Remember When Voter Suppression Was a Bad Thing?

...It absolutely has bearing. This shit ain't normal. Facts aren't honored. Truth is disregarded. Norms have been shattered.
So, therefore, you justify Candidate Suppression?

However can you retake the Moral High Ground if you stoop to political knavery as-bad if not worse than what you're combating?
...It absolutely has bearing. This shit ain't normal. Facts aren't honored. Truth is disregarded. Norms have been shattered.
So, therefore, you justify Candidate Suppression?

However can you retake the Moral High Ground if you stoop to political knavery as-bad if not worse that what you're combating?

You're making up a thing and trying to pass it on as a thing.

Candidate suppression isn't a thing.

Trump can get on the ballot in those states by following the rules. No suppression.

Fuck that noise. I'm reacting. The GOP has fucked enough norms already. Time to play their style for a spell.
[QUOTE="Weatherman2020, post: 2 f
No one in Washington is trying to keep trump off the ballot.

The law states everyone. Not just trump, has to disclose their taxes to be able to be on the ballot.

But then it doesn't matter if trump is on the ballot in Washington or New Jersey. He won't win those sates' electoral votes. So it doesn't matter if he's on that ballot or not.

The last time Washington's electoral votes went to a republican was 35 years ago. trump didn't get Washington's electoral votes in 2016 nor will he get them in 2020.

So it doesn't matter what name is on the ballot in the republican column, no republican, not even trump, will ever win the electoral votes from Washington in 2020. It's not going to happen.

New Jersey is the same way.

So play the whiney victim all you want. Intelligent people just ignore you.

Every presidential candidate should disclose their taxes and it shouldn't take a law for them to do it. The fact that trump refuses to disclose his taxes shows he thinks he's special and should be the exception. He's not.

I applaud the politicians in my state for this bill. I have the right to see ALL candidate's taxes to make an informed choice. If you don't care that's your choice. You don't live in my state and the people in my state want that information.
[QUOTE="Weatherman2020, post: 2 f
No one in Washington is trying to keep trump off the ballot.

The law states everyone. Not just trump, has to disclose their taxes to be able to be on the ballot.

But then it doesn't matter if trump is on the ballot in Washington or New Jersey. He won't win those sates' electoral votes. So it doesn't matter if he's on that ballot or not.

The last time Washington's electoral votes went to a republican was 35 years ago. trump didn't get Washington's electoral votes in 2016 nor will he get them in 2020.

So it doesn't matter what name is on the ballot in the republican column, no republican, not even trump, will ever win the electoral votes from Washington in 2020. It's not going to happen.

New Jersey is the same way.

So play the whiney victim all you want. Intelligent people just ignore you.

Every presidential candidate should disclose their taxes and it shouldn't take a law for them to do it. The fact that trump refuses to disclose his taxes shows he thinks he's special and should be the exception. He's not.

I applaud the politicians in my state for this bill. I have the right to see ALL candidate's taxes to make an informed choice. If you don't care that's your choice. You don't live in my state and the people in my state want that information.
All candidates must disclose the last three places of worship attended and dates.
[QUOTE="Weatherman2020, post: 2 f
No one in Washington is trying to keep trump off the ballot.

The law states everyone. Not just trump, has to disclose their taxes to be able to be on the ballot.

But then it doesn't matter if trump is on the ballot in Washington or New Jersey. He won't win those sates' electoral votes. So it doesn't matter if he's on that ballot or not.

The last time Washington's electoral votes went to a republican was 35 years ago. trump didn't get Washington's electoral votes in 2016 nor will he get them in 2020.

So it doesn't matter what name is on the ballot in the republican column, no republican, not even trump, will ever win the electoral votes from Washington in 2020. It's not going to happen.

New Jersey is the same way.

So play the whiney victim all you want. Intelligent people just ignore you.

Every presidential candidate should disclose their taxes and it shouldn't take a law for them to do it. The fact that trump refuses to disclose his taxes shows he thinks he's special and should be the exception. He's not.

I applaud the politicians in my state for this bill. I have the right to see ALL candidate's taxes to make an informed choice. If you don't care that's your choice. You don't live in my state and the people in my state want that information.
Hilarious you accuse Obama of letting Trump skip paying taxes.
[QUOTE="Weatherman2020, post: 2 f
No one in Washington is trying to keep trump off the ballot.

The law states everyone. Not just trump, has to disclose their taxes to be able to be on the ballot.

But then it doesn't matter if trump is on the ballot in Washington or New Jersey. He won't win those sates' electoral votes. So it doesn't matter if he's on that ballot or not.

The last time Washington's electoral votes went to a republican was 35 years ago. trump didn't get Washington's electoral votes in 2016 nor will he get them in 2020.

So it doesn't matter what name is on the ballot in the republican column, no republican, not even trump, will ever win the electoral votes from Washington in 2020. It's not going to happen.

New Jersey is the same way.

So play the whiney victim all you want. Intelligent people just ignore you.

Every presidential candidate should disclose their taxes and it shouldn't take a law for them to do it. The fact that trump refuses to disclose his taxes shows he thinks he's special and should be the exception. He's not.

I applaud the politicians in my state for this bill. I have the right to see ALL candidate's taxes to make an informed choice. If you don't care that's your choice. You don't live in my state and the people in my state want that information.

Your state is a bunch of commies for even suggesting it. A state cannot override the Constitution when it comes to presidential requirements. If you want tax records disclosure to be able to run for President, have your comrades sponsor a Constitutional Amendment.
...It absolutely has bearing. This shit ain't normal. Facts aren't honored. Truth is disregarded. Norms have been shattered.
So, therefore, you justify Candidate Suppression?

However can you retake the Moral High Ground if you stoop to political knavery as-bad if not worse that what you're combating?

You're making up a thing and trying to pass it on as a thing.

Candidate suppression isn't a thing.

Trump can get on the ballot in those states by following the rules. No suppression.

Fuck that noise. I'm reacting. The GOP has fucked enough norms already. Time to play their style for a spell.
Incorrect, Lone.. I'm not making-up a thing... I'm merely Labeling a thing.

It's the Democratically-controlled partisans in those jurisdictions who are actually 'making-up' the thing.

Devising their thing - I call it 'Candidate Suppression' - against the best interests of the Republic and representative democracy.

You are forcing him to disclose within such jurisdictions for a Federal election when no such qualifier exists at the Federal level.

Oh, and, by 'playing their style', you lose a big-ass chunk of the distinction between you and them.

And, you abandon the High Ground with respect to election integrity.

This will come back to bite you in the ass, sooner rather than later, but... you know best... consequences be damned...

My condolences.
...It absolutely has bearing. This shit ain't normal. Facts aren't honored. Truth is disregarded. Norms have been shattered.
So, therefore, you justify Candidate Suppression?

However can you retake the Moral High Ground if you stoop to political knavery as-bad if not worse that what you're combating?

You're making up a thing and trying to pass it on as a thing.

Candidate suppression isn't a thing.

Trump can get on the ballot in those states by following the rules. No suppression.

Fuck that noise. I'm reacting. The GOP has fucked enough norms already. Time to play their style for a spell.
Incorrect, Lone.. I'm not making-up a thing... I'm merely Labeling a thing.

It's the Democratically-controlled partisans in those jurisdictions who are actually 'making-up' the thing.

Devising their thing - I call it 'Candidate Suppression' - against the best interests of the Republic and representative democracy.

You are forcing him to disclose within such jurisdictions for a Federal election when no such qualifier exists at the Federal level.

Oh, and, by 'playing their style', you lose a big-ass chunk of the distinction between you and them.

And, you abandon the High Ground with respect to election integrity.

This will come back to bite you in the ass, sooner rather than later, but... you know best... consequences be damned...

My condolences.

Yeah. Probably. The pendulum swings. I'll take my chances. Shit ain't normal.
...It absolutely has bearing. This shit ain't normal. Facts aren't honored. Truth is disregarded. Norms have been shattered.
So, therefore, you justify Candidate Suppression?

However can you retake the Moral High Ground if you stoop to political knavery as-bad if not worse than what you're combating?

There is no such thing. Trump will be on the ballot unless he isn't the Republican nominee, which is a serious suggestion.
I’m so old I remember when Hillary said voter suppression cost her the election.

Washington State Joins New Jersey In Trying To Keep Trump Off Its 2020 Ballot.
For as long as I can remember, it's the way Republicans get elected.

Of course, because it can't be anything the Democrats are doing wrong.

When Democrats win, it's because people have spoken and times are changing. When Republicans win, it must be because they cheated somehow.
A proposal inspired by President Donald Trump's refusal to release his tax returns advanced Tuesday in Washington state. A bill in the state Legislature would require candidates to release five years of returns before they could appear on either the primary or general election ballot in the state.

Senators approved the bill on a 28-21 vote Tuesday, sending it to the House.

"Although releasing tax returns has been the norm for about the last 40 years in presidential elections, unfortunately we've seen that norm broken," said bill sponsor Sen. Patty Kuderer, a Bellevue Democrat, during debate Tuesday. Kuderer later confirmed she was referring to Trump.

How a candidate has handled their own financial affairs and personal investments are relevant details for voters choosing a commander-in-chief, Kuderer added.

All Trump has to do is release his tax returns. Every President for the last 40 years has. That's not a high bar

What's he hiding?
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A proposal inspired by President Donald Trump's refusal to release his tax returns advanced Tuesday in Washington state. A bill in the state Legislature would require candidates to release five years of returns before they could appear on either the primary or general election ballot in the state.

Senators approved the bill on a 28-21 vote Tuesday, sending it to the House.

"Although releasing tax returns has been the norm for about the last 40 years in presidential elections, unfortunately we've seen that norm broken," said bill sponsor Sen. Patty Kuderer, a Bellevue Democrat, during debate Tuesday. Kuderer later confirmed she was referring to Trump.

How a candidate has handled their own financial affairs and personal investments are relevant details for voters choosing a commander-in-chief, Kuderer added.

All Trump has to do is release his tax returns. Every President for the last 40 years has. That's not a high bar

What's he hiding?

Let me ask Lesh: If you were walking down a dark alley, and a mugger asked you to find a pipe for him to beat you with, would you do it?

Professional politicians form their tax returns with the expectation they may be made public upon demand someday. Trump never did that. Trump never expected to be a politician yet alone President.

Maybe Trump was cheap and didn't contribute much to charity. Maybe he had enough deductions where he paid little federal tax some years. Maybe he didn't make as much as a billionaire should. What difference does it make? What does his returns have to do with him running the country?

And this BS that Congress might find something the IRS hasn't over the decades is like saying you asked your dentist to make recommendation on your heart condition.

I wouldn't mind if you libs would at least be honest about this; but libs by nature are much less than honest. And that is the only reason you want Trump's tax returns is so you can find reasons to bash him; not because of Russia, not because of cheating, but simply for something to use against him.
Maybe Trump was cheap and didn't contribute much to charity. Maybe he had enough deductions where he paid little federal tax some years. Maybe he didn't make as much as a billionaire should. What difference does it make? What does his returns have to do with him running the country?

And MAYBE there's some really heinous dealings in there.Money laundering? Bank fraud?

What's he hiding?
Maybe Trump was cheap and didn't contribute much to charity. Maybe he had enough deductions where he paid little federal tax some years. Maybe he didn't make as much as a billionaire should. What difference does it make? What does his returns have to do with him running the country?

And MAYBE there's some really heinous dealings in there.Money laundering? Bank fraud?

What's he hiding?

And you think that if the IRS hasn't found it all these years, the morons in the Democrat Congress will?

Why are you people such puppets? Whatever these Democrat politicians tell you, you just believe them. Can't you people on the left just for once think for yourself; ask yourself some common sense questions and answer them honestly?

Why do you think these idiot Democrats are passing un-constituional laws? That's right, because it keeps feeding the birds so they keep coming back. Like the Mueller nonsense, as long as they keep reminding you, you'll keep these issues alive no matter how stupid they are.

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