Remember when Trumpleton's blamed socialized medicine for rationing care in Italy?


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
Henry Ford Health letter on rationing ventilators is for 'worst-case scenario'

"Henry Ford Health officials say a letter circulating on social media outlines some of the health system's emergency response protocols for the "worst-case scenario."

The letter, addressed to patients, families, and the community, describes how patients would be prioritized if the health system runs out of ventilators and ICU beds.

"Because of shortages, we will need to be careful with resources," the letter read. "Patients who have the best chance of getting better are our first priority. Patients will be evaluated for the best plan for care and dying patients will be provided comfort care (to include treatment for pain control and other comfort measures)."
A lottery for ventilators? Hospitals prepare for ethical conundrums

"When a group of doctors, ethicists and religious leaders got together to write New York’s 2015 ethical guidelines for allocating ventilators in a pandemic, they coalesced around a clear principle: Scarce resources should go to the person most likely to be saved. But they had to contemplate another, tougher, situation: What if a number of patients were equally likely to benefit?

In that case, they decided, a lottery might be the fairest option.

The specter of such extreme rationing – a large number of critically ill patients confronting a finite supply of life-saving machinery – was grim but theoretical when debated by the philosophically minded panel. Now, as New York and other states gird for the possibility of a shortage of ventilators, that ethics roadmap could come actually into practice."
A number of US cities are on the cusp of being Italy. Shortages of all sorts of medical supplies are being experienced around the country.

In Italy, the problem wasn't so much a lack of equipment as it was the speed with which the virus spread. Too many patients too quickly, overwhelming Italy's capacity to handle the escalation.

That is the phase we are entering. As always, Trump ordering GM to manufacture ventilators comes not proactively but reactively in an attempt to make up for lost time. Lost time due to his inaction during the weeks when we had a chance to plan for the inevitable outbreak the experts surrounding him told him was coming.
Henry Ford Health letter on rationing ventilators is for 'worst-case scenario'

"Henry Ford Health officials say a letter circulating on social media outlines some of the health system's emergency response protocols for the "worst-case scenario."

The letter, addressed to patients, families, and the community, describes how patients would be prioritized if the health system runs out of ventilators and ICU beds.

"Because of shortages, we will need to be careful with resources," the letter read. "Patients who have the best chance of getting better are our first priority. Patients will be evaluated for the best plan for care and dying patients will be provided comfort care (to include treatment for pain control and other comfort measures)."
A lottery for ventilators? Hospitals prepare for ethical conundrums

"When a group of doctors, ethicists and religious leaders got together to write New York’s 2015 ethical guidelines for allocating ventilators in a pandemic, they coalesced around a clear principle: Scarce resources should go to the person most likely to be saved. But they had to contemplate another, tougher, situation: What if a number of patients were equally likely to benefit?

In that case, they decided, a lottery might be the fairest option.

The specter of such extreme rationing – a large number of critically ill patients confronting a finite supply of life-saving machinery – was grim but theoretical when debated by the philosophically minded panel. Now, as New York and other states gird for the possibility of a shortage of ventilators, that ethics roadmap could come actually into practice."
A number of US cities are on the cusp of being Italy. Shortages of all sorts of medical supplies are being experienced around the country.

In Italy, the problem wasn't so much a lack of equipment as it was the speed with which the virus spread. Too many patients too quickly, overwhelming Italy's capacity to handle the escalation.

That is the phase we are entering. As always, Trump ordering GM to manufacture ventilators comes not proactively but reactively in an attempt to make up for lost time. Lost time due to his inaction during the weeks when we had a chance to plan for the inevitable outbreak the experts surrounding him told him was coming.

wanna bet the free market steps up and starts making them???

OH wait,,they already are,,,
Henry Ford Health letter on rationing ventilators is for 'worst-case scenario'

"Henry Ford Health officials say a letter circulating on social media outlines some of the health system's emergency response protocols for the "worst-case scenario."

The letter, addressed to patients, families, and the community, describes how patients would be prioritized if the health system runs out of ventilators and ICU beds.

"Because of shortages, we will need to be careful with resources," the letter read. "Patients who have the best chance of getting better are our first priority. Patients will be evaluated for the best plan for care and dying patients will be provided comfort care (to include treatment for pain control and other comfort measures)."
A lottery for ventilators? Hospitals prepare for ethical conundrums

"When a group of doctors, ethicists and religious leaders got together to write New York’s 2015 ethical guidelines for allocating ventilators in a pandemic, they coalesced around a clear principle: Scarce resources should go to the person most likely to be saved. But they had to contemplate another, tougher, situation: What if a number of patients were equally likely to benefit?

In that case, they decided, a lottery might be the fairest option.

The specter of such extreme rationing – a large number of critically ill patients confronting a finite supply of life-saving machinery – was grim but theoretical when debated by the philosophically minded panel. Now, as New York and other states gird for the possibility of a shortage of ventilators, that ethics roadmap could come actually into practice."
A number of US cities are on the cusp of being Italy. Shortages of all sorts of medical supplies are being experienced around the country.

In Italy, the problem wasn't so much a lack of equipment as it was the speed with which the virus spread. Too many patients too quickly, overwhelming Italy's capacity to handle the escalation.

That is the phase we are entering. As always, Trump ordering GM to manufacture ventilators comes not proactively but reactively in an attempt to make up for lost time. Lost time due to his inaction during the weeks when we had a chance to plan for the inevitable outbreak the experts surrounding him told him was coming.

wanna bet the free market steps up and starts making them???

OH wait,,they already are,,,
Is that why Trump ordered GM to manufacture ventilators? Cuz the free market was "stepping up?"

The same free market that has been promoting a bidding war between the states for PPE, putting medical personnel at risk for the sake of profit?

You hunted the wrong progressive, nitwit.
Henry Ford Health letter on rationing ventilators is for 'worst-case scenario'

"Henry Ford Health officials say a letter circulating on social media outlines some of the health system's emergency response protocols for the "worst-case scenario."

The letter, addressed to patients, families, and the community, describes how patients would be prioritized if the health system runs out of ventilators and ICU beds.

"Because of shortages, we will need to be careful with resources," the letter read. "Patients who have the best chance of getting better are our first priority. Patients will be evaluated for the best plan for care and dying patients will be provided comfort care (to include treatment for pain control and other comfort measures)."
A lottery for ventilators? Hospitals prepare for ethical conundrums

"When a group of doctors, ethicists and religious leaders got together to write New York’s 2015 ethical guidelines for allocating ventilators in a pandemic, they coalesced around a clear principle: Scarce resources should go to the person most likely to be saved. But they had to contemplate another, tougher, situation: What if a number of patients were equally likely to benefit?

In that case, they decided, a lottery might be the fairest option.

The specter of such extreme rationing – a large number of critically ill patients confronting a finite supply of life-saving machinery – was grim but theoretical when debated by the philosophically minded panel. Now, as New York and other states gird for the possibility of a shortage of ventilators, that ethics roadmap could come actually into practice."
A number of US cities are on the cusp of being Italy. Shortages of all sorts of medical supplies are being experienced around the country.

In Italy, the problem wasn't so much a lack of equipment as it was the speed with which the virus spread. Too many patients too quickly, overwhelming Italy's capacity to handle the escalation.

That is the phase we are entering. As always, Trump ordering GM to manufacture ventilators comes not proactively but reactively in an attempt to make up for lost time. Lost time due to his inaction during the weeks when we had a chance to plan for the inevitable outbreak the experts surrounding him told him was coming.

Poor children never asking why their State Government is not doing more amazes me, well not really.

Andrew Cuomo proved earlier this month a State can fix these issues, so the question I am going to ask you and so many on the left why hasn't your State done this yet?

Also you need to also understand to retrofit factories with clean rooms take time and while that is happening the ones that can produce at the moment are backlogged and many companies can not get workers.

So here is another question if you lack the workers to produce the product because of National Lockdown then how do you make the stuff we need?

Oh, neat little article about how Cuomo had prisoners make hand sanitizers to stop the price gouging, and Cuomo and other governors can do this with much more if the workforce is afraid to work or would you prefer we import the stuff from China instead?

Henry Ford Health letter on rationing ventilators is for 'worst-case scenario'

"Henry Ford Health officials say a letter circulating on social media outlines some of the health system's emergency response protocols for the "worst-case scenario."

The letter, addressed to patients, families, and the community, describes how patients would be prioritized if the health system runs out of ventilators and ICU beds.

"Because of shortages, we will need to be careful with resources," the letter read. "Patients who have the best chance of getting better are our first priority. Patients will be evaluated for the best plan for care and dying patients will be provided comfort care (to include treatment for pain control and other comfort measures)."
A lottery for ventilators? Hospitals prepare for ethical conundrums

"When a group of doctors, ethicists and religious leaders got together to write New York’s 2015 ethical guidelines for allocating ventilators in a pandemic, they coalesced around a clear principle: Scarce resources should go to the person most likely to be saved. But they had to contemplate another, tougher, situation: What if a number of patients were equally likely to benefit?

In that case, they decided, a lottery might be the fairest option.

The specter of such extreme rationing – a large number of critically ill patients confronting a finite supply of life-saving machinery – was grim but theoretical when debated by the philosophically minded panel. Now, as New York and other states gird for the possibility of a shortage of ventilators, that ethics roadmap could come actually into practice."
A number of US cities are on the cusp of being Italy. Shortages of all sorts of medical supplies are being experienced around the country.

In Italy, the problem wasn't so much a lack of equipment as it was the speed with which the virus spread. Too many patients too quickly, overwhelming Italy's capacity to handle the escalation.

That is the phase we are entering. As always, Trump ordering GM to manufacture ventilators comes not proactively but reactively in an attempt to make up for lost time. Lost time due to his inaction during the weeks when we had a chance to plan for the inevitable outbreak the experts surrounding him told him was coming.

wanna bet the free market steps up and starts making them???

OH wait,,they already are,,,
They already are.
Andrew Cuomo proved earlier this month a State can fix these issues,
Would that be the same Andrew Cuomo asking for federal assistance in providing ventilators his state can not procure for itself?
Henry Ford Health letter on rationing ventilators is for 'worst-case scenario'

"Henry Ford Health officials say a letter circulating on social media outlines some of the health system's emergency response protocols for the "worst-case scenario."

The letter, addressed to patients, families, and the community, describes how patients would be prioritized if the health system runs out of ventilators and ICU beds.

"Because of shortages, we will need to be careful with resources," the letter read. "Patients who have the best chance of getting better are our first priority. Patients will be evaluated for the best plan for care and dying patients will be provided comfort care (to include treatment for pain control and other comfort measures)."
A lottery for ventilators? Hospitals prepare for ethical conundrums

"When a group of doctors, ethicists and religious leaders got together to write New York’s 2015 ethical guidelines for allocating ventilators in a pandemic, they coalesced around a clear principle: Scarce resources should go to the person most likely to be saved. But they had to contemplate another, tougher, situation: What if a number of patients were equally likely to benefit?

In that case, they decided, a lottery might be the fairest option.

The specter of such extreme rationing – a large number of critically ill patients confronting a finite supply of life-saving machinery – was grim but theoretical when debated by the philosophically minded panel. Now, as New York and other states gird for the possibility of a shortage of ventilators, that ethics roadmap could come actually into practice."
A number of US cities are on the cusp of being Italy. Shortages of all sorts of medical supplies are being experienced around the country.

In Italy, the problem wasn't so much a lack of equipment as it was the speed with which the virus spread. Too many patients too quickly, overwhelming Italy's capacity to handle the escalation.

That is the phase we are entering. As always, Trump ordering GM to manufacture ventilators comes not proactively but reactively in an attempt to make up for lost time. Lost time due to his inaction during the weeks when we had a chance to plan for the inevitable outbreak the experts surrounding him told him was coming.

wanna bet the free market steps up and starts making them???

OH wait,,they already are,,,
They already are.
Pray tell, what does that have to do with the criticism of counties who have socialized medicine who experienced their hospitals being overwhelmed? Just as our's are being overwhelmed.
Henry Ford Health letter on rationing ventilators is for 'worst-case scenario'

"Henry Ford Health officials say a letter circulating on social media outlines some of the health system's emergency response protocols for the "worst-case scenario."

The letter, addressed to patients, families, and the community, describes how patients would be prioritized if the health system runs out of ventilators and ICU beds.

"Because of shortages, we will need to be careful with resources," the letter read. "Patients who have the best chance of getting better are our first priority. Patients will be evaluated for the best plan for care and dying patients will be provided comfort care (to include treatment for pain control and other comfort measures)."
A lottery for ventilators? Hospitals prepare for ethical conundrums

"When a group of doctors, ethicists and religious leaders got together to write New York’s 2015 ethical guidelines for allocating ventilators in a pandemic, they coalesced around a clear principle: Scarce resources should go to the person most likely to be saved. But they had to contemplate another, tougher, situation: What if a number of patients were equally likely to benefit?

In that case, they decided, a lottery might be the fairest option.

The specter of such extreme rationing – a large number of critically ill patients confronting a finite supply of life-saving machinery – was grim but theoretical when debated by the philosophically minded panel. Now, as New York and other states gird for the possibility of a shortage of ventilators, that ethics roadmap could come actually into practice."
A number of US cities are on the cusp of being Italy. Shortages of all sorts of medical supplies are being experienced around the country.

In Italy, the problem wasn't so much a lack of equipment as it was the speed with which the virus spread. Too many patients too quickly, overwhelming Italy's capacity to handle the escalation.

That is the phase we are entering. As always, Trump ordering GM to manufacture ventilators comes not proactively but reactively in an attempt to make up for lost time. Lost time due to his inaction during the weeks when we had a chance to plan for the inevitable outbreak the experts surrounding him told him was coming.

wanna bet the free market steps up and starts making them???

OH wait,,they already are,,,
Is that why Trump ordered GM to manufacture ventilators? Cuz the free market was "stepping up?"

The same free market that has been promoting a bidding war between the states for PPE, putting medical personnel at risk for the sake of profit?

You hunted the wrong progressive, nitwit.
trump wasnt even in my mind,,,I thought we were talking about the failures of socialized medicine??

but its apparent he lives in yours 24/7 and caused you to be a fucking moron ignorant of reality and facts,,,
Andrew Cuomo proved earlier this month a State can fix these issues,
Would that be the same Andrew Cuomo asking for federal assistance in providing ventilators his state can not procure for itself?

Well why didn't he plan ahead?

I mean he thought quickly about hand sanitizers and yet did not think about other stuff?

So again why hasn't state government done more to fix this issue?
Henry Ford Health letter on rationing ventilators is for 'worst-case scenario'

"Henry Ford Health officials say a letter circulating on social media outlines some of the health system's emergency response protocols for the "worst-case scenario."

The letter, addressed to patients, families, and the community, describes how patients would be prioritized if the health system runs out of ventilators and ICU beds.

"Because of shortages, we will need to be careful with resources," the letter read. "Patients who have the best chance of getting better are our first priority. Patients will be evaluated for the best plan for care and dying patients will be provided comfort care (to include treatment for pain control and other comfort measures)."
A lottery for ventilators? Hospitals prepare for ethical conundrums

"When a group of doctors, ethicists and religious leaders got together to write New York’s 2015 ethical guidelines for allocating ventilators in a pandemic, they coalesced around a clear principle: Scarce resources should go to the person most likely to be saved. But they had to contemplate another, tougher, situation: What if a number of patients were equally likely to benefit?

In that case, they decided, a lottery might be the fairest option.

The specter of such extreme rationing – a large number of critically ill patients confronting a finite supply of life-saving machinery – was grim but theoretical when debated by the philosophically minded panel. Now, as New York and other states gird for the possibility of a shortage of ventilators, that ethics roadmap could come actually into practice."
A number of US cities are on the cusp of being Italy. Shortages of all sorts of medical supplies are being experienced around the country.

In Italy, the problem wasn't so much a lack of equipment as it was the speed with which the virus spread. Too many patients too quickly, overwhelming Italy's capacity to handle the escalation.

That is the phase we are entering. As always, Trump ordering GM to manufacture ventilators comes not proactively but reactively in an attempt to make up for lost time. Lost time due to his inaction during the weeks when we had a chance to plan for the inevitable outbreak the experts surrounding him told him was coming.

wanna bet the free market steps up and starts making them???

OH wait,,they already are,,,
It ain’t the free market baby, it’s the heavy hand of the federal government.

Henry Ford Health letter on rationing ventilators is for 'worst-case scenario'

"Henry Ford Health officials say a letter circulating on social media outlines some of the health system's emergency response protocols for the "worst-case scenario."

The letter, addressed to patients, families, and the community, describes how patients would be prioritized if the health system runs out of ventilators and ICU beds.

"Because of shortages, we will need to be careful with resources," the letter read. "Patients who have the best chance of getting better are our first priority. Patients will be evaluated for the best plan for care and dying patients will be provided comfort care (to include treatment for pain control and other comfort measures)."
A lottery for ventilators? Hospitals prepare for ethical conundrums

"When a group of doctors, ethicists and religious leaders got together to write New York’s 2015 ethical guidelines for allocating ventilators in a pandemic, they coalesced around a clear principle: Scarce resources should go to the person most likely to be saved. But they had to contemplate another, tougher, situation: What if a number of patients were equally likely to benefit?

In that case, they decided, a lottery might be the fairest option.

The specter of such extreme rationing – a large number of critically ill patients confronting a finite supply of life-saving machinery – was grim but theoretical when debated by the philosophically minded panel. Now, as New York and other states gird for the possibility of a shortage of ventilators, that ethics roadmap could come actually into practice."
A number of US cities are on the cusp of being Italy. Shortages of all sorts of medical supplies are being experienced around the country.

In Italy, the problem wasn't so much a lack of equipment as it was the speed with which the virus spread. Too many patients too quickly, overwhelming Italy's capacity to handle the escalation.

That is the phase we are entering. As always, Trump ordering GM to manufacture ventilators comes not proactively but reactively in an attempt to make up for lost time. Lost time due to his inaction during the weeks when we had a chance to plan for the inevitable outbreak the experts surrounding him told him was coming.

wanna bet the free market steps up and starts making them???

OH wait,,they already are,,,
It ain’t the free market baby, it’s the heavy hand of the federal government.

a few of them are,,,but there are dozens of people and companies stepping up to the plate while you dumb fucks sit back and complain,,,
I blame it on the TDS,,,
Henry Ford Health letter on rationing ventilators is for 'worst-case scenario'

"Henry Ford Health officials say a letter circulating on social media outlines some of the health system's emergency response protocols for the "worst-case scenario."

The letter, addressed to patients, families, and the community, describes how patients would be prioritized if the health system runs out of ventilators and ICU beds.

"Because of shortages, we will need to be careful with resources," the letter read. "Patients who have the best chance of getting better are our first priority. Patients will be evaluated for the best plan for care and dying patients will be provided comfort care (to include treatment for pain control and other comfort measures)."
A lottery for ventilators? Hospitals prepare for ethical conundrums

"When a group of doctors, ethicists and religious leaders got together to write New York’s 2015 ethical guidelines for allocating ventilators in a pandemic, they coalesced around a clear principle: Scarce resources should go to the person most likely to be saved. But they had to contemplate another, tougher, situation: What if a number of patients were equally likely to benefit?

In that case, they decided, a lottery might be the fairest option.

The specter of such extreme rationing – a large number of critically ill patients confronting a finite supply of life-saving machinery – was grim but theoretical when debated by the philosophically minded panel. Now, as New York and other states gird for the possibility of a shortage of ventilators, that ethics roadmap could come actually into practice."
A number of US cities are on the cusp of being Italy. Shortages of all sorts of medical supplies are being experienced around the country.

In Italy, the problem wasn't so much a lack of equipment as it was the speed with which the virus spread. Too many patients too quickly, overwhelming Italy's capacity to handle the escalation.

That is the phase we are entering. As always, Trump ordering GM to manufacture ventilators comes not proactively but reactively in an attempt to make up for lost time. Lost time due to his inaction during the weeks when we had a chance to plan for the inevitable outbreak the experts surrounding him told him was coming.

wanna bet the free market steps up and starts making them???

OH wait,,they already are,,,
They already are.
Pray tell, what does that have to do with the criticism of counties who have socialized medicine who experienced their hospitals being overwhelmed? Just as our's are being overwhelmed.

what counties have socialized medicine???
Henry Ford Health letter on rationing ventilators is for 'worst-case scenario'

"Henry Ford Health officials say a letter circulating on social media outlines some of the health system's emergency response protocols for the "worst-case scenario."

The letter, addressed to patients, families, and the community, describes how patients would be prioritized if the health system runs out of ventilators and ICU beds.

"Because of shortages, we will need to be careful with resources," the letter read. "Patients who have the best chance of getting better are our first priority. Patients will be evaluated for the best plan for care and dying patients will be provided comfort care (to include treatment for pain control and other comfort measures)."
A lottery for ventilators? Hospitals prepare for ethical conundrums

"When a group of doctors, ethicists and religious leaders got together to write New York’s 2015 ethical guidelines for allocating ventilators in a pandemic, they coalesced around a clear principle: Scarce resources should go to the person most likely to be saved. But they had to contemplate another, tougher, situation: What if a number of patients were equally likely to benefit?

In that case, they decided, a lottery might be the fairest option.

The specter of such extreme rationing – a large number of critically ill patients confronting a finite supply of life-saving machinery – was grim but theoretical when debated by the philosophically minded panel. Now, as New York and other states gird for the possibility of a shortage of ventilators, that ethics roadmap could come actually into practice."
A number of US cities are on the cusp of being Italy. Shortages of all sorts of medical supplies are being experienced around the country.

In Italy, the problem wasn't so much a lack of equipment as it was the speed with which the virus spread. Too many patients too quickly, overwhelming Italy's capacity to handle the escalation.

That is the phase we are entering. As always, Trump ordering GM to manufacture ventilators comes not proactively but reactively in an attempt to make up for lost time. Lost time due to his inaction during the weeks when we had a chance to plan for the inevitable outbreak the experts surrounding him told him was coming.

wanna bet the free market steps up and starts making them???

OH wait,,they already are,,,
It ain’t the free market baby, it’s the heavy hand of the federal government.

a few of them are,,,but there are dozens of people and companies stepping up to the plate while you dumb fucks sit back and complain,,,
I blame it on the TDS,,,

Some of you guys have such a victim mentality. No matter what anyone says it’s just “TDS”. It’s pathetic.
Henry Ford Health letter on rationing ventilators is for 'worst-case scenario'

"Henry Ford Health officials say a letter circulating on social media outlines some of the health system's emergency response protocols for the "worst-case scenario."

The letter, addressed to patients, families, and the community, describes how patients would be prioritized if the health system runs out of ventilators and ICU beds.

"Because of shortages, we will need to be careful with resources," the letter read. "Patients who have the best chance of getting better are our first priority. Patients will be evaluated for the best plan for care and dying patients will be provided comfort care (to include treatment for pain control and other comfort measures)."
A lottery for ventilators? Hospitals prepare for ethical conundrums

"When a group of doctors, ethicists and religious leaders got together to write New York’s 2015 ethical guidelines for allocating ventilators in a pandemic, they coalesced around a clear principle: Scarce resources should go to the person most likely to be saved. But they had to contemplate another, tougher, situation: What if a number of patients were equally likely to benefit?

In that case, they decided, a lottery might be the fairest option.

The specter of such extreme rationing – a large number of critically ill patients confronting a finite supply of life-saving machinery – was grim but theoretical when debated by the philosophically minded panel. Now, as New York and other states gird for the possibility of a shortage of ventilators, that ethics roadmap could come actually into practice."
A number of US cities are on the cusp of being Italy. Shortages of all sorts of medical supplies are being experienced around the country.

In Italy, the problem wasn't so much a lack of equipment as it was the speed with which the virus spread. Too many patients too quickly, overwhelming Italy's capacity to handle the escalation.

That is the phase we are entering. As always, Trump ordering GM to manufacture ventilators comes not proactively but reactively in an attempt to make up for lost time. Lost time due to his inaction during the weeks when we had a chance to plan for the inevitable outbreak the experts surrounding him told him was coming.

wanna bet the free market steps up and starts making them???

OH wait,,they already are,,,
It ain’t the free market baby, it’s the heavy hand of the federal government.

a few of them are,,,but there are dozens of people and companies stepping up to the plate while you dumb fucks sit back and complain,,,
I blame it on the TDS,,,

Some of you guys have such a victim mentality. No matter what anyone says it’s just “TDS”. It’s pathetic.
we have a victim mentality???

now thats funny as fuck,,,

look at this thread,,nothing but whining and all we did was show how wrong he and you are...

you should really seek mental help cause its past pathetic,,,
Henry Ford Health letter on rationing ventilators is for 'worst-case scenario'

"Henry Ford Health officials say a letter circulating on social media outlines some of the health system's emergency response protocols for the "worst-case scenario."

The letter, addressed to patients, families, and the community, describes how patients would be prioritized if the health system runs out of ventilators and ICU beds.

"Because of shortages, we will need to be careful with resources," the letter read. "Patients who have the best chance of getting better are our first priority. Patients will be evaluated for the best plan for care and dying patients will be provided comfort care (to include treatment for pain control and other comfort measures)."
A lottery for ventilators? Hospitals prepare for ethical conundrums

"When a group of doctors, ethicists and religious leaders got together to write New York’s 2015 ethical guidelines for allocating ventilators in a pandemic, they coalesced around a clear principle: Scarce resources should go to the person most likely to be saved. But they had to contemplate another, tougher, situation: What if a number of patients were equally likely to benefit?

In that case, they decided, a lottery might be the fairest option.

The specter of such extreme rationing – a large number of critically ill patients confronting a finite supply of life-saving machinery – was grim but theoretical when debated by the philosophically minded panel. Now, as New York and other states gird for the possibility of a shortage of ventilators, that ethics roadmap could come actually into practice."
A number of US cities are on the cusp of being Italy. Shortages of all sorts of medical supplies are being experienced around the country.

In Italy, the problem wasn't so much a lack of equipment as it was the speed with which the virus spread. Too many patients too quickly, overwhelming Italy's capacity to handle the escalation.

That is the phase we are entering. As always, Trump ordering GM to manufacture ventilators comes not proactively but reactively in an attempt to make up for lost time. Lost time due to his inaction during the weeks when we had a chance to plan for the inevitable outbreak the experts surrounding him told him was coming.

wanna bet the free market steps up and starts making them???

OH wait,,they already are,,,
It ain’t the free market baby, it’s the heavy hand of the federal government.

Honey, only with gm after they had stated they would then they wouldn’t.

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