Republican Admits to Sabotaging Jimmy Carter's Election

Some background.

Ben Barnes was a conservative Southern Democrat of the 60s and early 70s. His mentor was John Connally, another conservative Southern Democrat who served as Nixon's Treasury Secretary before switching to the Republican Party in 1973 as part of the party shuffling that many people insist never happened. Barnes probably would have done so as well but he had left his last position earlier that year. The fact that he was accompanying Connally to the Middle East, and supporting Reagan for President, in 1980 should do away with any ideas of him being a liberal.

In 1980, the hostages was the overwhelming issue on peoples' minds, dominating far beyond just being the big news story in a way I haven't seen since except for 9/11 and Covid. Carter had his challenges anyway due to the recent energy crises and the economy, but he had a proven track record in Middle Eastern diplomacy and the so-called "October surprise" could very well have gotten him a popularity spike at just the right time.

The Times article, which you all should read, points out how difficult it is to definitively verify Barnes's account because most of the people involved are long dead, but there are accounts in there from other reliable sources who say that Barnes told them about this years ago.
I would be interested in your references for this. Carter was naive, and it's possible he could have done that, but I'd like to see some proof.

It's certainly true that the far Left were almost unanimous in their support, at first, for Khomeini. They probably thought he was as unprincipled as they are, and didn't really mean the "Islamic Republic" stuff. As their Iranian comrades were being led to the execution walls, not long after the mullahs took power, they should have wised up, but they didn't.
Read some history. Carter is on record saying Khomeini was a “ good and holy man”. Carter cut support for the Shah and pressured him to leave the country. I lived through it and couldn’t believe how naive Carter was.
Different hostages means nothing.

Clearly it demonstrates that the idea of arms for hostages was no problematic for them

As far as the release…it was clearly the payoff
No it was the result of Reagan’s statement on the campaign trail. He made it clear he wasn’t averse to using force in the pursuit of American interests unlike Carter’s constant “can’t we all just get along” while caving to every totalitarian and evil bastard on the planet.
Paying them may be wrong but trading weapons is smart and effective especially if the payee is an enemy at war with another enemy
Yeah we were giving overage TOWs to Iran which were nearly as dangerous to the operators as the targets while providing intelligence to Saddam. Thus hurting BOTH of our enemies at little cost to us.
This illustrates that the right’s corruption, dishonesty, and illiberal contempt for our democratic institution isn’t a recent manifestation – this has been true of Republicans for decades.

This illustrates that the left’s gullibility, dishonesty, and illiberal contempt for our democratic institution isn’t a recent manifestation – this has been true of Democrats for decades.
Read some history. Carter is on record saying Khomeini was a “ good and holy man”. Carter cut support for the Shah and pressured him to leave the country. I lived through it and couldn’t believe how naive Carter was.

Well yes, Carter should have put the Shah on the plane himself.
Read some history. Carter is on record saying Khomeini was a “ good and holy man”. Carter cut support for the Shah and pressured him to leave the country. I lived through it and couldn’t believe how naive Carter was.
I lived through it too. I'll do a bit more reading on it. But consider this: if you know someone is going to become head of state in an important country, you may well say some 'polite, meaningless words'. Churchill said that if Hitler invaded Hell, he (Churchill) would find something nice to say about the Devil in the House of Commons.

And, although 'good' and 'holy' are not how I'd describe Khomeini ... he was a principled leader (his own principles) who meant what he said, and did the necessary things to push through his vision for the kind of republic he wanted Iran to be. Not an Islamic 'RINO'.

There's a lesson there for serious patriots who see what's happening to America.
Where is the part where you convince us that the nice man is actual a heartless killer who only cares about his own power? You said that he wouldnt care about dealing with terrorists. Where is your evidence to support this wild claim?

Where is the part where convince me he wasn't? I was fully awake during both his terms; he wasn't. He did deals with Iranian terrorists ran guns and dope, raised taxes several times, and was the best President Japan ever had, and they didn't even have to vote for him. they gave him $5 million for a 15 minute speech, though.
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It’s a FACT that Reagan traded hostages for arms.

It’s also a fact that Iran released the original hostages within minutes of Reagan being inaugurated.

They clearly had no qualms about a hostage for arms trade and they got the result they wanted after YEARS of those hostages being held

It doesn’t take a lot to figure out what happened there

For once you're right on all counts.
Reagan didn't beat anybody, much less an 'Evil Empire'.

People who were on the Front Line in the war against the USSR disagree, like those in my hometown of Krakow which named a major public square after President Reagan.

Where is the part where convince me he wasn't? I was fully awake during both his terms; he wasn't. He did deals with Iranian terrorists ran guns and dope, raised taxes several times, and was the best President Japan ever had, and they didn't even have to vote for him. they gave him $5 million for a 15 minute speech, though.
You never mentioned anything evil. Im supposed to be angry about us giving guns to the enemies of our enemies? Well im not.
Where is the part where convince me he wasn't? I was fully awake during both his terms; he wasn't. He did deals with Iranian terrorists ran guns and dope, raised taxes several times, and was the best President Japan ever had, and they didn't even have to vote for him. they gave him $5 million for a 15 minute speech, though.
I got to meet Reagan by the way. I met him and Bush senior. Shook their hands. I was just a kid though.

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