Re: "Multivitamins are a waste of money"


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
What the news stories concerning this study haven't mentioned, but should because it;s important, is the human body only makes use of x amount of a given vitamin per day. And excess amount is passed out of the body. So yes, if eating a balanced diet already, you're probably getting all your vitamins that way and a multivitamin is redudant and not doing anything. But in our fast food culture in the US, you're probably running a deficit on several vitamins so keep taking them.

Also, it's worth mentioning there was a recent attempt to get multivitamins yanked from OTC status and made Rx-only by the drug companies. If people take vitamins and supplements and are healthier, doctors and drug companies earn less profit. So consider the source if they say something they don't control is bad.

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