Remember how the "Science" was settled on Global Warming, and the Deniers just needed to shut up? A new theory is out.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
Historic winter storm raises questions about climate change and cold (
The answer is, while the connection between climate change and cold weather patterns isn’t as clearly established as its relationship to warming, experts say it does affect how severe winter storms are and how long they last.
One weather event like the historic storm hitting much of the country this week doesn’t prove or disprove long-term trends in the climate, experts say.
We were told 12 or so years ago, that no matter what happened on the Earth, it was Man Made Global Warming that was the cause of it. If you had any doubts, you were called a "Science Denier". Prog slaves have been so lied to.

You've been listening to the wrong news sources ... no climatologist would say this year's weather is anything but this year's weather ... and weather is subject to very large departures from average, not just year-to-year weather, but decade to decade weather ... there's absolutely nothing about this current intrusion of arctic air down to the Gulf shore, remember Christ was born during and major snow storm in Bethlehem ... and yes, due to the nature of the polar jet stream, some decades this intrusion happens more often than others ... yet another good reason to use 100 year averages in climatology ...
You've been listening to the wrong news sources ... no climatologist would say this year's weather is anything but this year's weather ... and weather is subject to very large departures from average, not just year-to-year weather, but decade to decade weather ... there's absolutely nothing about this current intrusion of arctic air down to the Gulf shore, remember Christ was born during and major snow storm in Bethlehem ... and yes, due to the nature of the polar jet stream, some decades this intrusion happens more often than others ... yet another good reason to use 100 year averages in climatology ...
That’s funny, because with every tornado, wildfire and hurricane we get hours and hours of news about how this event proves mankind is doomed unless we take drastic action. CAN'T stop climate change!!!!!!!!!!!!! the Paris Accords are total bullshit = Biden is an idiot fking up the US
..UNLESS you want to go back and live like a caveman --are you willing to do that????!! NO--I knew you would not
Under Trump America exceeded the requirements of the Paris agreement. While France totally ignored the agreement and failed miserably.
You've been listening to the wrong news sources ... no climatologist would say this year's weather is anything but this year's weather ... and weather is subject to very large departures from average, not just year-to-year weather, but decade to decade weather ... there's absolutely nothing about this current intrusion of arctic air down to the Gulf shore, remember Christ was born during and major snow storm in Bethlehem ... and yes, due to the nature of the polar jet stream, some decades this intrusion happens more often than others ... yet another good reason to use 100 year averages in climatology ...
a LOT of people were born during snow what? CAN'T stop climate change!!!!!!!!!!!!! the Paris Accords are total bullshit = Biden is an idiot fking up the US
..UNLESS you want to go back and live like a caveman --are you willing to do that????!! NO--I knew you would not
Under Trump America exceeded the requirements of the Paris agreement. While France totally ignored the agreement and failed miserably.
..if they think China/etc is greatly adhering to the Accords, they are just plain dumbasses CAN'T stop climate change!!!!!!!!!!!!! the Paris Accords are total bullshit = Biden is an idiot fking up the US
..UNLESS you want to go back and live like a caveman --are you willing to do that????!! NO--I knew you would not
Under Trump America exceeded the requirements of the Paris agreement. While France totally ignored the agreement and failed miserably.
..if they think China/etc is greatly adhering to the Accords, they are just plain dumbasses
Their pledge was to continue increasing their carbon emissions until 2030. I'm pretty sure they intend to keep that pledge.
how dare you fear mongering.jpg
Historic winter storm raises questions about climate change and cold (
The answer is, while the connection between climate change and cold weather patterns isn’t as clearly established as its relationship to warming, experts say it does affect how severe winter storms are and how long they last.
One weather event like the historic storm hitting much of the country this week doesn’t prove or disprove long-term trends in the climate, experts say.
We were told 12 or so years ago, that no matter what happened on the Earth, it was Man Made Global Warming that was the cause of it. If you had any doubts, you were called a "Science Denier". Prog slaves have been so lied to.

It does NOT contradict that it IS warming.
It's a variant that causes cold/bulges in the polar vortex.

Your link.
""" And cold weather, even when extreme, does not negate that Earth is warming."""

Again people... we are in an interglacial cycle. Our present temperature is still below the peak temperatures of previous interglacial cycles. People are panicking for no good reason.
Nobody with any sense is panicking....The people who want to put you under their iron boot over this hoax certainly aren't.
Historic winter storm raises questions about climate change and cold (
The answer is, while the connection between climate change and cold weather patterns isn’t as clearly established as its relationship to warming, experts say it does affect how severe winter storms are and how long they last.
One weather event like the historic storm hitting much of the country this week doesn’t prove or disprove long-term trends in the climate, experts say.
We were told 12 or so years ago, that no matter what happened on the Earth, it was Man Made Global Warming that was the cause of it. If you had any doubts, you were called a "Science Denier". Prog slaves have been so lied to.

It does NOT contradict that it IS warming.
It's a variant that causes cold/bulges in the polar vortex.

Your link.
""" And cold weather, even when extreme, does not negate that Earth is warming."""


but nobody thinks that.......

It is clearly part of the nutter established narrative, but when people see photos of SUV's entombed in ice in central Texas, the last thing they are thinking is, "Shit.....we better do something about this global warming! We need to better fight these frigid temperatures!"

You might have a crappy job, but at least you’re not one of those moochers looking for a handout.

Don’t worry about climate change ... that’s just silly hippy stuff. Your children and grandchildren will be fine.
Historic winter storm raises questions about climate change and cold (
The answer is, while the connection between climate change and cold weather patterns isn’t as clearly established as its relationship to warming, experts say it does affect how severe winter storms are and how long they last.
One weather event like the historic storm hitting much of the country this week doesn’t prove or disprove long-term trends in the climate, experts say.
We were told 12 or so years ago, that no matter what happened on the Earth, it was Man Made Global Warming that was the cause of it. If you had any doubts, you were called a "Science Denier". Prog slaves have been so lied to.

Obviously the people who designed the power grid in Texas believed Global Warming made it unnecessary to winterize their wind turbines.

Global Warming (or Global Climate Change depending on the season) is a religion not a science.
Historic winter storm raises questions about climate change and cold (
The answer is, while the connection between climate change and cold weather patterns isn’t as clearly established as its relationship to warming, experts say it does affect how severe winter storms are and how long they last.
One weather event like the historic storm hitting much of the country this week doesn’t prove or disprove long-term trends in the climate, experts say.
We were told 12 or so years ago, that no matter what happened on the Earth, it was Man Made Global Warming that was the cause of it. If you had any doubts, you were called a "Science Denier". Prog slaves have been so lied to.

You are one stupid liar. The extinction event at the end of the Cretaceous was caused by a six mile wide asteroid slamming into the Yucatan Peninsula. The Great Dying at the end of the Permian was caused by the Siberian Traps. And one extinction was caused by the rapid drawdown of CO2 in the atmosphere. A major volcanic eruption will cool the Earth for a short time, a decade for a really large one like Toba. But if you have a lot of major volcanic eruptions in a short amount of time, then there will be a short cooling followed by a warming. Really, ignorant people posting on science is a wonderful example of Dunning-Kruger.
You might have a crappy job, but at least you’re not one of those moochers looking for a handout.

Don’t worry about climate change ... that’s just silly hippy stuff. Your children and grandchildren will be fine.
In 50 to 100 years they will be venting methane to try to make the planet warmer.
And your Phd is in what science? Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. But you are OH so much smarter than all those scientists. LOL
Historic winter storm raises questions about climate change and cold (
The answer is, while the connection between climate change and cold weather patterns isn’t as clearly established as its relationship to warming, experts say it does affect how severe winter storms are and how long they last.
One weather event like the historic storm hitting much of the country this week doesn’t prove or disprove long-term trends in the climate, experts say.
We were told 12 or so years ago, that no matter what happened on the Earth, it was Man Made Global Warming that was the cause of it. If you had any doubts, you were called a "Science Denier". Prog slaves have been so lied to.

Obviously the people who designed the power grid in Texas believed Global Warming made it unnecessary to winterize their wind turbines.

Global Warming (or Global Climate Change depending on the season) is a religion not a science.

Damn, another dumb ass. Here, eliminate some of your abysmal ignorance;
You've been listening to the wrong news sources ... no climatologist would say this year's weather is anything but this year's weather ... and weather is subject to very large departures from average, not just year-to-year weather, but decade to decade weather ... there's absolutely nothing about this current intrusion of arctic air down to the Gulf shore, remember Christ was born during and major snow storm in Bethlehem ... and yes, due to the nature of the polar jet stream, some decades this intrusion happens more often than others ... yet another good reason to use 100 year averages in climatology ...
Well, this is not 100 years, but it is 40 years of direct satellite observations.

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