Remember when Republicans thought they had so much on Obama?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
He wasn't born here

He's a Kenyan Colonial (what ever that is)

He's uppity

He lied about keeping your doctor (course, I was able to keep my doctor)

He golfs

He won't work with Republicans (course, they said they would destroy his presidency)

He didn't write his own book

He didn't go to school or he's a Harvard "elitist", one or the other

It was Republicans who got Bin Laden

He was slow to respond after Katrina (Katrina? Yep, that's what I said, Katrina)

Now you look at Trump:

OMG! Where to begin?





Nazi's and Alt White

Making enemies all around the world

Destroying trade agreements

Attacking football players

Attacking women

Destroying health care


Trump U failure

Trump Foundation criminal investigation

Obstruction (how do we know? He told us)

Anti first Amendment

And those are just a few of the things we know so far.


I don't see how you can compare the two. Trump makes Obama look like a saint.
He wasn't born here

He's a Kenyan Colonial (what ever that is)

He's uppity

He lied about keeping your doctor (course, I was able to keep my doctor)

He golfs

He won't work with Republicans (course, they said they would destroy his presidency)

He didn't write his own book

He didn't go to school or he's a Harvard "elitist", one or the other

It was Republicans who got Bin Laden

He was slow to respond after Katrina (Katrina? Yep, that's what I said, Katrina)

Now you look at Trump:

OMG! Where to begin?





Nazi's and Alt White

Making enemies all around the world

Destroying trade agreements

Attacking football players

Attacking women

Destroying health care


Trump U failure

Trump Foundation criminal investigation

Obstruction (how do we know? He told us)

Anti first Amendment

And those are just a few of the things we know so far.


I don't see how you can compare the two. Trump makes Obama look like a saint.
And you are a petulant whiney butt hurt liberal moron. Get over it, MAGA is here to stay.

  • Thanks
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  • Thread starter
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  • #4
He wasn't born here

He's a Kenyan Colonial (what ever that is)

He's uppity

He lied about keeping your doctor (course, I was able to keep my doctor)

He golfs

He won't work with Republicans (course, they said they would destroy his presidency)

He didn't write his own book

He didn't go to school or he's a Harvard "elitist", one or the other

It was Republicans who got Bin Laden

He was slow to respond after Katrina (Katrina? Yep, that's what I said, Katrina)

Now you look at Trump:

OMG! Where to begin?





Nazi's and Alt White

Making enemies all around the world

Destroying trade agreements

Attacking football players

Attacking women

Destroying health care


Trump U failure

Trump Foundation criminal investigation

Obstruction (how do we know? He told us)

Anti first Amendment

And those are just a few of the things we know so far.


I don't see how you can compare the two. Trump makes Obama look like a saint.
And you are a petulant whiney butt hurt liberal moron. Get over it, MAGA is here to stay.

In other words, you agree.
  • Thread starter
  • Banned
  • #5
is this your lets review what i have already said many a time thread?......
I never made a thread comparing Obama's overall record with Trump's overall.

Oh, I get it.

You don't disagree.

Got it!
He wasn't born here

He's a Kenyan Colonial (what ever that is)

He's uppity

He lied about keeping your doctor (course, I was able to keep my doctor)

He golfs

He won't work with Republicans (course, they said they would destroy his presidency)

He didn't write his own book

He didn't go to school or he's a Harvard "elitist", one or the other

It was Republicans who got Bin Laden

He was slow to respond after Katrina (Katrina? Yep, that's what I said, Katrina)

Now you look at Trump:

OMG! Where to begin?





Nazi's and Alt White

Making enemies all around the world

Destroying trade agreements

Attacking football players

Attacking women

Destroying health care


Trump U failure

Trump Foundation criminal investigation

Obstruction (how do we know? He told us)

Anti first Amendment

And those are just a few of the things we know so far.


I don't see how you can compare the two. Trump makes Obama look like a saint.
And you are a petulant whiney butt hurt liberal moron. Get over it, MAGA is here to stay.

In other words, you agree.

Yes I agree that you a petulant butt hurt liberal moron.
is this your lets review what i have already said many a time thread?......
I never made a thread comparing Obama's overall record with Trump's overall.

Oh, I get it.

You don't disagree.

Got it! have mentioned every one of these things in previous threads....remember dean,many of us here have been in many of your past aint fooling no one.....but you are so obsessed you just cant see that....go smoke a bowlful,it might calm you down,it might even make you think about something besides the republicans and trump....
is this your lets review what i have already said many a time thread?......
I never made a thread comparing Obama's overall record with Trump's overall.

Oh, I get it.

You don't disagree.

Got it! have mentioned every one of these things in previous threads....remember dean,many of us here have been in many of your past aint fooling no one.....but you are so obsessed you just cant see that....go smoke a bowlful,it might calm you down,it might even make you think about something besides the republicans and trump....
I'm obsessed about protecting America. Unlike you. Which part of Russia are you posting from?
He wasn't born here

He's a Kenyan Colonial (what ever that is)

He's uppity

He lied about keeping your doctor (course, I was able to keep my doctor)

He golfs

He won't work with Republicans (course, they said they would destroy his presidency)

He didn't write his own book

He didn't go to school or he's a Harvard "elitist", one or the other

It was Republicans who got Bin Laden

He was slow to respond after Katrina (Katrina? Yep, that's what I said, Katrina)

Now you look at Trump:

OMG! Where to begin?





Nazi's and Alt White

Making enemies all around the world

Destroying trade agreements

Attacking football players

Attacking women

Destroying health care


Trump U failure

Trump Foundation criminal investigation

Obstruction (how do we know? He told us)

Anti first Amendment

And those are just a few of the things we know so far.


I don't see how you can compare the two. Trump makes Obama look like a saint.
Convenient omission of
IRS scandal
Iran nuke deal
DOJ spies on AP reporters
Operation Fast & Furious
5 Taliban leaders for Bergdahl
Extortion 17
Appointment of ‘czars’ without Senate approval
NSA: Spying on Americans
Muslim Brotherhood ties
Miriam Carey
Arab Spring
Cap & Trade
Refusal to prosecute New Black Panthers
Using taxpayer money to interfere with Israeli election.
He wasn't born here

He's a Kenyan Colonial (what ever that is)

He's uppity

He lied about keeping your doctor (course, I was able to keep my doctor)

He golfs

He won't work with Republicans (course, they said they would destroy his presidency)

He didn't write his own book

He didn't go to school or he's a Harvard "elitist", one or the other

It was Republicans who got Bin Laden

He was slow to respond after Katrina (Katrina? Yep, that's what I said, Katrina)

Now you look at Trump:

OMG! Where to begin?





Nazi's and Alt White

Making enemies all around the world

Destroying trade agreements

Attacking football players

Attacking women

Destroying health care


Trump U failure

Trump Foundation criminal investigation

Obstruction (how do we know? He told us)

Anti first Amendment

And those are just a few of the things we know so far.


I don't see how you can compare the two. Trump makes Obama look like a saint.
Convenient omission of
IRS scandal
Iran nuke deal
DOJ spies on AP reporters
Operation Fast & Furious
5 Taliban leaders for Bergdahl
Extortion 17
Appointment of ‘czars’ without Senate approval
NSA: Spying on Americans
Muslim Brotherhood ties
Miriam Carey
Arab Spring
Cap & Trade
Refusal to prosecute New Black Panthers
Using tax payer money to interfere with Israeli election.
IRS Scandal? The head of the IRS was a hold over from the Bush Administration because the GOP refused to confirm Obama's pick.
Iran Nuke deal - kept Iran from having nukes. Sounds good to me.
DOJ spies on AP reporters? Huh?
Benghazi? Received more hearings than 9/11. What more do you want?
Operation Fast and Furious - a joke. Disproven fantasy.
You want to leave Americans in the hands of torturers? Sick.
Extortion? You mean when the GOP said if you don't extend Bush Tax cuts we will destroy the lives of millions of Americans?
Czars started under Reagan. They don't need approval.
NSA? Bush you mean.
Muslim Brotherhood? Get real.
Miriam Carey? You mean Mariah Carey?
Solyndra started under Bush.
Arab Spring? Started with invasion of Iraq.
Cap and Trade?
Black Panthers? Huh?
Israeli Elections? Huh?

Come on. You have to do better than that.

Love the Fast and Furious reference. That is one of the GOP's silliest plots yet.

The truth about the Fast and Furious scandal
He wasn't born here

He's a Kenyan Colonial (what ever that is)

He's uppity

He lied about keeping your doctor (course, I was able to keep my doctor)

He golfs

He won't work with Republicans (course, they said they would destroy his presidency)

He didn't write his own book

He didn't go to school or he's a Harvard "elitist", one or the other

It was Republicans who got Bin Laden

He was slow to respond after Katrina (Katrina? Yep, that's what I said, Katrina)

Now you look at Trump:

OMG! Where to begin?





Nazi's and Alt White

Making enemies all around the world

Destroying trade agreements

Attacking football players

Attacking women

Destroying health care


Trump U failure

Trump Foundation criminal investigation

Obstruction (how do we know? He told us)

Anti first Amendment

And those are just a few of the things we know so far.


I don't see how you can compare the two. Trump makes Obama look like a saint.
And you are a petulant whiney butt hurt liberal moron. Get over it, MAGA is here to stay.

"Here to stay"? What? a lifetime dictatorship?
He wasn't born here

He's a Kenyan Colonial (what ever that is)

He's uppity

He lied about keeping your doctor (course, I was able to keep my doctor)

He golfs

He won't work with Republicans (course, they said they would destroy his presidency)

He didn't write his own book

He didn't go to school or he's a Harvard "elitist", one or the other

It was Republicans who got Bin Laden

He was slow to respond after Katrina (Katrina? Yep, that's what I said, Katrina)

Now you look at Trump:

OMG! Where to begin?





Nazi's and Alt White

Making enemies all around the world

Destroying trade agreements

Attacking football players

Attacking women

Destroying health care


Trump U failure

Trump Foundation criminal investigation

Obstruction (how do we know? He told us)

Anti first Amendment

And those are just a few of the things we know so far.


I don't see how you can compare the two. Trump makes Obama look like a saint.

Nobel Peace Prize Winner's Illegal Wars
- Dragged the US into 2 Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized wars in order to help terrorists, to include the group that slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 - Al Qaeda
-- Helped Al Qaeda overthrow and murder Gadaffi, who was HELPING coalition forces fight terrorists in Northern Africa, handing over Libya to Al Qaeda as their safe haven
-- Invaded Syria, allowed ISIS to freely flow into Iraq and take over much of Iraq that US troops had already liberated at great cost

Aided and Abetted Terrorists World-Wide - TREASON
- Financed, Supplied, Armed, Trained, Protected, and Defended terrorists world-wide
- Helped terrorist Muslim Brotherhood overthrow Mubarak and take over govt of our ally Egypt
- Helped Al Qaeda take over Libya
- Helped ISIS against Assad
- Refused to allow coalition forces strike Black Market ISIS oil facilities that financed their terrorist attacks, to include the attack on Paris - the largest attack on France since WWII
--- While France and Russia were launching strikes against those oil facilities after the Paris attack Obama had US troops DROP LEAFLETS DOWN TO ISIS WARNING THEM THE ATTACKS WERE COMING. During wartime, providing warning that an attack is coming to your enemies is TREASON.

Failure / Refusal To Protect American Lives, Protected / Defended Terrorists
- BENGHAZI: Allowed the preventable murders of the 1st US ambassador in over 30 years to be killed and 3 other Americans
-- After a year of 'searching for the perpetrators, the Obama administration make a big spectacle of capturing the 'Mastermind' behind the attack...and then quietly released him a short time later
-- Blamed a film maker for making a video which he blamed the attack on - condemned a citizen for exercising his Contitutional Right to Free Speech - threatened to and did jail him
- BOSTON MARATHON: Despite warnings and knowing who they were, Obama allowed the Boston Bombing to be perpetrated. After the attack he had their faces put on TV while asking citizens to help identify them...even though he already knew who they were.
- Fort Hood: Called the terrorist attack on US troops by a radicalized terrorist officer a case of 'Workplace violence' despite ties to al Qaeda, threatening to behead fellow officers for not converting to Islam, calling himself the 'Soldier of Allah', etc...
- California: Provided a terrorist with a visa to come to the US - after mocking citizens' concerns for their safety and for national security by saying they were afraid of 'widows and orphans' - only to have the terrorist murder 12 citizens in California. AFTERWARDS, OBAMA SENT HIS US AG OUT TO THREATEN AMERCIAN CITIZENS WITH JUDICIAL PUNISHMENT IF THEY EXERCISED THEIR RIGHT OF FREE SPEECH BY CNDEMNING THE TERRORIST ATTACK AND ISLAMIC EXTREMISTS.

Interfering in Elections / Governance World-wide
- Interfered in Egyptian elections, helping Muslim Brotherhood to take over
- Helped overthrow Gadaffi to hand Libya over to Al Qaeda
- Attempted to overthrow Assad in Syria
- Used US tax dollars to try to oust Netanyahu, leader of our ally Israel
- Attempted to effect the outcome of the US election in 2016

Illegal Abuse of Power / Spying Against American Citizens
- Illegally spied on US citizens
--- Clapper was caught perjuring himself by testifying under oath the Obama administration was NOT spying on Americans. When the truth came out he was given a 2nd chance to testify so he could 'amend' his earlier testimony and avoid perjury charges
- Illegally spied on reporters and the media
- Illegally spied on the US Senate, brought to light by D-Diane Feinstein
- Illegally spied on the USSC
- Illegally used the IRS to target Americans who did not support his re-election

Illegal Appointments
- USSC found he had made illegal 'recess' appointments

Refusal to Enforce law
Refusal to enforce DOMA just days after taking an oath swearing to protect and defend the Constitution and enforce the Rule of Law.

Contempt of Court
Found guilty of Contempt of Court for violating Judge's Decision on his Deep Water Drilling Ban

Refusal to enforce US Immigration Law.
-- Aided illegals, human traffickers, engaged in human trafficking, dumped illegals all over the nation in local communities without 1st notifying local / state governments and agencies that they were coming, catch-and-release policy resulted in victimized / dead Americans, protected illegal Sanctuary cities

Fast and Furious Scandal - armed Mexican Drug Cartels
- Resulted in the deaths of over 100 people, to include 4 US Citizens; no one was ever fired, US AG Holder was caught perjuring himself under oath in an attempt to maintain the cover up - despite Obama refusing to allow him to face charges a bi-partisan Congress Censured him for his crimes, making Holder THE 1ST US CABINET MEMBER TO EVER BE CENSURED

Illegally targeting Political Enemies
- Under the Obama administration’s watch, the Internal Revenue Service and other federal agencies from the BATF to the NLRB were illegally used to target and harass the president’s political enemies. The IRS targeting scandal was the most high-profile of these, but others are just as worrisome. Federal investigations and congressional oversight were obstructed, and investigators were lied to outright — a serious crime. The administration protected the wrongdoers and saw to it that they retired with generous federal pensions rather than serving federal sentences for their crimes. IRS Chief John Koskinen was spared from Impeachment / charges after being caught perjuring himself under oath about the targeting.

Obama's Sect of State Caught Breaking Laws
- Illegal storage, handling, destroying classified documents ' files / devices
- Illegal non-compliance with the FOIA and the Federal Records Act (15,000+)
- Protected from Indictment / Prosecution

Ransom Payments to Terrorist / Enemies
- Ransom for US hostages to Iran
- Ransom to terrorists for Bo Bergdahl

Secret Service Scandal Factory
- Under Obama the Secret Service resembled the TV series 'Girls Gone Wild'

Solyndra + 12
- Obama used tax dollars to keep 13 Green Energy companies afloat while going bankrupt and to pay back all lost investment money to his big time donors who had invested in those companies. American tax payers lost money while Obama made sure his donors did not.

VA Scandal
- Horrific conditions and piss-poor management resulted in deaths of Vets - no one ever fired / punished

- Despite promising to run the most transparent administration in US history, Barak Obama officially set a new record for the most illegal NON-compliance with the FOIA and Federal Records Act
--- Gee, who could have foreseen the guy who sealed all of his own personal records prior to the election running the most illegally secretive administration 'evuh'?!


Obama and his administration will go down as the WORST and MOST CORRUPT in US History!

If the OP's intention was to win the 'SNOWFLAKE OF THE DAY' award....


Last edited:
is this your lets review what i have already said many a time thread?......
I never made a thread comparing Obama's overall record with Trump's overall.

Oh, I get it.

You don't disagree.

Got it! have mentioned every one of these things in previous threads....remember dean,many of us here have been in many of your past aint fooling no one.....but you are so obsessed you just cant see that....go smoke a bowlful,it might calm you down,it might even make you think about something besides the republicans and trump....
I'm obsessed about protecting America. Unlike you. Which part of Russia are you posting from?
yea sure you are....unlike you i can recognize that both parties are terrible and neither one is doing much to protect this country .....which ward of the state hospital are you posting from?....
He wasn't born here

He's a Kenyan Colonial (what ever that is)

He's uppity

He lied about keeping your doctor (course, I was able to keep my doctor)

He golfs

He won't work with Republicans (course, they said they would destroy his presidency)

He didn't write his own book

He didn't go to school or he's a Harvard "elitist", one or the other

It was Republicans who got Bin Laden

He was slow to respond after Katrina (Katrina? Yep, that's what I said, Katrina)

Now you look at Trump:

OMG! Where to begin?





Nazi's and Alt White

Making enemies all around the world

Destroying trade agreements

Attacking football players

Attacking women

Destroying health care


Trump U failure

Trump Foundation criminal investigation

Obstruction (how do we know? He told us)

Anti first Amendment

And those are just a few of the things we know so far.


I don't see how you can compare the two. Trump makes Obama look like a saint.

Nobel Peace Prize Winner's Illegal Wars
- Dragged the US into 2 Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized wars in order to help terrorists, to include the group that slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 - Al Qaeda
-- Helped Al Qaeda overthrow and murder Gadaffi, who was HELPING coalition forces fight terrorists in Northern Africa, handing over Libya to Al Qaeda as their safe haven
-- Invaded Syria, allowed ISIS to freely flow into Iraq and take over much of Iraq that US troops had already liberated at great cost

Aided and Abetted Terrorists World-Wide - TREASON
- Financed, Supplied, Armed, Trained, Protected, and Defended terrorists world-wide
- Helped terrorist Muslim Brotherhood overthrow Mubarak and take over govt of our ally Egypt
- Helped Al Qaeda take over Libya
- Helped ISIS against Assad
- Refused to allow coalition forces strike Black Market ISIS oil facilities that financed their terrorist attacks, to include the attack on Paris - the largest attack on France since WWII
--- While France and Russia were launching strikes against those oil facilities after the Paris attack Obama had US troops DROP LEAFLETS DOWN TO ISIS WARNING THEM THE ATTACKS WERE COMING. During wartime, providing warning that an attack is coming to your enemies is TREASON.

Failure / Refusal To Protect American Lives, Protected / Defended Terrorists
- BENGHAZI: Allowed the preventable murders of the 1st US ambassador in over 30 years to be killed and 3 other Americans
-- After a year of 'searching for the perpetrators, the Obama administration make a big spectacle of capturing the 'Mastermind' behind the attack...and then quietly released him a short time later
-- Blamed a film maker for making a video which he blamed the attack on - condemned a citizen for exercising his Contitutional Right to Free Speech - threatened to and did jail him
- BOSTON MARATHON: Despite warnings and knowing who they were, Obama allowed the Boston Bombing to be perpetrated. After the attack he had their faces put on TV while asking citizens to help identify them...even though he already knew who they were.
- Fort Hood: Called the terrorist attack on US troops by a radicalized terrorist officer a case of 'Workplace violence' despite ties to al Qaeda, threatening to behead fellow officers for not converting to Islam, calling himself the 'Soldier of Allah', etc...
- California: Provided a terrorist with a visa to come to the US - after mocking citizens' concerns for their safety and for national security by saying they were afraid of 'widows and orphans' - only to have the terrorist murder 12 citizens in California. AFTERWARDS, OBAMA SENT HIS US AG OUT TO THREATEN AMERCIAN CITIZENS WITH JUDICIAL PUNISHMENT IF THEY EXERCISED THEIR RIGHT OF FREE SPEECH BY CNDEMNING THE TERRORIST ATTACK AND ISLAMIC EXTREMISTS.

Interfering in Elections / Governance World-wide
- Interfered in Egyptian elections, helping Muslim Brotherhood to take over
- Helped overthrow Gadaffi to hand Libya over to Al Qaeda
- Attempted to overthrow Assad in Syria
- Used US tax dollars to try to oust Netanyahu, leader of our ally Israel
- Attempted to effect the outcome of the US election in 2016

Illegal Abuse of Power / Spying Against American Citizens
- Illegally spied on US citizens
--- Clapper was caught perjuring himself by testifying under oath the Obama administration was NOT spying on Americans. When the truth came out he was given a 2nd chance to testify so he could 'amend' his earlier testimony and avoid perjury charges
- Illegally spied on reporters and the media
- Illegally spied on the US Senate, brought to light by D-Diane Feinstein
- Illegally spied on the USSC
- Illegally used the IRS to target Americans who did not support his re-election

Illegal Appointments
- USSC found he had made illegal 'recess' appointments

Refusal to Enforce law
Refusal to enforce DOMA just days after taking an oath swearing to protect and defend the Constitution and enforce the Rule of Law.

Contempt of Court
Found guilty of Contempt of Court for violating Judge's Decision on his Deep Water Drilling Ban

Refusal to enforce US Immigration Law.
-- Aided illegals, human traffickers, engaged in human trafficking, dumped illegals all over the nation in local communities without 1st notifying local / state governments and agencies that they were coming, catch-and-release policy resulted in victimized / dead Americans, protected illegal Sanctuary cities

Fast and Furious Scandal - armed Mexican Drug Cartels
- Resulted in the deaths of over 100 people, to include 4 US Citizens; no one was ever fired, US AG Holder was caught perjuring himself under oath in an attempt to maintain the cover up - despite Obama refusing to allow him to face charges a bi-partisan Congress Censured him for his crimes, making Holder THE 1ST US CABINET MEMBER TO EVER BE CENSURED

Illegally targeting Political Enemies
- Under the Obama administration’s watch, the Internal Revenue Service and other federal agencies from the BATF to the NLRB were illegally used to target and harass the president’s political enemies. The IRS targeting scandal was the most high-profile of these, but others are just as worrisome. Federal investigations and congressional oversight were obstructed, and investigators were lied to outright — a serious crime. The administration protected the wrongdoers and saw to it that they retired with generous federal pensions rather than serving federal sentences for their crimes. IRS Chief John Koskinen was spared from Impeachment / charges after being caught perjuring himself under oath about the targeting.

Obama's Sect of State Caught Breaking Laws
- Illegal storage, handling, destroying classified documents ' files / devices
- Illegal non-compliance with the FOIA and the Federal Records Act (15,000+)
- Protected from Indictment / Prosecution

Ransom Payments to Terrorist / Enemies
- Ransom for US hostages to Iran
- Ransom to terrorists for Bo Bergdahl

Secret Service Scandal Factory
- Under Obama the Secret Service resembled the TV series 'Girls Gone Wild'

Solyndra + 12
- Obama used tax dollars to keep 13 Green Energy companies afloat while going bankrupt and to pay back all lost investment money to his big time donors who had invested in those companies. American tax payers lost money while Obama made sure his donors did not.

VA Scandal
- Horrific conditions and piss-poor management resulted in deaths of Vets - no one ever fired / punished

- Despite promising to run the most transparent administration in US history, Barak Obama officially set a new record for the most illegal NON-compliance with the FOIA and Federal Records Act
--- Gee, who could have foreseen the guy who sealed all of his own personal records prior to the election running the most illegally secretive administration 'evuh'?!


Obama and his administration will go down as the WORST and MOST CORRUPT in US History!

If the OP's intention was to win the 'SNOWFLAKE OF THE DAY' award....


View attachment 151461
That's a lot of cut and paste. Where did you cut and paste it from? Brietbart? Because that looks a little far for Fox.

Obama had to do a lot of clean up. But he couldn't get to everything right away:

Passing the Buck – Wait List Scandal dates back to Circa 2005, GW Bush

I think my favorite is: The Boston Marathon was Obama's fault. I never heard that one before.
Nobody ever said that. The crazy angry borderline psychotic left imagines republicans ever used the word "uppity" because it feeds into their anger.

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