Rams fire head coach Jeff Fisher.Yahoo!!!!!!!

Be careful what you wish for. Now you have to find a coach better than Jeff Fisher to take over the miserable St Louis Rams franchise

see proof in the pudding as always,USMBS resident troll rightwinger and jakes lover he has his head up the ass of, knows i kicked his ass the past two years and took him to school and proves to the WHOLE WOLRD HERE he has to LIE to avoid admitting i proved him wrong.:rofl:
as always,like clockwork,he comes on whining and crying in defeat that he lost to me
:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha: as he did thousands of times on my rams thread
same old lie over and over on my threads so he goes crying to mommy in defeat everytime.never fails to amuse me everytime since he is the ONLY troll who has NEVER

D up to them being in LA as everyone else has INCLUDING his LOVER JAKE.:lmao::haha:

keep the entertainment and lies coming trolls. I can go do this all year lone as lone as you want.:thup::clap::clap::clap::clap::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
The best thing that ever happened to the city of Los Angeles is they avoided getting stuck with the miserable St Louis Rams

If by chance the San Diego team moved to LA I am almost sure they would out draw the Lambs. LA couldn't support one team 20 years ago and now for some reason they think they can support two.

On Sunday, the Rams faced the Atlanta Falcons at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum and, based on the game’s attendance, the honeymoon is already over for the NFL in Hollywood. Either that or a lot of Rams fans came dressed as empty seats.


Notice the clock and score in the upper left....Priceless

priceless in showing what a true moron you are thats for sure.

Polls taken in san diego that have asked charger fans if they will go to LA and support the chargers if they leave,the majority polled said they would not go.smart move.:up:

there was also a poll taken by the LA times asking Ram fans if the chargers come here and they can win and the rams cannot,would they go and watch the Chargers,the majority votes just like this.:D
If the Chargers move to Los Angeles, will you still be a Chargers fan?
  • 34%
    (1090 votes)

  • 66%
    (2103 votes)
it would be the exact same thing that happened in 1960 when the chargers came into existance their first year in LA when even though they had a winning record going 8-4 and making it as far as the AFC title game,despite that,they only averaged crowds of just 11,ooo or so. The Rams on the other hand,that same year going just 4-8,averaged crowds of just over 77,000.:D

you can look it all up for yourself diptshit.:D

oh and that pic as i said earlier was WHEN all the Rams fans all thought the same thing i did that Fisher was going to be back for the next two years,who in their right mind WOULD show up for that game when they thought that Kroneke did not care about winning? I sure as hell would not.:rolleyes:

that game only had like 63,000 or so show up,well I watched the niners and Rams game this past sunday AFTER the Ram fans knoew about Fisher finally being fired and I saw with my own eyes the stadium was packed.very few empty seats.The attendance was over 85,000 pretty impressive the fact they are about the worst team in the NFL next to cleveland and the stadium capacity is a little over 90,ooo. Last time I chacked that is just 5,ooo short of a sellout.:rofl:

not that this has anything to do whatsoever of my unanswered two year old question that you play dodgeball on of the rams never coming back to LA of course.evade mode soilder.:lmao::scared1:
If the chargers go to LA,the NFL owners will prove to the world they are the biggest idiots in the world.two teams in LA has NEVER worked,never will.those morons dont get it that it doesnt work in LA as it does in new york with the Jets and Giants because in NY,they got nothing better to do in the cold weather. in LA,they already got USC and UCLA to cheer for so to bring in any other team other than the Rams is just plain asinine and idiotic. you want a half empty stadium every sunday for charger games,that is what you will get as they got in 1960,just 11,ooo fair weather fans showing up.they sure as hell wont show up for a team that lost to cleveland and is only one game better than the Rams next year.:rofl:

Well we will find out for sure in a couple of weeks if the NFL owners are indeed the biggest idiots in the world or not cause jan 15 is when the chargers have to decide if they are leaving or going,everything i have heard is they are going.if that is true, the chargers will not exist to me at all anymore.

so far the falcons game is the ONLY game the whole year where the fans did not show up and pack the stadium looking like this in all the other games.:D


so troll all you want to kiddie by posting pics of the Niners game just starting at the start of the game or halftime when they left for refreshments claiming in your evasive tactics you use,that the Rams game saturday with their arch rivals looked like that all you want,I saw with my OWN EYES while watching the WHOLE GAME,it was packed with very few empty seats.:lmao:and to no surprise the kiddie troll is saying the fans are not showing up anymore.comedy gold.:rofl::lmao::haha: never fails.:haha:
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If the chargers go to LA,the NFL owners will prove to the world they are the biggest idiots in the world.two teams in LA has NEVER worked,never will.those morons dont get it that it doesnt work in LA as it does in new york with the Jets and Giants because in NY,they got nothing better to do in the cold weather. in LA,they already got USC and UCLA to cheer for so to bring in any other team other than the Rams is just plain asinine and idiotic. you want a half empty stadium every sunday for charger games,that is what you will get as they got in 1960,just 11,ooo fair weather fans showing up.they sure as hell wont show up for a team that lost to cleveland and is only one game better than the Rams next year.:rofl:

Well we will find out for sure in a couple of weeks if the NFL owners are indeed the biggest idiots in the world or not cause jan 15 is when the chargers have to decide if they are leaving or going,everything i have heard is they are going.if that is true, the chargers will not exist to me at all anymore.

so far the falcons game is the ONLY game the whole year where the fans did not show up and pack the stadium looking like this in all the other games.:D


so troll all you want to kiddie by posting pics of the Niners game just starting at the start of the game or halftime when they left for refreshments claiming in your evasive tactics you use,that the Rams game saturday with their arch rivals looked like that all you want,I saw with my OWN EYES while watching the WHOLE GAME,it was packed with very few empty seats.:lmao:and to no surprise the kiddie troll is saying the fans are not showing up anymore.comedy gold.:rofl::lmao::haha: never fails.:haha:

In talking more on the Chargers coming to LA,I like this guy on the right in the video here in this link,He NAILED it beautifully and said it so well. :thup:
I could not have said it better myself.:thup:

He also says it so well that the Chargers going to LA would just be so stupid.:up:

Here we go again, Chargers last game in SD?

Peter King of Sports Illustrated backs these two guys up as well.:clap2::thup:

this is a RECENT comment from King on it.
Peter King thinks San Diego Chargers move to L.A. 'is just not smart'

Here is what he said way before that.:thup:
Chargers moving to Los Angeles would make no sense

Dean Spanos would be very wise to listen to those two guys and Peter King if he had any brains or logic and common sense.:rolleyes:

This would turn out to be the biggest screwup by the NFL since allowing the niners to leave SF for Santa Clara. That has turned out to be DISASTOUROUS for the NFL because the majority of niner fans in SF are not going to those games out there.they feel betrayed that they left their city and I tip cap off to them for not going.

They are having the exact same problems in santa clara the raiders did when they were in LA. Al Davis admitted a few years later in LA that was the worst mistake he ever made was moving the Raiders to LA because the only fans that ever embraced them out there in LA were thugs and gang members. familys could not take their children to games there cause of so many fights in the stands.:D

He later said after being there for just five years that he missed the loud roar of the Oakland crowds. the majority of the Raider fans that DID show up for those games were the OAKLAND fans and that is why they wont ever go back to LA again is because they have sent in letters to the league office they continued to fly up there and support them the first time they left,but they would not do so again.kudos to them.:thup:

anyways santa clara is having the same problems st louis had when the Rams were there,half empty stadiums with the majority of the crowd being from the opposing team.:lmao::haha:

oh and you can forget the lame excuse that it is because they are losing.that holds no water because when they were in the city of SF,in their worst years when they were bad,their games would always be packed.:D so it wont matter if they get good,same thing will happen with them that happend with the Raiderswhen they were in LA,even the year they went to the superbowl out there,they had horrible fan support with half empty stadiums just like in santa clara.:D

the NFL lets the chargers go,what is happening in santa clara right now with the horrible fan support,is what will happen with the chargers in LA even if they are great,they will have the same result the Raiders had in LA,no fan support.bank on it.:D
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the same thing would happen to the chargers if they moved to LA as has happened with the clippers.same as the clippers they would play second fiddle to the Rams as they do with the Lakers.lol I in fact all these years never had any idea LA had another NBA basketball team other than the Lakers,seriously. lol It wasnt till 3 years ago matter of fact when i first started following the LA situation that I then learned for the first time that the clippers played in LA.:lmao: Had it not been for me looking into the Rams situation,I would STILL TODAY be clueless that LA has another NBA team other than the Lakers.:lmao:

I guarantee there are others out there as well that have no idea that there is another NBA team in LA. they have been there for like over 30 years now and yet i had no idea that there was another NBA team other than the Lakers.:haha: thats what the Chargers would go through as well in LA.people would say 30 years later,"wait a minute,I thought the chargers played in SD?" you can take that to the bank.:D
still ANOTHER fart from one of the three trolls.:9::banana:

btw pooper.i bet the butthurt is really flowing for you as well the fact you were such an idiot when tried to use logic and common sense to you that carson was a hoax because the land was a toxic landdump just to watch it go through one ear and out the other with you.:cuckoo:

I even posted items like THIS article below of OTHER people that were very qualified in the know saying the same thing.but same as your bedlover antquity was so sure and so positive there was never going to be another team in LA again,you as well were sooo sure and and too stupid to see the obvious that even a kid could see, that carson was a hoax and could not understand facts from people like this guy in this video here. i know the truth hurts you three stupid fucks that you none of you could see the obvious a FIVE YEAR OLD could have seen back then. the truth hurts for the three of you to hear that i know

i know the truth hurts you three stupid fucks could not see what a five year old could easily have figured out with the facts back then.

Carson Stadium Study Has Suspect Conclusions
He dismissed the study – and the Chargers’ proposed venture in Los Angeles County – with this: “Carson was always a leverage play. This is just more smoke and mirrors."

i TRIED to explain that to that idiot troll kiss my that stans purchase of land was not leverage as he babbled on about back then but carson WAS leverage as this guy said so well in this video for the chargers and raiders for stadiums in their cities.logic and common sense is something that never registered with you or him though.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
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Yep, the 911 idiot doesn't have me on ignore. What a fucking idiot.

And give me a quote where I said it was a definite move to Carson, oh wait, you are a liar.

Besides if I have been on ignore for over two years how in the hell would you know what I said about Carson? Whoops another lie from you.
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reply from pooper-Yeah you're right LA RAM,I am an idiot fool and was way too stupid to see the obvious back then from people liek you and that other guy in that video you showed that even a kid could figure out back then that because carson is a toxic landdump that it was just a hoax just as you told me back then over and over and like the stupid fuck moron i was,I just had no brains whatsoever to see that obvious same as you have said so well those other two morons rightwinger and antquity thought the Rams would never come back to LA again so same as they are butthurt you proved them wrong on that,i am also butthurt that I was too stupid to listen to you and could not see the oh so obvious that carson was a hoax as you told me oh so well so many times back then.:up:
reply from pooper-Yeah you're right LA RAM,I am an idiot fool and was way too stupid to see the obvious back then from people liek you and that other guy in that video you showed that even a kid could figure out back then that because carson is a toxic landdump that it was just a hoax just as you told me back then over and over and like the stupid fuck moron i was,I just had no brains whatsoever to see that obvious same as you have said so well those other two morons rightwinger and antquity thought the Rams would never come back to LA again so same as they are butthurt you proved them wrong on that,i am also butthurt that I was too stupid to listen to you and could not see the oh so obvious that carson was a hoax as you told me so well so many times.:up:

Poor baby can't deal with facts. I am sure you can find the post where I definitely said the Raiders would move to Carson. Too bad you were dead wrong on the year the Rams would move to LA.

So I guess you are like your Lambs, a pussy loser.
glad to have you back to congraduate me for a great post that nailed you Pooper/:thup:

this thread has pretty much run its course now so you can pass on your fellow trolls and lovers who whine and cry about being wrong on the Rams never coming back all the time this,it ESPECIALLY applies to rightwinger who still whines and crys trying to convince himself they are still in st louis only problem in his lies he knows he is posting,this is what is happening on game day sunday in LA these days. for example.:D


oh and that is not a pic from 25 years ago or something like that he will say cause he wants to believe it either..:lmao::rofl:

these are my bruthas I am happy and proud to be bruthas with.:thup: I got my dream wish,all I ever wanted was the Rams to be back in LA.I never said they would be instant winners which seems to be an irrational obsession your lover anquity troll has.:rolleyes:

had i said they would be instant winners their first year back i COULD understand his obsession over that but i never once said that though.:cuckoo:
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glad to have you back to congraduate me for a great post that nailed you Pooper/:thup:

this thread has pretty much run its course now so you can pass on your fellow trolls and lovers who whine and cry about being wrong on the Rams never coming back all the time this,it ESPECIALLY applies to rightwinger who still whines and crys trying to convince himself they are still in st louis only problem in his lies he knows he is posting,this is what is happening on game day sunday in LA these days. for example.:D

View attachment 104657

oh and that is not a pic from 25 years ago or something like that he will say cause he wants to believe it either..:lmao::rofl:

these are my bruthas I am happy and proud to be bruthas with.:thup: I got my dream wish,all I ever wanted was the Rams to be back in LA.I never said they would be instant winners which seems to be an irrational obsession your lover anquity troll has.:rolleyes:

had i said they would be instant winners their first year back i COULD understand his obsession over that but i never once said that though.:cuckoo:

Thanks for no proof of what you claim I said, you proved to be a liar. Lol!

I never claimed you said the Lambs to be winners their first year, dumbo.

Sorry you lose again! Lol!

So back to your avoidance, where did I say the Raiders WOULD move to Carson. Liar!

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