Recording of trump pressuring Wayne County repubs not to certify 2020 election surfaces.


belief or opinion contrary to orthodox doctrine:
They have it in writing from the planners themselves, calling these electors, fake electors. They have in writing, the illegal scheme and plan.

And they have one of the fake elector scheme planners charged in Georgia, copping a plea deal and turned to a cooperating witness.

That is not hearsay.
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We certainly do… unless you can find a good reason and evidence that all those advisors are lying

Actually, the burden lies on them proving what they said they said, not the other way around.

Even then Trump didn't have to believe them.
They have it in writing from the planners themselves, calling these electors, fake electors. They have in writing, the illegal scheme and plan.

And they have one of the fake elector scheme planners charged in Georgia, copping a plea deal and turned to a cooperating witness.

That is not hearsay.


Improve your language comprehension.
Tangiable Evidence.

And first hand witness.

Is not hearssy.


Learn the meaning of hearsy.

The whole thing is about Trump and Trump's voters political heresy.

It's the root cause, and the contributing factor for all this rolled up into one shitshow.
Talk about a broad brush o' bullshit.
Bullshit? States aren’t so stupid that they allow anyone to pretend to be a presidential elector. The election law lays out who is an elector and how that process works.

A bunch of losers meeting and declaring themselves electors is not part of that process.
Bullshit? States aren’t so stupid that they allow anyone to pretend to be a presidential elector. The election law lays out who is an elector and how that process works.

A bunch of losers meeting and declaring themselves electors is not part of that process.

And not fraud as long as the States didn't accept their position.
Actually, the burden lies on them proving what they said they said, not the other way around.

Even then Trump didn't have to believe them.
He didn’t have to believe them but when that many advisors tell you something it’s on YOU when you ignore them
It is fraud, because their “position” is untrue and they knew it. Fraud does not require anyone to accept your deception.

Their position was based on their belief of fraud happening that changed the outcome of the election in the given State.
Their position was based on their belief of fraud happening that changed the outcome of the election in the given State.
They can “believe” anything they want but pretending to be a real elector is fraud.

Is bank robbery acceptable if you think the bank defrauded you and you think it’s your money?
They can “believe” anything they want but pretending to be a real elector is fraud.

Is bank robbery acceptable if you think the bank defrauded you and you think it’s your money?

They didn't claim they were the Biden electors, they claimed they were the valid electors because they believed fraud had occurred and Biden only won because of it.

That isn't fraud.

That situation doesn't compare.

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