Reagan Was A Shitty President

Do you like him, zzzz?

BTW, anybody think Gov. Brewer (R - AZ) suitable?

He served as an advisor to Reagan and was Bush's director of the OMB for 3 years at the start of the century. So he has Washington experience. Here in Indiana he has kept the state in good financial condition in contrast to the other states and he focuses on jobs. But he is a firm believer in privatization. Whether he could excite the republican base or not is what counts. With Palin's rock star status any other nominee would have to have something really good to get past the primaries.

Gov. Brewer could not win Florida, Califormia or Texas because of the illegal legislation and without those states it is no contest. She will forever be tarred with that. Plus she is in a big flap about falsely claiming her father died fighting the Nazi's.
For one, not a single person who has previously run for president is really suitable... save Ron Paul, but he's already said 'no'. And even then he has some issues, some of which stem from his supporters acting nuttier than the Libertarians and Greens.

As for other possible candidates... >grits teeth< I only know of two former governors that have had interest in it that may be on the consideration list. Tim Pawlenty R-MN and Tommy Thompson (R-WI). Both have significant issues too but both are outsiders. I didn't know Brewer was interested and she possibly could be good, but till the whole Immigration Imbroglio, I was under the impression she was fairly RINOish. And Palin... as much as I may like her, she's squandered her chance I think. She would make a better head of the GOP at this point.

at least that's my current assessment. Not good unless there's a effort to pull thumbs out of asses and purge the progressives from in the party. Too bad they're all leadership now.
I will be honest; I'm far from being an expert on economics and I started kindergarten the year before Reagan took office. I did however read an article on marketwatch last week that speaks volumes on the subject of the Republicans influence on our current economy. I can't post links yet, apparantly, but doing a google search for "marketwatch Reagan insider economy" will hopefully yeild results. The article doesn't spare Democrats for their involvement in our current economic situation, either. I think it's reasonably fair.

I think that Reagan, like almost every other President, did some good as well as some ill. I don't like him being deified though.
I am fed up with all this revisionist history in which Reagan was the best president since George Washington. It's all bullshit folks, and here's why:

* "Trickle down economics" -- the basis for the infamous Reagan tax cuts -- was utter bullshit and did not work. At all.

* He expanded the national debt in unprecedented amounts. Yes, so have others since, but his was a Great Leap Forward.

* He and his wife relied on astrologists to help them make decisions about the country. WTF Nancy was even involved, no one knows...but to use a horoscope is inexcusable.

And my personal favorite:

* By embracing the Moral Majority, Reagan opened an era of religious lunacy in American politics, especially in the Republican Party. We are still paying for this. Pols in America have to pander to the Very Stupid to get elected...and that is almost entirely Reagan's fault.

Knock it off with the Great Communicator horseshit.

Well, that's all certainly your opinion, and as such, means and proves fuck-all. But thank you for sharing it with us totally unsolicited and unwanted. Believe it or not, your opinion does not equal objective reality.

Now cessy this may come as a shock but people don't need your permission to post their opinions on these boards, so saying it was unsolicited means fuck all.
He used astrology to make decisions? Why not just ask Jon Edward to contact the dead founders while you're at it? I wonder if anyone here defended him for that?
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I am fed up with all this revisionist history in which Reagan was the best president since George Washington. It's all bullshit folks, and here's why:

* "Trickle down economics" -- the basis for the infamous Reagan tax cuts -- was utter bullshit and did not work. At all.

* He expanded the national debt in unprecedented amounts. Yes, so have others since, but his was a Great Leap Forward.

* He and his wife relied on astrologists to help them make decisions about the country. WTF Nancy was even involved, no one knows...but to use a horoscope is inexcusable.

And my personal favorite:

* By embracing the Moral Majority, Reagan opened an era of religious lunacy in American politics, especially in the Republican Party. We are still paying for this. Pols in America have to pander to the Very Stupid to get elected...and that is almost entirely Reagan's fault.

Knock it off with the Great Communicator horseshit.

The trickle down thing is still being tried. They justify tax breaks for the wealthy with this crap.

Here is a good measure of ol Ronnie. HANNITY thinks he was great. Nuff said.
"8. There is now a call for prayer in schools. The Republican adminstration has been lobbying to give this deserved religious freedom."

Prayer isn't banned in schools, what is banned is school led prayer, because you can't have public schools endorsing religion.
Reagan was a foolish clown and proof positive that even an idiot like G Bush Junior could be President. I despised him.
I am fed up with all this revisionist history in which Reagan was the best president since George Washington. It's all bullshit folks, and here's why:

* "Trickle down economics" -- the basis for the infamous Reagan tax cuts -- was utter bullshit and did not work. At all.

* He expanded the national debt in unprecedented amounts. Yes, so have others since, but his was a Great Leap Forward.

* He and his wife relied on astrologists to help them make decisions about the country. WTF Nancy was even involved, no one knows...but to use a horoscope is inexcusable.

And my personal favorite:

* By embracing the Moral Majority, Reagan opened an era of religious lunacy in American politics, especially in the Republican Party. We are still paying for this. Pols in America have to pander to the Very Stupid to get elected...and that is almost entirely Reagan's fault.

Knock it off with the Great Communicator horseshit.

Progressives need to lie about everything. They lie about the Greatness of FDR and not surprisingly, they lie about truly great Presidents like Reagan and Harding.

"Trickle down economics" is a derisive phrase describing letting the private sector get back to work. The Private sector is the main engine of prosperity in this nation and FDR's New Deal and Obama's Stimulus highlight the utter, total failure of Big Gubbamint trying to "Create jobs"

"He expanded the national debt" is a phase used by ignoramuses who think Reagan was a dictator or Monarch and not a US President. At no time in his Presidency did the Republicans ever control Congress. Reagan proposed eliminating the Dept of Education and the Democrats told him "FUCK YOU AND YOUR SPENDING CUTS!!"

The other "points" are just too stupid to address and I won't waste the electrons in the effort.

Why not just come out and say 'I can't address the other points'

Unless you want to defend using the pseudoscience bullshit that is Astrology to craft public policy. I'm all ears.
I am fed up with all this revisionist history in which Reagan was the best president since George Washington. It's all bullshit folks, and here's why:

* "Trickle down economics" -- the basis for the infamous Reagan tax cuts -- was utter bullshit and did not work. At all.

* He expanded the national debt in unprecedented amounts. Yes, so have others since, but his was a Great Leap Forward.

* He and his wife relied on astrologists to help them make decisions about the country. WTF Nancy was even involved, no one knows...but to use a horoscope is inexcusable.

And my personal favorite:

* By embracing the Moral Majority, Reagan opened an era of religious lunacy in American politics, especially in the Republican Party. We are still paying for this. Pols in America have to pander to the Very Stupid to get elected...and that is almost entirely Reagan's fault.

Knock it off with the Great Communicator horseshit.

Progressives need to lie about everything. They lie about the Greatness of FDR and not surprisingly, they lie about truly great Presidents like Reagan and Harding.

"Trickle down economics" is a derisive phrase describing letting the private sector get back to work. The Private sector is the main engine of prosperity in this nation and FDR's New Deal and Obama's Stimulus highlight the utter, total failure of Big Gubbamint trying to "Create jobs"

"He expanded the national debt" is a phase used by ignoramuses who think Reagan was a dictator or Monarch and not a US President. At no time in his Presidency did the Republicans ever control Congress. Reagan proposed eliminating the Dept of Education and the Democrats told him "FUCK YOU AND YOUR SPENDING CUTS!!"

The other "points" are just too stupid to address and I won't waste the electrons in the effort.

Why not just come out and say 'I can't address the other points'

Unless you want to defend using the pseudoscience bullshit that is Astrology to craft public policy. I'm all ears.

Like I said, the other "points" are just too fucking stupid to address, unless of course you want to claim that the collapse of the USSR was in the stars and that's why Gorby suddenly decided to dismantle his empire all on his own
Progressives need to lie about everything. They lie about the Greatness of FDR and not surprisingly, they lie about truly great Presidents like Reagan and Harding.

"Trickle down economics" is a derisive phrase describing letting the private sector get back to work. The Private sector is the main engine of prosperity in this nation and FDR's New Deal and Obama's Stimulus highlight the utter, total failure of Big Gubbamint trying to "Create jobs"

"He expanded the national debt" is a phase used by ignoramuses who think Reagan was a dictator or Monarch and not a US President. At no time in his Presidency did the Republicans ever control Congress. Reagan proposed eliminating the Dept of Education and the Democrats told him "FUCK YOU AND YOUR SPENDING CUTS!!"

The other "points" are just too stupid to address and I won't waste the electrons in the effort.

Why not just come out and say 'I can't address the other points'

Unless you want to defend using the pseudoscience bullshit that is Astrology to craft public policy. I'm all ears.

Like I said, the other "points" are just too fucking stupid to address, unless of course you want to claim that the collapse of the USSR was in the stars and that's why Gorby suddenly decided to dismantle his empire all on his own

Another deflection
Progressives need to lie about everything. They lie about the Greatness of FDR and not surprisingly, they lie about truly great Presidents like Reagan and Harding.

"Trickle down economics" is a derisive phrase describing letting the private sector get back to work. The Private sector is the main engine of prosperity in this nation and FDR's New Deal and Obama's Stimulus highlight the utter, total failure of Big Gubbamint trying to "Create jobs"

"He expanded the national debt" is a phase used by ignoramuses who think Reagan was a dictator or Monarch and not a US President. At no time in his Presidency did the Republicans ever control Congress. Reagan proposed eliminating the Dept of Education and the Democrats told him "FUCK YOU AND YOUR SPENDING CUTS!!"

The other "points" are just too stupid to address and I won't waste the electrons in the effort.

Why not just come out and say 'I can't address the other points'

Unless you want to defend using the pseudoscience bullshit that is Astrology to craft public policy. I'm all ears.

Like I said, the other "points" are just too fucking stupid to address, unless of course you want to claim that the collapse of the USSR was in the stars and that's why Gorby suddenly decided to dismantle his empire all on his own

Did Reagan really have a such a personal hand in the undoing of the USSR outside of outspending them in an arms race to make them collapse that much sooner?
Why not just come out and say 'I can't address the other points'

Unless you want to defend using the pseudoscience bullshit that is Astrology to craft public policy. I'm all ears.

Like I said, the other "points" are just too fucking stupid to address, unless of course you want to claim that the collapse of the USSR was in the stars and that's why Gorby suddenly decided to dismantle his empire all on his own

Did Reagan really have a such a personal hand in the undoing of the USSR outside of outspending them in an arms race to make them collapse that much sooner?

If spending money was the only criteria Obama would have all of our enemies begging for mercy.

Reagan challenged the USSR in every theater: in Europe he threatened to introduce Pershing and Minutemen missiles along withe the Carter era stealth bombers, A-10, Abrams tanks and other equipment. In Central America he made his his mission to oust Communists and their puppets. In Afghanistan, and so on and so on. Pick a theater and Reagan was challenging Soviet expansion
I am fed up with all this revisionist history in which Reagan was the best president since George Washington. It's all bullshit folks, and here's why:

* "Trickle down economics" -- the basis for the infamous Reagan tax cuts -- was utter bullshit and did not work. At all.

* He expanded the national debt in unprecedented amounts. Yes, so have others since, but his was a Great Leap Forward.

* He and his wife relied on astrologists to help them make decisions about the country. WTF Nancy was even involved, no one knows...but to use a horoscope is inexcusable.

And my personal favorite:

* By embracing the Moral Majority, Reagan opened an era of religious lunacy in American politics, especially in the Republican Party. We are still paying for this. Pols in America have to pander to the Very Stupid to get elected...and that is almost entirely Reagan's fault.

Knock it off with the Great Communicator horseshit.

Well, that's all certainly your opinion, and as such, means and proves fuck-all. But thank you for sharing it with us totally unsolicited and unwanted. Believe it or not, your opinion does not equal objective reality.

  • Of course it's her opinion, just like all of your posts are your opinion. That's how this works.
  • What thread is ever solicited? Are you aware of how ignorantly pretentious you appear?
  • If you don't want it, get the fuck out of the thread. It's really just that simple.
  • NO ONE'S opinion equals objective reality. My, oh my.
I am fed up with all this revisionist history in which Reagan was the best president since George Washington. It's all bullshit folks, and here's why:

* "Trickle down economics" -- the basis for the infamous Reagan tax cuts -- was utter bullshit and did not work. At all.

* He expanded the national debt in unprecedented amounts. Yes, so have others since, but his was a Great Leap Forward.

* He and his wife relied on astrologists to help them make decisions about the country. WTF Nancy was even involved, no one knows...but to use a horoscope is inexcusable.

And my personal favorite:

* By embracing the Moral Majority, Reagan opened an era of religious lunacy in American politics, especially in the Republican Party. We are still paying for this. Pols in America have to pander to the Very Stupid to get elected...and that is almost entirely Reagan's fault.

Knock it off with the Great Communicator horseshit.

Well, that's all certainly your opinion, and as such, means and proves fuck-all. But thank you for sharing it with us totally unsolicited and unwanted. Believe it or not, your opinion does not equal objective reality.

  • Of course it's her opinion, just like all of your posts are your opinion. That's how this works.
  • What thread is ever solicited? Are you aware of how ignorantly pretentious you appear?
  • If you don't want it, get the fuck out of the thread. It's really just that simple.
  • NO ONE'S opinion equals objective reality. My, oh my.

No, dumb shit, all of my posts are NOT just my opinion. See, I'm not a liberal, wandering around spouting my opinions as though they're gospel carved in stone by the finger of God. I also post these things called "facts", accompanied by other things called "references", also known as "substantiation" or "evidence".

Try it sometime, fool.
  • Thanks
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I am fed up with all this revisionist history in which Reagan was the best president since George Washington. It's all bullshit folks, and here's why:

* "Trickle down economics" -- the basis for the infamous Reagan tax cuts -- was utter bullshit and did not work. At all.

* He expanded the national debt in unprecedented amounts. Yes, so have others since, but his was a Great Leap Forward.

* He and his wife relied on astrologists to help them make decisions about the country. WTF Nancy was even involved, no one knows...but to use a horoscope is inexcusable.

And my personal favorite:

* By embracing the Moral Majority, Reagan opened an era of religious lunacy in American politics, especially in the Republican Party. We are still paying for this. Pols in America have to pander to the Very Stupid to get elected...and that is almost entirely Reagan's fault.

Knock it off with the Great Communicator horseshit.


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