Recent survey suggests suprising Covid stats on personal finances.

Hang on Sloopy

Diamond Member
Jul 12, 2015
30% they are better off financially due to the pandemic......Surprising

55% say about the same....Surprising for over half the country.

15% say worse off. Surprising it is that low, I would think at least 35%. Poor service food service workers took a brutal hit. At least finding another job is not as difficult or switch careers

People will find a way to survive and keep their life comfort levels the same no matter what.

Folks our strong TRUMP ECONOMY weathered this one out like a flea flicker. If OBiden had this virus pest, his econ was in the shitter anyway and we would have had soup lines.

look how fake news starts that 15% are not as well off.............How about half are the same damned thing
My wife and I are significantly better off, financially...

I work in an essential position in an essential industry. My employer moves us to work-from-home in mid-March last year and it looks like we’ll be staying in this “new normal” for the foreseeable future. I didn’t lose a single penny in pay, benefits, etc...

Right off the bat this cut down in our vehicle mileage by 75%+. I go out once or twice a week, at most. We’ve been able to get many things delivered or via curbside pickup, which reduces my need to deal with the masses of humanity thst I find so disgusting.

It’s also reduced our spending on social activities like eating out, sporting events, movies, etc...

My wife and I have collected the maximum amount on all three stimulus checks, got my 3% raise and full employee bonus last year, our tax refund, and will be getting g another 3% raise next month and my 2021 employee bonus in mid-June.

Income UP. Expenses DOWN. I call that a win. This pandemic has been a major windfall for my family.
My wife and I are significantly better off, financially...

I work in an essential position in an essential industry. My employer moves us to work-from-home in mid-March last year and it looks like we’ll be staying in this “new normal” for the foreseeable future. I didn’t lose a single penny in pay, benefits, etc...

Right off the bat this cut down in our vehicle mileage by 75%+. I go out once or twice a week, at most. We’ve been able to get many things delivered or via curbside pickup, which reduces my need to deal with the masses of humanity thst I find so disgusting.

It’s also reduced our spending on social activities like eating out, sporting events, movies, etc...

My wife and I have collected the maximum amount on all three stimulus checks, got my 3% raise and full employee bonus last year, our tax refund, and will be getting g another 3% raise next month and my 2021 employee bonus in mid-June.

Income UP. Expenses DOWN. I call that a win. This pandemic has been a major windfall for my family.
Of course any company who didn't follow the Nazi edicts to shut down and fire all their employees likely did well....mine had its best year ever, and although we developed the ability for our employees to work from home temporarily we are all now back at working in our facilities. We had 102 people test positive for the virus, all went home while they were recovering and all came back to work a week to 10 days later. Common sense kept all our workers intact and the hiring of new folks to keep up with increased demand.
Tulsa OK? How is it possible to do better financially when the Country was virtually shut down for a year? Maybe they polled some freaking idiots who think the stimulus checks were a windfall.
Tulsa OK? How is it possible to do better financially when the Country was virtually shut down for a year? Maybe they polled some freaking idiots who think the stimulus checks were a windfall.
Many companies refused to shut down or listen to the ridiculous mandates...or the governors of their red states held fast
My wife and I are significantly better off, financially...

I work in an essential position in an essential industry. My employer moves us to work-from-home in mid-March last year and it looks like we’ll be staying in this “new normal” for the foreseeable future. I didn’t lose a single penny in pay, benefits, etc...

Right off the bat this cut down in our vehicle mileage by 75%+. I go out once or twice a week, at most. We’ve been able to get many things delivered or via curbside pickup, which reduces my need to deal with the masses of humanity thst I find so disgusting.

It’s also reduced our spending on social activities like eating out, sporting events, movies, etc...

My wife and I have collected the maximum amount on all three stimulus checks, got my 3% raise and full employee bonus last year, our tax refund, and will be getting g another 3% raise next month and my 2021 employee bonus in mid-June.

Income UP. Expenses DOWN. I call that a win. This pandemic has been a major windfall for my family.
I agree with the financial aspects, however, I don't like the house arrest issue. I have reached the age where I am free to travel and I am adamantly opposed to restrictions that have been forced on us. Sports and movie industries can all go broke IMO. We enjoy going out for shopping and meals vs. delivery. We don't live in town, so dealing with humanity isn't much of an issue.
Of course any company who didn't follow the Nazi edicts to shut down and fire all their employees likely did well....mine had its best year ever, and although we developed the ability for our employees to work from home temporarily we are all now back at working in our facilities. We had 102 people test positive for the virus, all went home while they were recovering and all came back to work a week to 10 days later. Common sense kept all our workers intact and the hiring of new folks to keep up with increased demand.

We are a major electric utility company. Nobody was ordering us to shut down.

Ive been shocked to see the willingness of my employer to move to a “flex worker” and “office worker” system with most employees being classified as flex workers. Of course it helps them out with several of their “green” goals and overcrowding problems, but Inever thought they’d go for it.

For a company with 16K+ employees, we’ve had less than 250 COVID cases in-house (from the number he company has published).
Of course any company who didn't follow the Nazi edicts to shut down and fire all their employees likely did well....mine had its best year ever, and although we developed the ability for our employees to work from home temporarily we are all now back at working in our facilities. We had 102 people test positive for the virus, all went home while they were recovering and all came back to work a week to 10 days later. Common sense kept all our workers intact and the hiring of new folks to keep up with increased demand.

We are a major electric utility company. Nobody was ordering us to shut down.

Ive been shocked to see the willingness of my employer to move to a “flex worker” and “office worker” system with most employees being classified as flex workers. Of course it helps them out with several of their “green” goals and overcrowding problems, but Inever thought they’d go for it.

For a company with 16K+ employees, we’ve had less than 250 COVID cases in-house (from the number he company has published).
I expect companies that don't produce or manufacture their own goods could consider remaining in work from home status, possibly getting rid of the brick and mortar expense, or at least some of it. We sold more product in 2020 than ever before and actually fell behind some in production and are catching up now from still strong sales in 2021.
I expect companies that don't produce or manufacture their own goods could consider remaining in work from home status, possibly getting rid of the brick and mortar expense, or at least some of it. We sold more product in 2020 than ever before and actually fell behind some in production and are catching up now from still strong sales in 2021.

Obviously we have to maintain a certain amount of a physical presence and level of facilities for out Operations workforce and certain other types of work, but they are looking at what level of savings can be gained from combining or reducing facilities

Not every department is being included in the WFH and flex worker programs. My department saw a 12-15% rise in efficiency and work output over the last year so we’re being rewarded with an option to continue working from home. Another department is being forced back into the office this summer because their work output saw significant reductions while they have been working from home.
I expect companies that don't produce or manufacture their own goods could consider remaining in work from home status, possibly getting rid of the brick and mortar expense, or at least some of it. We sold more product in 2020 than ever before and actually fell behind some in production and are catching up now from still strong sales in 2021.

Obviously we have to maintain a certain amount of a physical presence and level of facilities for out Operations workforce and certain other types of work, but they are looking at what level of savings can be gained from combining or reducing facilities

Not every department is being included in the WFH and flex worker programs. My department saw a 12-15% rise in efficiency and work output over the last year so we’re being rewarded with an option to continue working from home. Another department is being forced back into the office this summer because their work output saw significant reductions while they have been working from home.
I can see the obvious benefits from WFH and I agree that many tasks have to be accomplished at a facility, but, being the conspiracy theorist that I am, I wonder if business is not using this as a way to work remote employees into a gig economy. Also, there is much power that employees enjoy when they are able to communicate with one another from day to day. Anti-employee policies are much easier to implement when communication is limited. I don't know--sure glad I don't have to deal with the workplace anymore.
30% they are better off financially due to the pandemic......Surprising

55% say about the same....Surprising for over half the country.

15% say worse off. Surprising it is that low, I would think at least 35%. Poor service food service workers took a brutal hit. At least finding another job is not as difficult or switch careers

People will find a way to survive and keep their life comfort levels the same no matter what.

Folks our strong TRUMP ECONOMY weathered this one out like a flea flicker. If OBiden had this virus pest, his econ was in the shitter anyway and we would have had soup lines.

look how fake news starts that 15% are not as well off.............How about half are the same damned thing

Where I live, restaurants can't get enough workers to return. There are signs up everywhere that they're hiring.
30% they are better off financially due to the pandemic......Surprising

55% say about the same....Surprising for over half the country.

15% say worse off. Surprising it is that low, I would think at least 35%. Poor service food service workers took a brutal hit. At least finding another job is not as difficult or switch careers

People will find a way to survive and keep their life comfort levels the same no matter what.

Folks our strong TRUMP ECONOMY weathered this one out like a flea flicker. If OBiden had this virus pest, his econ was in the shitter anyway and we would have had soup lines.

look how fake news starts that 15% are not as well off.............How about half are the same damned thing

Where I live, restaurants can't get enough workers to return. There are signs up everywhere that they're hiring.
That seems to be common. Why would they return to work when they are getting unemployment plus. They are making more money on the dole. Why go back.
30% they are better off financially due to the pandemic......Surprising

55% say about the same....Surprising for over half the country.

15% say worse off. Surprising it is that low, I would think at least 35%. Poor service food service workers took a brutal hit. At least finding another job is not as difficult or switch careers

People will find a way to survive and keep their life comfort levels the same no matter what.

Folks our strong TRUMP ECONOMY weathered this one out like a flea flicker. If OBiden had this virus pest, his econ was in the shitter anyway and we would have had soup lines.

look how fake news starts that 15% are not as well off.............How about half are the same damned thing

Where I live, restaurants can't get enough workers to return. There are signs up everywhere that they're hiring.
That seems to be common. Why would they return to work when they are getting unemployment plus. They are making more money on the dole. Why go back.
Thats the Dim plan keep em at home
30% they are better off financially due to the pandemic......Surprising

55% say about the same....Surprising for over half the country.

15% say worse off. Surprising it is that low, I would think at least 35%. Poor service food service workers took a brutal hit. At least finding another job is not as difficult or switch careers

People will find a way to survive and keep their life comfort levels the same no matter what.

Folks our strong TRUMP ECONOMY weathered this one out like a flea flicker. If OBiden had this virus pest, his econ was in the shitter anyway and we would have had soup lines.

look how fake news starts that 15% are not as well off.............How about half are the same damned thing

Where I live, restaurants can't get enough workers to return. There are signs up everywhere that they're hiring.
That seems to be common. Why would they return to work when they are getting unemployment plus. They are making more money on the dole. Why go back.

Yes, Dimocrats have created this. Giving people these additional handouts have destroyed the incentive to work.
Tulsa OK? How is it possible to do better financially when the Country was virtually shut down for a year? Maybe they polled some freaking idiots who think the stimulus checks were a windfall.
Hmmmmm.................When I googlied the article there were 30 links to choose. Guess what one I used....Yep Tulsa
I can see the obvious benefits from WFH and I agree that many tasks have to be accomplished at a facility, but, being the conspiracy theorist that I am, I wonder if business is not using this as a way to work remote employees into a gig economy. Also, there is much power that employees enjoy when they are able to communicate with one another from day to day. Anti-employee policies are much easier to implement when communication is limited. I don't know--sure glad I don't have to deal with the workplace anymore.

We’re Unionized, so I’m far less concerned about them trying to replace us with contractors or temps.

We have weekly department meetings and utilize our internal communications systems to keep each other informed about anything going on.
That seems to be common. Why would they return to work when they are getting unemployment plus. They are making more money on the dole. Why go back.

I'm sure that's the case with a lot of people. With the first government unemployment addition, along with our state unemployment, it was equal to somebody making 60K a year. A lot of blue collar workers didn't make that kind of money, but even if you did, you were still getting paid the same to stay home than working, so what's the choice?

The reality is more and more of us baby boomers are retired, so those retired didn't have any change in their financial lives. Same holds true if you're on disability. The government told me I was too sick to work and stripped me of my job and career in November of 2019, but it was that loss and not Covid that affected my financial situation. So technically, Covid had no impact on my life.

During the Reagan recession, that didn't bother me either because I was in medical at the time. Nobody in medical seen any change, and same goes with those who work in the food industry. Look at the paper and sanitation producers. They were working 7 days a week trying to keep up with demand and replacing empty warehouses. Even today beverage companies cannot get enough aluminum cans. When people quit going to bars and restaurants, they began to buy their beverages at the store to drink at home. So your beer and fountain drinks that came out of kegs are now being consumed at home and we ran out of cans. In fact they are predicting there won't be enough beverage cans until next year when the new can companies are finally complete.

The stock market (with some dips) continued to increase as well. People who make a living off the stock market did very well financially even until today.

So even though this is a poll of less than 3,000 participants, the results don't shock me in the least.
I can see the obvious benefits from WFH and I agree that many tasks have to be accomplished at a facility, but, being the conspiracy theorist that I am, I wonder if business is not using this as a way to work remote employees into a gig economy. Also, there is much power that employees enjoy when they are able to communicate with one another from day to day. Anti-employee policies are much easier to implement when communication is limited. I don't know--sure glad I don't have to deal with the workplace anymore.

We’re Unionized, so I’m far less concerned about them trying to replace us with contractors or temps.

We have weekly department meetings and utilize our internal communications systems to keep each other informed about anything going on.
As time goes on and people either leave the company or new remote employees are brought on, that communication will diminish. You are in the position now that you knew and worked side by side with your co-workers but as time passes, those relationships will fade.
As time goes on and people either leave the company or new remote employees are brought on, that communication will diminish. You are in the position now that you knew and worked side by side with your co-workers but as time passes, those relationships will fade.

We’ll see. New employees are going to have to spend some time working in-person with another employee. We can’t train this work over Microsoft Teams or Sync. We’re a small enough department: 10 Union members, 2 non-represented employees and 1 Supervisor that I think we will be fine.,

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