Racist Aphartied State

José said:
I stand behind my definition of ethnicity: it is indeed a mixture of race and culture.

I am glad to see that YOU are making your own definitions up to suit yourself. Real nice....

As jewish populations from the Middle East spread into nothern africa and Europe, most Jews married other Jews, as prescribed by their religion. But over time, marriage to non-Jews and conversion of non-Jews to Judaism were inevitable and bound to prevail. In central and eastern Europe jewish populations mixed with Germans, Poles and Russians. In Israel today, the Ashkenazim, the Jews whose ancestors came from those parts of Europe, are taller and lighter-skinned than other israelis. In contrast, the Sephardic Jews, whose ancestors lived in the countries bordering the Mediterranean, tend to be darker and smaller, reflecting the traits of the people they lived with and married. So as far as the jewish ethnicity is concerned, we can say that Jews are 90% culture and 10% race (by race I mean, genetic inheritance from the ancient jews who lived in the Middle East). To consider the Jews of today as direct descendants of the jews who lived in Palestine during the roman empire is nothing but a joke (a bad one, BTW).

Then you would have to consider Abraham, the father of Isaac and Ishmael, to be no Hebrew or Jew either as he was brought up in his father's idol sales emporium and botique while being reared up in the religion of idolworshipers. Are you trying to say something about genetics and direct descendants of an idolworshiper family?

Your definition of who is ethnically Jewish is your own invention and has no bearing on reality. Actually a Jew is anyone who believes in the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. And certain Arab groups are anyone who believe in the Muhammad Qur'an book of copies of the Jewish bible, Christian Bible and the early pantheon of gods believed in both the offspring of the illegitmate child of Abraham. You may call him Ishmael.

So all the genetics and all the decendancy having nothing whatsoever to do with the people who believe in the One G-d of Abraham. Not to be confused with the idol Allah found in Hazor under the sands there.

In racial terms, they are just a bunch of Russians and Poles behaving like Jews.

Nice try.... But Jews by ethnicity are a bunch of Russians, Poles, Chinese, Portugese, Mexican, Canadian, Israeli, American, Japanese, Philippinos, Spanish, Columbian, South African and just about every non-Muslim country in the world. The Muslims either killed their Jewish inhabitants are expelled them to be absorbed into greater Israel.

Do you know what Arabs are really? They are half-breeds, half Hebrew and half Egyptian (Hagar). Arabs are now simply terrorists walking upright like mankind.



It doesn’t matter if the Jews who live in Israel are really jews in racial terms or just Russians and Ukrainians behaving like Jews. MOST OF THEM WERE BORN THERE AND HAVE THE SAME RIGHT TO SPEND THEIR LIVES THERE AS ANY PALESTINIAN ARAB... NO ONE CAN EXPELL THEM.

Then why do you want to kill the Jews of Israel? Why do you want Arabs who have never stepped foot in Israel to have a right of return to a land never created by or for Muslims or Arabs?

Palestine is a region with two nations, the jewish and the arab nation... so the only reasonable solution is the creation of a bi-national state comprising the entire region of Palestine, a state of citizens that guarantees the right jews and arabs have to live anywhere they want in Palestine.

I have a better reasonalbe solution than you do. I say make Saudi Arabia a bi-national state comprosing the entire Arab countries, a state of Arab citizens that guarantees the right of the Arabs living in Israel to live anywhere they want in the new state of PanArabia. See map below..


Israel is not a bi-national state, it’s not a state of citizens like America. Israel is a nation state, an ethnic supremacist nation state, a jewish racial dictatorship...so my comment still stands, Israel is indeed a pornographic political entity.

Your statement stands on its own merits for certain. At least you are not willing to have a democractic country established by the Jewish people and fought against 5 major armies on many occasions to be divided into something you see to be "PORNOGRAPHIC"
ajwps said:
I am glad to see that YOU are making your own definitions up to suit yourself. Real nice....

Then you would have to consider Abraham, the father of Isaac and Ishmael, to be no Hebrew or Jew either as he was brought up in his father's idol sales emporium and botique while being reared up in the religion of idolworshipers. Are you trying to say something about genetics and direct descendants of an idolworshiper family?

Your definition of who is ethnically Jewish is your own invention and has no bearing on reality. Actually a Jew is anyone who believes in the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. And certain Arab groups are anyone who believe in the Muhammad Qur'an book of copies of the Jewish bible, Christian Bible and the early pantheon of gods believed in both the offspring of the illegitmate child of Abraham. You may call him Ishmael.

So all the genetics and all the decendancy having nothing whatsoever to do with the people who believe in the One G-d of Abraham. Not to be confused with the idol Allah found in Hazor under the sands there.

Nice try.... But Jews by ethnicity are a bunch of Russians, Poles, Chinese, Portugese, Mexican, Canadian, Israeli, American, Japanese, Philippinos, Spanish, Columbian, South African and just about every non-Muslim country in the world. The Muslims either killed their Jewish inhabitants are expelled them to be absorbed into greater Israel.

Do you know what Arabs are really? They are half-breeds, half Hebrew and half Egyptian (Hagar). Arabs are now simply terrorists walking upright like mankind.


Then why do you want to kill the Jews of Israel? Why do you want Arabs who have never stepped foot in Israel to have a right of return to a land never created by or for Muslims or Arabs?

I have a better reasonalbe solution than you do. I say make Saudi Arabia a bi-national state comprosing the entire Arab countries, a state of Arab citizens that guarantees the right of the Arabs living in Israel to live anywhere they want in the new state of PanArabia. See map below..


Your statement stands on its own merits for certain. At least you are not willing to have a democractic country established by the Jewish people and fought against 5 major armies on many occasions to be divided into something you see to be "PORNOGRAPHIC"

Who gave this state to Israeal? They certainly didn't have it for 2000 years!
dilloduck said:
Who gave this state to Israeal? They certainly didn't have it for 2000 years!

Deus Ex Machina

I've come to realize that "ajwps" seems to justify things as they are said in his Torah... Israel is the land of the Jews because it says so in his religion (along with parts of Iraq, the land around the Tigris River..). The Devine Rule of Law is what he follows. If his Torah says, Jews are superior to All, he will believe it. If it tells him to jump of a cliff, then by God he will. He is a Fundamentalist, no different that the Muslim Fundamentalists who blow themselves up.

Clearly all laws of morality, justice, law, democracy or anything else, are null and void when they contradict, prevent, the Creation and Flourishing of the racist apartheid Jewish state of Israel. It is the reason, we cannot discuss things, issues with ajwps, his mainframe is on a different wavelength. He contradicts our facts with statements like "Israel is the Land of the Jewish people" ...
dilloduck said:
Who gave this state to Israeal? They certainly didn't have it for 2000 years!

It seems that you and rtd2000 seem to make the same basic error. Israel has been conquered many times over 3,300 years by many civilizations like your history indicates the Romans did for awhile.

The reality of a Jewish Israel doesn't have anything WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH THE TORAH OR GOD.

Let me see how I can get this into your heads about WHO gave Israel to the Jewish people.

The Hebrew or Jewish people conquered this land and RIGHT NOW it belongs to them.

This concept should not be foreign to your brains as this is the way every land in the world became a COUNTRY. Every country was given to them by right of conquest and not by world body resolutions, white papers or partitions. You can call Israel anything you want like racist, apartheid, dictatorship, land grabbers, occupiers or evil. These words are meaningless as many countries are really what these names indicate. Israel has decided to be a democracy and whatever you like to call Israel means NOTHING and has no basis to change anything.

Whether the Jews occupied their land for 3,300 hundred years are six months, it is NOW THE STATE OF ISRAEL.

Forget about historical ownership or land grants. As in every case these concepts are meaningless.

Is this concept to difficult for your brains to grasp or do you wish there was something to who gave what to whom?
r2200t said:
Deus Ex Machina

I've come to realize that "ajwps" seems to justify things as they are said in his Torah... .... It is the reason, we cannot discuss things, issues with ajwps, his mainframe is on a different wavelength. He contradicts our facts with statements like "Israel is the Land of the Jewish people" ...

I must say that it is interesting to see people like you having difficulty discussing things that you haven't one legal fact or reality that you can argue against my logic.

So you choose to give up instead of presenting reality or statistical information backing your perspective.

r2200t said:
Unfortunately for Israel (fortunately for the rest of the world) Since August 12th 1949 ISRAEL signed the 4th Geneva conventions. This obliges Israel to follow the code of conduct. I guess in 1949 Israel didn't think far ahead about all the attrocities and inhuman treatments it was going to inflict on the Palestinians...

The Geneva Convention does not refer to countryless criminals acting against human beings that are well within a recognized democratic society and observers of the Geneva Convention.

Unfortunately for you and fortunately for Israel, the Geneva Conventions do not oblige any country to allow its citizens to be killed by criminal terrorists who have no country or state. I guess in 1949 Israel relied on the following paragraph in the Geneva Convention which indicates that it not applicable to murderous terrorists. And fortunately for Israel any lies and fabrications designated in the Geneva Convention are NON BINDING on Israel.

http://www.icrc.org/Web/eng/siteeng...enSve et Protocoles additionnels ENG-logo.pdf

Succession (declaration of) : a newly independent State may declare that it will abide by a treaty which was applicable to it prior to its independence. A State may also declare that it will provisionally abide by such treaties during the time it deems necessary to examine their texts carefully and to decide on accession or succession to some or all of the said treaties (declaration of provisional application of the treaties). At present no State is bound by such a declaration.

Think of the Conventions as Rules of war. for example: 'personal land mines' are illegal.. and have been banned...

That's interesting. I don't believe any Israeli has his own 'personal land mines' but the criminal countryless Arabs in Israel do have real personell land mines which are illegal by the Geneva Convetion to which they are not signatories. Israel has every right to put land mines around their childrens encampment to keep murderous animals from killing the Israeli babies in their cribs.

"The Fourth Geneva Convention on Rules of War was adopted in 1949 by the international community in response to Nazi atrocities during World War II." "The UN General Assembly has adopted a number of non-binding resolutions condemning Israeli settlements, and calling for a convening of the signatory nations of the Fourth Geneva Convention. In February 1999, the GA adopted a resolution calling for a special UN session to be held on July 15, 1999, in Geneva to examine "persistent violations" by Israel." (1) Persons taking no active part in the hostilities, including members of armed forces who have laid down their arms and those placed hors de combat by sickness, wounds, detention, or any other cause, shall in all circumstances be treated humanely, without any adverse distinction founded on race, colour, religion or faith, sex, birth or wealth, or any other similar criteria. "To this end the following acts are and shall remain prohibited at any time and in any place whatsoever with respect to the above-mentioned persons: (a) violence to life and person, in particular murder of all kinds, mutilation, cruel treatment and torture; (b) taking of hostages; (c) outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment; (d) the passing of sentences and the carrying out of executions without previous judgment pronounced by a regularly constituted court, affording all the judicial guarantees which are recognized as indispensable by civilized peoples. (2) The wounded and sick shall be collected and cared for." "International efforts led by the United States were successful in scaling down the July 15th special UN meeting in Geneva. The closed-door meeting lasted a mere 45 minutes. However, a resolution was unanimously passed stating that the Fourth Geneva Convention does apply to Israeli settlements in the "occupied territories."

So what is your point? Israel hasn't and doesn't violate any one of these convention points. You make allegations with no proofs. That is really Islamic of you.

I.E. The same way the US is protecting Occupied Iraqis, ISrael MUST and is OBLIGED to protect Palestinians until the occupation is over. In other word, Israel must send in ambulances and treat Palestinians in their Hospitals instead of preventing Red cross ambulances from saving civilian Palesinian lives, from preventing pregnant women to reach hospitals, preventing heart attack victims... you get the picture. The US follows the conventions, why is Israel special, i'll tell you why, because it is a racist apartheid dictator state that fuels anit-semitism worldwide.

Is that like the US treatment of the Iraqi captives in Abu Garif prison camp. I especially liked the US women soldiers pulling the naked Iraqi insurgents around by dog collars and attaching electric wires to their genitals. Is that what you were referring to as a part of the Geneva Convention of 1949 and 1999?

You can get off the lies about Israel being anything but a democratic country. Your brother Arab countries are ALL racist apartheid dictator state that fuels anit-Arab sentiment worldwide.

I really like the way your microcephalic brain works.
What a whale of a tale.

r2200t said:
Furthermore, here is a nicer exert:"BACKGROUND: The Palestinian "occupied territories" have been forcibly and illegally occupied by Israel since 1967 in defiance of UN Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338. Under the Geneva Conventions (in particularly The 4th Convention) the "occupying power" (Israel) is required in strict and unambiguous terms to protect the human rights, including the lives, welfare, and property of the Palestinian people. On the contrary, the Israeli governement has and continues to employ a systematic and escalating assault on the civilian population, including the maming, killing, torturing, and massacring of women and children, the mass demolition of homes, assassinations, illegal arrests and detentions, the destruction of infrastructure and food-producing agricultural land, the diversion of water, and other natural resources, as well as deliberately impeding the flow of medical supplies, and other relief aid so that the injured, and displaced may further suffer, be permanently crippled or die. Were it not for US dollars and weapons, and the use of its Security Council veto to block the will of the international community to enforce the Geneva Conventions, Israel's state terrorism, the end game of which is the extermination, displacement, and subjugation of the Palestinian people, could not take continue. Every day that goes by the brutality against an effectively captive and defenseless people continues. It is way past time as American citizens that we demand our government immediately stop the funding of these terrorist activities, freeze the assets of those who do, and instead bring the full force of international law to bear to prosecute those guilty of perpetrating these crimes against humanity."

Fortunately you didn't pick an Islamic propaganda site which couldn't say a true word or Allah would destroy this site as a harm to the religion of Muhammad. You have proven you wouldn't know the truth if it bit you on your 'purple helmeted little brain between your legs."

There are plenty of articles (in the above site) depicting and showing the many attrocities commited by this terrorist racist apartheid state called Israel. Really worth taking a look at (from the other side) After visiting this site, only Racists, or zionists (ajuups) can support Israels ruthless terrorist regimes with it's illegal weapons of mass destruction.(res. 1441)

ajuups, you're a zionist hiding under the sheets. you're also a racist as you have proven with previous posts insulting Muslims as a whole...The funniest is when you think every Anti-Israeli is Muslim, you have no clue do you? World Opinion (whithout all Muslims) are majorily against Israels terrorist policies. In fact most countries in the world (even without muslim countries) do no employ the world terrorist to classify suicide bombers, they prefer the term freedom fighters. And this is understandable when people get the real facts about terrorist Israel.


dilloduck said:
The difference is that the United States admitted it's wrongs and is punishing those involved.

The reality is that Israel has difficulty admitting to propagandist wrongs not commited or crimes that it has not perpetrated.

Why have you not admitted to killing Martin Luther King. It is obvious that it was you according to the Geneva Convention Laws and some of the bean-bags you sit on.
ajwps said:
The reality is that Israel has difficulty admitting to propagandist wrongs not commited or crimes that it has not perpetrated.

Why have you not admitted to killing Martin Luther King. It is obvious that it was you according to the Geneva Convention Laws and some of the bean-bags you sit on.

Truth has become a victim in the mideast conflict and the quote rings true again. AJ--for every source you and I can cite, someone else can cite one that opposes it. I imagine the truth to be somewhere in the middle. Personally I just wish the United States would quit funding EVERYONE there. Fight it out amongst yourselves but use your own resources and keep us out of your land war.
dilloduck said:
Truth has become a victim in the mideast conflict and the quote rings true again. AJ--for every source you and I can cite, someone else can cite one that opposes it. I imagine the truth to be somewhere in the middle. Personally I just wish the United States would quit funding EVERYONE there. Fight it out amongst yourselves but use your own resources and keep us out of your land war.

Personally I think like you. The US should just remove itself from the ME and quit funding anyone. Israel has defended itself from much greater empires than just 1.3 billion Muslims and have survived without loan grants from America.

Israel, left to its own devices, would quickly end the conflict that the US perpetuates by loan grants with strings attached. The Arabs would feel their old mighty warrior status and attack an Israel without a US ally.

Israel would simply destroy the Arabs and neither the US or Russia could enter the end game and force Israel back from Damascus, Cairo or Aman. Without the USA, the map of the middle east would look something dramatically different than today and appear like the attached map below. This would make you happy.

ajwps said:
Personally I think like you. The US should just remove itself from the ME and quit funding anyone. Israel has defended itself from much greater empires than just 1.3 billion Muslims and have survived without loan grants from America.

Israel, left to its own devices, would quickly end the conflict that the US perpetuates by loan grants with strings attached. The Arabs would feel their old mighty warrior status and attack an Israel without a US ally.

Israel would simply destroy the Arabs and neither the US or Russia could enter the end game and force Israel back from Damascus, Cairo or Aman. Without the USA, the map of the middle east would look something dramatically different than today and appear like the attached map below. This would make you happy.


It would certainly reflect the desires of many Israelis. Problem is that the other half of the Israelis would rather have the money. If Israel were able to come to some decision what it is they REALLY want here it may be easier for the rest of the world to adjust accordingly. I wasn't aware of any strings attatched to loans and grants. Could you enlighten me?
dilloduck said:
It would certainly reflect the desires of many Israelis. Problem is that the other half of the Israelis would rather have the money. If Israel were able to come to some decision what it is they REALLY want here it may be easier for the rest of the world to adjust accordingly. I wasn't aware of any strings attatched to loans and grants. Could you enlighten me?
I am sry, but this a very "strange" statement. Most israelis want to live a normal peaceful live. What do you based your statement "half would rather have the money" on? Personal understanding of situation or actual stats? Why should the rest of the world adjust? Are jews asking them? The last i heard the rest of the world seems to take one sided look at the israeli non-lethal defense against terror.

String to loans and grants? For one international responses or statements by israeli leaders. Do you think israel would stay back during gulf war 1 when it was attacked by iraq? Do you think israeli response to lebanon terror group, siria or iran would be so "contained"? Even the gaza pullback had to be oked from us. Every penny we give them we have a string attached to it. What do you think arabs do when we provide military assistance to israel? They try to match it and who do you think sells them weapons and parts?
It is not a simple situation as you seems to think. (and no they do not control us or the world)
dilloduck said:
It would certainly reflect the desires of many Israelis. Problem is that the other half of the Israelis would rather have the money. If Israel were able to come to some decision what it is they REALLY want here it may be easier for the rest of the world to adjust accordingly. I wasn't aware of any strings attatched to loans and grants. Could you enlighten me?

Is this your own opinion or do you have anything real to base your statements upon? So half of the Israelis would rather have loan guarantees than be secure in their own country?

The 'strings attached' are the Bush/Saudi 'Road to Peace Plan' and the Bush directed and orchestrated 'disengagment from Israel's Gaza and West Bank.

Anybody with a half a brain knows that these strings are designed by the Saudi government for the destruction of Israel. The following information gives clear evidence that none of the plans of Bush, mice, Sharon or the Saudis will ever come to being. Israel knows what the terrorist countries and Arafat are planning for them as seen in this article. Do you really think that Israel will disengage from its own land and allow the Jewish people to be slaughtered once again. Bush is in election mode until November, he will be able to do nothing to stop what Israel must accomplish.


Word reaching Israel’s intelligence sources is that Hizballah’s Iranian masters and Syrian backers are now looking forward to the next stage of their terrorist assault on the Jewish state, the use of non-conventional weapons.

The first knock occurred on July 19, when Ghaleb Awali, head of the Hizballah’s Special Group was murdered outside his Beirut home. Awali, who worked under the direct orders of the Hizballah’s backroom godfather Imad Mughniyeh, was the keystone of the arch linking Hizballah with Palestinian terrorist organizations.

Then on Sunday, July 25, Israeli Border police undercover troops sought out and killed six wanted Tanzim-Fatah and Jihad Islami terrorists in the West Bank town of Tulkarm.
dilloduck said:
It would certainly reflect the desires of many Israelis. Problem is that the other half of the Israelis would rather have the money. If Israel were able to come to some decision what it is they REALLY want here it may be easier for the rest of the world to adjust accordingly. I wasn't aware of any strings attatched to loans and grants. Could you enlighten me?

Basing your assumption on stereotypes there dillo?
r2200t said:
Are you serious?? Or are you mocking this message board?

You know that is exactly the question I had of you..... Sometimes it is fun playng word games with Arab liars.

Israel Violates Geneva Conventions daily! Here are the obvious ones even a racist zionist like yourself cannot deny:

1. Demolition of protected persons homes. Cannot deny this! give example of protected terrorist families hideouts demolished

2. Humiliation of protected persons. Arabs humiliate themselves by urinating on their wives in public. Deny that fact.

Public Strip searches at check points. Cannot deny this.Do you mean strip searches are done in Israel. Arab's wearing explosive devices have every right to go unmolested into Israeli restaurants and blow up killing innocents.

3. Expulsion of protected persons. (deporting them to other countries.) Cannot Deny this. killer aliens do not meet the definition of protected persons anywhere including Saudi Arabia and Iceland. Deporting murderers is done even here in the USA every day of the week. Why not Israel?

4. The right of return for Palestinians expelled from their homes. Tell me straight faced that this didn't happen! This is the equivalent of the US forcing out Iraqis from Iraq to camps in Syria, Saudi Arabia, etc...Or like the Afghans in Guantanamo Cuba or sending the illegal Mexicans back to Mexico or like any democratic country expelling dangerous foreign aliens back to their own countries. Did you forget that Israel is a sovereign country who does what is moral and decent things even to their children's killers.

5. Killing/assassinating suspected Palestinian millitants without a trial is a grave breach of the conventions. Can you deny F-16 assassinations in crowded areas?? Name one criminal beside Adolph Eichman who was tried and hanged for crimes against humanity? No I can admit that Israel carries out legal targeting of wanted murderers and believers in the rock god allah. If Israel didn't do this righteous deed, you would be dead because these same Arab assassins would be blowing you up in your hometown. You had better thank your lucky stars for Israel.

6. ... ... ... to long to list too time consuming, just search google with (Israel and Geneva) I did and alas there were no known violations by Israel of any Geneva Convention. Not even ONE!

Are you blindly in love with your terrorist state? No I despise all the terrorist states. But Israel is not one on the list.

Listen AJ,
Sure suicide bombers should not target civilians, but blaming Millions of Palestinians for the wrong doing of a few is wrong. If Israel cannot control the Palestinian territories.....They have only one option :
to Get the FVCK out! End the occupation. There is actually one more option for Israel and that is to get the Arabs out of Israel and return them to Palestine and their Hashemite King. Is that not a better solution? As long as their are Arabs in Israel who murder people, they and the kids they hide behind are as good as dead.....


ajwps said:
You know that is exactly the question I had of you..... Sometimes it is fun playng word games with Arab liars.

1. Demolition of protected persons homes. Cannot deny this! give example of protected terrorist families hideouts demolished

2. Humiliation of protected persons. Arabs humiliate themselves by urinating on their wives in public. Deny that fact.

Public Strip searches at check points. Cannot deny this.Do you mean strip searches are done in Israel. Arab's wearing explosive devices have every right to go unmolested into Israeli restaurants and blow up killing innocents.

3. Expulsion of protected persons. (deporting them to other countries.) Cannot Deny this. killer aliens do not meet the definition of protected persons anywhere including Saudi Arabia and Iceland. Deporting murderers is done even here in the USA every day of the week. Why not Israel?

4. The right of return for Palestinians expelled from their homes. Tell me straight faced that this didn't happen! This is the equivalent of the US forcing out Iraqis from Iraq to camps in Syria, Saudi Arabia, etc...Or like the Afghans in Guantanamo Cuba or sending the illegal Mexicans back to Mexico or like any democratic country expelling dangerous foreign aliens back to their own countries. Did you forget that Israel is a sovereign country who does what is moral and decent things even to their children's killers.

5. Killing/assassinating suspected Palestinian millitants without a trial is a grave breach of the conventions. Can you deny F-16 assassinations in crowded areas?? Name one criminal beside Adolph Eichman who was tried and hanged for crimes against humanity? No I can admit that Israel carries out legal targeting of wanted murderers and believers in the rock god allah. If Israel didn't do this righteous deed, you would be dead because these same Arab assassins would be blowing you up in your hometown. You had better thank your lucky stars for Israel.

6. ... ... ... to long to list too time consuming, just search google with (Israel and Geneva) I did and alas there were no known violations by Israel of any Geneva Convention. Not even ONE!

Are you blindly in love with your terrorist state? No I despise all the terrorist states. But Israel is not one on the list.

Listen AJ,
Sure suicide bombers should not target civilians, but blaming Millions of Palestinians for the wrong doing of a few is wrong. If Israel cannot control the Palestinian territories.....They have only one option :
to Get the FVCK out! End the occupation. There is actually one more option for Israel and that is to get the Arabs out of Israel and return them to Palestine and their Hashemite King. Is that not a better solution? As long as their are Arabs in Israel who murder people, they and the kids they hide behind are as good as dead.....



AJ, I've told you a thousand times !!! Kick out the rest of em and put up your wall !!! Be a state of only Jews--you wil be safer!!!
dilloduck said:
AJ, I've told you a thousand times !!! Kick out the rest of em and put up your wall !!! Be a state of only Jews--you wil be safer!!!

Okay I'll do just that little ole thing so you too will be safer...

Is that alright with you?
dilloduck said:
Thanks ! I feel safer already .

Anything I can do to make you safer is my pleasure. I'll just go out and all by myself clear Israel of all the Arabs and build a very high wall.

I've got nothing better to do that protect you and yours.

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