Rand Paul Praises Assad

Senator Paul has to report ultimately to the zionists, but it is refreshing to hear his voice of reason occasionally.

There were Republicans in the House and Senate who were doing that very thing before WWII....praising how Hitler was running Germany.

Are you denying that Hitler did a great job in turning Germany from a sacked state to a world power?
You mean he made the trains run on time?

That was Mussolini.
What a minute: some of the insurgents opposing Saddam were al Qaeda operatives.

Did you really think American interests would be served by Bush supporting AQ taking over Iraq?

We aren't talking about Bush and Saddam, bub - that is a pathetic and futile attempt at diversion. But let's assume we are. If you think that Bush was wrong, then why do you support Obama doing what that for which you criticize Bush?

I'm pointing out that you thought Bush was right.

So why aren't you supporting the same thing from Obama?

Because he's Black? Or just because he's a Democrat?
Synth hit's 88MPH and launches into full moron.

There were Republicans in the House and Senate who were doing that very thing before WWII....praising how Hitler was running Germany.

You are aware that in the 1940's Republicans were mostly liberal right?
What a POS.

Rand Paul: Assad 'Protected Christians' in Syria, Rebels 'Attacking Christians'

WASHINGTON - Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on Sunday portrayed the current conflict in Syria as one between the government of President Bashar Al Assad, who Paul said "has protected Christians for a number of decades," and "Islamic rebels," who Paul said "have been attacking Christians" and are aligned with Al Qaeda.

"I think the Islamic rebels winning is a bad idea for the Christians, and all of a sudden we'll have another Islamic state where Christians are persecuted," Paul said on NBC's "Meet the Press."

Paul was likely referring to a string of incidents in Egypt in recent weeks, where supporters of the deposed government of former president Mohamed Morsi have burned Coptic Christian churches to protest what they see as Christian backing for the military overthrow of Morsi's government.


Not what I would call support. More like an honest evaluation of the situation at hand. There are two crappy sides involved in Syria and neither of them deserve our support.
I think Rand Paul is jealous of Assad for actually becoming an accredited eye doctor, not a failed one who had to start his own accreditation board in order to pass. :lol:
Ouch, that's got to hurt liberals.

The one thing you can count on, liberals will make up whatever facts they need and dismiss what ever truths they don't like. Christians lived happily and successful in Syria under Assad. Christians lived in Egypt under Mubarak. The rise of the Islamic fundamentalists has resulted in the Christians being slaughtered in Syria and Egypt.

But, looking at it from the American liberal point of view, that's a GOOD thing.
So you think installing an al qaeda puppet government will be better ?
Whose evidence are you going by that they are al Qaeda?

Oh Synthaholic this has been known since last year that the AQ branch in Syria was operating.

You have to get up to speed because your President and his administration by removing Assad will hand the country to AQ.

al Nusra. They are ruthless, the best equipped and the best trained rebels.

I think it's crazy that Americans would back AQ over Assad but hey you backed the Muslim Brotherhood over Mubarak so nothing should surprise me now.
He wasn't "praising" Assad, idiot. He was pointing out that the Syrian rebels were worse, as far as American interests are concerned. And he's right.

He also praised Obabble in the same interview for consulting Congress...was he wrong there also?
Opinion from CNN.

Glad to see you fully embrace the Mainstream Media.

Glad to see you fully deny it at least when it counters your point of view.
I just haven't seen any evidence of it.

Provide some.

How ignorant of this issue are you? It appears you are highly uninformed. I knew about the AQ connection last August in a piece in the Telegraph.

New York Times covered them in March I believe.

And here's a piece in the Guardian. This updates what the AQ has been able to accomplish.

Stop embarrassing yourself.:eusa_angel:

Syria's al-Nusra Front – ruthless, organised and taking control

Special report: The main jihadi group is marshalling its resources shrewdly, and the 'emir of gas' is impressed

The al-Nusra Front, the principle jihadi rebel group in Syria, defies the cliche of Islamist fighters around the Middle East plotting to establish Islamic caliphates from impoverished mountain hideaways. In north-eastern Syria, al-Nusra finds itself in command of massive silos of wheat, factories, oil and gas fields, fleets of looted government cars and a huge weapons arsenal.

Syria's al-Nusra Front ? ruthless, organised and taking control | World news | The Guardian
He wasn't "praising" Assad, idiot. He was pointing out that the Syrian rebels were worse, as far as American interests are concerned. And he's right.

He also praised Obabble in the same interview for consulting Congress...was he wrong there also?

He ate a fried egg for breaksfast was he wrong there too! Did he wipe his ass wrong?

Get some sense. obama was strong armed into behaving Constitutionally when it was clear that he did not intend to do that. Like a misbehaving child, the little that they do correctly has to be praised until they get the idea. obama, though, will never get the idea.
What a POS.

Rand Paul: Assad 'Protected Christians' in Syria, Rebels 'Attacking Christians'

WASHINGTON - Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on Sunday portrayed the current conflict in Syria as one between the government of President Bashar Al Assad, who Paul said "has protected Christians for a number of decades," and "Islamic rebels," who Paul said "have been attacking Christians" and are aligned with Al Qaeda.

"I think the Islamic rebels winning is a bad idea for the Christians, and all of a sudden we'll have another Islamic state where Christians are persecuted," Paul said on NBC's "Meet the Press."

Paul was likely referring to a string of incidents in Egypt in recent weeks, where supporters of the deposed government of former president Mohamed Morsi have burned Coptic Christian churches to protest what they see as Christian backing for the military overthrow of Morsi's government.


do you have any audio? liberals tend to lie about non-liberal politicians.

If he was just stating a fact, then there's nothing wrong in what he said. If he was going on and on about what a great guy he is, then that's fucked.
What a POS.

Rand Paul: Assad 'Protected Christians' in Syria, Rebels 'Attacking Christians'

WASHINGTON - Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on Sunday portrayed the current conflict in Syria as one between the government of President Bashar Al Assad, who Paul said "has protected Christians for a number of decades," and "Islamic rebels," who Paul said "have been attacking Christians" and are aligned with Al Qaeda.

"I think the Islamic rebels winning is a bad idea for the Christians, and all of a sudden we'll have another Islamic state where Christians are persecuted," Paul said on NBC's "Meet the Press."

Paul was likely referring to a string of incidents in Egypt in recent weeks, where supporters of the deposed government of former president Mohamed Morsi have burned Coptic Christian churches to protest what they see as Christian backing for the military overthrow of Morsi's government.


What a piece of shit.

How much research did you do before posting that bullshit.

Or are you one of Bibi's boys , spreading bullshit for shekels?!?!?!?!?!?!!?


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