Report: EU building hundreds of illegal structures for Palestinians in Area C of West Bank

Israel didn't duck the law here. The EU did. That's the problem.
How so?

Again. Area C is under Israeli control. The EU knows it and in fact used that in the prior paper. As it stands the EU did not get permits.
Where does it say that Israel is allowed to require permits to build on Palestinian land?

In the treaties signed by Arafat on behalf of the palestinians
You are still ducking the question.

How so when I gave the answer, that is exactly where it says that permits are required to build in area c. The same treaties that Abass used last year in his failed attempt at bankrupting Israel
P F Tinmore, et al,

OK, it is always the fault of the US --- we are always to blame.

P F Tinmore, et al,

I'm not sure I agree with this in blanket form.

Many Palestinians disagreed to the Oslo Accords when they were signed but not ratified. When the truth came out on how bad they were, many more Palestinians disagree.

A new government was created by the 2003 Amended Basic Law. (constitution) Israel was not mentioned. Oslo was not mentioned. The occupation was not mentioned. No change in land or borders were mentioned. There was no mention of a West Bank or Gaza Strip. The people were the source of the government's legitimacy.

The Oslo Accords were signed by the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). On 28 October 1974, the League of Arab States (LAS) held the 7th Arab League Summit Conference in Rabat, Morocco. During that conference, the LAS passed a Resolution that stated in part: "To affirm the right of the Palestinian people to establish an independent national authority under the command of the Palestine Liberation Organization, the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people in any Palestinian territory that is liberated. This authority, once it is established, shall enjoy the support of the Arab states in all fields and at all levels."

This is essentially how the Arab States established the Arab Higher Committee the organization (supreme executive body) that represented the Palestinian Arabs at the time of the Mandate termination.

As far as today's State of Palestine Government goes, it is not in accordance with the Amended Basis Law. This was the concern in the 1920's, the same concern in the 1940's, and the same concern in the 21st Century. The Arab Palestinian has yet to demonstrate that it can build and administer a state that can stand alone. There is yet conflict in the Palestinian State as to the legitimacy of the true government. In January 2006 elections were held in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. There have been no elections since (9 years).

If the assumption is that Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) is the legitimate government, then the region must accept that there will be no peace in the region between Israel and the Arab Palestinian because that is the declare Policy of the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS).

Most Respectfully,
In January 2006 elections were held in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. There have been no elections since (9 years).

It is the US that is preventing elections.

How does the US interfere with the elections?

Most Respectfully,
There is a constitutional procedure for electing a new president. The speaker of parliament is to temporarily assume the office of the president and call for elections within 60 days. The elections would be conducted by that new president.

The speaker of parliament is a member of Hamas. Is the US going to allow that to happen? There have been calls for elections outside of constitutional procedures that have been shot down by Hamas for obvious reasons.

So HOW does the USA stop this from happening. If the speaker calls for the elections that is it the elections will be held. He does not have to go to the USA for this to take place, and the US can not invade the west bank to stop him from making this move.

You talk a lot of crap sometimes tinny in your attempts at demonising Israel and the USA
P F Tinmore, et al,

OK, it is always the fault of the US --- we are always to blame.

P F Tinmore, et al,

I'm not sure I agree with this in blanket form.

Many Palestinians disagreed to the Oslo Accords when they were signed but not ratified. When the truth came out on how bad they were, many more Palestinians disagree.

A new government was created by the 2003 Amended Basic Law. (constitution) Israel was not mentioned. Oslo was not mentioned. The occupation was not mentioned. No change in land or borders were mentioned. There was no mention of a West Bank or Gaza Strip. The people were the source of the government's legitimacy.

The Oslo Accords were signed by the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). On 28 October 1974, the League of Arab States (LAS) held the 7th Arab League Summit Conference in Rabat, Morocco. During that conference, the LAS passed a Resolution that stated in part: "To affirm the right of the Palestinian people to establish an independent national authority under the command of the Palestine Liberation Organization, the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people in any Palestinian territory that is liberated. This authority, once it is established, shall enjoy the support of the Arab states in all fields and at all levels."

This is essentially how the Arab States established the Arab Higher Committee the organization (supreme executive body) that represented the Palestinian Arabs at the time of the Mandate termination.

As far as today's State of Palestine Government goes, it is not in accordance with the Amended Basis Law. This was the concern in the 1920's, the same concern in the 1940's, and the same concern in the 21st Century. The Arab Palestinian has yet to demonstrate that it can build and administer a state that can stand alone. There is yet conflict in the Palestinian State as to the legitimacy of the true government. In January 2006 elections were held in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. There have been no elections since (9 years).

If the assumption is that Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) is the legitimate government, then the region must accept that there will be no peace in the region between Israel and the Arab Palestinian because that is the declare Policy of the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS).

Most Respectfully,
In January 2006 elections were held in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. There have been no elections since (9 years).

It is the US that is preventing elections.

How does the US interfere with the elections?

Most Respectfully,
There is a constitutional procedure for electing a new president. The speaker of parliament is to temporarily assume the office of the president and call for elections within 60 days. The elections would be conducted by that new president.

The speaker of parliament is a member of Hamas. Is the US going to allow that to happen? There have been calls for elections outside of constitutional procedures that have been shot down by Hamas for obvious reasons.

So HOW does the USA stop this from happening. If the speaker calls for the elections that is it the elections will be held. He does not have to go to the USA for this to take place, and the US can not invade the west bank to stop him from making this move.

You talk a lot of crap sometimes tinny in your attempts at demonising Israel and the USA

Oh jeese, you miss 10 years of news and want me to bring you up to speed in one post. OK, here are the high points.

(1)In Jan. 2005 Abbas wins a four year term as president.
(2)In Jan. 2006 Hamas wins the majority of seats in the PLC (parliament) giving them the right to form a government. (In Palestine the government means the PM and his cabinet.) Palestine is put under siege.
(3)In March of 2007 a unity government is formed that includes Hamas, Fatah, and smaller parties. Hamas does not have a majority of cabinet members. This is the last legally constituted government in Palestine.
(4)The US arms, pays, and trains Fatah militias to overthrow that government.
(5)In June of 2007 a US coup (By Abbas and Dahlan) took place in Palestine. That coup failed in Gaza but with the help of Israel the losers of the elections, Fatah, was put back into power in the West Bank.
(6)This was when Abbas left the government and appointed an illegal "PA" in the West Bank.
(7)Israel helped with this coup be arresting about 35 members of the PLC and cabinet ministers including the speaker of the PLC.
(8)Abbas padlocks the PLC and placed it under armed guards paid by the US.

This is the government that would control any election rather that the speaker of the PLC as the constitution requires. Surely such an election would favor Fatah.
Last edited:
Wow how funny is this. Israel is complaining about illegal building :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Are they trolling the world?

And can you produce the treaty that gave the land to the arab muslims, because I can produce the one that gives it to the Jews.
Like the treaties that gave Native Americans land to the colonists?
Wow how funny is this. Israel is complaining about illegal building :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Are they trolling the world?

And can you produce the treaty that gave the land to the arab muslims, because I can produce the one that gives it to the Jews.
Like the treaties that gave Native Americans land to the colonists?

Nope as in the treaties that gave the land to the arab muslims that don't exist, but the ones giving land to the Jews do. Sp modern that they entered into CUSTOMARY INTERNATIONAL LAW and maps were drawn as part of these treaties detailing exactly who got what..

First map from 1920


Second map from 1922



Now were is the one giving the arab muslims land in Palestine, other than the 77% allocated to the other brother to create Jordan.
P F Tinmore, et al,

OK, it is always the fault of the US --- we are always to blame.

P F Tinmore, et al,

I'm not sure I agree with this in blanket form.


The Oslo Accords were signed by the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). On 28 October 1974, the League of Arab States (LAS) held the 7th Arab League Summit Conference in Rabat, Morocco. During that conference, the LAS passed a Resolution that stated in part: "To affirm the right of the Palestinian people to establish an independent national authority under the command of the Palestine Liberation Organization, the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people in any Palestinian territory that is liberated. This authority, once it is established, shall enjoy the support of the Arab states in all fields and at all levels."

This is essentially how the Arab States established the Arab Higher Committee the organization (supreme executive body) that represented the Palestinian Arabs at the time of the Mandate termination.

As far as today's State of Palestine Government goes, it is not in accordance with the Amended Basis Law. This was the concern in the 1920's, the same concern in the 1940's, and the same concern in the 21st Century. The Arab Palestinian has yet to demonstrate that it can build and administer a state that can stand alone. There is yet conflict in the Palestinian State as to the legitimacy of the true government. In January 2006 elections were held in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. There have been no elections since (9 years).

If the assumption is that Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) is the legitimate government, then the region must accept that there will be no peace in the region between Israel and the Arab Palestinian because that is the declare Policy of the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS).

Most Respectfully,
In January 2006 elections were held in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. There have been no elections since (9 years).

It is the US that is preventing elections.

How does the US interfere with the elections?

Most Respectfully,
There is a constitutional procedure for electing a new president. The speaker of parliament is to temporarily assume the office of the president and call for elections within 60 days. The elections would be conducted by that new president.

The speaker of parliament is a member of Hamas. Is the US going to allow that to happen? There have been calls for elections outside of constitutional procedures that have been shot down by Hamas for obvious reasons.

So HOW does the USA stop this from happening. If the speaker calls for the elections that is it the elections will be held. He does not have to go to the USA for this to take place, and the US can not invade the west bank to stop him from making this move.

You talk a lot of crap sometimes tinny in your attempts at demonising Israel and the USA

Oh jeese, you miss 10 years of news and want me to bring you up to speed in one post. OK, here are the high points.

(1)In Jan. 2005 Abbas wins a four year term as president.
(2)In Jan. 2006 Hamas wins the majority of seats in the PLC (parliament) giving them the right to form a government. (In Palestine the government means the PM and his cabinet.) Palestine is put under siege.
(3)In March of 2007 a unity government is formed that includes Hamas, Fatah, and smaller parties. Hamas does not have a majority of cabinet members. This is the last legally constituted government in Palestine.
(4)The US arms, pays, and trains Fatah militias to overthrow that government.
(5)In June of 2007 a US coup (By Abbas and Dahlan) took place in Palestine. That coup failed in Gaza but with the help of Israel the losers of the elections, Fatah, was put back into power in the West Bank.
(6)This was when Abbas left the government and appointed an illegal "PA" in the West Bank.
(7)Israel helped with this coup be arresting about 35 members of the PLC and cabinet ministers including the speaker of the PLC.
(8)Abbas padlocks the PLC and placed it under armed guards paid by the US.

This is the government that would control any election rather that the speaker of the PLC as the constitution requires. Surely such an election would favor Fatah.

Still nothing to stop hamas from calling an election and then seeing if fatah would proceed with holding one. When fatah/Abbas refuse to do so then the world would turn against them and they would lose face
P F Tinmore, et al,

OK, it is always the fault of the US --- we are always to blame.

In January 2006 elections were held in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. There have been no elections since (9 years).

It is the US that is preventing elections.

How does the US interfere with the elections?

Most Respectfully,
There is a constitutional procedure for electing a new president. The speaker of parliament is to temporarily assume the office of the president and call for elections within 60 days. The elections would be conducted by that new president.

The speaker of parliament is a member of Hamas. Is the US going to allow that to happen? There have been calls for elections outside of constitutional procedures that have been shot down by Hamas for obvious reasons.

So HOW does the USA stop this from happening. If the speaker calls for the elections that is it the elections will be held. He does not have to go to the USA for this to take place, and the US can not invade the west bank to stop him from making this move.

You talk a lot of crap sometimes tinny in your attempts at demonising Israel and the USA

Oh jeese, you miss 10 years of news and want me to bring you up to speed in one post. OK, here are the high points.

(1)In Jan. 2005 Abbas wins a four year term as president.
(2)In Jan. 2006 Hamas wins the majority of seats in the PLC (parliament) giving them the right to form a government. (In Palestine the government means the PM and his cabinet.) Palestine is put under siege.
(3)In March of 2007 a unity government is formed that includes Hamas, Fatah, and smaller parties. Hamas does not have a majority of cabinet members. This is the last legally constituted government in Palestine.
(4)The US arms, pays, and trains Fatah militias to overthrow that government.
(5)In June of 2007 a US coup (By Abbas and Dahlan) took place in Palestine. That coup failed in Gaza but with the help of Israel the losers of the elections, Fatah, was put back into power in the West Bank.
(6)This was when Abbas left the government and appointed an illegal "PA" in the West Bank.
(7)Israel helped with this coup be arresting about 35 members of the PLC and cabinet ministers including the speaker of the PLC.
(8)Abbas padlocks the PLC and placed it under armed guards paid by the US.

This is the government that would control any election rather that the speaker of the PLC as the constitution requires. Surely such an election would favor Fatah.

Still nothing to stop hamas from calling an election and then seeing if fatah would proceed with holding one. When fatah/Abbas refuse to do so then the world would turn against them and they would lose face

Wow how funny is this. Israel is complaining about illegal building :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Are they trolling the world?

And can you produce the treaty that gave the land to the arab muslims, because I can produce the one that gives it to the Jews.
Like the treaties that gave Native Americans land to the colonists?

Nope as in the treaties that gave the land to the arab muslims that don't exist, but the ones giving land to the Jews do. Sp modern that they entered into CUSTOMARY INTERNATIONAL LAW and maps were drawn as part of these treaties detailing exactly who got what..

First map from 1920


Second map from 1922



Now were is the one giving the arab muslims land in Palestine, other than the 77% allocated to the other brother to create Jordan.

The maps are propaganda maps done up in the 1980s.
Wow how funny is this. Israel is complaining about illegal building :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Are they trolling the world?

And can you produce the treaty that gave the land to the arab muslims, because I can produce the one that gives it to the Jews.
Like the treaties that gave Native Americans land to the colonists?

Nope as in the treaties that gave the land to the arab muslims that don't exist, but the ones giving land to the Jews do. Sp modern that they entered into CUSTOMARY INTERNATIONAL LAW and maps were drawn as part of these treaties detailing exactly who got what..

First map from 1920


Second map from 1922



Now were is the one giving the arab muslims land in Palestine, other than the 77% allocated to the other brother to create Jordan.

The maps are propaganda maps done up in the 1980s.

Nope they are copies of source documents that show the extent of the land allocated to the Jews. A pity the only maps available for arab muslim land were denied by the arab muslims.
They are not copies of source documents, as can be seen directly by the copyright (from 2006 actually) which can be seen on the correctly sized version, which conveniently posted in miniature. LOL Don't you think we know your propaganda tricks by now you knucklehead.

They are not copies of source documents, as can be seen directly by the copyright (from 2006 actually) which can be seen on the correctly sized version, which conveniently posted in miniature. LOL Don't you think we know your propaganda tricks by now you knucklehead.


How about this one from 1919 then


Or this one from 1923


If you knew anything about copyright laws you would know that you put the date you used the image as your copyright date, as it shows you have the original copyright permission to use the image. These are all maps for the LoN to show the extent of the land allocated to the Jews. Unless you want to tell Jordan that it does not exists, along with Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt and Saudi. You see they were all granted their lands at the same time
They are not copies of source documents, as can be seen directly by the copyright (from 2006 actually) which can be seen on the correctly sized version, which conveniently posted in miniature. LOL Don't you think we know your propaganda tricks by now you knucklehead.


How about this one from 1919 then


Or this one from 1923


If you knew anything about copyright laws you would know that you put the date you used the image as your copyright date, as it shows you have the original copyright permission to use the image. These are all maps for the LoN to show the extent of the land allocated to the Jews. Unless you want to tell Jordan that it does not exists, along with Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt and Saudi. You see they were all granted their lands at the same time

A little older, but no cigar they are both from a book published by Knopf in 1981. As stated on the maps themselves. These are not any way maps "for the LoN" you knucklehead.
Oh dear, and this one is copyrighted 2007, by the Hasbara methinks:


A copy of the original which is in the UN archives, keep trying as the details of the treaty this is part of are given for you to look it up. See if the words differ to the map ?
Oh dear, and this one is copyrighted 2007, by the Hasbara methinks:


A copy of the original which is in the UN archives, keep trying as the details of the treaty this is part of are given for you to look it up. See if the words differ to the map ?

There is no such map in the UN archives. Quit lying. What you will find in the archives is something like this. Unlike you, I know how to access the UN Archives.

They are not copies of source documents, as can be seen directly by the copyright (from 2006 actually) which can be seen on the correctly sized version, which conveniently posted in miniature. LOL Don't you think we know your propaganda tricks by now you knucklehead.


How about this one from 1919 then


Or this one from 1923


If you knew anything about copyright laws you would know that you put the date you used the image as your copyright date, as it shows you have the original copyright permission to use the image. These are all maps for the LoN to show the extent of the land allocated to the Jews. Unless you want to tell Jordan that it does not exists, along with Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt and Saudi. You see they were all granted their lands at the same time

A little older, but no cigar they are both from a book published by Knopf in 1981. As stated on the maps themselves. These are not any way maps "for the LoN" you knucklehead.


Map showing boundaries (in red) of the proposed protectorate of Palestine, as suggested by the Zionist representatives at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference, superimposed on modern boundaries.[citation needed]
Further information: Borders of Israel and Borders of Jordan
Northern borders[edit]
The Northern boundary between the British and French mandates was defined in broad terms by the Franco-British Boundary Agreement of December 1920.[70] That agreement placed the bulk of the Golan Heights in the French sphere. The treaty also established a joint commission to settle the precise border and mark it on the ground.[70] The commission submitted its final report on 3 February 1922, and it was approved with some caveats by the British and French governments on 7 March 1923, several months before Britain and France assumed their Mandatory responsibilities on 29 September 1923.[71][72] Under the treaty, Syrian and Lebanese residents would have the same fishing and navigation rights on Lake Hula, Lake Tiberias, and the Jordan River as citizens of the Palestine Mandate, but the government of Palestine would be responsible for policing of the lakes. The Zionist movement pressured the French and British to include as much water sources as possible to Palestine during the demarcating negotiations. These constant demands influenced the negotiators and finally led to the inclusion of the whole Sea of Galilee, both sides of the Jordan river, Lake Hula, Dan spring, and part of the Yarmouk. The High Commissioner of Palestine, Herbert Samuel, had demanded full control of the Sea of Galilee.[73] The new border followed a 10-meter wide strip along the northeastern shore.[74]

Following the settlement of the Northern border issue, the British and French governments signed on 2 February 1926 an Agreement of good neighbourly Relations between the mandated territories of Palestine, Syria and Lebanon.[75]

Southern borders[edit]
The Southern border between Palestine and Egypt was left unchanged from the border established between Egypt and the Ottoman Empire in 1906.[76]

The Southern border between Transjordan and Arabia was left undefined whilst Abdullah's father remained in power in the Kingdom of Hejaz. However, following the 1924-25 Saudi conquest of Hejaz, the Hashemite army fled to the northern Ma'an province of Hejaz, which was then annexed by Transjordan. This was formalised by the 1925 Hadda agreement, with the resulting zig-zag border becoming known as Winston's Hiccup.[77]

I think that this source document from September 1922 has the same borders as the map that you can see a copy of. So no propaganda unless you want to destroy the whole of the M.E. and leave it open for land grabs and warfare.
So, you now back pedal and pull something off Wiki that shows a:

"Map showing boundaries (in red) of the proposed protectorate of Palestine, as suggested by the Zionist representatives at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference," So what knucklehead.
Oh dear, and this one is copyrighted 2007, by the Hasbara methinks:


A copy of the original which is in the UN archives, keep trying as the details of the treaty this is part of are given for you to look it up. See if the words differ to the map ?

There is no such map in the UN archives. Quit lying. What you will find in the archives is something like this. Unlike you, I know how to access the UN Archives.


Try again as this is a survey map of only part of Palestine, it is not a map of the allocation granted to the various parties.

What a semi literate fool you are Abdul trying to pass this off as a map attached to a LoN treaty
So, you now back pedal and pull something off Wiki that shows a:

"Map showing boundaries (in red) of the proposed protectorate of Palestine, as suggested by the Zionist representatives at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference," So what knucklehead.

Read the description of the borders of Palestine as attached to the map used in 1922 ?

It is the same borders as the maps I have produced showing that you are denying fact over ISLAMONAZI FICTIONS and PROPAGANDA

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