record deficit

It’s crazy.

The left refused to criticize O’s debt and now the right refuses to criticize Donnie’s debt.

Hell...the left likes to stupidly claim O had to do it to save the economy. Proof propaganda works.

When Trump gets even close to the $10 trillion Obama racked up call us.
Nice try, dipshit. You fuckwits attacked Obama's spending right out of the gate.

How DO you stand the stench of your own hypocrisy?

Imagine how much Trump would spend if he were faced with a Great Recession. The greatest recession since the Great Depression.

Hell Trump's spending like a drunk sailor and we have a good economy.

And the feds have to lower interest rates to keep Trump's fake economy from going into a recession.

Don't worry Obama fixed the economy in the 8 years he ran things, right. /sarcasm

Yes he did. The economy was booming just fine before Trump's tax breaks to the rich. And Trump's "stimulus" has just about run it's course. Now he has to cut interest? Pathetic. Take off the training wheels don.

LOL right the Fed didn't have to prop up the Obama economy with 0% rates? First I'll laugh in your face :auiqs.jpg: then give you a pat :itsok:
Well, wait a minute: You guys screamed over and over during the Obama years that deficits do not matter. So why do you care about them now all of the sudden?
Yes he did. The economy was booming just fine before Trump's tax breaks to the rich. And Trump's "stimulus" has just about run it's course. Now he has to cut interest? Pathetic. Take off the training wheels don.

HUH??? As I've documented in numerous OPs, wages grew far more slowly during Obama's last two years than they have under Trump; we had a net *loss* of manufacturing jobs under Obama, whereas we've seen jumps in those jobs under Trump that we haven't seen in 15-20 years; the U-6 was over 10% for most of Obama's presidency, whereas it has dropped dramatically under Trump in a short time span; etc., etc.

And the largest rate cuts in the Trump tax cuts went to the middle class. Anyone who cares to check this can do so by just consulting the tax tables for 2017 and 2018. The rich got the smallest rate cut and also had their SALT taxes increased substantially.
You are half right, people do not save enough. But for most it is not because they are not paid enough, it is because they have to have the latest phone and 500 channels of shit on the TV and eat out 3 times a week.

I provided a link to an article that explains how you are not correct. It's that people aren't making enough to save. Now can you provide a link to any articles or studies that prove your opinion or is this strictly conjecture on your part?

When I get home I will check out your article.

And you'll find an article that will explain how people make PLENTY of money to save they just don't.

Because again, this sounds like another right wing talking point that I used to hear a lot during the Bush 2000's. Tired old arguments coming back out.

Thanks for calling me right wing! I do not get that much on here! :21:

Here is my talking point for you. Anyone that has a smart phone with a data plan and says they do not make enough to save is lying.

Anyone that eats out once a week and says they do not make enough to save is lying.

I don't know about you but most people these days don't have a land line. Their cell phone is their only phone. Especially with people who are younger.

I haven't had a land line in years. My only phone is a cell phone.

Are you saying that it's not important to have a phone? It's very important to have a phone especially if a person is a parent or is disabled.

Cell phone rates are very cheap these days. It's not like when I started carrying one in 1993. Those bills were hundreds of dollars a month. Today, I have unlimited calls and unlimited texts with paying 12 dollars a gig for internet on my phone. People can pay as little as 15 dollars a month for a phone.

As for going out to eat, people who are strapped for cash don't go out to eat a lot. Just saying people go out to eat and applying it to everyone isn't fair or honest.

The reality is that most everyone in America isn't paid a living wage or what they're worth. People take multiple jobs to make ends meet. Reality is that people today don't make enough money to save for retirement. A lot of employers don't offer any sort of pension plan or even a 401k.

When the federal minimum wage has been 7.25 a hour since the bush boy years, there's a problem. When people who are working are paid so low wages that they qualify for pubic assistance, there's a very big problem.

Saying having a phone and eating is causing people to not be able to save for retirement is very simplistic and not honest. You're ignoring the real cause.

The argument you fricken loons make is pathetic. If you're stupid enough to be working for $7.25/hour as a career, have two kids and go out to eat a couple times a week, you deserve your misery. BTW, going out to eat is not exactly the same as "eating" as some of you would like to suggest. So you go right ahead and claim you need a "living" wage of $15/hour and when some of you loose your jobs over it or can't afford the increased prices, due to the increased wages, you'll be right back here pissing and moaning about how unfair life is.
Well, wait a minute: You guys screamed over and over during the Obama years that deficits do not matter. So why do you care about them now all of the sudden?

Cheney is the one that said deficits dont matter, ya friggin moron -
Progs are just emotionally confused and intellectually dishonest. Here we have G5000 for example, who chooses to ignore the fact Trump is paying on Bush/Obama debt as well as trying to budget our government. He also ignored my other points, because he knows I'm right and can't defend prog-narrative.

G5000 criticizes Trump's budget deficit because "the economy is supposedly great". The guy is just too ignorant to recognize Obama's final budget happened to be his largest deficit. These are the same people who suggest Obama set the economic table for Trump. Matter of fact, the deficits created by Obama's last three budgets far and away exceed any three years past.

Here's some fun:

Obama's average debt: $1,042,125,000,000.00 (trillion) per year:

Obama's average debt last three years: $1,385,666,666,666.67 (trillion) per year

Trump's average debt: $1,265,500,000,000.00 (trillion) per year. That's with paying interest on Obama/Bush debt and a higher GDP


Your numbers are total bullshit. Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

Obama's last 3 years total was 1.858 trillion, an average of 619 billion if you count back from day Trump took office or 2.094 trillion 698 billion a year if you count FY to FY.
You just said almost anyone could save more if they chose to. Wasn't that true when Obama was president? So how is today any different for blue collar? It's not.

Who the POTUS is has no bearing on one's ability to save money. Why do you let such things rule your life?

When Trump said he was going to make America great again didn't you assume he was going to take us back to when our parents could work 30 years and retire at 65? Not only that they did it with 1 income.

So don't give me that MAGA bullshit unless you think America was great back in 2005 because that's what Trump has taken us back to.

I assumed Trump was full of shit and and just had a cool sounding campaign slogan.
Well, wait a minute: You guys screamed over and over during the Obama years that deficits do not matter. So why do you care about them now all of the sudden?

Cheney is the one that said deficits dont matter, ya friggin moron -

And Obama proved it, ya friggin dumbass.[/QUOTE]

bitch about Obama then bitch about Trump or STFU
When Trump gets even close to the $10 trillion Obama racked up call us.
Nice try, dipshit. You fuckwits attacked Obama's spending right out of the gate.

How DO you stand the stench of your own hypocrisy?

Imagine how much Trump would spend if he were faced with a Great Recession. The greatest recession since the Great Depression.

Hell Trump's spending like a drunk sailor and we have a good economy.

And the feds have to lower interest rates to keep Trump's fake economy from going into a recession.

Don't worry Obama fixed the economy in the 8 years he ran things, right. /sarcasm

Yes he did. The economy was booming just fine before Trump's tax breaks to the rich. And Trump's "stimulus" has just about run it's course. Now he has to cut interest? Pathetic. Take off the training wheels don.

LOL right the Fed didn't have to prop up the Obama economy with 0% rates? First I'll laugh in your face :auiqs.jpg: then give you a pat :itsok:
Trump has been demanding the Fed maintain ZIRP. :auiqs.jpg:

And Trump has doubled the deficit, and increased spending to an all time record of $4.8 trillion in order to artificially juice the GDP, and he STILL can't get it above four percent! :itsok:
I wonder what excuses the pseudocon tard herd will make when Trump shatters Obama's debt record.

"Look! A squirrel!"
Well, wait a minute: You guys screamed over and over during the Obama years that deficits do not matter. So why do you care about them now all of the sudden?

Well, wait a minute: You guys screamed over and over during the Obama years that deficits do matter. So why do you not care about them now all of the sudden?
Well, wait a minute: You guys screamed over and over during the Obama years that deficits do not matter. So why do you care about them now all of the sudden?
I have been talking about the debt since my arrival on this forum. I have talked about the debt more than all other subjects combined.

Nice try, hypocrite.
I don't know about you but most people these days don't have a land line. Their cell phone is their only phone. Especially with people who are younger.

I haven't had a land line in years. My only phone is a cell phone.

Are you saying that it's not important to have a phone? It's very important to have a phone especially if a person is a parent or is disabled.

Cell phone rates are very cheap these days. It's not like when I started carrying one in 1993. Those bills were hundreds of dollars a month. Today, I have unlimited calls and unlimited texts with paying 12 dollars a gig for internet on my phone. People can pay as little as 15 dollars a month for a phone.

That is why I specifically said a smart phone with a data plan, not just as cell phone.

As for going out to eat, people who are strapped for cash don't go out to eat a lot. Just saying people go out to eat and applying it to everyone isn't fair or honest.

The reality is that most everyone in America isn't paid a living wage or what they're worth. People take multiple jobs to make ends meet. Reality is that people today don't make enough money to save for retirement. A lot of employers don't offer any sort of pension plan or even a 401k.

When the federal minimum wage has been 7.25 a hour since the bush boy years, there's a problem. When people who are working are paid so low wages that they qualify for pubic assistance, there's a very big problem.

Saying having a phone and eating is causing people to not be able to save for retirement is very simplistic and not honest. You're ignoring the real cause.

Your reality is bull hockey. To say that most of America is not paid a living wage is just stupid. As far as what you are worth, you are worth what the market says you are worth based upon the uniqueness of you skills and willingness to work hard.
...If you're stupid enough to be working for $7.25/hour as a career, have two kids and go out to eat a couple times a week, you deserve your misery. ... So you go right ahead and claim you need a "living" wage of $15/hour and when some of you lose your jobs over it or can't afford the increased prices due to the increased wages, you'll be right back here pissing and moaning about how unfair life is.
The proof of that came in just today. Amazon workers, whose min wage is and has since last year been $15/hr, walked off the job on one of the company's busiest days. They want more money.
...If you're stupid enough to be working for $7.25/hour as a career, have two kids and go out to eat a couple times a week, you deserve your misery. ... So you go right ahead and claim you need a "living" wage of $15/hour and when some of you lose your jobs over it or can't afford the increased prices due to the increased wages, you'll be right back here pissing and moaning about how unfair life is.
The proof of that came in just today. Amazon workers, whose min wage is and has since last year been $15/hr, walked off the job on one of the company's busiest days. They want more money.

They want more money and safer working conditions.

But, they are doing it the right way, not begging the government to step in and save them.

Now we find out if they have a leg to stand on. With the current employment situation, they might have some leverage. If not, Amazon will boot them and replace them all. Either way the free market will do its thing.
I don't know about you but most people these days don't have a land line. Their cell phone is their only phone. Especially with people who are younger.

I haven't had a land line in years. My only phone is a cell phone.

Are you saying that it's not important to have a phone? It's very important to have a phone especially if a person is a parent or is disabled.

Cell phone rates are very cheap these days. It's not like when I started carrying one in 1993. Those bills were hundreds of dollars a month. Today, I have unlimited calls and unlimited texts with paying 12 dollars a gig for internet on my phone. People can pay as little as 15 dollars a month for a phone.

That is why I specifically said a smart phone with a data plan, not just as cell phone.

As for going out to eat, people who are strapped for cash don't go out to eat a lot. Just saying people go out to eat and applying it to everyone isn't fair or honest.

The reality is that most everyone in America isn't paid a living wage or what they're worth. People take multiple jobs to make ends meet. Reality is that people today don't make enough money to save for retirement. A lot of employers don't offer any sort of pension plan or even a 401k.

When the federal minimum wage has been 7.25 a hour since the bush boy years, there's a problem. When people who are working are paid so low wages that they qualify for pubic assistance, there's a very big problem.

Saying having a phone and eating is causing people to not be able to save for retirement is very simplistic and not honest. You're ignoring the real cause.

Your reality is bull hockey. To say that most of America is not paid a living wage is just stupid. As far as what you are worth, you are worth what the market says you are worth based upon the uniqueness of you skills and willingness to work hard.
You must know there many not-too-brights who reject free-market, merit-based pay as the best way to determine one's earnings.

Someone told them they are owed a "living wage" - whatever that is - because they know how to breathe.
I provided a link to an article that explains how you are not correct. It's that people aren't making enough to save. Now can you provide a link to any articles or studies that prove your opinion or is this strictly conjecture on your part?

When I get home I will check out your article.

And you'll find an article that will explain how people make PLENTY of money to save they just don't.

Because again, this sounds like another right wing talking point that I used to hear a lot during the Bush 2000's. Tired old arguments coming back out.

Thanks for calling me right wing! I do not get that much on here! :21:

Here is my talking point for you. Anyone that has a smart phone with a data plan and says they do not make enough to save is lying.

Anyone that eats out once a week and says they do not make enough to save is lying.

I don't know about you but most people these days don't have a land line. Their cell phone is their only phone. Especially with people who are younger.

I haven't had a land line in years. My only phone is a cell phone.

Are you saying that it's not important to have a phone? It's very important to have a phone especially if a person is a parent or is disabled.

Cell phone rates are very cheap these days. It's not like when I started carrying one in 1993. Those bills were hundreds of dollars a month. Today, I have unlimited calls and unlimited texts with paying 12 dollars a gig for internet on my phone. People can pay as little as 15 dollars a month for a phone.

As for going out to eat, people who are strapped for cash don't go out to eat a lot. Just saying people go out to eat and applying it to everyone isn't fair or honest.

The reality is that most everyone in America isn't paid a living wage or what they're worth. People take multiple jobs to make ends meet. Reality is that people today don't make enough money to save for retirement. A lot of employers don't offer any sort of pension plan or even a 401k.

When the federal minimum wage has been 7.25 a hour since the bush boy years, there's a problem. When people who are working are paid so low wages that they qualify for pubic assistance, there's a very big problem.

Saying having a phone and eating is causing people to not be able to save for retirement is very simplistic and not honest. You're ignoring the real cause.

The argument you fricken loons make is pathetic. If you're stupid enough to be working for $7.25/hour as a career, have two kids and go out to eat a couple times a week, you deserve your misery. BTW, going out to eat is not exactly the same as "eating" as some of you would like to suggest. So you go right ahead and claim you need a "living" wage of $15/hour and when some of you loose your jobs over it or can't afford the increased prices, due to the increased wages, you'll be right back here pissing and moaning about how unfair life is.

I don't care if McD cuts their staff in half because of automation as long as they pay the workers they need a living wage. Like, a career. McD is making billions of dollars you greedy fucks.

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