Remember: There Was No ‘Insurrection’ on January 6, 2021

He even talks like the orange cat-turd king!
Same strange language.
"Not just me (because that just wouldn't mean much)...but EVERYONE knows you are!


You must be so infatuated by the orange man that you can't stop yapping about him. The gay is off the charts.
Yet you won't be able to point to a lie.

So tell me: Has Fox News been lying to you about the elections being rigged?

Has Murdoch himself now admitted it?

Yes or no?
Already pointed it out liar. But now look! The hypocritical liars like fox! You can't make this up.
You really don't have anything relevant or meaningful to contribute to conversations here do you?
There can be no conversation with you lying monsters. You simply lie, deny, and spew.
You must be so infatuated by the orange man that you can't stop yapping about him. The gay is off the charts.
Sounds like you may be in the wrong place here.
Perhaps your obsession with the word "gay" would get you more response on one of the numerous online dating sites.
Sounds like you may be in the wrong place here.
Perhaps your obsession with the word "gay" would get you more response on one of the numerous online dating sites.
Lol, you homosexuals are the ones who can't stop talking about the orange man. I bet you got a shiny orange dildo you keep polished to a radiant luster.

Seriously, you clowns need some new material, you sound a like a broken record.
Lol, you homosexuals are the ones who can't stop talking about the orange man. I bet you got a shiny orange dildo you keep polished to a radiant luster.

Seriously, you clowns need some new material, you sound a like a broken record.
Why does talk of Trump trigger you snowflake?
Why can't you monsters stop talking about trump, ya freak?

Maybe because he is still in the news. Every single day.
Vomiting his idiocy out into the public.
Demanding people pay attention to him; talk about him.
SCREAMING for relevancy!

I do somewhat agree with you though. It would be a relief if the bloated, old, pathologically-lying windbag would do us all a favor and just fucking DIE!
Like, this afternoon...of a major stroke or cardiac event.
Or at least shut the hell up and dissapear into obscurity.
But no!
He's still out there....every fucking day. Demanding attention.

Especially with all the news out there currently from the Dominion lawsuit about the internal text messages and emails between Fox News anchors like Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and Laura Ingrahm telling us what most of us knew anyway.
That they pushed the lies about a "stolen" 2020 election KNOWING they were lies because they knew that their viewers ONLY wanted to hear lies and were stupid enough to believe them.

And just like clockwork, Rupert Murdoch's recent testimony sent Trump over the edge AGAIN so America got to wake up to yet another late night potty tweet from our favorite narcissist this morning:
Rupert Murdoch should apologize to his viewers and readers for his ridiculous defense of the 2020 Presidential Election. How many forms of cheating and rigging does he have to see? He should also apologize to those anchors who got it right, and fire the ones who got it wrong, or were afraid to speak up (of which there were many!). It’s time to get rid of Fake News, and call it like it is!

So to answer your question...WE cannot stop talking about him because



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Maybe because he is still in the news. Every single day.
Vomiting his idiocy out into the public.
Demanding people pay attention to him; talk about him.
SCREAMING for relevancy!

I do somewhat agree with you though. It would be a relief if the bloated, old, pathologically-lying windbag would do us all a favor and just fucking DIE!
Like, this afternoon...of a major stroke or cardiac event.
Or at least shut the hell up and dissapear into obscurity.
But no!
He's still out there....every fucking day. Demanding attention.

Especially with all the news out there currently from the Dominion lawsuit about the internal text messages and emails between Fox News anchors like Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and Laura Ingrahm telling us what most of us knew anyway.
That they pushed the lies about a "stolen" 2020 election KNOWING they were lies because they knew that their viewers ONLY wanted to hear lies and were stupid enough to believe them.

And just like clockwork, Rupert Murdoch's recent testimony sent Trump over the edge AGAIN so America got to wake up to yet another late night potty tweet from our favorite narcissist this morning:
Lol, mental illness at it's most sick!

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