Rashida Tlaib defends Palestinian terrorist


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
It seems she has left out some very key facts.
So disgusting this woman is in our United States Congress.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib Receives Backlash for Tweet Defending Woman Who Attacked Israeli Soldiers​

Rashida Tlaib


Meet Mai Afana's mother, Khuloud, who is fighting to be able to bury her daughter & begin her healing. Mai was a mother, loving daughter & successful PhD student. She was killed by the Israeli government last June. Israel won't release her body to her family.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) has come under fire for posting a tweet on Saturday about a woman who was killed in June by Israeli soldiers, while omitting that the woman is alleged to have charged at the soldiers with her car and a knife.

In a Twitter thread, Tlaib wrote:





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I wish she'd blow the hell up already. Those terrorist planners sure put one hell of a slow delay fuse in her ass when they made her.

The suspense is killin' me. :laughing0301:
It seems she has left out some very key facts.
So disgusting this woman is in our United States Congress.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib Receives Backlash for Tweet Defending Woman Who Attacked Israeli Soldiers​

Rashida Tlaib

Meet Mai Afana's mother, Khuloud, who is fighting to be able to bury her daughter & begin her healing. Mai was a mother, loving daughter & successful PhD student. She was killed by the Israeli government last June. Israel won't release her body to her family.
Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) has come under fire for posting a tweet on Saturday about a woman who was killed in June by Israeli soldiers, while omitting that the woman is alleged to have charged at the soldiers with her car and a knife.
In a Twitter thread, Tlaib wrote:
Freedom fighter murdered by terrorists.
Of course she does she's a Sharia law mutant racist and should have been kicked out of Congress long go. Hell they censured Trump for his "racist" comments which he never made.

Yet here's this Sharia law mutant openly spouting racist remarks against Jews and Israel and they don't do a thing.
American lawmakers who are pro-Palestinian terrorists, will always be in the Dimocrat party.

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