Remember when an Asian killed 32, mostly whites?


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
Funny how there was no national #StopWhiteHate movement sponsored by all the major corporations and MSM. Instead, it was all about “mental health” and of course fear of “reprisal attacks” against Asians that never happened.




But now suddenly some soy white bitch kills 8, including 6 Asian hookers, but this is a sign of “white supremacy” and “Asian Hate”.
Hey, let's go back over every mass killing in history to try and diminish the impact of a current trend in crime! That's not something a fucking asshole would do at all!
There have been several Asian mass killers. One with a machete hacked up people on a bus in Canada, and there was the Korean freak and his buddy in California who would kidnap white women, keep them in a dungeon and rape them for a while and then kill them. And of course the Triads and Vietnamese gangs all have serial killers as cherished members. None match the Japanese and their 20th Century for extremely violent racist hate crimes and butchery and torture, though, except maybe Mexicans and latinos.
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I remember this well...had some friends at school at VT.

I remember there wasn't a quick knee jerk reaction to make this about fact, folks followed the evidence, and determined it was just a nut job killer, that lacked social skills, and disliked what he viewed as people that were more popular...because they were "rich" - of course this sort of victim mentality is pushed on folks by leftist...but that got quickly ignored.
Hey, let's go back over every mass killing in history to try and diminish the impact of a current trend in crime! That's not something a fucking asshole would do at all!'s a HUGE injustice against whites....flags lowered for Asians but not whites...BLM but not WLM are AGREEING that white lives don't matter --YOU are a bigot racist hater
Funny how there was no national #StopWhiteHate movement sponsored by all the major corporations and MSM. Instead, it was all about “mental health” and of course fear of “reprisal attacks” against Asians that never happened.




But now suddenly some soy white bitch kills 8, including 6 Asian hookers, but this is a sign of “white supremacy” and “Asian Hate”.
good's the same all the time ...whites murdering someone is bad and racist....all other races murdering whites/etc is ok to the MSM/Dems/blacks
Hey, let's go back over every mass killing in history to try and diminish the impact of a current trend in crime! That's not something a fucking asshole would do at all!
The only trend I see is people getting carried away and jumping to conclusions

there is no current trend of white trump voters murdering koreans

or asians of any nationality

but that is what the lib news media wants the public to think
Hey, let's go back over every mass killing in history to try and diminish the impact of a current trend in crime! That's not something a fucking asshole would do at all!
The only trend I see is people getting carried away and jumping to conclusions

there is no current trend of white trump voters murdering koreans

or asians of any nationality

but that is what the lib news media wants the public to think
it's the same with racism and police brutality = myths
Remember when a white guy killed 60 white hookers in Las Vegas?
What are you babbling about?

Come on! You don't remember? You are the one who posts pictures of victims. We've got at least 18 dead in a week. If you want to have a "Stop White Hate" movement, go start one. With our scant knowledge now of the situation in Boulder, we have one white man who shot another white man to death, a police officer. We don't know anything about the other nine victims yet. You want to characterize shooting victims as whores. This is your doing. Take responsibility.

The Atlanta shooting brought out the scope of recent attacks on Asians, the sexual objectification of Asian women, and also emphasized the scope of attacks on women in general. It was carried out by a white boy who was indoctrinated by the southern Baptist cult.

Why can't you talk about misogyny and racism? Why are you so scared? Did you commit some sort of crime?
Hey, let's go back over every mass killing in history to try and diminish the impact of a current trend in crime! That's not something a fucking asshole would do at all!'s a HUGE injustice against whites....flags lowered for Asians but not whites...BLM but not WLM are AGREEING that white lives don't matter --YOU are a bigot racist hater

What is a "HUGE injustice against whites"? White women, along with non-white women, have been targeted because of our gender. Sometimes it is a combination of race and gender. Who has specifically targeted people who are both white and male? How many women are going around attacking men? How many non-white women are spraying bullets at white males? When are you fools going to stop this utter BS?

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