RBG cancer surgery was 40 days ago, no report???? WTF?

Please share a RECENT link indicating that she is walking around. There is a complete media blackout on RBG's condition unless you have found one. I doubt it.

Okay, this is a good point. I'd say from my research this morning that there IS a media blackout. For about three weeks now. AND there was that Fox mistake where they used the obituary picture with year dates....prematurely. But what that implies is that they are getting their stuff ready. Because they have reason to believe they may need it at any time. So maybe they know more than we realize, but it looks bad to dwell on bad health. Unkind.

Depends on who’s health. There was that time Laura Bush had a mole removed and the press went crazy because no one told them. Then you had the presidents wife. Media had zero issues dwelling on their health. What makes RBG so specal? She is just an old person.
Trump should pay her a friendly visit. Bring soup.

Democrats intend to hide this death until after the election. They will not let Trump make another appointment.
We are dealing with desperate Democrats here. Nothing is beneath them.

If they can't get her into a wheel chair and roll her up to a window, and let her give a tiny little wave---then the best guess is that she is on ice somewhere until impeachment proceedings start against Trump. Then they will claim Trump can't make another appointment until those proceedings are over.....Romney and a couple of other worms will jump on that.

Look for it.
Since when does a high profile political leader go MIA for 40 freaking days? This is ridiculous. Where is she? In a hospital? At home? In an iron lung?

The people certainly have the right to know, as well as her President. If she isn't going to return, time to appoint a replacement and get them onboard.

Libs complained in 2016 about how long a seat on the court was vacant in 2016 after Scalia was whacked. Time to straighten up and fly right here. The hell with the Biden Rule- let's get this seat filled and then we can move for President Trump to replace Justice Thomas as well. Thomas wants to retire, it would be great to see a sharp young African American Dittohead replace him.
So Ginsberg didn't show up again this year for the SOTU --- but then, only four justices did turn up. Both the Trump appointees did: very correctly. Roberts and Kagan were the other two.

It's not remarkable that she didn't come to the SOTU speech: all the news sites are remarking on how often she used to get caught napping by the TV cameras! And the Supreme Court is pretty clearly not Trump territory in general.

Still, they need to produce a photograph and live witnesses with it, who will agree she's alive and in pretty good shape, or everyone will suppose Ginsberg is on Death's Door.

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