Reparations Format


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Perhaps you saw the recent thread on reparations, here: Here’s What’s Comin’

It opened thus:
1.The only way to make sense of Democrat plans for Americans is to see those plans through a prism of bizarro world. They’ve announced that they stand for the same evils that Americans once fought against, such as racism, and they see their path to power via a paradigm of anti-white racism. And whites will become slaves via reparations.

I dare ya' to say 'impossible!'

2. Now, just in case you did say ...'pshaw....impossible!!' ....take a look at this story from the Daily Wire.

"A letter sent from activists to businesses and non-profits in the East Market District of downtown Louisville, also referred to as NuLu (New Louisville), made a series of demands related to racial reparations and reportedly threatened consequences if the demands were not met.

3. The demands stated in the letter included:

  1. Businesses will adequately represent the black population of Louisville by having a minimum of 23% black staff (including management) in front of house positions, and maintain commitment and accountability to increasing that number (accountability roundtable information below).
  2. Retail locations will include a minimum of 23% inventory of black retailers OR make a recurring monthly donation of 1.5% of net sales to black local organizations.
  3. Business owners will require diversity, equity, & inclusion training for their staffs, to be conducted by any one of the black women leaders on the attached list. Training will be conducted thereafter on a bi-annual basis.
  4. Customize your own OR display one of the attached written statements in a viable location within your business to increase awareness and show support for the reparations movement.
  5. Non-profits in NuLu district will submit to a voluntary, external audit of their board of trustees and take necessary steps towards 23% representation on those boards.
  6. Business owners & non-profit leaders will participate in quarterly roundtable discussions to be held accountable for their communities to these demands, and work together towards increased equity.
  7. Maintain adequate black representation in any entertainment and performances booked at your business.
  8. Dress code policies inherently discriminate against black folks, women, and the transgender community. You must eliminate dress code policies that promote profiling towards patrons and employees, including their hair requirements or stipulations, which can disproportionately target black folks.
  9. 23% black representation on the board of the NuLu Business Association.

What you are seeing is the after-effect of the glaring error of having elected the anti-American ingrate, Hussein Obama, who claimed 'You didn't build that!'
If blacks who were never enslaved get it then the Irish, Chinese, etc get it.

Ima going to invest

If Biden is elected these reparations will, in some form, come into effect.

After all, the basic function of socialism is to take from those who have, who have earned, and give to their voters of any condition.

No wonder their constituency is felons and's the Theft Party.
Yes, it's the "theft" party.....

But are we just as irresponsible?

Thomas Jefferson did not say that "The Tree of Liberty must occasionally be refreshed with kind words of Tyrants and patriots."

I say Americans who oppose these Transformations are JUST AS GUILTY AS ANYONE ON THE LEFT.

The failure is of Patriots and so called good men to defend the Constitution and the rule of law. aka Their DUTY

So, OF COURSE they are going to demand reparations, and eventually your blood too.
And if no one is willing to say "Fuck NO" and defend the line, then the line will forever be advanced by Tyrants.

It really isn't difficult.
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If this comes to pass, I will demand reparations from all American Muslims. They're ancestors enslaved my ancestors in the Barbary Slave Trade. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
IMHO, many Americans of ALL ethnicities oppose reparations for certain folks.

But they are resigned to the fact that reparations WILL eventually be paid out -- even by a Republican President, not to mention by a Democratic President.

Americans accept the fact that politicians do not have the guts to say "No!"
Yes, it's the "theft" party.....

But are we just as irresponsible?

Thomas Jefferson did not say that "The Tree of Liberty must occasionally be refreshed with kind words of Tyrants and patriots."

I say Americans who oppose these Transformations are JUST AS GUILTY AS ANYONE ON THE LEFT.

The failure is of Patriots and so called good men to defend the Constitution and the rule of law.

So, OF COURSE they are going to demand reparations, and eventually your blood too.
And if no one is willing to say "Fuck NO" and defend the line, then the line will forever be advanced by Tyrants.

It really isn't difficult.

What, exactly, are you demanding?
IMHO, many Americans of ALL ethnicities oppose reparations for certain folks.

But they are resigned to the fact that reparations WILL eventually be paid out -- even by a Republican President, not to mention by a Democratic President.

Americans accept the fact that politicians do not have the guts to say "No!"

When Japan paid reparations, the recipients were not satisfied with the original agreement AFTER the payments.

Time and time again, various interest groups and the original group demanded more reparations after the fact.

It's a never ending can of worms.

Welfare is a modern form of reparations....and we're thankful there has never been any abuse of that system <sarc>
Yes, it's the "theft" party.....

But are we just as irresponsible?

Thomas Jefferson did not say that "The Tree of Liberty must occasionally be refreshed with kind words of Tyrants and patriots."

I say Americans who oppose these Transformations are JUST AS GUILTY AS ANYONE ON THE LEFT.

The failure is of Patriots and so called good men to defend the Constitution and the rule of law.

So, OF COURSE they are going to demand reparations, and eventually your blood too.
And if no one is willing to say "Fuck NO" and defend the line, then the line will forever be advanced by Tyrants.

It really isn't difficult.

What, exactly, are you demanding?

Nothing. You are confused.

So you turned out to be gutless.
If this comes to pass, I will demand reparations from all American Muslims. They're ancestors enslaved my ancestors in the Barbary Slave Trade. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Except you won't prevail. But good luck

Then I guess I'd just have to start burning down mosques until people listen. I mean, it worked for BLM...
IMHO, many Americans of ALL ethnicities oppose reparations for certain folks.

But they are resigned to the fact that reparations WILL eventually be paid out -- even by a Republican President, not to mention by a Democratic President.

Americans accept the fact that politicians do not have the guts to say "No!"

When Japan paid reparations, the recipients were not satisfied with the original agreement AFTER the payments.

Time and time again, various interest groups and the original group demanded more reparations after the fact.

It's a never ending can of worms.

Oh, absolutely!

And don't forget: They will probably demand a cost-of-living increase every pay period.
Yes, it's the "theft" party.....

But are we just as irresponsible?

Thomas Jefferson did not say that "The Tree of Liberty must occasionally be refreshed with kind words of Tyrants and patriots."

I say Americans who oppose these Transformations are JUST AS GUILTY AS ANYONE ON THE LEFT.

The failure is of Patriots and so called good men to defend the Constitution and the rule of law.

So, OF COURSE they are going to demand reparations, and eventually your blood too.
And if no one is willing to say "Fuck NO" and defend the line, then the line will forever be advanced by Tyrants.

It really isn't difficult.

What, exactly, are you demanding?

Nothing. You are confused.

So you turned out to be gutless.

well, you're turning out to be rude and disrespectful even though I wasn't to you.
It's not my demands.
You misread or didn't comprehend what I said.
Yes, it's the "theft" party.....

But are we just as irresponsible?

Thomas Jefferson did not say that "The Tree of Liberty must occasionally be refreshed with kind words of Tyrants and patriots."

I say Americans who oppose these Transformations are JUST AS GUILTY AS ANYONE ON THE LEFT.

The failure is of Patriots and so called good men to defend the Constitution and the rule of law.

So, OF COURSE they are going to demand reparations, and eventually your blood too.
And if no one is willing to say "Fuck NO" and defend the line, then the line will forever be advanced by Tyrants.

It really isn't difficult.

What, exactly, are you demanding?

Nothing. You are confused.

So you turned out to be gutless.

well, you're turning out to be rude and disrespectful even though I wasn't to you.
It's not my demands.
You misread or didn't comprehend what I said.

I calls 'em the way I sees 'em.

You hinted at something, but when called on to spit it punted.
If this comes to pass, I will demand reparations from all American Muslims. They're ancestors enslaved my ancestors in the Barbary Slave Trade. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Except you won't prevail. But good luck

Then I guess I'd just have to start burning down mosques until people listen. I mean, it worked for BLM...

I'm not sure if that's the way.
But I do know that Tyrants left unchecked will eventually prevail.

there has been no meaningful resistance to the left outside of the White House (and even that I'm still reflecting on)
Look at what happened in Egypt under Morsi and more recently in Germany.
People are making their voices heard there. Americans remain terrified into silence.
Yes, it's the "theft" party.....

But are we just as irresponsible?

Thomas Jefferson did not say that "The Tree of Liberty must occasionally be refreshed with kind words of Tyrants and patriots."

I say Americans who oppose these Transformations are JUST AS GUILTY AS ANYONE ON THE LEFT.

The failure is of Patriots and so called good men to defend the Constitution and the rule of law.

So, OF COURSE they are going to demand reparations, and eventually your blood too.
And if no one is willing to say "Fuck NO" and defend the line, then the line will forever be advanced by Tyrants.

It really isn't difficult.
What, exactly, are you demanding?

Nothing. You are confused.
So you turned out to be gutless.

well, you're turning out to be rude and disrespectful even though I wasn't to you.
It's not my demands.
You misread or didn't comprehend what I said.
I calls 'em the way I sees 'em.
You hinted at something, but when called on to spit it punted.

you are being a bully, like the Left.

Like I said, my post isn't any kind of a "demand" as you insist.

If anything, it was a reminder of what the Founding Fathers said and what our duties are as citizens under the US Constitution.
Yes, it's the "theft" party.....

But are we just as irresponsible?

Thomas Jefferson did not say that "The Tree of Liberty must occasionally be refreshed with kind words of Tyrants and patriots."

I say Americans who oppose these Transformations are JUST AS GUILTY AS ANYONE ON THE LEFT.

The failure is of Patriots and so called good men to defend the Constitution and the rule of law.

So, OF COURSE they are going to demand reparations, and eventually your blood too.
And if no one is willing to say "Fuck NO" and defend the line, then the line will forever be advanced by Tyrants.

It really isn't difficult.
What, exactly, are you demanding?

Nothing. You are confused.
So you turned out to be gutless.

well, you're turning out to be rude and disrespectful even though I wasn't to you.
It's not my demands.
You misread or didn't comprehend what I said.
I calls 'em the way I sees 'em.
You hinted at something, but when called on to spit it punted.

you are being a bully, like the Left.

Like I said, my post isn't any kind of a "demand" as you insist.

You wrote:
Yes, it's the "theft" party.....I

But are we just as irresponsible?

Thomas Jefferson did not say that "The Tree of Liberty must occasionally be refreshed with kind words of Tyrants and patriots."

I know what Jefferson said, and so do you.

I'll leave it to readers to decide if need to grow a spine.
Yes, it's the "theft" party.....

But are we just as irresponsible?

Thomas Jefferson did not say that "The Tree of Liberty must occasionally be refreshed with kind words of Tyrants and patriots."

I say Americans who oppose these Transformations are JUST AS GUILTY AS ANYONE ON THE LEFT.

The failure is of Patriots and so called good men to defend the Constitution and the rule of law.

So, OF COURSE they are going to demand reparations, and eventually your blood too.
And if no one is willing to say "Fuck NO" and defend the line, then the line will forever be advanced by Tyrants.

It really isn't difficult.
What, exactly, are you demanding?

Nothing. You are confused.
So you turned out to be gutless.

well, you're turning out to be rude and disrespectful even though I wasn't to you.
It's not my demands.
You misread or didn't comprehend what I said.
I calls 'em the way I sees 'em.
You hinted at something, but when called on to spit it punted.

you are being a bully, like the Left.

Like I said, my post isn't any kind of a "demand" as you insist.

You wrote:
Yes, it's the "theft" party.....I

But are we just as irresponsible?

Thomas Jefferson did not say that "The Tree of Liberty must occasionally be refreshed with kind words of Tyrants and patriots."
I know what Jefferson said, and so do you.
I'll leave it to readers to decide if need to grow a spine.

There you go again.
I didn't say YOU personally were weak. is that how you interpreted it?
If so my apologies. I was not inferring that you personally were weak.

I was suggesting that ALL patriots opposed to the left have been weak in their response
Yes, it's the "theft" party.....

But are we just as irresponsible?

Thomas Jefferson did not say that "The Tree of Liberty must occasionally be refreshed with kind words of Tyrants and patriots."

I say Americans who oppose these Transformations are JUST AS GUILTY AS ANYONE ON THE LEFT.

The failure is of Patriots and so called good men to defend the Constitution and the rule of law.

So, OF COURSE they are going to demand reparations, and eventually your blood too.
And if no one is willing to say "Fuck NO" and defend the line, then the line will forever be advanced by Tyrants.

It really isn't difficult.
What, exactly, are you demanding?

Nothing. You are confused.
So you turned out to be gutless.

well, you're turning out to be rude and disrespectful even though I wasn't to you.
It's not my demands.
You misread or didn't comprehend what I said.
I calls 'em the way I sees 'em.
You hinted at something, but when called on to spit it punted.

you are being a bully, like the Left.

Like I said, my post isn't any kind of a "demand" as you insist.

If anything, it was a reminder of what the Founding Fathers said and what our duties are as citizens under the US Constitution.

'....our duties are as citizens under the US Constitution. "

Such as?

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