Reagan Was A Shitty President

I don't know much about Romney. Why do you like him, my pinko Canadian friend?

Well, I don't really. I did before he tried to resell himself as a social conservative, conveniently changing his "beliefs" to pander to evangelicals when he was running for the nomination.

But he looks the part. With a stalled economy, turning to someone who ran a large business will look attractive.

And the Democrats will be too incompetent to exploit him. Romney ran Bain Capital, a large private equity fund. Private equity makes their money by taking costs out of companies, i.e. firing people, and leveraging up their balance sheets, i.e. issuing more debt. Given that the problems in this economy are too much unemployment and too much debt, a clever political strategist should be able to make both a weakness for Romney, not a strength. But since their are no clever Democrat political strategists, Romney will look pretty good.
No "clever Democratic strategists"? You mean none the dun look like gollum?


Someday I'm gonna use my Google-Fu and find out something about Canadian politics and ridicule YOU, Toto.....
1964 civil rights act vote tally
Senate: 77–19

Democrats: 47–17 (73%-27%)
Republicans: 30–2 (94%-6%)

House: 333–85

Democrats: 221–61 (78%-22%)
Republicans: 112–24 (82%-18%)

Hello there! The Southern Strategy would like a word with you when you have a moment!

Oddly enough, seems like you just accidentally forgot to include that in your little timeline. :eusa_whistle:

The point I'm making is that racism is "party blind". No matter how much people on the left like to scream about their moral superiority on the issue.

The party breakdown of the votes doesn't tell the story ... it's the north/south breakdown that does.

This says all you need to know about who was for it and who was against it. Notice something glaring?

The original House version:

* Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7%–93%)
* Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0%–100%)

* Northern Democrats: 145-9 (94%–6%)
* Northern Republicans: 138-24 (85%–15%)

The Senate version:

* Southern Democrats: 1–20 (5%–95%)
* Southern Republicans: 0–1 (0%–100%)
* Northern Democrats: 45-1 (98%–2%)
* Northern Republicans: 27-5 (84%–16%)
FDR and Dems Southern Strategy was to see how black males would react from untreated syphilis allowing them to pass it to their wives and children.
Wait a couple of years and watch what happens to the brainwashed, glassy eyed, defenders of FreeDumb.
How about Agent Orange ?
How about being exposed to a mushroom cloud while crouching in a ditch with farm animals.
How about getting fed small doses of LSD while on a navy ship ?

Just think. These assholes are protecting THEM.Not you.
Can we please get back on track? (And BTW, Jeremy is correct...both sides of the aisle have been venial.)

When choosing a candidate in 2012, it is time for the GOP to reject the Palins, Gingriches etc. and chose a person with brains, vision and guts. We do NOT need any more pandering to the stupid in this country.

So, does anyone have a Republican governor they like?

I agree. It's long past time the GOP stop pandering to the stupid . . . so no more nominating "moderates" who will look good to the left. Why would we be trying to please THOSE putzes?
Okay, so we can agree the next Republican candidate for president should condemn unethical medical experiments on humans.


I'm amazed at how readily Progressives accept both Soviet Barbarism and FDR's Tuskegee Experiments.

It never ceases to amaze me and that's just watching how Progressives have responded since I introduced Tuskegee about 2 weeks ago. It's really not a big deal to any of you.
Can we please get back on track? (And BTW, Jeremy is correct...both sides of the aisle have been venial.)

When choosing a candidate in 2012, it is time for the GOP to reject the Palins, Gingriches etc. and chose a person with brains, vision and guts. We do NOT need any more pandering to the stupid in this country.

So, does anyone have a Republican governor they like?

I agree. It's long past time the GOP stop pandering to the stupid . . . so no more nominating "moderates" who will look good to the left. Why would we be trying to please THOSE putzes?

I could get behind this, Cecilie, if the "radical" was a man or woman prepared to go through the Directory Of Federal Agencies with a flamethrower.
Okay, so we can agree the next Republican candidate for president should condemn unethical medical experiments on humans.


I'm amazed at how readily Progressives accept both Soviet Barbarism and FDR's Tuskegee Experiments.

It never ceases to amaze me and that's just watching how Progressives have responded since I introduced Tuskegee about 2 weeks ago. It's really not a big deal to any of you.

It's a big deal, Frank. But I have known about since like 1979. Kinda hard to start jumping up and down now.

It was vile, and should never have happened. Hopefully, it never will again.
Can we please get back on track? (And BTW, Jeremy is correct...both sides of the aisle have been venial.)

When choosing a candidate in 2012, it is time for the GOP to reject the Palins, Gingriches etc. and chose a person with brains, vision and guts. We do NOT need any more pandering to the stupid in this country.

So, does anyone have a Republican governor they like?

I agree. It's long past time the GOP stop pandering to the stupid . . . so no more nominating "moderates" who will look good to the left. Why would we be trying to please THOSE putzes?

There are rumblings in Indiana of Governor Mitch Daniels running for President.

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