Reality Proves The Truth About The Political Divide


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.What you were taught in school, and what you’ve heard may not be true…or as the great Yogi Berra said, “In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is.”

And that is the case when one looks at the results for instituting conservativism and Liberalism in governance.

2. Let me say two things. First, I am highly doubtful that that facts, data, even experience, play any role in what passes for thinking in the voting propensity of Democrats.

And, second, using the terms 'Red State' and Blue State' in the incorrect manner as used today is like fingernails on the blackboard for history scholars. Red was always applied to communist, socialist, anarchist, and Liberal entities.

With that proviso, I’ll use the terms colloquially, and quote Stephen Moore's data on what happens when one lives their life as a conservative, versus living as a Liberal.

3. “…we're now divided into two very different nations. There is red state America. And there is blue state America. The red states favor conservative, small government, free market policies: low taxes, light regulation, tough-on-crime policing, and worker freedom. Think Florida, Texas, Tennessee, Arizona, and Utah.
The blue states favor a liberal/left, big government approach: high taxes, heavy regulations, high minimum wages, and mandatory union membership. Think New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Illinois, Oregon, and, of course, California.

4. Progressives like to argue that their big-government, high tax policies are economically superior and thus better for the poor, minorities and working-class Americans than those of red states. Conservative policies, progressives contend, are culturally backward, and tilted to benefit the rich.

5. Let's test this thesis by comparing three of the largest red states: Florida, Texas, and Tennessee with three of the largest blue states: California, New York, and Illinois. If progressive policies really work, then Americans should be rushing to get into the blue states. But just the opposite is happening.

6. Americans are packing up their U-Hauls and heading to the red states. According to the New York Times, in August 2020, so many people wanted to leave New York City that moving companies were turning away business. They just couldn't handle the demand. This exodus may be accelerating, but it's not new. Over the last decade the three big blue states each lost an average of one million people to other states, while the three big red states gained almost a million from other states."

7. The United States was created with freedom for the individual in mind. That freedom required a certain legal system, but it also relied on the individual having a responsibility to obtain that freedom for himself.

Sooo....what if your jurisdiction, state, locale, has laws which you feel impinge on your desires/rights?

Foot voting is expressing one's preferences through one's actions, by voluntarily participating in or withdrawing from an activity, group, or process; especially, physical migration to leave a situation one does not like, or to move to a situation one regards as more beneficial. People who engage in foot voting are said to "vote with their feet".

Legal scholar Ilya Somin has described foot voting as "a tool for enhancing political freedom: the ability of the people to choose the political regime under which they wish to live."
Foot voting - Wikipedia

8. So Americans have been moving from the Liberal-controlled states to the more conservative ones.

“Makes perfect sense. Americans like freedom. Small government means more freedom. And freedom means opportunity. Let's say you're looking for a job. Over the last decade, Florida, Texas and Tennessee have gained twice as many jobs as the progressive states.”
Stephen Moore
9. High taxation is a major problem in Liberal states, as is regulation, as Liberals cannot wield power without over-using it. There is the old saying ‘Anything that Liberals do not want to ban, they want to make mandatory.’
The simplest explanation for Trump’s miraculous economy is his cutting regulation.

And in conservative states, less regulation and less taxation means that your money goes a lot further.

“Not only that, but your money goes further in red states. According to a 2019 Tax Foundation study, your $100 stretches to $111 in purchasing power in Tennessee, while in New Jersey it shrinks to $89.
If you're a big corporation or a small company looking for a business-friendly environment, affordable housing or maybe just a better quality of life, where are you going to go?
The tough decision is not choosing a red state or a blue state. The tough decision is which red state to move to.”
Stephen Moore, Prager U
10. “Progressives like to say that this isn't about economics, it's about weather. The red states tend to be in the South and southwest where the weather is warmer. But that doesn't explain why so many people are leaving California which has the best weather in the country. So, what does explain the migration from blue states?

Start with taxes. The two most populous blue states — California and New York — have the highest tax rates in America, while the two most populous red states — Texas and Florida — have no income tax at all.
When taxes get too high, people move to where taxes are lower. The problem for the high-tax states is that these people take their money, their ambition, and their employees with them.

11. Then, there is crime. Do blue cities do better than red cities?

The answer, of course, is no. Of the twenty cities with the highest murder rates, 18 are run by left-leaning Democrats — and for the most part, have been for decades. And these cities aren't getting safer; they're getting more dangerous. A good chunk of Minneapolis was burned to the ground as a result of riots, following the death of George Floyd. Portland had over 90 consecutive nights of rioting — not peaceful protests, rioting. Seattle allowed an entire section of the city to declare itself an autonomous zone — a first in American history!”
“Where Do You Want to Live: Red State or Blue State?”Presented by Stephen Moore
12. These last few months prove which areas, Liberal or conservative, keep their citizens safe....with law and order.
“Progressive governors, progressive mayors, progressive police chiefs run all these (Liberal) cities and states.
Ask any resident of Los Angeles or San Francisco about the rise in homelessness and you'll get a litany of horror stories. Both cities, of course, have a long history of progressive mayors.” Ibid.

Chesa Boudin, the new DA elected by San Francisco:


Responding to the ACLU questionnaire published in the San Francisco Chronicle before the election, Boudin said: "We will not prosecute cases involving quality-of-life crimes. Crimes such as public camping, offering or soliciting sex, public urination, blocking a sidewalk, etc., should not and will not be prosecuted."

San Francisco's new DA will not prosecute prostitution, public urination cases: "We must think differently" more slap in the face of the law-abiding citizens who pay taxes on actual earnings:

"Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No

An initiative by John Creuzot is stopping prosecutions for theft of personal items worth less than $750."

Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No | Houston Public Media

. …the Police Chief of Raleigh, North Carolina.

Raleigh Police Chief Cassandra Deck-Brown has a particularly.......odd......view of policing.

She isn't inclined to do it.
At 14:30 “I will not put an officer in harms way to protect the property….”

And, second, using the terms 'Red State' and Blue State' in the incorrect manner as used today is like fingernails on the blackboard for history scholars. Red was always applied to communist, socialist, anarchist, and Liberal entities.
Red was associated with Democrats and Blue was associated with Republicans until 1996, when the MSM decided to switch the Democrats to Blue in order to avoid the Communist implication. Today, Red stands for red-blooded Americans and Blue stand for emotionally disturbed internationalists.
And, second, using the terms 'Red State' and Blue State' in the incorrect manner as used today is like fingernails on the blackboard for history scholars. Red was always applied to communist, socialist, anarchist, and Liberal entities.
Red was associated with Democrats and Blue was associated with Republicans until 1996, when the MSM decided to switch the Democrats to Blue in order to avoid the Communist implication. Today, Red stands for red-blooded Americans and Blue stand for emotionally disturbed internationalists.

By the DNC's stenographers, the media.

And, to hide that they are communists.

Peripheral to your point, but may I vent on this point.....the 'color of states' thing is like fingernails on a blackboard to me.

We are blue, they are red.

Red is traditionally associated with
socialism and communism. The oldest symbol of socialism (and, by extension, communism) is the Red Flag, which dates back to the revolutions of 1848. The colour red was chosen to represent the blood of the workers who died in the struggle against capitalism. All major socialist and communist alliances and organisations – including the First, Second, and Third Internationals – used red as their official colour. The association between the colour red and communism is particularly strong. Communists use red much more often and more extensively than other ideologies use their respective traditional colours.

In the United States, since the year 2000, the mass media have associated red with the Republican Party, despite the fact that the Republican Party is a conservative-leaning party. Since at least 2010, the party has adopted an all red logo.
Political colour - Wikipedia

"The choice of colors in this divide is counter-intuitive to many international observers, as throughout the world, red is commonly the designated color for parties representing labor, socialist, and/or liberal interests [5] [6], which in the United States would be more closely correlated with the Democratic Party. Similarly, blue is used in these countries to depict conservative parties which in the case of the United States would be a color more suitable for the Republicans. For example, in Canada party colors are deeply ingrained and historic and have been unchanged during the Twentieth Century. Red states and blue states - Wikipedia

The Democrats should be Gray….reminiscent of the outfits they wore when they were the Confederacy, and we’re Blue….the color we wore when we pried their slaves away from them.

Justice will not be on the upswing until the true color scheme is put back in place.
And, second, using the terms 'Red State' and Blue State' in the incorrect manner as used today is like fingernails on the blackboard for history scholars. Red was always applied to communist, socialist, anarchist, and Liberal entities.
Red was associated with Democrats and Blue was associated with Republicans until 1996, when the MSM decided to switch the Democrats to Blue in order to avoid the Communist implication. Today, Red stands for red-blooded Americans and Blue stand for emotionally disturbed internationalists.
The colors were used to denote incumbent party from challenger party....The states Reagan won in 1980 were denoted in blue...The red state-blue state thing got seared into pop culture by the media chattering heads in the wake of the 2000 recount debacle.

"Man Who Agrees With The Media, Universities, Corporations, And Hollywood Thinks He's Part Of The Resistance
October 7th, 2020

t to you by
SEATTLE, WA—The Babylon Bee had the honor of sitting down with a local brave #resistance fighter to learn more about the fearless counterculture fighting against hate and other bad stuff like that. According to Doy Keeblesmush, a leader of the local resistance movement in Seattle, the ideology consists of whatever the media, universities, corporations, and Hollywood tell them they should think.
"Yeah, I'm pretty much a free thinker," said Keeblesmush when interviewed at a protest rally sponsored by Kinko's. "I would say my ideology is an eclectic mix of Vox, Marvel comics, Starbucks' Twitter feed, and whatever my Sociology 101 professor says. There's a lot of hate and misinformation out there, so it's important that I get my life's moral compass entirely from multi-billion dollar corporations and celebrities. The only exception is dead German philosophers like Marx. They're cool too."
According to Keeblesmush, blindly following the prevailing winds of culture as dictated by trends and hype is the best way of making sure one is on the "right side of history."
"It's important to be on the right side of history since that is literally the only way to determine whether something is right or wrong!" said Keeblesmush. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to attend an afternoon boycott of MyPillow organized by Tempur-Pedic."
Earlier in the thread, some dunce whined about how terrible a job Trump has done.
But when viewed through the prism of 'Red and Blue States,' the distinction become more clear.

13. “How about keeping us healthy and safe? Surely the progressive states, with their strict lockdowns, did a better job saving lives from the coronavirus.


Adjusted for population, as a resident of New York, New Jersey or Illinois, you were three, four or even five times more likely to die of the virus than if you lived in a red state like Florida, Texas, Georgia, Utah or Arizona.

Progressives and liberal Democrats may mean well. They certainly talk a lot about how much they care about the poor, minorities and the working class.
Yet somehow, it's always the poor, minorities, and the working class who pay the price for their bad policies. That's why those who can move, move. Those who can't get stuck with the short end of the stick.”


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