Religious Leaders Are Finally Recognizing Trump As A False Idol

"Judge not, lest you be judged. For by whatever measure you judge, you shall be judge."

(Unless he's a Republican)

I sware you people are the most hypocritical Satan worshipping buffoons I've ever met
I cannot judge him, but his actions will judge him.
"Judge not, lest you be judged. For by whatever measure you judge, you shall be judge."

(Unless he's a Republican)

I sware you people are the most hypocritical Satan worshipping buffoons I've ever met
I'm willing to be judge!
“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits."

One of the most baffling things about the Trump phenomenon to me has been the blindness of evangelicals to Trump's unrepentant evil. Adultery. False witness. Theft. Pussy grabbing. A man who made his fortune by exploiting every human weakness at his gambling houses and contests of the flesh.

Some of them are finally starting to wake up.

One of Trump biggest boosters was James Robison. In 2016, Robison called Trump "a supernatural answer to prayer". James Robison: 'Trump is a Supernatural Answer to Prayer'

Trump and Robison spoke frequently. Sometimes two or three times a day.

“Everything you wanted him to hear — every single thing you ever prayed for him to hear — came through these lips right straight into his face,” Robison told the crowd Wednesday, his voice growing lower and louder. “And with the same force you’ve heard me talking to you, I spoke it to him.”

By now, Robison was shouting, practically spitting his words out as he recalled what he said he told Trump.
“ ‘Sir, you act like a little elementary schoolchild and you shoot yourself in the foot every morning you get up and open your mouth! The more you keep your mouth closed, the more successful you’re gonna be!’ ” Robison said.

The crowd remained still. Some lawmakers in the ballroom exchanged glances, appearing unsure of how to respond. Robison joked that those in the audience must be thinking that approach didn’t work very well. A few people chuckled awkwardly.

Robison continued: “It’s time for us to get together and pray and stop trying to destroy each other, and I make that loud and clearly heard to Mr. Trump! We’ve got to quit amputating each other, slicing each other, and come together in supernatural unity that Jesus Christ prayed for!”

Trump would act ‘like a little elementary schoolchild,’ former spiritual adviser says


Are you really out of your mind. I believe so.

Stann has said he was present when Jesus was crucified. Meaning he can't just imagine what that was like--we all can imagine--but HE WAS THERE.

So ask him about it. I claim no such thing, but only that imagination can mentally make us feel that we are in a different time and place. Which is what happens when we just read a book.
Stann has said he was present when Jesus was crucified. Meaning he can't just imagine what that was like--we all can imagine--but HE WAS THERE.

So ask him about it. I claim no such thing, but only that imagination can mentally make us feel that we are in a different time and place. Which is what happens when we just read a book.
The demon speaking through him?
I'm willing to be judge!

The woman who was eager to keep all the unvaccinated out of hospitals? They could "die at home"?

Does the same go now that all the vaccinated are dying Penny? Can we ban YOU from hospitals?

Did you have all five shots?

Yikes if you did
I don't know why you Progressive dipshits have a problem with Trump, he didn't do a single fucking thing to dial back the Progressive Jihad on America: the Surveillance State fully operational and no boundaries, the educational system a complete fucking disaster where pedophiles are Grooming teachers.

You should vote for him, you'd be no worse off
The woman who was eager to keep all the unvaccinated out of hospitals? They could "die at home"?

Does the same go now that all the vaccinated are dying Penny? Can we ban YOU from hospitals?

Did you have all five shots?

Yikes if you did
I back this quote, you don't need to go to the hosp if unvaccinated, die at home.
Thats means 12 are for it.


You were for barring unvaccinated Americans from care in hospitals. You said they could, and I quote, "Die at home".

Should we say the same now that the vaccinated are dying in droves?

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