation motivates me to continue badmouthing our system and how / where we direct taxpayer funds...It just doesn’t make sense to invest in illegals and bottom feeders who refuse to improve themselves when we have our aging and unable to care for. Real sorry Ray.
He's not alone.............But I make the money in my house........My wife has been unable to work for over a decade and NADDA.........turned down twice..........Even with Surgery after surgery after surgery.

Yet I know people who just ate too dang much and are choice .....that get disability........Amazing isn't it.

Somehow, someway we’ve lost touch with our founding principles...we have far too many whom are very vocal about happily funding foreigners while forgetting about our own people who helped build this nation. It’s total bullshit.
It's nobody else's business to "show" you how to handle your shit, you helpless loser. Suck it up, be a man, and figure it out for yourself. You've never been shy here about pointing your feeble finger at everyone else in the world based on your racist bullshit, so don't lay on your back and beg for help.

“Oh, da gub’ment is my mommy and she won’t let me!”

Why all the hostility? Are you only a proponent of helping and funding wetbacks and their silver tooth money trees?

...Conservatives are for self-reliance....

Says the racist welfare queen.
That is the weakest, most unmanly, unAmerican, pathetic, defeatist attitude I’ve heard from one of you liberal welfare queens in some time.

A government doctor said I can no longer work. Another government doctor will confirm that or deny it. It's all in the hands of government--not me. I can't start out like a kid again with no experience at anything to make a living without help; help that I didn't need until government stuck their nose between my doctors and I. Had they left it alone, everything would be fine today.

Minimum wage jobs were never designed for people who are in their elder years for support. They are for people to make extra money, or kids still living at home with their parents. You cannot support yourself on low wage jobs. It's impossible.

Government put me out of work, so government can provide me for what they took away. it's that simple.

If you don’t mind me asking Ray, what is your medical condition?
Sorry to hear about your troubles...I’m sure you’re a good man, a good’ve done your part and paid your deserve the help from your countrymen...unfortunately the system isn’t set up to assist you in times of need. It’s set up to encourage, fund and reward Guadalupe and ShaQuita for running their baby factories...Sad but true.

Thank you for your support. I don't want to reveal all of my conditions online, but what I will say is that I take 8 different medications. As you can imagine, some have side effects as most all do. As I previously posted, I signed a document allowing the government copies of all of my medial records, and I agreed to see their doctor and submit to any testing they desire to make a determination. I have nothing to hide.

Unfortunately, these online doctors who are not familiar with my situation have determined there is nothing wrong with me; I can just start a new career at the age of 60 effortlessly. As you know from my posts here, there are few more conservative than I am, and I hate taking this route. But given the fact I've contributed to this program all of my life, and now have very few avenues to choose from, I believe since it is bureaucrats that disabled me from work that I'm still perfectly capable of doing, they should provide the necessary means of partial support they robbed from me.

That’s terrible...that’s bullshit and probably a story that can be told way too many times. Your situation motivates me to continue badmouthing our system and how / where we direct taxpayer funds...It just doesn’t make sense to invest in illegals and bottom feeders who refuse to improve themselves when we have our aging and unable to care for. Real sorry Ray.

Unkotare is a liberal at heart. He calls me a racist because I created a post on why illegals should not be allowed to obtain a drivers license in our country. Apparently he must have some illegal family members here from another country why he takes offense.

He’s an educator owned by Father who would have no career if we had no wetbacks. His motive is crystal clear...he’s needs population...the more the better for his field of work.
It's nobody else's business to "show" you how to handle your shit, you helpless loser. Suck it up, be a man, and figure it out for yourself. You've never been shy here about pointing your feeble finger at everyone else in the world based on your racist bullshit, so don't lay on your back and beg for help.

“Oh, da gub’ment is my mommy and she won’t let me!”

I wish the world of death on you. You are a heartless son of a bitch that deserves it. If coronavirus spreads in this country, I hope you are one of the first victims, and that goes for anybody that would be associated with an asshole like you.

But 50,000 posts of you judging and denouncing everyone in the world based on your racist bullshit is just fine? Now that you’re helplessly and shamelessly suckling at the public teat you think you can throw a sweater over your shoulders and play Susie Sensitive? Don’t invoke karma just because you’re finally on the receiving end.

I criticize people who can help themselves, not people that cannot. Find one post of mine where I proclaimed I'm against all aid to people who cannot work due to physical or mental disabilities. I'm all for helping those who are in dire need, not those who make irresponsible decisions in life like dropping out of school, getting involved in crime and drugs, having children they could never afford in the first place, being on dope and can't pass a drug test.

Now I'll respond to you tomorrow. My medications are kicking in, and I have to hit the sack right now. Sorry your ignorance may not understand this.
It's nobody else's business to "show" you how to handle your shit, you helpless loser. Suck it up, be a man, and figure it out for yourself. You've never been shy here about pointing your feeble finger at everyone else in the world based on your racist bullshit, so don't lay on your back and beg for help.

“Oh, da gub’ment is my mommy and she won’t let me!”

I wish the world of death on you. You are a heartless son of a bitch that deserves it. If coronavirus spreads in this country, I hope you are one of the first victims, and that goes for anybody that would be associated with an asshole like you.

But 50,000 posts of you judging and denouncing everyone in the world based on your racist bullshit is just fine? Now that you’re helplessly and shamelessly suckling at the public teat you think you can throw a sweater over your shoulders and play Susie Sensitive? Don’t invoke karma just because you’re finally on the receiving end.

I criticize people who can help themselves, not people that cannot. Find one post of mine where I proclaimed I'm against all aid to people who cannot work due to physical or mental disabilities. I'm all for helping those who are in dire need, not those who make irresponsible decisions in life like dropping out of school, getting involved in crime and drugs, having children they could never afford in the first place, being on dope and can't pass a drug test.

Now I'll respond to you tomorrow. My medications are kicking in, and I have to hit the sack right now. Sorry your ignorance may not understand this.
Check your conversations if interested.............those are 2 sites my daughter uses.
I'm using any and all resources I have for survival. It's not welfare when you pay into a system your entire life.

Yeah, actually it is, because the money you are getting is not money set aside for you, it's money that other people are paying in.

This is your precious safety net system, the one you adore so much. Yet when somebody uses it that really needs it through no fault of their own, all of a sudden, you're against it. You are only for it when welfare queens get on them and stay on them the rest of their lives popping out kid after kid. That you have no problem with.

Oh, I'm not against it. I just think it's hilarious that you insist that you are better than those welfare queens who probably are working some menial job. Funny thing. You are white and male. You aren't even dealing with the kind of discrimination those folks have had to deal with their entire lives.

Most people on welfare are only on it for a few years. You want to spend the rest of our life on it.

I didn't choose to be put out of a job and career, government made that choice for me. I will not choose to be put on disability, government will make that choice for me. Don't complain about me when government keeps setting me back. I've been fighting for the last couple of years to work, now they defeated me. There is little I can do at this point.

First, the government made a decision that road safety is more important than you being able to do the job you want. You just admitted in another post you are on EIGHT medications to just function. You can't see why someone might be concerned you are driving a 40 ton vehicle at 55 MPH with those conditions?

Everything else is on you, buddy.
Somehow, someway we’ve lost touch with our founding principles...we have far too many whom are very vocal about happily funding foreigners while forgetting about our own people who helped build this nation. It’s total bullshit.

Uh, guy, if you aren't one of the "First Peoples", your ancestors came over here as immigrants or slaves.

Here's the thing. I feel for Ray. I really do. I think his anger is misdirected, but I understand why he's angry.

There should be a refocus on retraining him and having him do something else if he can't do what he's doing.
Somehow, someway we’ve lost touch with our founding principles...we have far too many whom are very vocal about happily funding foreigners while forgetting about our own people who helped build this nation. It’s total bullshit.

Uh, guy, if you aren't one of the "First Peoples", your ancestors came over here as immigrants or slaves.

Here's the thing. I feel for Ray. I really do. I think his anger is misdirected, but I understand why he's angry.

There should be a refocus on retraining him and having him do something else if he can't do what he's doing.

Thanks Joe. It's not that I can't be retrained in something, it's just a question on whether the time and money is worth it. As I stated, I'm near retirement age as it is. 25 years ago? I could have found or done something.

People don't realize it, but in spite of laws, age and medical discrimination take place. They are virtually worthless because it's almost impossible to prove, especially when everything is done online today. I worked for one guy years ago (he was Jewish so I know you'll get a kick out of this) who avoided hiring single young women. His fear was they will be having families soon, and their absence from work would be very disruptive. Plus he was concerned about the cost of child birth and what that would do to his medical insurance costs. He hired a few, but most of the office workers were woman with several children, and many of them middle-aged.

I've been looking around for a new job the last several years. In spite of my outstanding record, few wold even respond to my reply. So what are my chances of getting a job in an entirely new field of work at this age even with training? And if I could find somebody to hire me at this age, how long would I be working for them, a year or so?
Yeah, actually it is, because the money you are getting is not money set aside for you, it's money that other people are paying in.

Really? So what happened to all the money I put in?

Oh, I'm not against it. I just think it's hilarious that you insist that you are better than those welfare queens who probably are working some menial job. Funny thing. You are white and male. You aren't even dealing with the kind of discrimination those folks have had to deal with their entire lives.

Most people on welfare are only on it for a few years. You want to spend the rest of our life on it.

I used to deliver to the inner-city at times. The streets are loaded with younger and middle-aged people during normal working hours. Yes, many of them do stay on welfare their entire life; maybe not that particular program, but other programs as well. Do they work? Yes, some do. But they stay under the income level to continue being on the dole. I've seen it several times with customers of ours who hire temps. How long have I been talking about my HUD neighbors? Yes, they are still here, and will probably be on HUD the rest of their lives.

First, the government made a decision that road safety is more important than you being able to do the job you want. You just admitted in another post you are on EIGHT medications to just function. You can't see why someone might be concerned you are driving a 40 ton vehicle at 55 MPH with those conditions?

Everything else is on you, buddy.

I don't consider a bunch of bureaucrats as experts on road safety. When they took the decision for me to work away from my doctor, that's when the trouble started. From there they kept adding more and more red tape until it got to the point I'm at now. If my job were still open and I was able to go back, I'd be at work tomorrow morning instead of home.

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