Did you Know?



*Did you know?*

1 - THAT, when the Palestine Problem was created by Britain in 1917,
more than 90% of the population of Palestine were Arabs, and that
there were at that time no more than 56,000 Jews in Palestine?

2 - THAT, more than half of the Jews living in Palestine at that time
were recent immigrants, who had come to Palestine in the preceding
decades in order to escape persecution in Europe?... And that less
than 5% of the population of Palestine were native Palestinian Jews?

3 - THAT, the Arabs of Palestine at that time owned 97.5% of the land,
while Jews (native Palestinians and recent immigrants together) owned
only 2.5% of the land?

4 - THAT, during the thirty years of British occupation and rule, the
Zionists were able to purchase only 3.5% of the land of Palestine, in
spite of the encouragement of the British Government?... And that much
of this land was transferred to Zionist bodies by the British
Government directly, and was not sold by Arab owners?

5 - THAT, therefore, when British passed the Palestine Problem to the
United Nations in 1947, Zionists owned no more than 6% of the total
land area of Palestine?

6 - THAT, notwithstanding these facts, the General Assembly of the
United Nations recommended that a "Jewish State" be established in
Palestine?... And that the Assembly granted that proposed "State"
about 54% of the total area of the country?

7 - THAT, Israel immediately occupied (and still occupies) 80.48% of
the total land area of Palestine?

8 - THAT, this territorial expansion took place, for the most part,
before 15 May 1948: i.e., before the formal end of the British forces
from Palestine, before the entry of Arab armies to protect Palestinian
Arabs, and before the Arab-Israeli war?

9 - THAT, the 1947 recommendation of the General Assembly in favor of
the creation of a "Jewish State" was outside the competence of the
Assembly under the Charter of the United Nations?

10 - THAT, all attempts by the Arab States and other Asian countries
to have the Assembly submit ³the question of constitutionality" of its
recommendation to the International Court of Justice for an "advisory
opinion" by the Court were rejected or ignored by the Assembly?

11 - THAT, when the Assembly began to experience "second thoughts"
over the matter and convened for its second special session in 1948,
it failed to reaffirm the 1947 recommendation for the partition of
Palestine-thus destroying whatever dubious legality that
recommendation for the establishment of a "Jewish State" had had?

12 - THAT, that original 1947 recommendation to create a "Jewish
State" in Palestine was approved, at the first vote, only by European,
American and Australian States...for every Asian State, and every
African State (with the exception of the Union of South Africa) voted
against it?...And that, when the vote was cast in plenary session on
29 November 1947, urgent American pressures (which a member of the
Truman cabinet described as "bordering onto scandal") had succeeded in
prevailing only upon one African country (Liberia), both of which had
special vulnerability to American pressures, to abandon their declared
opposition?...And that, in other words, the "Jewish State" was planted
at the point-of-intersection of Asia and Africa without the free
approval of any Middle Eastern, Asian or African country except that
Union of South Africa, itself ruled by an alien minority?

13 - THAT, Israel remained, ever since its inception, a total stranger
in the emerging world of Afro-Asia; and that Israel has been refused
admission to any inter-state conference of Asian, African, Afro-Asian,
or Non-Aligned States ever held?

14 - THAT, since the General Armistice Agreements were signed in 1949,
Israel has maintained an aggressive policy of waging military attacks
across the Armistice Demarcation Lines, repeatedly invading the
territories of the neighboring Arab States...And that Israel has been
duly rebuked, censured, or condemned for these military attacks by the
Security Council of the General Assembly of the United Nations on
eleven occasions-five times by the Security Council and six times by
the General Assembly?

15 - THAT, no other country in the world, whether member of the United
Nations or non-member, has been so frequently condemned by the United

16 - THAT, no Arab State has ever been condemned by any organ of the
United Nations for military attacks upon Israel?

17 - THAT, besides expelling the bulk of the Arab inhabitants of
Palestine, and besides constantly attacking the neighboring Arab
States, Israel has also consistently harassed the United Nations
observers and other personnel stationed along the Armistice
Demarcation Lines: It has assassinated the first United Nations
Mediator and his military aide; it has detained some truce observers;
it has militarily occupied and illegally searched the Headquarters of
United Nations personnel; and it has boycotted meetings of the Mixed
Armistice Commissions?...

18 - THAT, Israel has additionally imposed a system of apartheid upon
the Arabs who stayed in their homeland? More than 90% of these Arabs
live in "security zones;" they alone live under martial law,
restricting their freedom to travel from village to village or from
town to town; their children are denied equal opportunities for
education; and they are denied decent opportunities for work, and the
right to receive "equal pay for equal work?"

19 - THAT, notwithstanding the foregoing facts, Israel has always
been, and still is, widely portrayed in the Western press as the
"bastion of democracy" and the "champion of peace" in the Middle East?

20 - THAT, the Western Powers have persisted in declaring their
determination to ensure a so-called "arms balance" in the area, as
between Israel, on the one hand, and the one-hundred million
inhabitants of the thirteen Arab States, on the other hand?... And
this unilateral Western doctrine of so-called "arms balance" is no
more reasonable than the suggestion that, in the Cuba-U.S.A conflict,
there should be "arms balance" as between Cuba and the United
States... or that the whole Continent of Africa should not be allowed
to acquire more arms than South Africa... or that Mainland China
should not be permitted to have more arms than Taiwan... or that the
military allowed to acquire more arms than South Africa... and that
only thus can peace be safeguarded in the Western Hemisphere, in
Africa, in Asia, or in Europe?...

21 _ THAT, Israel allots 85% of the water resources in the occupied
territories for Jews and the remaining 15% is divided among all
Palestinians in the territories? For example in Hebron, 85% of the
water is given to about 500 settlers, while 15% must be divided among
Hebron's 120,000 Palestinians?

22 _ THAT, The United States awards Israel $3 billion in aid each
year, more than to any other country in the world: US aid to Israel
exceeds the aid the US grants to the whole sub-Sahara Africa?

23 _ THAT, GDP, per capita, and consumption per capita in the Occupied
Territories have dropped about 15 percent in the West Bank and Gaza
since 1993 - that's even with large foreign assistance pouring in,
from Europe, mostly?

24 _ THAT, Up until 1993, the U.S. and Israel permitted humanitarian
aid to come into the territories. UN humanitarian aid was permitted
into the West Bank and Gaza. In 1993, that was restricted?

25 _ THAT, Israel is the only country in the Middle East that has
nuclear weapons?

26 _ THAT, Israel is the only country in the Middle East that refuses
to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and bars international
inspections from its sites?

27 _ THAT, Israel currently occupies territories of two sovereign
nations (Lebanon and Syria) in defiance of United Nations Security
Council resolutions?

28 _ THAT, High-ranking military officers in the Israeli Defense
Forces have admitted publicly that unarmed prisoners of war were
executed by the IDF?

29 _ THAT, Israel refuses to prosecute its soldiers who have
acknowledged executing prisoners of war?

30 _ THAT, Israel routinely confiscates bank accounts, businesses, and
land from Palestinians and refuses to pay compensation to those who
suffer the confiscation?

31 _ THAT, Israel stands in defiance of 69 United Nations Security
Council Resolutions?

32 _ THAT, Israel's current prime minister, Ariel Sharon, was found by
an Israeli court to be "personally responsible" for the Sabra and
Shatilla massacres in Lebanon in which thousands of unarmed
Palestinian refugees were slaughtered in 1982?

33 _ THAT, Today's Israel sits on the former sites of more than 400
destroyed Palestinian villages, and that the Israelis renamed almost
every physical site in the country to cover up the traces?

34 _ THAT, Ariel Sharon's coalition government includes a party --
Molodet -- which advocates expelling all [of the over two million]
Palestinians from [their homes in] the occupied territories?

35 _ THAT, Israel's illegal settlement-building in the Occupied
Palestinian territories more than doubled doubled in the eight years
since the Oslo agreements?

36 _ THAT, Illegal settlement building under Prime Minister Barak
doubled compared to settlement building under Prime Minister Netanyahu?

37 _ THAT, More illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian
territories were built under Prime Minister Barak than at any other
time in the history of Israel's occupation of Palestinian land?

38 _ THAT, Despite a ban on torture by Israel's High Court of Justice,
torture has continued by Shin Bet interrogators on Palestinian prisoners?

39 _ THAT, Palestinian refugees make up the largest refugee population
in the world?

40 _ THAT, Israeli military checkpoints surround every Palestinian
population center in violation of the Oslo Accords?

41 _ THAT, The right of self-determination is guaranteed to every
human being under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (December,
1948), yet Palestinians were/are expected to negotiate for this right
under the Oslo Accords?

42 _ THAT, Palestinians have the highest ratio of PhDs per capita in
the world?
look a message boars is not a book to be reviewed by a publisher, it's ridiculous to insiste that every fact be sourced! what am I supposed to do, go to the library for every line I post..

having said that read:

Fateful Triangle-Noam Chomsky

most of those facts are backed up in his book and he sources them, also I will post some web-sites that back up my facts just give me a day to find them, i'll try to keep my posts non-inflamatory but I refuse to stop saying Israel is racist and I havn't called anyone any names like that guy who says i'm illeterate(sic)
Originally posted by jowlover
look a message boars is not a book to be reviewed by a publisher, it's ridiculous to insiste that every fact be sourced! what am I supposed to do, go to the library for every line I post..

having said that read:

Fateful Triangle-Noam Chomsky

most of those facts are backed up in his book and he sources them, also I will post some web-sites that back up my facts just give me a day to find them, i'll try to keep my posts non-inflamatory but I refuse to stop saying Israel is racist and I havn't called anyone any names like that guy who says i'm illeterate(sic)

By the nature of the forum you are on the net, source when asked please.
Heres one:


they are Jews and even they say Israel is racist.. see the link on the page:

'baraks generous offer'

I will take time now to find more sources for my posts and not post for a while

And I don't think there's anything wrong with comparing Israels segregationist Likud party and the NRP to the Ku Klux Klan, to a Palestinian it's the same kind of racism, even worse

you want a source for that, look at the Newsweek issue (it's froma few months ago' where they show a map of Sharons 'aphartied' wall and it describes the Palestinian Cantons as 'Bantustans' also look at Time magazine's Dec. 15 issue in which the escribe the Geneva Accords, which the Palestinians and Yasser Arafat accepted and the Americans and Israelis rejected, anything that would give the Palestinians just a little bit of Freedom, the USA Govt. and Israel reject, and I say it's because they are dominated by racist politians..

OK i'll lay off the statistical facts and just use general data, but I can still call it a 'racist aphartied state' and state that the basic reason Arabs and Muslims hate Americans so much is because their double-standard, S. Afrika was sanctioned, Israel is supported

Also Katherine, you PM to me:

"'This is a group. Jews against Israel basically. That's fine, but you need to source inflammatory statements with publications that lead to the facts. Meaning your 'source' citing another reliable source ie., AP, Reuters, WAPO, NYT, etc. IF not, site as your own opinion, not fact.'"

Thank you.

nimn org do NOT consider thmeselves "Jews against Israel-basically" they are just opposed to Israels racist and oppresive occupation policies and it's current Likud govt, that does not mean they are against Israel's existence, but you seem to think that anyone who is against it's oppresive policies or who thinks it should withdraw completly from the territories is against it's existence,
Jowlover, the name is Kathianne, Kathleen, Kathy, or your royal highness, any will do, though Katherine will not. With that out of the way:

I don't care how they bill themselves, they still come out to be Jews for Palestinians hoping to be not eaten.

Originally posted by jowlover
Heres one:


they are Jews and even they say Israel is racist.. see the link on the page:

'baraks generous offer'

I will take time now to find more sources for my posts and not post for a while

And I don't think there's anything wrong with comparing Israels segregationist Likud party and the NRP to the Ku Klux Klan, to a Palestinian it's the same kind of racism, even worse

you want a source for that, look at the Newsweek issue (it's froma few months ago' where they show a map of Sharons 'aphartied' wall and it describes the Palestinian Cantons as 'Bantustans' also look at Time magazine's Dec. 15 issue in which the escribe the Geneva Accords, which the Palestinians and Yasser Arafat accepted and the Americans and Israelis rejected, anything that would give the Palestinians just a little bit of Freedom, the USA Govt. and Israel reject, and I say it's because they are dominated by racist politians..

OK i'll lay off the statistical facts and just use general data, but I can still call it a 'racist aphartied state' and state that the basic reason Arabs and Muslims hate Americans so much is because their double-standard, S. Afrika was sanctioned, Israel is supported

Also Katherine, you PM to me:

"'This is a group. Jews against Israel basically. That's fine, but you need to source inflammatory statements with publications that lead to the facts. Meaning your 'source' citing another reliable source ie., AP, Reuters, WAPO, NYT, etc. IF not, site as your own opinion, not fact.'"

Thank you.

nimn org do NOT consider thmeselves "Jews against Israel-basically" they are just opposed to Israels racist and oppresive occupation policies and it's current Likud govt, that does not mean they are against Israel's existence, but you seem to think that anyone who is against it's oppresive policies or who thinks it should withdraw completly from the territories is against it's existence,
Originally posted by jowlover

*Did you know?*

jowllier got his information from an Arab propoganda site. Is it any wonder with this poster being a Muslim partner in the 9/11 attack against America? No post to prove this statement like jowlover refuses to give.

1 - THAT, when the Palestine Problem was created by Britain in 1917, more than 90% of the population of Palestine were Arabs, and that there were at that time no more than 56,000 Jews in Palestine? 2 - THAT, more than half of the Jews living in Palestine at that time were recent immigrants, who had come to Palestine in the preceding decades in order to escape persecution in Europe?... And that less than 5% of the population of Palestine were native Palestinian Jews? 3 - THAT, the Arabs of Palestine at that time owned 97.5% of the land, while Jews (native Palestinians and recent immigrants together) owned
only 2.5% of the land? 4 - THAT, during the thirty years of British occupation and rule, the Zionists were able to purchase only 3.5% of the land of Palestine, in spite of the encouragement of the British Government?... And that much of this land was transferred to Zionist bodies by the British Government directly, and was not sold by Arab owners? 5 - THAT, therefore, when British passed the Palestine Problem to the United Nations in 1947, Zionists owned no more than 6% of the total land area of Palestine? 6 - THAT, notwithstanding these facts, the General Assembly of the United Nations recommended that a "Jewish State" be established in Palestine?... And that the Assembly granted that proposed "State" about 54% of the total area of the country? 7 - THAT, Israel immediately occupied (and still occupies) 80.48% of the total land area of Palestine? 8 - THAT, this territorial expansion took place, for the most part, before 15 May 1948: i.e., before the formal end of the British forces from Palestine, before the entry of Arab armies to protect Palestinian
Arabs, and before the Arab-Israeli war? 9 - THAT, the 1947 recommendation of the General Assembly in favor of the creation of a "Jewish State" was outside the competence of the Assembly under the Charter of the United Nations? 10 - THAT, all attempts by the Arab States and other Asian countries to have the Assembly submit ³the question of constitutionality" of its recommendation to the International Court of Justice for an "advisory opinion" by the Court were rejected or ignored by the Assembly? 11 - THAT, when the Assembly began to experience "second thoughts" over the matter and convened for its second special session in 1948, it failed to reaffirm the 1947 recommendation for the partition of Palestine-thus destroying whatever dubious legality that recommendation for the establishment of a "Jewish State" had had? 12 - THAT, that original 1947 recommendation to create a "Jewish State" in Palestine was approved, at the first vote, only by European, American and Australian States...for every Asian State, and every
African State (with the exception of the Union of South Africa) voted against it?...And that, when the vote was cast in plenary session on 29 November 1947, urgent American pressures (which a member of the Truman cabinet described as "bordering onto scandal") had succeeded in prevailing only upon one African country (Liberia), both of which had special vulnerability to American pressures, to abandon their declared opposition?...And that, in other words, the "Jewish State" was planted at the point-of-intersection of Asia and Africa without the free approval of any Middle Eastern, Asian or African country except that Union of South Africa, itself ruled by an alien minority? 13 - THAT, Israel remained, ever since its inception, a total stranger in the emerging world of Afro-Asia; and that Israel has been refused admission to any inter-state conference of Asian, African, Afro-Asian, or Non-Aligned States ever held? 14 - THAT, since the General Armistice Agreements were signed in 49,
Israel has maintained an aggressive policy of waging military attacks across the Armistice Demarcation Lines, repeatedly invading the territories of the neighboring Arab States...And that Israel has been duly rebuked, censured, or condemned for these military attacks by the Scurity Council of the General Assembly of the United Nations on eleven occasions-five times by the Security Council and six times by the General Assembly? 15 - THAT, no other country in the world, whether member of the United Nations or non-member, has been so frequently condemned by the United Nations? 16 - THAT, no Arab State has ever been condemned by any organ of the United Nations for military attacks upon Israel? 17 - THAT, besides expelling the bulk of the Arab inhabitants of Palestine, and besides constantly attacking the neighboring Arab States, Israel has also consistently harassed the United Nations observers and other personnel stationed along the Armistice Dmarcation Lines: It has assassinated the first United Nations Mdiator and his military aide; it has detained some truce observers; it has militarily occupied and illegally searched the Headquarters of United Nations personnel; and it has boycotted meetings of the Mixed Armistice Commissions?... 18 - THAT, Israel has additionally imposed a system of apartheid upon the Arabs who stayed in their homeland? More than 90% of these Arabs lve in "security zones;" they alone live under martial law, restricting their freedom to travel from village to village or from twn to town; their children are denied equal opportunities for education; and they are denied decent opportunities for work, and the right to receive "equal pay for equal work?" 19 - THAT, notwithstanding the foregoing facts, Israel has always been, and still is, widely portrayed in the Western press as the "bastion of democracy" and the "champion of peace" in the Middle East? 20 - THAT, the Western Powers have persisted in declaring their determination to ensure a so-called "arms balance" in the area, as between Israel, on the one hand, and the one-hundred million inhabitants of the thirteen Arab States, on the other hand?... And this unilateral Western doctrine of so-called "arms balance" is no more reasonable than the suggestion that, in the Cuba-U.S.A conflict, there should be "arms balance" as between Cuba and the United States... or that the whole Continent of Africa should not be allowed to acquire more arms than South Africa... or that Mainland China should not be permitted to have more arms than Taiwan... or that the military allowed to acquire more arms than South Africa... and that only thus can peace be safeguarded in the Western Hemisphere, in Africa, in Asia, or in Europe?... 21 _ THAT, Israel allots 85% of the water resources in the occupied territories for Jews and the remaining 15% is divided among all Palestinians in the territories? For example in Hebron, 85% of the water is given to about 500 settlers, while 15% must be divided among Hebron's 120,000 Palestinians? 22 _ THAT, The United States awards Israel $3 billion in aid each year, more than to any other country in the world: US aid to Israel exceeds the aid the US grants to the whole sub-Sahara Africa? 23 _ THAT, GDP, per capita, and consumption per capita in the Occupied Territories have dropped about 15 percent in the West Bank and Gaza since 1993 - that's even with large foreign assistance pouring in, from Europe, mostly? 24 _ THAT, Up until 1993, the U.S. and Israel permitted humanitarian aid to come into the territories. UN humanitarian aid was permitted into the West Bank and Gaza. In 1993, that was restricted? 25 _ THAT, Israel is the only country in the Middle East that has nuclear weapons? 26 _ THAT, Israel is the only country in the Middle East that refuses to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and bars international inspections from its sites? 27 _ THAT, Israel currently occupies territories of two sovereign nations (Lebanon and Syria) in defiance of United Nations Security Council resolutions? 28 _ THAT, High-ranking military officers in the Israeli Defense Forces have admitted publicly that unarmed prisoners of war were executed by the IDF?
29 _ THAT, Israel refuses to prosecute its soldiers who have
acknowledged executing prisoners of war? 30 _ THAT, Israel routinely confiscates bank accounts, businesses, and land from Palestinians and refuses to pay compensation to those who suffer the confiscation? 31 _ THAT, Israel stands in defiance of 69 United Nations Security Council Resolutions? 32 _ THAT, Israel's current prime minister, Ariel Sharon, was found by an Israeli court to be "personally responsible" for the Sabra and Shatilla mssacres in Lebanon in which thousands of unarmed Palestinian refugees were slaughtered in 1982? 33 _ THAT, Today's Israel sits on the former sites of more than 400 destroyed Palestinian villages, and that the Israelis renamed almost every physical site in the country to cover up the traces?
34 _ THAT, Ariel Sharon's coalition government includes a party --
Molodet -- which advocates expelling all [of the over two million]
Palestinians from [their homes in] the occupied territories?
35 _ THAT, Israel's illegal settlement-building in the Occupied
Palestinian territories more than doubled doubled in the eight years since the Oslo agreements? 36 _ THAT, Illegal settlement building under Prime Minister Barak doubled compared to settlement building under Prime Minister Netanyahu? 37 _ THAT, More illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories were built under Prime Minister Barak than at any other time in the history of Israel's occupation of Palestinian land? 38 _ THAT, Despite a ban on torture by Israel's High Court of Justice, torture has continued by Shin Bet interrogators on Palestinian prisoners? 39 _ THAT, Palestinian refugees make up the largest refugee population in the world? 40 _ THAT, Israeli military checkpoints surround every Palestinian population center in violation of the Oslo Accords? 41 _ THAT, The right of self-determination is guaranteed to every human being under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (December, 1948), yet Palestinians were/are expected to negotiate for this right
under the Oslo Accords? 42 _ THAT, Palestinians have the highest ratio of PhDs per capita in the world?

The only thing that counts out of all these lies is one REALITY. All the Arab lies and distortions cannot change this fact which is obvious to anyone who can hear, see and read.

I agree that many Israelis are racist as are many Americans, Aaians, Arabs--ad infinitum. Is racism the reason that you use to encourage America to stop supporting Israel or is it the invalidity of the UN? Either way I doubt you will get much support now that the "allies" of the Palestinians are advocating the killing of anyone who is an ally of America (to INCLUDE other muslims) . They are not talking about just troops. Men ,women and children are "fair game". You better wake up and see who you are in bed with.
Originally posted by jowlover
Heres one:


nimn org do NOT consider thmeselves "Jews against Israel-basically" they are just opposed to Israels racist and oppresive occupation policies and it's current Likud govt, that does not mean they are against Israel's existence, but you seem to think that anyone who is against it's oppresive policies or who thinks it should withdraw completly from the territories is against it's existence,

Or is it that these so called Jews (actually Muslims) are not interested in a land of Palestine or any racist or oppressive occupation policies but simply to kill ALL THOSE WHO REFUSE TO BELIEVE IN THE MOON-GOD ALLAH AND HIS BENEFICIENT PROPHET OF HATE.
This is the source.

Israel, the 100th smallest country, with less than 1/1000th of the world's population, can make claim to the following:

Israeli research shows that we can find out more about what is buried beneath the earth's surface by launching a satellite into the sky.

An Israeli company has unveiled a blood test that via the telephone diagnoses
heart attacks.

The Israeli-developed Ex-Press shunt is providing relief for American glaucoma sufferers.

An Israeli research team has found that the combination of electrical stimulation
and chemotherapy makes cancerous metastases disappear.

Israel has designed the first flight system to protect passenger and freighter
aircraft against missile attack.

Jewish and Arab students at Hebrew University participate in the 'Billy Crystal Workshops - Peace Through the Performing Arts' project.

Israel has the highest ratio of university degrees to the population in the world.

Israel produces more scientific papers per capita than any other nation by a large margin - 109 per 10,000 people - as well as one of the highest percapita rates of patents filed.

In proportion to its population, Israel has the largest number of startup companies in the world. In absolute terms, Israel has the largest number of startup companies than any other country in the world, except the US (3,500 companies mostly in hi-tech).

Israel is ranked #2 in the world for venture capital funds right behind the US.

Israel has the highest average living standards in the Middle East. The per capita income in 2000 was over $17,500, exceeding that of the UK.

Israel's $100 billion economy is larger than all of its immediate neighbors combined.

On a per capita basis, Israel has the largest number of biotech start-ups.

Israel has the largest raptor migration in the world, with hundreds of thousands of African birds of prey crossing as they fan out into Asia.

Twenty-four percent of Israel's workforce holds university degrees - ranking third in the industrialized world, after the United States and
Holland - and 12 percent hold advanced degrees.

Israel is the only liberal democracy in the Middle East.

In 1984 and 1991, Israel airlifted a total of 22,000 Ethiopian Jews at risk in Ethiopia to safety in Israel.

When Gold Meir was elected Prime Minister of Israel in 1969, she became the world's second elected female leader in modern times.

When the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya was bombed in 1998, Israeli rescue teams were on the scene within a day - and saved three victims from the rubble.

Israel has the third highest rate of entrepreneurship - and the highest rate among women and among people over 55 - in the world.

Relative to its population, Israel is the largest immigrant-absorbing nation on earth. Immigrants come in search of democracy, religious
freedom, and economic opportunity.

Israel was the first nation in the world to adopt the Kimberly process, an international standard that certifies diamonds as "conflict free."

According to industry officials, Israel designed the airline industry's most impenetrable flight security. U.S. officials now look to Israel for advice on how to handle airborne security threats.

Israel's Maccabi basketball team won the European championships in 2001.

Israeli tennis player Anna Smashnova is the 15th ranked female player in
the world.

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers was produced by Haim Saban, an Israeli whose family fled persecution in Egypt.

Israel has the world's second highest per capita of new books.

Israel is the only country in the world that entered the 21st century with a net gain in its number of trees.

Israel has more museums per capita than any other country.

Israel has two official languages: Hebrew and Arabic.

Israeli scientists developed the first fully computerized, no-radiation, diagnostic instrumentation for breast cancer.

An Israeli company developed a computerized system
for ensuring proper administration of medications, thus removing human error from medical treatment. Every year in U.S. hospitals 7,000 patients die from treatment mistakes.

Israel's Given Imaging developed the first ingestible video camera, so small it fits inside a pill. Used the view the small intestine from the inside, the camera helps doctors diagnose cancer and digestive disorders.

Researchers in Israel developed a new device that directly helps the heart
pump blood, an innovation with the potential to save lives among those with congestive heart failure. The new device is synchronized with the
heart's mechanical operations through a sophisticated system of sensors.

With more than 3,000 high-tech companies and start-ups, Israel has the highest concentration of hi-tech companies in the world (apart from the
Silicon Valley).

In response to serious water shortages, Israeli engineers and agriculturalists developed a revolutionary drip irrigation system to
minimize the amount of water used to grow crops.

Israel has the highest percentage in the world of home computers per capita.

Israel leads the world in the number of scientists and technicians in the workforce, with 145 per 10,000, as opposed to 85 in the U.S., over 70 in Japan, and less than 60 in Germany. With over 25% of its work force
employed in technical professions. Israel places first in this category as well.

The cell phone was developed in Israel by Motorola, which has its largest development center in Israel.

Most of the Windows NT operating system was developed by Microsoft-Israel.

The Pentium MMX Chip technology was designed in Israel at Intel.

Voice mail technology was developed in Israel.

Both Microsoft and Cisco built their only R&D facilities outside the US in Israel.

The technology for AOL Instant Messenger was developed in 1996 by four young Israelis.

A new acne treatment developed in Israel, the ClearLight device, produces a high-intensity, ultraviolet-light-free, narrow-band blue light that causes acne bacteria to self-destruct - all without damaging surroundings skin or tissue.

An Israeli company was the first to develop and install a large-scale solar-powered and fully functional electricity generating plant, in southern California's Mojave desert.

The first PC anti-virus software was developed in Israel in 1979.
Originally posted by PeaB0dy
This is the source.

Israel, the 100th smallest country, with less than 1/1000th of the world's population, can make claim to the following:

Israeli research shows that we can find out more about what is buried beneath the earth's surface by launching a satellite into the sky......

Hey Peabody, what contributions to mankind have been made by the Islamic world and Arafat?

Everybody hates the Jewish nation and people and the nations just love the Arabs and their scientific contributions to the world.

The arabs did give us 0 (such an easy chance for a cut up here!!)

They did contribute other things like algebra (cnn thinks so, so must be right :cuckoo: ).

They do allow the rest of the world to see the value of human life, as they have little value, they are willing to die for their cause (and may it go with them!)

arafat made some huge contributions, like getting his own people massacred (black september in jordan, approx. 30,000 killed), and being one of the most despised people in the world, as well as being a big tool for the arab world to fight Israel by proxy.

I believe, that Israel is the heart of the world, and when she get sick, the rest of the world is not far behind. (taken from relentless: the struggle for peace in the middle east.)
Originally posted by PeaB0dy

The arabs did give us 0 (such an easy chance for a cut up here!!)

They did contribute other things like algebra (cnn thinks so, so must be right :cuckoo: ).

It also seems that Algebra was discovered to be nearly 4000 years old and its roots in India.


"India was the motherland of our race
and Sanskrit the mother of Europe's languages.
India was the mother of our philosophy,
of much of our mathematics, of the ideals embodied in
Christianity... of self-government and democracy.
In many ways, Mother India is the mother of us all."

- Will Durant
- American Historian 1885-1981

Mathematics represents a high level of abstraction attained by the human mind. In India, mathematics has its roots in Vedic literature which is nearly 4000 years old. Between 1000 B.C. and 1000 A.D. various treatises on mathematics were authored by Indian mathematicians in which were set forth for the first time, the concept of zero, the techniques of algebra and algorithm, square root and cube root.

This method of graduated calculation was documented in the Pancha-Siddhantika (Five Principles) in the 5th Century But the technique is said to be dating from Vedic times circa 2000 B.C.

As in the applied sciences like production technology, architecture and shipbilding, Indians in ancient times also made advances in abstract sciences like Mathematics and Astronomy. It has now been generally accepted that the technique of algebra and the concept of zero originated in India.

They do allow the rest of the world to see the value of human life, as they have little value, they are willing to die for their cause (and may it go with them!)

arafat made some huge contributions, like getting his own people massacred (black september in jordan, approx. 30,000 killed), and being one of the most despised people in the world, as well as being a big tool for the arab world to fight Israel by proxy.

I believe, that Israel is the heart of the world, and when she get sick, the rest of the world is not far behind. (taken from relentless: the struggle for peace in the middle east.)

Is it interesting to see history played out to this day with little bitty Israel having so much of the world's attention in this earth's day to day media. I agree with you that Israel is not only the heart of earth but also IMHO the center of this timeless dimension in which we assume exists. May Sharon's mistaken ideas lead to the following map of the world.

An Israel that size would be very hard to manage, all the arabs would really be trouble than, and dispersing our troops to such a large area would be dangerous.

She is fine being small, she is more nimble that way..

If we were to get the Sanai back again, we would really make a desert bloom even more so, but all I want are the borders that include the Golan, Yehuda, Shomron, and well, Gaza, I am indifferent about, but because we won it in a defensive war, it is ours..

Israel may only be a small country, land wise, but is HUGE in every other way.

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