Rep Michael Burgess (R-TX): A Plumber, Electrician, Welder Can 'Often Make More' Than Someone With A 4-Year Degree

Bill Maher, me, and Ann Coulter agree. going to college is worthless.

In my state it takes 10 years experience before you can become an electrician. You can save yourself 6 to 8 years by just getting the damn education.

A Plumber, Electrician, Welder Can 'Often Make More' Than Someone With A 4-Year Degree​

Trades require a lot of training and skill, a four year degree requires you to just pass a bunch of paper tests sitting at a desk. That's not a marketable skill, just memory and regurgitation.

In my state it takes 10 years experience before you can become an electrician. You can save yourself 6 to 8 years by just getting the damn education.
Which state is that, and is that for the Master Electrician license?

Also, don't they pay apprentice electricians in your state?
My son has a degree in Art Education. He won't relocate to obtain a job in that field. He now works as a concrete finisher making twice that of an art educator. Also, the pay that an art educator receives isn't near enough to pay off his student loan. His college education was not only a total waste of time, but has put him in a financial hole that will take years to climb out of.

The worst part, the part that make me the maddest, is that because his mother was an Art History major, and was very artistically talented, and that he also had such talent, that he was pushed by her into seeking a career in art. However, he is the outdoor type, and was never temperamentally suited to work in the art world regardless of his art skills.
Bill Maher, me, and Ann Coulter agree. going to college is worthless.

You? Bill Maher? Ann Coulter?

I can't give a shit. Mike Rowe is another matter. Sensible guy. And he thinks the lock-step advocacy for higher education is bullshit. And I agree.
You know, even the apprentice plumbers and electricians can make a decent wage. And, when they hit the Journeyman or Master level, they can pretty much charge what they want, as they have the skills and knowledge to fix damn near anything.

Besides, as long as there are people living in houses, there will always be a need for plumbers, electricians and carpenters. Especially now, when a lot of young kids nowadays don't have the skills to do much other than say they looked it up on YouTube. Sorry, but while a lot of those videos can help you out, in order to be able to effectively fix something by watching them, you need a certain basic skill set to follow them correctly. Me? I was lucky growing up since I had a Grandfather and an uncle who were very good at mechanics, plumbing, electric work and DIY projects, and they taught me quite a bit. Lots of kids growing up nowadays aren't as lucky. Then, there was the fact that I had a 20 year career in the Navy which taught me even more.
You know, even the apprentice plumbers and electricians can make a decent wage.
I went full time in the supermarket that I had worked parttime in during high school. Pay was lousy but I wasn't going to college and I knew the job. I became friends with a guy in the meat department who advised that that's where the money is. I applied and got an apprenticeship in the meat department. My pay went from $42/week to $65/week. I thought I had died and gone to heaven. :)

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