Reality Check on Impeachment-Trial


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Andrew McCarthy: Trump impeachment trial should be postponed until House finishes investigation

So what we have here is a case where the Democrats claimed to have a "rock solid" case for removal of the President, which was incorporated into two Articles of Impeachment.

Then the Impeachers realized that there was a lot of additional testimony and evidence that could further their case, and they "demanded" that the additional testimony and evidence be produced during the Senate "trial." But this is nonsense. The Senate trial is intended to asses the case that has been made in the House, and to vote on it.

If the House thinks the case need bolstering, they should NOT have voted to send the Articles to the Senate, but rather to withdraw them so they could be modified to make the best possible case for removal, based on all the evidence available NOW.

The fact that they didn't do this says a lot about what this is all about. It is starting to look like one of the main purposes of this whole matter is keeping the Senators tied up in the impeachment trial during what could be the most important campaigning dates of the 2020 primaries - thus assisting Joe Biden in getting the eventual nomination. Clearly, the Movers and Shakers in the Democrat party want Biden as their man.

But regardless, the failure to recall the Articles in light of "new evidence" exposes a lot about the Democrats' motives and strategy. While Impeachment may be "forever" (in Pelosi's words), so will Trump's triumphant victory in November - and it will expose her as the biggest fool in America's political history.
This impeachment is the very first that no one takes seriously.


BTW.....the market opened up 200 points under this impeachment trial.
Andrew McCarthy: Trump impeachment trial should be postponed until House finishes investigation

So what we have here is a case where the Democrats claimed to have a "rock solid" case for removal of the President, which was incorporated into two Articles of Impeachment.

Then the Impeachers realized that there was a lot of additional testimony and evidence that could further their case, and they "demanded" that the additional testimony and evidence be produced during the Senate "trial." But this is nonsense. The Senate trial is intended to asses the case that has been made in the House, and to vote on it.

If the House thinks the case need bolstering, they should NOT have voted to send the Articles to the Senate, but rather to withdraw them so they could be modified to make the best possible case for removal, based on all the evidence available NOW.

The fact that they didn't do this says a lot about what this is all about. It is starting to look like one of the main purposes of this whole matter is keeping the Senators tied up in the impeachment trial during what could be the most important campaigning dates of the 2020 primaries - thus assisting Joe Biden in getting the eventual nomination. Clearly, the Movers and Shakers in the Democrat party want Biden as their man.

But regardless, the failure to recall the Articles in light of "new evidence" exposes a lot about the Democrats' motives and strategy. While Impeachment may be "forever" (in Pelosi's words), so will Trump's triumphant victory in November - and it will expose her as the biggest fool in America's political history.

Well, those of you who are against impeachment just got some good news, you can finally rest now knowing that a law was actually violated by withholding the money.

GAO concludes Trump administration broke law by withholding Ukraine aid - CNNPolitics

So I guess, no more using that excuse.
Money wasn't with held, it was delayed and shortly after, sent in full.

Furthermore, isn't it the purview of the President to sign or not sign funding? I'm not as informed as you guys, but I do recall that for full budgets that fund the entire U.S government, the President can refuse to sign it. If that is the case for your own citizens, why would it be different for foreign governments receiving US taxpayer funding?

In fact, I'm sure one of the more isolationists such as Rand Paul could argue that SENDING money, especially if that nation is deemed corrupt, is more of an illegal act than sending it.
Andrew McCarthy: Trump impeachment trial should be postponed until House finishes investigation

So what we have here is a case where the Democrats claimed to have a "rock solid" case for removal of the President, which was incorporated into two Articles of Impeachment.

Then the Impeachers realized that there was a lot of additional testimony and evidence that could further their case, and they "demanded" that the additional testimony and evidence be produced during the Senate "trial." But this is nonsense. The Senate trial is intended to asses the case that has been made in the House, and to vote on it.

If the House thinks the case need bolstering, they should NOT have voted to send the Articles to the Senate, but rather to withdraw them so they could be modified to make the best possible case for removal, based on all the evidence available NOW.

The fact that they didn't do this says a lot about what this is all about. It is starting to look like one of the main purposes of this whole matter is keeping the Senators tied up in the impeachment trial during what could be the most important campaigning dates of the 2020 primaries - thus assisting Joe Biden in getting the eventual nomination. Clearly, the Movers and Shakers in the Democrat party want Biden as their man.

But regardless, the failure to recall the Articles in light of "new evidence" exposes a lot about the Democrats' motives and strategy. While Impeachment may be "forever" (in Pelosi's words), so will Trump's triumphant victory in November - and it will expose her as the biggest fool in America's political history.

Well, those of you who are against impeachment just got some good news, you can finally rest now knowing that a law was actually violated by withholding the money.

GAO concludes Trump administration broke law by withholding Ukraine aid - CNNPolitics

So I guess, no more using that excuse.

I'm sorry, do you have another source. I just have a really hard time trusting CNN after that admission from Jeff Zucker. I'm sure you understand. You probably wouldn't accept the spin of shit from INFOWARS, right? :dunno:
Andrew McCarthy: Trump impeachment trial should be postponed until House finishes investigation

So what we have here is a case where the Democrats claimed to have a "rock solid" case for removal of the President, which was incorporated into two Articles of Impeachment.

Then the Impeachers realized that there was a lot of additional testimony and evidence that could further their case, and they "demanded" that the additional testimony and evidence be produced during the Senate "trial." But this is nonsense. The Senate trial is intended to asses the case that has been made in the House, and to vote on it.

If the House thinks the case need bolstering, they should NOT have voted to send the Articles to the Senate, but rather to withdraw them so they could be modified to make the best possible case for removal, based on all the evidence available NOW.

The fact that they didn't do this says a lot about what this is all about. It is starting to look like one of the main purposes of this whole matter is keeping the Senators tied up in the impeachment trial during what could be the most important campaigning dates of the 2020 primaries - thus assisting Joe Biden in getting the eventual nomination. Clearly, the Movers and Shakers in the Democrat party want Biden as their man.

But regardless, the failure to recall the Articles in light of "new evidence" exposes a lot about the Democrats' motives and strategy. While Impeachment may be "forever" (in Pelosi's words), so will Trump's triumphant victory in November - and it will expose her as the biggest fool in America's political history.

Well, those of you who are against impeachment just got some good news, you can finally rest now knowing that a law was actually violated by withholding the money.

GAO concludes Trump administration broke law by withholding Ukraine aid - CNNPolitics

So I guess, no more using that excuse.

I'm sorry, do you have another source. I just have a really hard time trusting CNN after that admission from Jeff Zucker. I'm sure you understand. You probably wouldn't accept the spin of shit from INFOWARS, right? :dunno:

This better? I know Fox will have it at some point...mainly because they are forced to. :)

GAO: Trump’s Ukraine aid pause violated budget law
An excuse to
Andrew McCarthy: Trump impeachment trial should be postponed until House finishes investigation

So what we have here is a case where the Democrats claimed to have a "rock solid" case for removal of the President, which was incorporated into two Articles of Impeachment.

Then the Impeachers realized that there was a lot of additional testimony and evidence that could further their case, and they "demanded" that the additional testimony and evidence be produced during the Senate "trial." But this is nonsense. The Senate trial is intended to asses the case that has been made in the House, and to vote on it.

If the House thinks the case need bolstering, they should NOT have voted to send the Articles to the Senate, but rather to withdraw them so they could be modified to make the best possible case for removal, based on all the evidence available NOW.

The fact that they didn't do this says a lot about what this is all about. It is starting to look like one of the main purposes of this whole matter is keeping the Senators tied up in the impeachment trial during what could be the most important campaigning dates of the 2020 primaries - thus assisting Joe Biden in getting the eventual nomination. Clearly, the Movers and Shakers in the Democrat party want Biden as their man.

But regardless, the failure to recall the Articles in light of "new evidence" exposes a lot about the Democrats' motives and strategy. While Impeachment may be "forever" (in Pelosi's words), so will Trump's triumphant victory in November - and it will expose her as the biggest fool in America's political history.

delay it until the "its to close to the election" excuse to kick in.

This tells you everything you need to know about how the Republicans are trying to protect their criminal President.
Andrew McCarthy: Trump impeachment trial should be postponed until House finishes investigation

So what we have here is a case where the Democrats claimed to have a "rock solid" case for removal of the President, which was incorporated into two Articles of Impeachment.

Then the Impeachers realized that there was a lot of additional testimony and evidence that could further their case, and they "demanded" that the additional testimony and evidence be produced during the Senate "trial." But this is nonsense. The Senate trial is intended to asses the case that has been made in the House, and to vote on it.

If the House thinks the case need bolstering, they should NOT have voted to send the Articles to the Senate, but rather to withdraw them so they could be modified to make the best possible case for removal, based on all the evidence available NOW.

The fact that they didn't do this says a lot about what this is all about. It is starting to look like one of the main purposes of this whole matter is keeping the Senators tied up in the impeachment trial during what could be the most important campaigning dates of the 2020 primaries - thus assisting Joe Biden in getting the eventual nomination. Clearly, the Movers and Shakers in the Democrat party want Biden as their man.

But regardless, the failure to recall the Articles in light of "new evidence" exposes a lot about the Democrats' motives and strategy. While Impeachment may be "forever" (in Pelosi's words), so will Trump's triumphant victory in November - and it will expose her as the biggest fool in America's political history.

Well, those of you who are against impeachment just got some good news, you can finally rest now knowing that a law was actually violated by withholding the money.

GAO concludes Trump administration broke law by withholding Ukraine aid - CNNPolitics

So I guess, no more using that excuse.

I'm sorry, do you have another source. I just have a really hard time trusting CNN after that admission from Jeff Zucker. I'm sure you understand. You probably wouldn't accept the spin of shit from INFOWARS, right? :dunno:

So you don't listen to Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck & Infowars . Because they lie to you every day.
Andrew McCarthy: Trump impeachment trial should be postponed until House finishes investigation

So what we have here is a case where the Democrats claimed to have a "rock solid" case for removal of the President, which was incorporated into two Articles of Impeachment.

Then the Impeachers realized that there was a lot of additional testimony and evidence that could further their case, and they "demanded" that the additional testimony and evidence be produced during the Senate "trial." But this is nonsense. The Senate trial is intended to asses the case that has been made in the House, and to vote on it.

If the House thinks the case need bolstering, they should NOT have voted to send the Articles to the Senate, but rather to withdraw them so they could be modified to make the best possible case for removal, based on all the evidence available NOW.

The fact that they didn't do this says a lot about what this is all about. It is starting to look like one of the main purposes of this whole matter is keeping the Senators tied up in the impeachment trial during what could be the most important campaigning dates of the 2020 primaries - thus assisting Joe Biden in getting the eventual nomination. Clearly, the Movers and Shakers in the Democrat party want Biden as their man.

But regardless, the failure to recall the Articles in light of "new evidence" exposes a lot about the Democrats' motives and strategy. While Impeachment may be "forever" (in Pelosi's words), so will Trump's triumphant victory in November - and it will expose her as the biggest fool in America's political history.

Well, those of you who are against impeachment just got some good news, you can finally rest now knowing that a law was actually violated by withholding the money.

GAO concludes Trump administration broke law by withholding Ukraine aid - CNNPolitics

So I guess, no more using that excuse.

I'm sorry, do you have another source. I just have a really hard time trusting CNN after that admission from Jeff Zucker. I'm sure you understand. You probably wouldn't accept the spin of shit from INFOWARS, right? :dunno:

Sorry, my bad. Didn't look hard enough.

GAO says Trump administration broke law by withholding Ukraine aid
Andrew McCarthy: Trump impeachment trial should be postponed until House finishes investigation

So what we have here is a case where the Democrats claimed to have a "rock solid" case for removal of the President, which was incorporated into two Articles of Impeachment.

Then the Impeachers realized that there was a lot of additional testimony and evidence that could further their case, and they "demanded" that the additional testimony and evidence be produced during the Senate "trial." But this is nonsense. The Senate trial is intended to asses the case that has been made in the House, and to vote on it.

If the House thinks the case need bolstering, they should NOT have voted to send the Articles to the Senate, but rather to withdraw them so they could be modified to make the best possible case for removal, based on all the evidence available NOW.

The fact that they didn't do this says a lot about what this is all about. It is starting to look like one of the main purposes of this whole matter is keeping the Senators tied up in the impeachment trial during what could be the most important campaigning dates of the 2020 primaries - thus assisting Joe Biden in getting the eventual nomination. Clearly, the Movers and Shakers in the Democrat party want Biden as their man.

But regardless, the failure to recall the Articles in light of "new evidence" exposes a lot about the Democrats' motives and strategy. While Impeachment may be "forever" (in Pelosi's words), so will Trump's triumphant victory in November - and it will expose her as the biggest fool in America's political history.

Well, those of you who are against impeachment just got some good news, you can finally rest now knowing that a law was actually violated by withholding the money.

GAO concludes Trump administration broke law by withholding Ukraine aid - CNNPolitics

So I guess, no more using that excuse.

I'm sorry, do you have another source. I just have a really hard time trusting CNN after that admission from Jeff Zucker. I'm sure you understand. You probably wouldn't accept the spin of shit from INFOWARS, right? :dunno:

Sorry, my bad. Didn't look hard enough.

GAO says Trump administration broke law by withholding Ukraine aid

So why should we believe the GAO over the OMB?
Andrew McCarthy: Trump impeachment trial should be postponed until House finishes investigation

So what we have here is a case where the Democrats claimed to have a "rock solid" case for removal of the President, which was incorporated into two Articles of Impeachment.

Then the Impeachers realized that there was a lot of additional testimony and evidence that could further their case, and they "demanded" that the additional testimony and evidence be produced during the Senate "trial." But this is nonsense. The Senate trial is intended to asses the case that has been made in the House, and to vote on it.

If the House thinks the case need bolstering, they should NOT have voted to send the Articles to the Senate, but rather to withdraw them so they could be modified to make the best possible case for removal, based on all the evidence available NOW.

The fact that they didn't do this says a lot about what this is all about. It is starting to look like one of the main purposes of this whole matter is keeping the Senators tied up in the impeachment trial during what could be the most important campaigning dates of the 2020 primaries - thus assisting Joe Biden in getting the eventual nomination. Clearly, the Movers and Shakers in the Democrat party want Biden as their man.

But regardless, the failure to recall the Articles in light of "new evidence" exposes a lot about the Democrats' motives and strategy. While Impeachment may be "forever" (in Pelosi's words), so will Trump's triumphant victory in November - and it will expose her as the biggest fool in America's political history.

Well, those of you who are against impeachment just got some good news, you can finally rest now knowing that a law was actually violated by withholding the money.

GAO concludes Trump administration broke law by withholding Ukraine aid - CNNPolitics

So I guess, no more using that excuse.

I'm sorry, do you have another source. I just have a really hard time trusting CNN after that admission from Jeff Zucker. I'm sure you understand. You probably wouldn't accept the spin of shit from INFOWARS, right? :dunno:

So you don't listen to Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck & Infowars . Because they lie to you every day.

You got that right!

Andrew McCarthy: Trump impeachment trial should be postponed until House finishes investigation

So what we have here is a case where the Democrats claimed to have a "rock solid" case for removal of the President, which was incorporated into two Articles of Impeachment.

Then the Impeachers realized that there was a lot of additional testimony and evidence that could further their case, and they "demanded" that the additional testimony and evidence be produced during the Senate "trial." But this is nonsense. The Senate trial is intended to asses the case that has been made in the House, and to vote on it.

If the House thinks the case need bolstering, they should NOT have voted to send the Articles to the Senate, but rather to withdraw them so they could be modified to make the best possible case for removal, based on all the evidence available NOW.

The fact that they didn't do this says a lot about what this is all about. It is starting to look like one of the main purposes of this whole matter is keeping the Senators tied up in the impeachment trial during what could be the most important campaigning dates of the 2020 primaries - thus assisting Joe Biden in getting the eventual nomination. Clearly, the Movers and Shakers in the Democrat party want Biden as their man.

But regardless, the failure to recall the Articles in light of "new evidence" exposes a lot about the Democrats' motives and strategy. While Impeachment may be "forever" (in Pelosi's words), so will Trump's triumphant victory in November - and it will expose her as the biggest fool in America's political history.

Well, those of you who are against impeachment just got some good news, you can finally rest now knowing that a law was actually violated by withholding the money.

GAO concludes Trump administration broke law by withholding Ukraine aid - CNNPolitics

So I guess, no more using that excuse.

I'm sorry, do you have another source. I just have a really hard time trusting CNN after that admission from Jeff Zucker. I'm sure you understand. You probably wouldn't accept the spin of shit from INFOWARS, right? :dunno:

Sorry, my bad. Didn't look hard enough.

GAO says Trump administration broke law by withholding Ukraine aid

So why should we believe the GAO over the OMB?

Other than the fact that the person in charge of OMB is Mick Mulvaney?...and we haven't heard from him yet?
Jeez, I can't think of another reason. :)
This impeachment is the very first that no one takes seriously.


BTW.....the market opened up 200 points under this impeachment trial.
LOVE LETTERS: Nancy Pelosi’s Impeachment Pens Look Like Bullets.


Pelosi's Impeachment Pen "Bullets", she's one sick puppy!
Not only did Nancy Pelosi have commemorative (totally sober) impeachment pens made and carried in on silver trays for her to sign (one interminably long letter at a time while smiling like prom queen), but the pens look like a high-caliber rifle bullets. Think that was accidental?

Enjoy it Skank, payback is in 10 months!
Andrew McCarthy: Trump impeachment trial should be postponed until House finishes investigation

So what we have here is a case where the Democrats claimed to have a "rock solid" case for removal of the President, which was incorporated into two Articles of Impeachment.

Then the Impeachers realized that there was a lot of additional testimony and evidence that could further their case, and they "demanded" that the additional testimony and evidence be produced during the Senate "trial." But this is nonsense. The Senate trial is intended to asses the case that has been made in the House, and to vote on it.

If the House thinks the case need bolstering, they should NOT have voted to send the Articles to the Senate, but rather to withdraw them so they could be modified to make the best possible case for removal, based on all the evidence available NOW.

The fact that they didn't do this says a lot about what this is all about. It is starting to look like one of the main purposes of this whole matter is keeping the Senators tied up in the impeachment trial during what could be the most important campaigning dates of the 2020 primaries - thus assisting Joe Biden in getting the eventual nomination. Clearly, the Movers and Shakers in the Democrat party want Biden as their man.

But regardless, the failure to recall the Articles in light of "new evidence" exposes a lot about the Democrats' motives and strategy. While Impeachment may be "forever" (in Pelosi's words), so will Trump's triumphant victory in November - and it will expose her as the biggest fool in America's political history.

All evidence in such a serious matter needs to be presented to the Senate, and to the People of the United States. Your reasoning is based on your concern that more incriminating evidence will be discovered, isn't that correct?

McConnell it seems has the ability to set the Calendar. I suspect he knows how to best protect The President, given his past statements, loyalty to his party, and more so to keeping his job as leader.
Andrew McCarthy: Trump impeachment trial should be postponed until House finishes investigation

So what we have here is a case where the Democrats claimed to have a "rock solid" case for removal of the President, which was incorporated into two Articles of Impeachment.

Then the Impeachers realized that there was a lot of additional testimony and evidence that could further their case, and they "demanded" that the additional testimony and evidence be produced during the Senate "trial." But this is nonsense. The Senate trial is intended to asses the case that has been made in the House, and to vote on it.

If the House thinks the case need bolstering, they should NOT have voted to send the Articles to the Senate, but rather to withdraw them so they could be modified to make the best possible case for removal, based on all the evidence available NOW.

The fact that they didn't do this says a lot about what this is all about. It is starting to look like one of the main purposes of this whole matter is keeping the Senators tied up in the impeachment trial during what could be the most important campaigning dates of the 2020 primaries - thus assisting Joe Biden in getting the eventual nomination. Clearly, the Movers and Shakers in the Democrat party want Biden as their man.

But regardless, the failure to recall the Articles in light of "new evidence" exposes a lot about the Democrats' motives and strategy. While Impeachment may be "forever" (in Pelosi's words), so will Trump's triumphant victory in November - and it will expose her as the biggest fool in America's political history.

All evidence in such a serious matter needs to be presented to the Senate, and to the People of the United States. Your reasoning is based on your concern that more incriminating evidence will be discovered, isn't that correct?

McConnell it seems has the ability to set the Calendar. I suspect he knows how to best protect The President, given his past statements, loyalty to his party, and more so to keeping his job as leader.
If the House hasn't completed their investigation, and they aren't ready for trial, then this needs to be continued.

We don't have trials in this country with evolving charges during the trial because the prosecutors are concerned that they rushed to trial so fast that they won't get a conviction!

But, ultimately it will be whatever 51 votes in the Senate determines it will be.

These crazed Democrats are doing Putin's bidding with all this division. Now there is crazy talk about continual impeachment once these silly charges are voted down. That's stupid. If they want to investigate other charges, they should do so, with the Senate taking it up once the process has properly ripened.
This impeachment is the very first that no one takes seriously.


BTW.....the market opened up 200 points under this impeachment trial.
LOVE LETTERS: Nancy Pelosi’s Impeachment Pens Look Like Bullets.


Pelosi's Impeachment Pen "Bullets", she's one sick puppy!
Not only did Nancy Pelosi have commemorative (totally sober) impeachment pens made and carried in on silver trays for her to sign (one interminably long letter at a time while smiling like prom queen), but the pens look like a high-caliber rifle bullets. Think that was accidental?

Enjoy it Skank, payback is in 10 months!

Did you hear her speech????

Any truth to the rumor that that James Bond villain, Pelosi-galore, is about to bring charges against the meany who put the "s" in lisp???
An excuse to
Andrew McCarthy: Trump impeachment trial should be postponed until House finishes investigation

So what we have here is a case where the Democrats claimed to have a "rock solid" case for removal of the President, which was incorporated into two Articles of Impeachment.

Then the Impeachers realized that there was a lot of additional testimony and evidence that could further their case, and they "demanded" that the additional testimony and evidence be produced during the Senate "trial." But this is nonsense. The Senate trial is intended to asses the case that has been made in the House, and to vote on it.

If the House thinks the case need bolstering, they should NOT have voted to send the Articles to the Senate, but rather to withdraw them so they could be modified to make the best possible case for removal, based on all the evidence available NOW.

The fact that they didn't do this says a lot about what this is all about. It is starting to look like one of the main purposes of this whole matter is keeping the Senators tied up in the impeachment trial during what could be the most important campaigning dates of the 2020 primaries - thus assisting Joe Biden in getting the eventual nomination. Clearly, the Movers and Shakers in the Democrat party want Biden as their man.

But regardless, the failure to recall the Articles in light of "new evidence" exposes a lot about the Democrats' motives and strategy. While Impeachment may be "forever" (in Pelosi's words), so will Trump's triumphant victory in November - and it will expose her as the biggest fool in America's political history.

delay it until the "its to close to the election" excuse to kick in.

This tells you everything you need to know about how the Republicans are trying to protect their criminal President.
Excuse to delay? It wasn't Republicans who held onto the articles of impeachment long after they were voted on.
Andrew McCarthy: Trump impeachment trial should be postponed until House finishes investigation

So what we have here is a case where the Democrats claimed to have a "rock solid" case for removal of the President, which was incorporated into two Articles of Impeachment.

Then the Impeachers realized that there was a lot of additional testimony and evidence that could further their case, and they "demanded" that the additional testimony and evidence be produced during the Senate "trial." But this is nonsense. The Senate trial is intended to asses the case that has been made in the House, and to vote on it.

If the House thinks the case need bolstering, they should NOT have voted to send the Articles to the Senate, but rather to withdraw them so they could be modified to make the best possible case for removal, based on all the evidence available NOW.

The fact that they didn't do this says a lot about what this is all about. It is starting to look like one of the main purposes of this whole matter is keeping the Senators tied up in the impeachment trial during what could be the most important campaigning dates of the 2020 primaries - thus assisting Joe Biden in getting the eventual nomination. Clearly, the Movers and Shakers in the Democrat party want Biden as their man.

But regardless, the failure to recall the Articles in light of "new evidence" exposes a lot about the Democrats' motives and strategy. While Impeachment may be "forever" (in Pelosi's words), so will Trump's triumphant victory in November - and it will expose her as the biggest fool in America's political history.

All evidence in such a serious matter needs to be presented to the Senate, and to the People of the United States. Your reasoning is based on your concern that more incriminating evidence will be discovered, isn't that correct?

McConnell it seems has the ability to set the Calendar. I suspect he knows how to best protect The President, given his past statements, loyalty to his party, and more so to keeping his job as leader.
If the House hasn't completed their investigation, and they aren't ready for trial, then this needs to be continued.

We don't have trials in this country with evolving charges during the trial because the prosecutors are concerned that they rushed to trial so fast that they won't get a conviction!

But, ultimately it will be whatever 51 votes in the Senate determines it will be.

These crazed Democrats are doing Putin's bidding with all this division. Now there is crazy talk about continual impeachment once these silly charges are voted down. That's stupid. If they want to investigate other charges, they should do so, with the Senate taking it up once the process has properly ripened.
There should be nothing voted on in the Senate that was not voted on in the House. By that I mean that, if the democrats have something new they want to include, they should pull back the articles, present the evidence to the House, re-vote on the articles, THEN send them over for the trial. Expecting the Senate to vote on evidence that was not presented to the House for consideration is wrong.
Andrew McCarthy: Trump impeachment trial should be postponed until House finishes investigation

So what we have here is a case where the Democrats claimed to have a "rock solid" case for removal of the President, which was incorporated into two Articles of Impeachment.

Then the Impeachers realized that there was a lot of additional testimony and evidence that could further their case, and they "demanded" that the additional testimony and evidence be produced during the Senate "trial." But this is nonsense. The Senate trial is intended to asses the case that has been made in the House, and to vote on it.

If the House thinks the case need bolstering, they should NOT have voted to send the Articles to the Senate, but rather to withdraw them so they could be modified to make the best possible case for removal, based on all the evidence available NOW.

The fact that they didn't do this says a lot about what this is all about. It is starting to look like one of the main purposes of this whole matter is keeping the Senators tied up in the impeachment trial during what could be the most important campaigning dates of the 2020 primaries - thus assisting Joe Biden in getting the eventual nomination. Clearly, the Movers and Shakers in the Democrat party want Biden as their man.

But regardless, the failure to recall the Articles in light of "new evidence" exposes a lot about the Democrats' motives and strategy. While Impeachment may be "forever" (in Pelosi's words), so will Trump's triumphant victory in November - and it will expose her as the biggest fool in America's political history.

All evidence in such a serious matter needs to be presented to the Senate, and to the People of the United States. Your reasoning is based on your concern that more incriminating evidence will be discovered, isn't that correct?

McConnell it seems has the ability to set the Calendar. I suspect he knows how to best protect The President, given his past statements, loyalty to his party, and more so to keeping his job as leader.
If the House hasn't completed their investigation, and they aren't ready for trial, then this needs to be continued.

We don't have trials in this country with evolving charges during the trial because the prosecutors are concerned that they rushed to trial so fast that they won't get a conviction!

But, ultimately it will be whatever 51 votes in the Senate determines it will be.

These crazed Democrats are doing Putin's bidding with all this division. Now there is crazy talk about continual impeachment once these silly charges are voted down. That's stupid. If they want to investigate other charges, they should do so, with the Senate taking it up once the process has properly ripened.
There should be nothing voted on in the Senate that was not voted on in the House. By that I mean that, if the democrats have something new they want to include, they should pull back the articles, present the evidence to the House, re-vote on the articles, THEN send them over for the trial. Expecting the Senate to vote on evidence that was not presented to the House for consideration is wrong.

What is wrong is to NOT admit evidence of wrong doing by The President when it is discovered, which is probative to the current two Articles of Impeachment sustained by the H. or Rep. Do you want Justice to Prevail, or not?
This impeachment is the very first that no one takes seriously.


I'm barely even following all this garbage by the Democrats. It would be a waste of my time and it's certainly a waste of my hard earned tax dollars. Trump has my vote already for November 2020.

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