Rational Americans Are Going Extinct


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
Without doubt all our lives these days are chock full of very personal anecdotes having to do directly with the COVID-19 hoax and its associated poison death shots. In that we are no different. My brother-in-law, age 52, was among the first in his area to step right up and double dose. Ever since he has been experiencing constant and sometimes debilitating flu-like symptoms. My great aunt, age 88, lives out the rest of her days in a decent assisted living apartment. She was given a choice: receive the double dose or lose her living space. She has nowhere else to go and no money left to go anywhere if she did. A family friend, and I use that term generously, double dosed himself recently, as well as his twelve year-old son, whom we think very highly of. Both of them, father and son, aren't doing too well ever since. The father supposedly chose this path because he is terrified of COVID-19 at 32 years of age. Coward. And on and on it goes right down our inner sphere of personal acquaintances: people we knew for years and years suddenly blown away on the winds of supremely irrational fear and snap bad decisions. From my wife's brother, sister-in-law, sister and parents, to many of my cousins and old friends, the vaccination madness has seen them into all kinds of new health problems and behavioral changes; in some cases those people we've known "forever" are no longer the same personalities. The vaccine(s) have changed them into different people.

Which brings me to the point of this post: the extinction of the rational American. Where have gone all the rugged individuals we once knew? All those people we believed in, could utterly rely upon; all those friends and family members possessed of that indomitable do or die American Spirit? Apparently, they've nearly all taken the piss after taking the poison double dose.

But it is worse even than that. Not only have so many once beloved close acquaintances double-dosed on the poison cocktail, they also only want to know, every time we see or hear from them, if we've also gotten the jabs. My in-laws will not allow my wife (or myself, fuck them very much) to enter their home for more than a few minutes (with masks) because we have refused to vaccinate. Her brother, a man I was up to only recently very good friends with, will not give either of us the time of day or let us into his home. One day he was a staunch rugged individual prepper type and the next, post-vaccination, he has become a weak little bitch . . . a sniveling coward afraid of us—the unvaccinated.

And so it must go similarly for countless other courageous Americans coast to coast who have stood strong and tall against the official State narrative of "vaccinate or else". What has become of the rational American you might ask? Pretty soon, we suspect, you will only be able to meet him in the taxidermy display wing of your local museum. RIP rational Americans . . .
Sounds a lot like my extended family. All afraid of the coof and all Vaxxed up.

My cousin’s wife is so batshit crazy about COVID she basically won’t let anyone visit them out of fear for their 7 year old, even if vaccinated.

They had a birthday party for him, and in order for my aunt and uncle to attend, they had to get a negative WuFlu test, despite everyone but the kid being vaxxed.

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