Record Covid 19 cases hit the US as clueless Biden does nothing to stop it


Diamond Member
Nov 8, 2014
This is unbelievable. The left bitched that Trump did nothing to fight the pandemic and under Biden, cases hit record numbers even WITH vaccine mandates.

Whatchagonnado, BIden?

What I personally can't get over are the countless idiots out there who wake up with a few sniffles, run to test themselves with at home kits, and then go stand in line for hours waiting to be tested for omicron. Many of these same people then jump on Facebook and run off at the mouth about how they feel fine . . . other than a few sniffles. Newsflash: you've come down with the common cold, idiots.
This is unbelievable. The left bitched that Trump did nothing to fight the pandemic and under Biden, cases hit record numbers even WITH vaccine mandates.

Whatchagonnado, BIden?

What should Biden do? Two or three suggestions will suffice.

And... go.
This is unbelievable. The left bitched that Trump did nothing to fight the pandemic and under Biden, cases hit record numbers even WITH vaccine mandates.

Whatchagonnado, BIden?

Biden has done something. It's not on him that stupid fuck right wingers refuse to be vaccinated.
This is unbelievable. The left bitched that Trump did nothing to fight the pandemic and under Biden, cases hit record numbers even WITH vaccine mandates.

Whatchagonnado, BIden?

You're so biased you can't get anything straight. Consider this:
  • Trump began to issue misinformation as to the pandemic
    • Biddable fools believed him, and failed to
      • wear masks
      • keep a social distance
      • wash hands
  • Trump held political rallies not wearing a mask
  • Trump didn't support the closing of Main Streets
  • More biddable fools demanded to open up Main Streets
  • Thus, more people got sick and more died.
  • Trump continued to hold rallies and meetings in the White House
    • More got sick
    • Trump got sick
    • Trump and his family got vaccinated
    • Trump didn't go to the White House and tell the nation on national TV, to
      • follow the science
      • get vaccinated
Trump was so self serving he continued to worry about his election and not the American People.
Same thing Trump should have done. After all, you lefties said Trump did nothing to stop it.

YOU voted for this fucking child molester who said he could shut down the fucking virus. YOU tell me what he should do.
He should round up anyone who can't show proof of vaccination and put them in the centers trump put those immigrant children in.

How bout that.
No, more whites are unvaxxed. I am vaccinated. And those blacks who are skeptical are so because we have been used as experiments by whites before.


Across these 42 states, as of December 13, 2021, 58% percent of White people had received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose, which was close to the rate for Hispanic people (56%) but higher than the rate for Black people (51%).

“If you hear nothing else I say tonight, hear this, anyone that is responsible for that many deaths should not remain as president of the United States of America.” - Candidate Joe Biden referring to the 220,000 deaths from COVID-19 under Trump from January to October 2020.

Number of deaths from COVID-19 in 2021, roughly 366,470. What do you say, Joe? Should we expect your resignation? Or have the goal posts been moved?
So Biden should be doing those things Trump didn't do. That's seems to be the best the cult can come up with.

Like, making 500 million free tests available for Americans?

Like buying a surplus of vaccine doses?

Like mandating vaccination for federal employees?

Like going on TV repeatedly and telling people to get vaccinated?

Like...those things?

Haha, even the best garbage point the cult can shit out makes them and their orange lard and master look stupid.

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