Record Covid 19 cases hit the US as clueless Biden does nothing to stop it

No, more whites are unvaxxed. I am vaccinated. And those blacks who are skeptical are so because we have been used as experiments by whites before.
So you are the smart black is what you are saying ? Sounds like you have a job on your hands or do you really care ?
No, don't have to be that harsh. A simple $500 refundable tax credit to anyone that is vaccinated, and a $500 penalty to anyone that refuses, should turn the tide. If nothing else, all the anti-vaxers are about the Benjamins. That should do the trick. They would take out their own mother for a few extra bucks.
And you are basing your bull crap on what findings ? Otherwise it is of your belief that only the unvaxed are getting sick ? I know folk's who were vaxed, and they had the COVID so severe later on down the road, that they had to get the transfusion as a precaution. The affects lasted the same amount of time that the unvaxed cases had lasted. It ended with a lasting severe cough that ended in around three weeks time. Some of them had the shortness of breath issues that lasted for a few weeks afterwards. All I know recovered, but they thought for a minute that they were going to meet the maker.
Biden has done something. It's not on him that stupid fuck right wingers refuse to be vaccinated.
62% of the U.S. adult population has been vaccinated according to the CDC.

Now factor all those who got covid, both with the symptoms and the millions without.

Leftists just need a "crisis"
This is unbelievable. The left bitched that Trump did nothing to fight the pandemic and under Biden, cases hit record numbers even WITH vaccine mandates.

Whatchagonnado, BIden?

We are in abject panic over a cold virus.
I don't think there is any federal solution to a pandemic, either. Or a state solution. Or probably a personal solution!! It has nothing to do with people! It moves through the air! We breathe it!

I don't know why people keep claiming somebody just must, must be responsible for all this. It's the little tiny viruses, people. It's their fault, not ours. They are better than we are, stronger. They do this ALL THE TIME. Every few decades they do an especially fatal one, and here we are. Has nothing to do with us or any political party.

Somebody IS responsible -- it's everyone who had a hand in its creation at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Yet hardly a peep from either side about that, just pot shots against the other party's president for the case count and death count.
And you are basing your bull crap on what findings ? Otherwise it is of your belief that only the unvaxed are getting sick ? I know folk's who were vaxed, and they had the COVID so severe later on down the road, that they had to get the transfusion as a precaution. The affects lasted the same amount of time that the unvaxed cases had lasted. It ended with a lasting severe cough that ended in around three weeks time. Some of them had the shortness of breath issues that lasted for a few weeks afterwards. All I know recovered, but they thought for a minute that they were going to meet the maker.
Yes, this is exactly the case I'm in. Five weeks, severe. Especially the cough. Clearly Delta, from the timeline, so maybe it will immunize me against the Omicron.
Somebody IS responsible -- it's everyone who had a hand in its creation at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Yet hardly a peep from either side about that, just pot shots against the other party's president for the case count and death count.
Because we don't KNOW that and we cannot know. I know it looks bad, and personally I believe it was an accidental leak from that lab. But that's just me: we have no evidence! I bet the Chinese know, one way or another.

I have trouble with believing it was biowarfare because China got it too and right now have some sort of dire situation working in a large city --- but mostly because I know that China has been the main source of pandemics, especially but not only viruses, for millennia, and they were never biowarfare before, except for the Black Death, of course. But that was really the Mongols who threw the corpses over the wall, not the Chinese. Mostly, pandemics just start in China and float out of there as far as they can get. China really needs to start getting ----------- cleaner. I don't know what their problem is.
What should Biden do? Two or three suggestions will suffice.

And... go.
Apologize for being a dick during the election and stating he would do a better job than Trump. Admit that Trump was right in that we have to learn to live with it.

I have explained this to you before. Is English your second language?
Because we don't KNOW that and we cannot know. I know it looks bad, and personally I believe it was an accidental leak from that lab. But that's just me: we have no evidence! I bet the Chinese know, one way or another.

I have trouble with believing it was biowarfare because China got it too and right now have some sort of dire situation working in a large city --- but mostly because I know that China has been the main source of pandemics, especially but not only viruses, for millennia, and they were never biowarfare before, except for the Black Death, of course. But that was really the Mongols who threw the corpses over the wall, not the Chinese. Mostly, pandemics just start in China and float out of there as far as they can get. China really needs to start getting ----------- cleaner. I don't know what their problem is.

I don't think it was biowarfare, but there's plenty of circumstantial evidence that it was created in that lab. We have documented confirmation that the NIH and Eco Health Alliance were funding research at that lab on making bat coronaviruses more transmissible to humans. There is evidence of manipulation on the SARS-CoV-2 genome. We're never going to get a signed confession, but that alone would be enough evidence to send a case to a jury in this country. And all of that makes the notion that it occurred naturally at a wet market extremely far fetched, if not entirely impossible. The lab leak theory is the generally accepted origin at this point.
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This is unbelievable. The left bitched that Trump did nothing to fight the pandemic and under Biden, cases hit record numbers even WITH vaccine mandates.

Whatchagonnado, BIden?

Guess what would happen if we had a recall election today?
You're so biased you can't get anything straight. Consider this:
  • Trump began to issue misinformation as to the pandemic
    • Biddable fools believed him, and failed to
      • wear masks
      • keep a social distance
      • wash hands
  • Trump held political rallies not wearing a mask
  • Trump didn't support the closing of Main Streets
  • More biddable fools demanded to open up Main Streets
  • Thus, more people got sick and more died.
  • Trump continued to hold rallies and meetings in the White House
    • More got sick
    • Trump got sick
    • Trump and his family got vaccinated
    • Trump didn't go to the White House and tell the nation on national TV, to
      • follow the science
      • get vaccinated
Trump was so self serving he continued to worry about his election and not the American People.

Fucking liar
No, don't have to be that harsh. A simple $500 refundable tax credit to anyone that is vaccinated, and a $500 penalty to anyone that refuses, should turn the tide. If nothing else, all the anti-vaxers are about the Benjamins. That should do the trick. They would take out their own mother for a few extra bucks.

And a hearty Seig Heil to you too.

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