US fish and Wildlife to the people around EP, OHIO disaster


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2021

Rainbow pools are natural, nothing to worry about! Drink the water and stfu
Do they really think people are this stupid?
All they really do is run cover for the government selling timber at taxpayer's expense.

They don't really gaf about any animals or anything like that. That's a smokescreen. It's all about the timber, baby!

Not to say some lower-level rangers might think differently, but that's not how it is.
So isn't there some MAGA somewhere who can test the water for themselves, and show what might be there? What about a MAGA organization hiring a certified lab to test it? Probably would need to be certified. Nobody will believe some goober witha cammo outfit and a tinfoil hat.
So isn't there some MAGA somewhere who can test the water for themselves, and show what might be there? What about a MAGA organization hiring a certified lab to test it? Probably would need to be certified. Nobody will believe some goober witha cammo outfit and a tinfoil hat.
I say you go there and take a big slurp and tell everybody what's up. :D
Do they really think people are this stupid?
I couldn't decide what emoji to put in the OP's post, there aren't enough choices to describe the emotion, so I read down some posts.

The only thing I can say is: It's not that "they" think other people are that stupid, it's that *they* are that stupid. Bureaucrats only hire based on political ideologies.
Is that a fact, jack? Let's misuse science for political purposes. Good idea. :boobies:
Lots of certified labs, and some of them have to have MAGA leanings. Whether they find anything or not, others will double check their samples. No reason why an accurate independent test should have anything political about it.
Lots of certified labs, and some of them have to have MAGA leanings. Whether they find anything or not, others will double check their samples. No reason why an accurate independent test should have anything political about it.
Right. Don't open your eyes and use your own basic education to tell you what's going on there. You should only trust what "professionals," tell you to think.
Right. Don't open your eyes and use your own basic education to tell you what's going on there. You should only trust what "professionals," tell you to think.
My own basic education didn't cover checking for chemicals in water any more than it covered all the reasons I go to professional doctors. Only an idiot would not go to a professional for something they, themselves know little or nothing about.
Exactly. We are not capable of thinking for ourselves unless it's the job we were assigned to. What experience and pathetic little knowledge the non-appointed people may have, it does not qualify us to make any decisions on our own. We must always defer to the qualified, appointed, and government-approved opinion. So what if 10,000 fish die off? If the government say the water is safe, then it's safe! These fools dare to question things they aren't qualified for. pfft. naive MAGA idiots.
Exactly. We are not capable of thinking for ourselves unless it's the job we were assigned to. What experience and pathetic little knowledge the non-appointed people may have, it does not qualify us to make any decisions on our own. We must always defer to the qualified, appointed, and government-approved opinion. So what if 10,000 fish die off? If the government say the water is safe, then it's safe! These fools dare to question things they aren't qualified for. pfft. naive MAGA idiots.
Perhaps the chemicals were pretty thick for a while, but they evaporated off. So how would you go about testing to see what was in the water, and how much?
Exactly. We are not capable of thinking for ourselves unless it's the job we were assigned to. What experience and pathetic little knowledge the non-appointed people may have, it does not qualify us to make any decisions on our own. We must always defer to the qualified, appointed, and government-approved opinion. So what if 10,000 fish die off? If the government say the water is safe, then it's safe! These fools dare to question things they aren't qualified for. pfft. naive MAGA idiots.

I bet when you have a toothache you go to a carpenter to get it fixed.

Car broke down, do you go to your doctor to get it repaired?

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