REPOST: Still Think the Church Isn't Under Attack? Think Again!! (version 2.0 )

It would be amusing to be there to watch when you finally stand before Him to be judged, and you have the opportunity to tell Him to His face that He does not exist.
Would that be in space or somewhere else?
It would be amusing to be there to watch when you finally stand before Him to be judged, and you have the opportunity to tell Him to His face that He does not exist.
One would think God would understand why functioning, educated adults would not believe in sky daddies. Instead of being a childish, vain, vindictive little bitchboy.

If we can figure that out, surely a god can.
One would think God would understand why functioning, educated adults would not believe in sky daddies. Instead of being a childish, vain, vindictive little bitchboy.

It is your own arrogance and hubris that compels you to deny God. I won't presume to speak for Him, and to say what his judgment will be of you and your kind. I'm glad, though, that it won't be me. I have my own sins to answer for, but denying Him will not be among them.
If he hurts your widdle fee-fees then GOOD! The Gospel is NOT meant to make people feel good about themselves, but convict people of their sin so they can repent and turn to the Cross!

It is your own arrogance and hubris that compels you to deny God. I

But it is your childish desire to live forever that compels you to believe in God. Hadyou been born in a different time and place, it would be a different god or gods. The only consistent factor would be you thinking you are a special little boy and must therefore live forever.

But it is your childish desire to live forever that compels you to believe in God. Hadyou been born in a different time and place, it would be a different god or gods. The only consistent factor would be you thinking you are a special little boy and must therefore live forever.

It is your own arrogance and hubris that compels you to deny God. I won't presume to speak for Him, and to say what his judgment will be of you and your kind. I'm glad, though, that it won't be me. I have my own sins to answer for, but denying Him will not be among them.
Fortunately for us, as Disciples of Christ, His shed blood already took away the penalty for our sins past, present and future (Justification), we are being molded and reshaped into His image (Sanctification) and one day, be in His Glorious presence and away from sin (Glorification). And when those fools stand before G-d as described in Revelation 20 and 21, there will be zero excuse as their entire lives will be reviewed, right down to the last THOUGHT!!
The Leftists murders over 100 million people in less than a century. So, allowing them the world is obviously a bad idea.
There will come a time, after the Church is raptured, where there WILL be a Leftist utopia and Christians /Jews will be targeted for persecution the likes no one has ever seen! It will make the atrocities of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and other little tyrants look like boy scout jamborees compared to what Antichrist will do. Revelation 13 states "And he causes all both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or forehead" As we move to a cashless economy, IMHO, RFID technology will be that "mark" described in Revelation.
Larry Craig was very vocal against gay sex and sexuality until he was observed by a police officer in the adjoining toilet stall, exhibiting his wide stance.

Is there some similarity with all of those who bay at the moon over other people's preferences?

The OP can keep his ugly hate in America. Not even conservatives in Canada support that kind of kristyun hating.

According the book based on myth and lies (a.ka. the bible) Jesus had a girl friend who was freaking hooker. Selective choice in religion is a first class bitch
There will come a time, after the Church is raptured, where there WILL be a Leftist utopia and Christians /Jews will be targeted for persecution the likes no one has ever seen! It will make the atrocities of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and other little tyrants look like boy scout jamborees compared to what Antichrist will do. Revelation 13 states "And he causes all both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or forehead" As we move to a cashless economy, IMHO, RFID technology will be that "mark" described in Revelation.
It'll happen before then. The commies are waiting to ban and confiscate guns and then the slaughters will begin.
According the book based on myth and lies (a.ka. the bible) Jesus had a girl friend who was freaking hooker. Selective choice in religion is a first class bitch
Jesus hung out with the sinners, not the saved. Stop talking about something you're so ignorant of.
It'll happen before then. The commies are waiting to ban and confiscate guns and then the slaughters will begin.
Scripture talks of the beheading of the saints. During that time, known in Prophecy as "Daniel's 70th Week", Christians and Jews will become Public Enemy #1 and summarily executed-for their FAITH!
Jesus hung out with the sinners, not the saved. Stop talking about something you're so ignorant of.
Precisely! It was Jesus Himself who said not once, but at least TWICE, "I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance". I think of the story of the religious ruler who is openly boasting of all he did for G-d in the Temple, and how glad he is that he is not like these "people", and the man who, because of his own sin, beat upon his chest and said "God please forgive me a sinner". Who do you think is going to be looked at in G-d's favor?

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