Remember "..what difference does it make.."???

He looked fine but Clinton looked whipped. She looked REAL bad. She is lucky to have lived through it. You could see the stress working on her. Hell she may die tomorrow. Heart attacks sometimes wait 24 hours AFTER stress to hit God willing.

Well, here's a poster who will either change screen names after next Nov.....or have a miserable existence for the next 9 years. LOL
He looked fine but Clinton looked whipped. She looked REAL bad. She is lucky to have lived through it. You could see the stress working on her. Hell she may die tomorrow. Heart attacks sometimes wait 24 hours AFTER stress to hit God willing.

Well, here's a poster who will either change screen names after next Nov.....or have a miserable existence for the next 9 years. LOL
Had my last screen name about a decade. This one has at least 8 years left on it.
Had my last screen name about a decade. This one has at least 8 years left on it. you can go from tacit racism for the last 8 years, to tacit misogyny for the next 8 years.
Clinton refrained from making the same statement during today's marathon (also known as the RNC attempt to railroad her)......but the phrase is very, very apropos.

So, exactly what difference does it make to right wingers if those 4 poor and brave Americans were killed over a terrorist attack versus anger over a video?

The video caused rioting and violence in Tunisia, Egypt, Sudan, Indonesia, etc.....SO why would anyone during the "fog of war" in Benghazi assume that the murders there were NOT caused by that same video?

Any reasonable republican would admit that this entire witch hunt completely backfired on congressional right wingers and the RNC......but reasonable republicans are getting as rare as virgins in a cheap brothel.
The loopy bitch lied...
Unlike you I say what I think.

Actually, I am "disliked" by most right wingers precisely because I write what I think.....See, we're more alike than you first thought.....LOL
I've never been a Hillary fan, and the irony is that the right wingers' antics have actually drawn me into her camp.....(those unforeseen consequences of right wingers overplaying their hand.)
I've never been a Hillary fan, and the irony is that the right wingers' antics have actually drawn me into her camp.....(those unforeseen consequences of right wingers overplaying their hand.)
You continue to drink that loopy bitch's koolaid, professional politicians like her are lowest of life forms.
The loopy bitch lied...

Very, very "eloquently" phrased......Now go taxed your half brain a bit much.
Hillary does have her HIDDEN supporters....
Clinton refrained from making the same statement during today's marathon (also known as the RNC attempt to railroad her)......but the phrase is very, very apropos.

So, exactly what difference does it make to right wingers if those 4 poor and brave Americans were killed over a terrorist attack versus anger over a video?

The video caused rioting and violence in Tunisia, Egypt, Sudan, Indonesia, etc.....SO why would anyone during the "fog of war" in Benghazi assume that the murders there were NOT caused by that same video?

Any reasonable republican would admit that this entire witch hunt completely backfired on congressional right wingers and the RNC......but reasonable republicans are getting as rare as virgins in a cheap brothel.

So, you have no problem with a grossly incompetent SOS and her grossly incompetent State Department??

You also have no problem with four dead men? Men who would be alive today if that Grossly incompetent SOS and her grossly incompetent State Department had taken action??

Good to know you think she's a viable candidate for POTUS. Sure hope she doesn't win because gross incompetence has no place in the White House.

Oh wait. We've already got a grossly incompetent POTUS. Hillbat would make it two. Never mind.

Oh and it sure as shit didn't make any difference to Hillbat and it never will. She is such a POS.
I think she emerges from Benghazi. I think it is clear as day that Benghazi was full of cover up and lies to shift the fact that America was attacked on 9-11-12, that the election was more important than the Americans being attacked, and that a video was used as the knee jerk catalyst to present to the American People while the correspondence uncovered here is that other leaders around the world were being told that this was an outright planned attack.

All that being said, enough Americans do buy into "at this point, what difference does it make?"

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