Red state Secession would see welfare dependent states collapse

People were allowed to move during partition in India. that shouldnt be a problem.

Businesses could also move as well. They will follow the money I expect.

America would also have no justification for those military bases that prop up the southern economy.

Woah ... look how many people died in India when they forcibly re-located folks ... that's a BIG problem ... maybe the Levant is a better example of forcibly re-locating people ...

The error in your judgement is you're being too naive about how the South will react ... first we'll see the return of slavery, perhaps you are unaware of the racism in the US, but the independent South will have the KKK as a major political force ... so back to murdering Catholics and bullwhiping the negroes into submission ...

What military bases? ... you mean State Militia Bases? ... if we ditch the United States, then there's no United States Military ... duh ... $1 trillion a year in tax savings ...
The blue states would be under no obligation to buy products from the red states. They could buy where they get the bext value.That would likely drive prices down.


Yeah! They can start buying ag products to feed themselves from the Ukraine or South Africa


I am just tired of hearing you all talk about it but never actually do anything.

As the old saying goes, either shit or get off the pot.

Do it or quit talking about it.
How about I do what I want & don't care what you think?
Because we are already there.

If this actually gained traction, you progponcers & fembots would never allow it without a civil war.
That is a fact
How about I do what I want & don't care what you think?
Because we are already there.

If this actually gained traction, you progponcers & fembots would never allow it without a civil war.
That is a fact

So, just more empty words.

All talk, no action.

How boring.

When you grow some balls and start to act on your words let us all know
Woah ... look how many people died in India when they forcibly re-located folks ... that's a BIG problem ... maybe the Levant is a better example of forcibly re-locating people ...

The error in your judgement is you're being too naive about how the South will react ... first we'll see the return of slavery, perhaps you are unaware of the racism in the US, but the independent South will have the KKK as a major political force ... so back to murdering Catholics and bullwhiping the negroes into submission ...

What military bases? ... you mean State Militia Bases? ... if we ditch the United States, then there's no United States Military ... duh ... $1 trillion a year in tax savings ...
I actually think its a bad idea for the south. But the reassuring thing is that MTG will use her forensic intelligence to sort out the bumps in the road.
Rest easy.

Marje has been sharing her vision on Hannity. She envisions a red state secession , Marjistan, that would break away from America.
The stats are quite illuminating.
# Counties that voted for President Joe Biden generate 70 percent of gross domestic product.

# Fourteen of the poorest 15 states voted Republican in 2020.

# All 12 richest states chose Biden.

# Only four red states have median household incomes in the top half of the 50 states.

# The nine red states that seceded in 1861 get, on average, 42 percent of their budgets from Washington, according to SmartAsset. Mostly that buys health care –

There are more stats in the article but the picture seems to be quite clear. These dependent states rail against govt spending whilst being the biggest recipients.

Its hilarious in a way but rather sad. I wonder if the exercise is worth it to just excorcise the evil woke.
There would be nobody left.
So what you are saying is that we need to eradicate the social welfare payouts in cities due to the massive wealth everyone has And of course no medical for the poor because there are not any there. Ghettos that are half the cities are of pure utopia. And that does not include those who get supplementary help from the government. Living off of old money and older stock homes that are kept up y people is part of the landscape. We see what happens when the old money and the old stock homes are not there or taken care of. no more hospitals for the poor either. The suckers in the red states and red areas of blue states are paying for that and other things you know.
So what you are saying is that we need to eradicate the social welfare payouts in cities due to the massive wealth everyone has And of course no medical for the poor because there are not any there. Ghettos that are half the cities are of pure utopia. And that does not include those who get supplementary help from the government. Living off of old money and older stock homes that are kept up y people is part of the landscape. We see what happens when the old money and the old stock homes are not there or taken care of. no more hospitals for the poor either. The suckers in the red states and red areas of blue states are paying for that and other things you know.
The blue states create the wealth and the red states spend it. There is no way this is good for red states.
They will need to grow their own economies.
The blue states create the wealth and the red states spend it. There is no way this is good for red states.
They will need to grow their own economies.
More kookery
We red states stayed open during the fake leftyvirus pandemic so all your ilk could stay home
Blue states and blue state people should be all for this.

Part of liberalism includes charity ... food stamps, WIC, earned income credit ... things that help the poorest of us live a little better ... if I paid taxes, I'd be proud of the good works that are done with the money ... housing elder widow women, giving orphans a decent education, just getting everyone fed is wonderful ...

Blue States feel sorry for the pathos that thrives in Red States ... we think what happened in East Ohio is terrible and more taxes need to be spent on the Federal Railroad Administration ... and Blue States are willing to pay that added tax ... better than what's happening in East Palestine, Ohio ...

Yeah ... what happens if this occurred along LA's Alameda? ... do you think UP will be allowed to burn off the toxic materials? ... what the hell was Ohio thinking? ...
I always get a kick out of people on the left bitching about having to prop up red states.
They are the ones who created the government welfare industry, and then they turn around and bitch about having to fork over the money to people that use it.
I guess it all depends on who is getting the money.

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