Recognizing What Schools Have Become


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
....or, 'Liberals destroy everything they touch.'

1. Mandated government schooling is no longer meant to do what was once its mission.
Earlier American presidents, Republicans and Democrats alike, agreed on two basic goals: teach the newcomers English and make them Americans. The clear aim was to strengthen our national identity--to reinforce the unum in e pluribus unum--by assimilating the new arrivals into American civilization.
Today, government school has a very different mission......but is highly successful at it: it turns out Leftists.

2. "The Teachers’ Unions Will Shoot Their Hostages
Increasingly bizarre demands aim to prevent any return to school

For America's kids and parents, the reopening of schools in coming weeks is a source of fear and frustration. For teachers' unions, always claiming to "put the kids first," it's another opportunity for politicking.

On Tuesday evening, just before a slated speech by presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden, American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten announced that the national union would back strikes by local members objecting to inadequate health and safety standards. That threat marks progress insofar as a strike would see teachers forgo pay if they abstain from work, the same choice facing many other Americans.

We do not begrudge teachers the right to negotiate a safe work environment. But teachers' unions like the AFT have gone beyond calling for increased safety measures which, even if adopted, would not satisfy their demands for a zero-risk environment. The Durham Association of Educators has demanded Medicare for All and "direct income support regardless of immigration status" before their members go back to work. United Teachers Los Angeles also wants Medicare for All, the defunding of the LAPD, and a nationwide wealth tax before Angelino teachers return to the classroom."

3. Here is the actual data needed for school openings:
"Those age 20-49 have a 0.0092%, or nine deaths per 100,000 infections. As for children age 10-19, the rate drops to 0.00032%, or three deaths per 1 MILLION infections.

It's understandable that mainstream media and Democrats do not want this information known because it would eliminate the need for locking down the nation, at least for those under 50-years-old."

4. "These demands have nothing to do with the coronavirus or even education more broadly. They have everything to do with the unions' cozy relationship with the Democratic Party's activist wing. The AFT routinely donates millions of dollars—98 percent of its political spending—to Democrats, the same party that has repeatedly used the coronavirus as negotiating leverage in Congress.

Given their political attitude, it's little surprise that, according to a Department of Education spokesman, the unions are more focused on striking than on coming to the table to determine how to reopen schools safely."

5. "Just nine months ago Pete Buttigieg stood on a debate stage in Houston and, to wild applause, declared that the United States needs to "respect teachers the way we do soldiers and pay them more like the way we do doctors" if we want "the results we expect."

But when the virus came, our soldiers didn’t abandon the country, and our doctors didn’t abandon the sick. If we want to get the results we expect, parents will need to break the unions.'
American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten announced that the national union would back strikes by local members objecting to inadequate health and safety standards

let the teachers strike and then shut the public schools down entirely to be replaced by distance learning free of marxist brainwashing
American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten announced that the national union would back strikes by local members objecting to inadequate health and safety standards

let the teachers strike and then shut the public schools down entirely to be replaced by distance learning free of marxist brainwashing

I hope you didn't miss the point: keeping schools and businesses closed is aimed at defeating Trump, nothing else.
I hope you didn't miss the point: keeping schools and businesses closed is aimed at defeating Trump, nothing else.
to me thats two different issues

fight to reopen the business

but use this as a opportunity to reduce the influence of the marxist public teachers union
Why do Conservatives want to force schools to open in areas that are admitted to be unsafe.

Why use children, teachers and staff as guinea pigs just so Trump can claim the virus is not that bad?
....or, 'Liberals destroy everything they touch.'

1. Mandated government schooling is no longer meant to do what was once its mission.
Earlier American presidents, Republicans and Democrats alike, agreed on two basic goals: teach the newcomers English and make them Americans. The clear aim was to strengthen our national identity--to reinforce the unum in e pluribus unum--by assimilating the new arrivals into American civilization.
Today, government school has a very different mission......but is highly successful at it: it turns out Leftists.

2. "The Teachers’ Unions Will Shoot Their Hostages
Increasingly bizarre demands aim to prevent any return to school

For America's kids and parents, the reopening of schools in coming weeks is a source of fear and frustration. For teachers' unions, always claiming to "put the kids first," it's another opportunity for politicking.

On Tuesday evening, just before a slated speech by presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden, American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten announced that the national union would back strikes by local members objecting to inadequate health and safety standards. That threat marks progress insofar as a strike would see teachers forgo pay if they abstain from work, the same choice facing many other Americans.

We do not begrudge teachers the right to negotiate a safe work environment. But teachers' unions like the AFT have gone beyond calling for increased safety measures which, even if adopted, would not satisfy their demands for a zero-risk environment. The Durham Association of Educators has demanded Medicare for All and "direct income support regardless of immigration status" before their members go back to work. United Teachers Los Angeles also wants Medicare for All, the defunding of the LAPD, and a nationwide wealth tax before Angelino teachers return to the classroom."

3. Here is the actual data needed for school openings:
"Those age 20-49 have a 0.0092%, or nine deaths per 100,000 infections. As for children age 10-19, the rate drops to 0.00032%, or three deaths per 1 MILLION infections.

It's understandable that mainstream media and Democrats do not want this information known because it would eliminate the need for locking down the nation, at least for those under 50-years-old."

4. "These demands have nothing to do with the coronavirus or even education more broadly. They have everything to do with the unions' cozy relationship with the Democratic Party's activist wing. The AFT routinely donates millions of dollars—98 percent of its political spending—to Democrats, the same party that has repeatedly used the coronavirus as negotiating leverage in Congress.

Given their political attitude, it's little surprise that, according to a Department of Education spokesman, the unions are more focused on striking than on coming to the table to determine how to reopen schools safely."

5. "Just nine months ago Pete Buttigieg stood on a debate stage in Houston and, to wild applause, declared that the United States needs to "respect teachers the way we do soldiers and pay them more like the way we do doctors" if we want "the results we expect."

But when the virus came, our soldiers didn’t abandon the country, and our doctors didn’t abandon the sick. If we want to get the results we expect, parents will need to break the unions.'

All resistance to reopening public schools this fall is purely political. Look, we were out shopping yesterday after a doctor appointment. In order to even set one foot inside the doctor's office outer sally port, my wife had to submit to having her temperature taken and her mask adjusted by some medical secretary who sets appointments. Inside the big name grocery retailer the bulk of the hundreds of other shoppers were wearing fabric masks and everyone from the clerks to other customers were moving slower than syrup because of the heat and their face coverings. I saw a mother pushing a child in a stroller covered in a clear plastic apron.

My point? No one's eyes were covered. Most other shoppers were in shorts and tank tops with all that porous bare skin exposed. IF a lethal, airborne virus was prevailing across our area then just about every one of the hundreds of people we encountered out there yesterday would be infected and some percentage of them would have been dropping over right before our eyes. I don't think so.

Even without the rudimentary Nuclear Biological Chemical warfare training provided to me in boot camp twenty-nine years ago, I would be capable of realizing the mask and social distancing sham for what it is: political humiliation of the masses and psychological warfare. And so it goes with reopening schools this fall. The longer schools are closed due to the COVID "plague" the more chaos and pandemonium are sowed throughout our society. It's that simple. Spread fear, win elections.
Why do Conservatives want to force schools to open in areas that are admitted to be unsafe.
I dont want them to open

by removing vulnerable children from liberal classrooms they are spared the marxist brainwashing we have when they are in school

I want distance learning and a sharp reduction in funding for the public schools
American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten announced that the national union would back strikes by local members objecting to inadequate health and safety standards

let the teachers strike and then shut the public schools down entirely to be replaced by distance learning free of marxist brainwashing
I think this is a perfect time to replace every far-left Marxist teacher with someone more in line with American values.
The teachers can stay on strike but the president can take over schools the way Obama took over TSA and just federalize the school system.
Then he could impose regulations that require background checks on all teachers. Any with known associations with leftist groups like ANTIFA, BLM, or Communists would be rejected.
He'd probably have to wait till he wins re-election to do it, because the left will try to stop him and claim he's Hitler.
The teachers can stay on strike but the president can take over schools the way Obama took over TSA and just federalize the school system.
I dont think that would be a good idea

in fact I would like to see federal funding and with it federal influence over local school systems removed
The teachers can stay on strike but the president can take over schools the way Obama took over TSA and just federalize the school system.
I dont think that would be a good idea

in fact I would like to see federal funding and with it federal influence over local school systems removed
I think it's a great idea. It would change the fabric of public education immediately.
Teachers wouldn't be able to teach their leftist/commie propaganda anymore.
Why do Conservatives want to force schools to open in areas that are admitted to be unsafe.
I dont want them to open

by removing vulnerable children from liberal classrooms they are spared the marxist brainwashing we have when they are in school

I want distance learning and a sharp reduction in funding for the public schools

Schools closed so parents are unable to go back to work.

Get it?????
American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten announced that the national union would back strikes by local members objecting to inadequate health and safety standards

let the teachers strike and then shut the public schools down entirely to be replaced by distance learning free of marxist brainwashing
I think this is a perfect time to replace every far-left Marxist teacher with someone more in line with American values.
The teachers can stay on strike but the president can take over schools the way Obama took over TSA and just federalize the school system.
Then he could impose regulations that require background checks on all teachers. Any with known associations with leftist groups like ANTIFA, BLM, or Communists would be rejected.
He'd probably have to wait till he wins re-election to do it, because the left will try to stop him and claim he's Hitler.

American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten announced that the national union would back strikes by local members objecting to inadequate health and safety standards

let the teachers strike and then shut the public schools down entirely to be replaced by distance learning free of marxist brainwashing
I think this is a perfect time to replace every far-left Marxist teacher with someone more in line with American values.
The teachers can stay on strike but the president can take over schools the way Obama took over TSA and just federalize the school system.
Then he could impose regulations that require background checks on all teachers. Any with known associations with leftist groups like ANTIFA, BLM, or Communists would be rejected.
He'd probably have to wait till he wins re-election to do it, because the left will try to stop him and claim he's Hitler.

How did the Democrats use a virus to turn us into a socialist/fascist state in 4 months?
By using a novel approach.
Clearly there are provisions in the constitution that allow the president to takeover the school system. Abraham Lincoln suspended rights and privileges during the civil war.
Isn't this a civil war?
....or, 'Liberals destroy everything they touch.'

1. Mandated government schooling is no longer meant to do what was once its mission.
Earlier American presidents, Republicans and Democrats alike, agreed on two basic goals: teach the newcomers English and make them Americans. The clear aim was to strengthen our national identity--to reinforce the unum in e pluribus unum--by assimilating the new arrivals into American civilization.
Today, government school has a very different mission......but is highly successful at it: it turns out Leftists.

2. "The Teachers’ Unions Will Shoot Their Hostages
Increasingly bizarre demands aim to prevent any return to school

For America's kids and parents, the reopening of schools in coming weeks is a source of fear and frustration. For teachers' unions, always claiming to "put the kids first," it's another opportunity for politicking.

On Tuesday evening, just before a slated speech by presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden, American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten announced that the national union would back strikes by local members objecting to inadequate health and safety standards. That threat marks progress insofar as a strike would see teachers forgo pay if they abstain from work, the same choice facing many other Americans.

We do not begrudge teachers the right to negotiate a safe work environment. But teachers' unions like the AFT have gone beyond calling for increased safety measures which, even if adopted, would not satisfy their demands for a zero-risk environment. The Durham Association of Educators has demanded Medicare for All and "direct income support regardless of immigration status" before their members go back to work. United Teachers Los Angeles also wants Medicare for All, the defunding of the LAPD, and a nationwide wealth tax before Angelino teachers return to the classroom."

3. Here is the actual data needed for school openings:
"Those age 20-49 have a 0.0092%, or nine deaths per 100,000 infections. As for children age 10-19, the rate drops to 0.00032%, or three deaths per 1 MILLION infections.

It's understandable that mainstream media and Democrats do not want this information known because it would eliminate the need for locking down the nation, at least for those under 50-years-old."

4. "These demands have nothing to do with the coronavirus or even education more broadly. They have everything to do with the unions' cozy relationship with the Democratic Party's activist wing. The AFT routinely donates millions of dollars—98 percent of its political spending—to Democrats, the same party that has repeatedly used the coronavirus as negotiating leverage in Congress.

Given their political attitude, it's little surprise that, according to a Department of Education spokesman, the unions are more focused on striking than on coming to the table to determine how to reopen schools safely."

5. "Just nine months ago Pete Buttigieg stood on a debate stage in Houston and, to wild applause, declared that the United States needs to "respect teachers the way we do soldiers and pay them more like the way we do doctors" if we want "the results we expect."

But when the virus came, our soldiers didn’t abandon the country, and our doctors didn’t abandon the sick. If we want to get the results we expect, parents will need to break the unions.'
If you hate schools so much then why are you complaining about them not being open?
....or, 'Liberals destroy everything they touch.'

1. Mandated government schooling is no longer meant to do what was once its mission.
Earlier American presidents, Republicans and Democrats alike, agreed on two basic goals: teach the newcomers English and make them Americans. The clear aim was to strengthen our national identity--to reinforce the unum in e pluribus unum--by assimilating the new arrivals into American civilization.
Today, government school has a very different mission......but is highly successful at it: it turns out Leftists.

2. "The Teachers’ Unions Will Shoot Their Hostages
Increasingly bizarre demands aim to prevent any return to school

For America's kids and parents, the reopening of schools in coming weeks is a source of fear and frustration. For teachers' unions, always claiming to "put the kids first," it's another opportunity for politicking.

On Tuesday evening, just before a slated speech by presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden, American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten announced that the national union would back strikes by local members objecting to inadequate health and safety standards. That threat marks progress insofar as a strike would see teachers forgo pay if they abstain from work, the same choice facing many other Americans.

We do not begrudge teachers the right to negotiate a safe work environment. But teachers' unions like the AFT have gone beyond calling for increased safety measures which, even if adopted, would not satisfy their demands for a zero-risk environment. The Durham Association of Educators has demanded Medicare for All and "direct income support regardless of immigration status" before their members go back to work. United Teachers Los Angeles also wants Medicare for All, the defunding of the LAPD, and a nationwide wealth tax before Angelino teachers return to the classroom."

3. Here is the actual data needed for school openings:
"Those age 20-49 have a 0.0092%, or nine deaths per 100,000 infections. As for children age 10-19, the rate drops to 0.00032%, or three deaths per 1 MILLION infections.

It's understandable that mainstream media and Democrats do not want this information known because it would eliminate the need for locking down the nation, at least for those under 50-years-old."

4. "These demands have nothing to do with the coronavirus or even education more broadly. They have everything to do with the unions' cozy relationship with the Democratic Party's activist wing. The AFT routinely donates millions of dollars—98 percent of its political spending—to Democrats, the same party that has repeatedly used the coronavirus as negotiating leverage in Congress.

Given their political attitude, it's little surprise that, according to a Department of Education spokesman, the unions are more focused on striking than on coming to the table to determine how to reopen schools safely."

5. "Just nine months ago Pete Buttigieg stood on a debate stage in Houston and, to wild applause, declared that the United States needs to "respect teachers the way we do soldiers and pay them more like the way we do doctors" if we want "the results we expect."

But when the virus came, our soldiers didn’t abandon the country, and our doctors didn’t abandon the sick. If we want to get the results we expect, parents will need to break the unions.'
This is the solution to many of the problems with Public Education.

American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten announced that the national union would back strikes by local members objecting to inadequate health and safety standards

let the teachers strike and then shut the public schools down entirely to be replaced by distance learning free of marxist brainwashing
I think this is a perfect time to replace every far-left Marxist teacher with someone more in line with American values.
The teachers can stay on strike but the president can take over schools the way Obama took over TSA and just federalize the school system.
Then he could impose regulations that require background checks on all teachers. Any with known associations with leftist groups like ANTIFA, BLM, or Communists would be rejected.
He'd probably have to wait till he wins re-election to do it, because the left will try to stop him and claim he's Hitler.

How did the Democrats use a virus to turn us into a socialist/fascist state in 4 months?
By using a novel approach.
Clearly there are provisions in the constitution that allow the president to takeover the school system. Abraham Lincoln suspended rights and privileges during the civil war.
Isn't this a civil war?
"Clearly there are provisions in the constitution that allow the president to takeover the school system. "

I don't believe so.

But.....they can change the tax regs to encourage homeschooling and voluntary schools.

I participated in such as a home school mom, with others, teaching classes.
....or, 'Liberals destroy everything they touch.'

1. Mandated government schooling is no longer meant to do what was once its mission.
Earlier American presidents, Republicans and Democrats alike, agreed on two basic goals: teach the newcomers English and make them Americans. The clear aim was to strengthen our national identity--to reinforce the unum in e pluribus unum--by assimilating the new arrivals into American civilization.
Today, government school has a very different mission......but is highly successful at it: it turns out Leftists.

2. "The Teachers’ Unions Will Shoot Their Hostages
Increasingly bizarre demands aim to prevent any return to school

For America's kids and parents, the reopening of schools in coming weeks is a source of fear and frustration. For teachers' unions, always claiming to "put the kids first," it's another opportunity for politicking.

On Tuesday evening, just before a slated speech by presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden, American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten announced that the national union would back strikes by local members objecting to inadequate health and safety standards. That threat marks progress insofar as a strike would see teachers forgo pay if they abstain from work, the same choice facing many other Americans.

We do not begrudge teachers the right to negotiate a safe work environment. But teachers' unions like the AFT have gone beyond calling for increased safety measures which, even if adopted, would not satisfy their demands for a zero-risk environment. The Durham Association of Educators has demanded Medicare for All and "direct income support regardless of immigration status" before their members go back to work. United Teachers Los Angeles also wants Medicare for All, the defunding of the LAPD, and a nationwide wealth tax before Angelino teachers return to the classroom."

3. Here is the actual data needed for school openings:
"Those age 20-49 have a 0.0092%, or nine deaths per 100,000 infections. As for children age 10-19, the rate drops to 0.00032%, or three deaths per 1 MILLION infections.

It's understandable that mainstream media and Democrats do not want this information known because it would eliminate the need for locking down the nation, at least for those under 50-years-old."

4. "These demands have nothing to do with the coronavirus or even education more broadly. They have everything to do with the unions' cozy relationship with the Democratic Party's activist wing. The AFT routinely donates millions of dollars—98 percent of its political spending—to Democrats, the same party that has repeatedly used the coronavirus as negotiating leverage in Congress.

Given their political attitude, it's little surprise that, according to a Department of Education spokesman, the unions are more focused on striking than on coming to the table to determine how to reopen schools safely."

5. "Just nine months ago Pete Buttigieg stood on a debate stage in Houston and, to wild applause, declared that the United States needs to "respect teachers the way we do soldiers and pay them more like the way we do doctors" if we want "the results we expect."

But when the virus came, our soldiers didn’t abandon the country, and our doctors didn’t abandon the sick. If we want to get the results we expect, parents will need to break the unions.'
This is the solution to many of the problems with Public Education.

View attachment 369940

Nah......but I would impose disciplinary expulsions.

Obama did the opposite and demanded that no minorities be disciplined in any larger numbers than white or Asian students.

Truly racist and insane.
....or, 'Liberals destroy everything they touch.'

1. Mandated government schooling is no longer meant to do what was once its mission.
Earlier American presidents, Republicans and Democrats alike, agreed on two basic goals: teach the newcomers English and make them Americans. The clear aim was to strengthen our national identity--to reinforce the unum in e pluribus unum--by assimilating the new arrivals into American civilization.
Today, government school has a very different mission......but is highly successful at it: it turns out Leftists.

2. "The Teachers’ Unions Will Shoot Their Hostages
Increasingly bizarre demands aim to prevent any return to school

For America's kids and parents, the reopening of schools in coming weeks is a source of fear and frustration. For teachers' unions, always claiming to "put the kids first," it's another opportunity for politicking.

On Tuesday evening, just before a slated speech by presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden, American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten announced that the national union would back strikes by local members objecting to inadequate health and safety standards. That threat marks progress insofar as a strike would see teachers forgo pay if they abstain from work, the same choice facing many other Americans.

We do not begrudge teachers the right to negotiate a safe work environment. But teachers' unions like the AFT have gone beyond calling for increased safety measures which, even if adopted, would not satisfy their demands for a zero-risk environment. The Durham Association of Educators has demanded Medicare for All and "direct income support regardless of immigration status" before their members go back to work. United Teachers Los Angeles also wants Medicare for All, the defunding of the LAPD, and a nationwide wealth tax before Angelino teachers return to the classroom."

3. Here is the actual data needed for school openings:
"Those age 20-49 have a 0.0092%, or nine deaths per 100,000 infections. As for children age 10-19, the rate drops to 0.00032%, or three deaths per 1 MILLION infections.

It's understandable that mainstream media and Democrats do not want this information known because it would eliminate the need for locking down the nation, at least for those under 50-years-old."

4. "These demands have nothing to do with the coronavirus or even education more broadly. They have everything to do with the unions' cozy relationship with the Democratic Party's activist wing. The AFT routinely donates millions of dollars—98 percent of its political spending—to Democrats, the same party that has repeatedly used the coronavirus as negotiating leverage in Congress.

Given their political attitude, it's little surprise that, according to a Department of Education spokesman, the unions are more focused on striking than on coming to the table to determine how to reopen schools safely."

5. "Just nine months ago Pete Buttigieg stood on a debate stage in Houston and, to wild applause, declared that the United States needs to "respect teachers the way we do soldiers and pay them more like the way we do doctors" if we want "the results we expect."

But when the virus came, our soldiers didn’t abandon the country, and our doctors didn’t abandon the sick. If we want to get the results we expect, parents will need to break the unions.'
If you hate schools so much then why are you complaining about them not being open?

Where did I say I hate schools?

I hate what you Liberals have done to education.

Due to your disability, you may not see the difference.

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