Remember all trumps scandals before he was impeached? They didn’t go away.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Remember all trumps scandals before he was impeached? They didn’t go away.

there were small things like how nasty his properties are managed.


and we have problems like Russia calling Donald Trump an agent and sending Russian agents into the oval office to collect secret and top-secret material.

Russian State TV calls Trump an 'agent' after pic emerges from White House meeting with country's foreign minister

and Trump is completely enabled now. There’s no way he’s gonna stop committing crimes. Crimes are like candies to a person addicted to sugar.
And Trump is a sugar addict.

so besides the new crimes that Trump will commit because he can’t stop himself, what kind of scandals from the past do you think will pop back up?
Remember all trumps scandals before he was impeached? They didn’t go away.

there were small things like how nasty his properties are managed.


and we have problems like Russia calling Donald Trump an agent and sending Russian agents into the oval office to collect secret and top-secret material.

Russian State TV calls Trump an 'agent' after pic emerges from White House meeting with country's foreign minister

and Trump is completely enabled now. There’s no way he’s gonna stop committing crimes. Crimes are like candies to a person addicted to sugar.
And Trump is a sugar addict.

so besides the new crimes that Trump will commit because he can’t stop himself, what kind of scandals from the past do you think will pop back up?
Damn Deanny you broke out of the psych ward again. Thought you had gone back to using your other account pogo.

You might check under that bed they give you in the ward I will bet Trump took the tag off it while you weren't looking.
Actually Trump does not run those establishments, he pays others a salary to run them. Damn you and other idiots just get dumber by the minute.
Bill Clinton bombed a defenseless country after he was acquitted and democrats joked that the statute of limitations was up on rape allegations. I hope Monica's dress is on display in the Smithsonian.
All that and he still beat your corrupt old sot.
He had help from his butt buddy Vladimir.
You still beating that dead horse that was buried a while ago. Are you next going to repeat the old saw about Hillary running a sex ring out of a pizza joint? Oh I know you are going to regal us with 44 was born in Kenya and the earth is flat. Maybe throw in the one about the moon landing being shot on a sound stage.
Bed bugs in a hotel and dirty cutting boards? These are presidential scandals? The crazy left is still living in a fantasy world.
I just think it’s hilarious that he calls people vermin and cockroaches and other terrible things. He says Black people come from shit hole countries.

And then it turns out he’s running shit hole hotels.

that makes relevant in my mind.

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