Racism vs "culturism", and the futility of "anti-white" paranoia and conspiracy theories

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Nov 26, 2019
As far as history, anthropology, and biology show, such as the writings of evolutionary biologist Steven Pinker, the majority of wars and conflicts, present and historically are not purely "racial", as in limited to or based on physical traits or attributes, such as skin color.

The above are all hallmarks of the chronically impoverished, such as "turf wars" between street or prison gans, or impoverished 3rd world countries like those in Sub-Saharan Africa, rather than in nations of civilized men and women, presently or historically, debunking much of the pseudoscience and conspiracy theories surrounding these notions.

And likewise showing why actual racial supremacy movements, as in the case of gangs or groups recognized by the law as such (whether the KKK, Neo-Nazi or white supremacy organizations, or other movements such as the New Black Panther Party) have no future in the civilized world outside of the criminal underground, as this is the uneducated and violent view which these worldviews prey on to begin with.

In contrast, conflicts in history (and today) are primarily the result of opposing or rival cultures, beliefs, ideologies, and so forth (whether England and France, America and Britain, Catholic and Protestant, China and Japan, Korea and Japan, Persians and Romans, Sunni and Shiite, Allies and Axis, NATO and the USSR, "liberals/left vs conservatives/right", Germans vs Jews, rival sports teams, "atheism vs religion") - just to name a many few).

Likewise, on this note, those who are civilized and honest would admit that this is a "good thing", and not a bad one, since the alternative would be to argue there is "no difference" between a culture like Nazi Germany which favors Racal genocide, over one such as the Allies and Western Europe, but most would (thankfully) agree that a culture which rounds people up and puts them in concentration camps is inferior to one which doesn't. (This of course shows the error in the reasoning of individuals like Michel Foucalt, as were his conspiracy theory true, there would be "no difference" between Nazi Germany and a culture like that of his own, even though Nazi Germany would have had him exterminated along with the rest).


Likewise, on the flip side - let's demonstrate the ultimate futility of vapid ideas and ideologies such as Marxism, anarchism or the "critical theory" cult, to which 99% of the world which they inhabit is inherently "racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, mansplaining, species-ist, cis, rich, Christian white heterosexual male supremacism conspiracy theory".

I'm aware that "white", to many of these middle class, computer bound idiots means more something akin to the anti-Semite Marx's notion of the bourgeois, of which they and their private property such as their computers and internet connections are a member, as in spite of loathing their own social class, they in practice refuse to do anything about it other than repeat fatuous, corporate marketed slogans, all the while imagine themselves as buying the capitalist rope which they will eventually hang themselves with. (The inanity of stereotyping any industry or company as "corporate" to begin with, given that each company, its people, is systems, methodologies, or business model as as distinct, as that there are as many exaggerated "job titles" as there are actual "jobs" to begin with).

And what, this conspiracy theory and the fringe groups and internet subcultures associated with it actually puts them at odds with, whether they are intelligent or honest enough to admit it or not:

For that matter, most of recent computing science and technology of course owes its thanks to intelligent, primarily "white" men and women, such as the engineer Alan Turing; and others, such as the male and female mathematicians who used to perform the job duty of "computers" before computers of the modern sense were invented.

1. The entire Western Education system, and its development since the days of ancient Greece and Rome, if not before, up until today, including all of its literature, educational systems and mythologies, English language, and so forth - this includes both public and private systems, their histories, and the methodologies which developed within them (and the false diethoxies often associated with them and other sectors or industries, since even "public institutions" receive private funding, as private do public in many cases), as well as the multitudes of young male and female students who accompany them, and the various cultural demographics and factors they actually carry with them to these institutions, whether influenced by parents, peers, self-exploration, or other cultural forces and influence, good, bad, or somewhere in between, showing the difference in theory between what an institution is said to be, versus what it actually is.

This also includes all "serious" subjects, whether mathematics (as opposed to what mathematicans deem "boring" arithmetic), languages, and their actual histories and development, sciences informed by Bacon's method, virtually all of the history of civilization itself, black, white, Asian, or otherwise (not just one civilization, such as "white", "Western, or "Christian", as the conspiracy theories go, as even Western civilization has had a myriad of cultural influences; "white" merely being a silly census bureau term, and not accounting for differences between cultures such as American, British, French, German, Swedish, Russian, Swiss, Irish, Spanish, or others, much as "black" fails to account for the differences between one like Hannibal, Martin Luther King, the Zulus, and one like Nelson Mandela, or how "Native American" or "Indian" fails to account for the differences between Cherokee, Aztec, Incan, Mayan, Commanche, Apache, or others.

All arts, music, humanities, whether opera, ballroom dance, theater, music of classical traditions, or even popular music of recent decades, and so forth, most of it being "white", just as most of popular music is "corporate", its executives generally being white as snow, and rich as hell, with popular artists, actors, and so forth (this, of course includes rappers or hip-hop artists) -having very little autonomy as might be imagined outside of their attractive personas and the fantasies in us they embody.

2. All of the scientific institutions, dating from the invention of Francis Bacon's methodologies up until the present day, including the primarily "white" men and women responsible for creating many if not most of the theories which today we take for granted, such as Newton Einstein, or Charles Darwin, as well as the racist views which he and other men and women of their time had been known to hold.

2.5. The above, of course, includes their computer, their internet their social media outlets, their Ipads, Androids, Smartphones, the local hairstylist who dies their hair in ugly, artificial colors such as pink, red or green, produced in corporate-manufactured die, likely made in China or another 3rd world country.

3. 99% of the people, they interact with on a daily basis, including their coworkers, their neighbors, their holidays, the Christmas trees or decorum often featured on public or private property, the strangers they encounter on the street, themselves and the genetics they wish they hadn't been born with, making them something of a sociopath to 99.9% of the society they inhabit, or are a part of. As well as most Churchs or places of worship (whether Baptist, Methodist, Catholic, or otherwise, if they don't segregate by race as churches such as "Nation of Islam" do, this means they're part of the vast-white conspiracy, and that the black or non-white men and women who are attending there are "uncle Toms", "race Traitors", and so on).

4. All of mass media and advertising, whether TV, radio, print, film, music, social media or otherwise, and all of the "rich, white" men and women in Hollywood and the Entertainment industries, to whom making a childish, simplistic PR pitch somehow immediately absolves of the sins of being "rich, white" and others, which only a truly naïve person, not one serious about "smashing the system", such as the Antifa criminals would buy into.

They voluntarily exchange their identities, personal information, home, cell phone numbers, workplaces

5. The entire American and British legal system, civil, and criminal, state and federal, such as the "Christian values" which incorporate much of the Common law system of the states, which developed from older systems of law, including "religious" ones such as Exodus, as well as the entire local, state, and federal police forces, and US military, including the "uncle toms" or "race traitors", as in black men and women who serve in law enforcement or in military. As well as any thinking man or woman who works in law, and understands the realities and intricacies of how law actually works, whether in trails, enforcement, or the actual practice of changing the law; whose knowledge thereof isn't merely informed by silly TV shows like "Law and Order", "CSI", or children's cartoons and stories, or axioms so inherent they needed require any education of the "law" at all to begin with, so much as mere civility or stating the blanketly obvious to everyone but yourself.

This includes every state in the union, from Texas to New York, From Hawaii to California, from Seattle to Florida, all of which include the same "white", Common Law system, and same system of Republican government in which representatives are elected to office, with executive, legislative, and Judicial branches - deriving from the British (there are some exceptions, such as Louisiana, who derives from the French system, but even "France" is white, so it works out the same way).

As well as the entirety of England or Britain, the Commonwealth nations such as Canada, New Zealand, Australia, whose systems are governed by the "White" Common law system as well. And as for the European Union, it has the word "European" in its name - so is it white, male and racist? Undoubtedly.

The above exception would be its social programs and other expenditures of note, of course; seems they very much like "biting the hands that feed them".

The entire history of business in the US, Britian, the Commonwealth, and Europe, whether stereotypically "large" corporations, mom and pop businesses, or those in between;

In some cases, everyone who is "cis, white", or "reproduces children without artificial means", or is in a healthy, well-adjusted heterosexual marriage or relationship and manages to make it work out well enough- meaning the 99.995% of the population who hasn't had a sexual reassignment surgery, or the minority of people who, in practice, prefer same-sex relations, adoption, or arterial insemination to heterosexual unions and natural childbirth.

6. The entirety of healthcare and medical system, American, Canadian, British, or otherwise, given the "white" traditions which have informed them as far back as Hippocrates.

7. Most games, hobbies, recreations, whether board games (such as Chess, associated with old, white aristocrats and white "nerds"), children's games or stories coming from "white" culture, such as "tag, you're it", sports even ones such as "football" or "basketball" with a majority of black athletes (their owners are typically white, so this makes them "race traitors, cucks, Uncle Toms", "Sambos", or whatever the word is today, as well as the video game industry, despite ironically having almost an equal number of men and women playing video games today, as well as serious competitions such as "esports" which are racially and sexually meritocratic; they're primarily produced by rich, white corporations, with their coding and design done by "rich, white males", so they're inherently dangerous, a part of the conspiracy.

8. Your own family, assuming they have little tolerance for your whining, conspiracies, and paranoia, or worse yet, assuming they're "white", or even have a smidgen of European blood (since that of course, means you are as well, and not to be trusted by the more paranoid among you).

9. More or less any successful man or woman of recent years, whether a young white Entrepreneur such as Mark Zuckerberg, or even an immature entertainer like "PewDiePie" (love him or hate him, he's a social media billionare, as are others such as "The Angry Video Game Nerd" whose maturity some might call into question).

10. Most frivolous fashions and brands heavily marketed in mass media via product placement, from Gucci to Ferrari (they're all about as white, male, European, and Chinese made as it gets).

11. Virtually any professional or thinking man or woman of recent past or present, whether the wealthy, white Marie Curie of the 1800s, a black female author such as Waries Dirie, a female athlete of some reknown (e.x. the "white" Chris Everett of Tennis), or any female martial artist of some professionalism who is a true master at it, not an uneducated idiot or dolt mindlessly repeating some silly imitation which she learned from a Cartoon Network show or Hollywood B-movie (serious men and women in martial arts and combat understand that most of what's shown on TV is just a "spectacle", possibly getting anyone killed in real life or little intelligence or actual physical fitness or prowess who would be stupid or ditzy enough to try it in real life, much as many of the simple minded who have no understanding of the depth, strategy or logic behind combat or sports shown in the media don't understand that the pure "fighting", or physical interactions are the "ugly" aspect, and simple ADHD fodder, many of them being stupid and ill-bred enough to believe that's "all there is", when most of it, whether in football, soccer, baseball, competitive games such as chess, or the martial arts is of course, mental, and the depth of mind and body which goes into it behind the scenes. (As someone who's been in the martial arts, but never been particularly good at it, I can attest to this).

12. Or virtually any industry in the real world, (or any company of some repute, known for more than just an ubiquitous "brand name" with anything resembling a decent business model, such as Nintendo in the video gaming industry, or Tesla Motors in alternative energy, as well as some companies and educational institutions which have branched into telecommuting and information technology) whether law or business, medicine, the sciences, such as biology, the high arts, computing, mathematics, or even humanities such as the many traditions and branches of philosophy (Eastern and Western) which acknowledge the reality of merit, character, maturity, personal achievement and ambition, and acknowledgement of the realities, good and bad of human nature, as opposed to corporate-marketed victim hood and cult-ideologies sold to the immoral, worthless, and ill-bred, to whom perpetual victimhood, defamation, slander, and so forth - as a worldview appeals to, a possible symptom of sociopathy and psychopathy, as observed by some psychologists such as Dr. Martha Stout, and as a warning sign of potentially dangerous people, such as potential rapists, child abusers, or domestic abusers.

(The above, also precludes virtually any system of government other than Maybe North Korea, and not even then, since much as Hitler would brand most so-called "white suprmacists and Neo-Nazis" defective and throw them in an oven or gas chamber along with the Jews and Gypsies, Kim would likely have you thrown in on of his gulags, for being a whiny, deranged, little bitch if nothing else, as well as having terrible respect and contempt for your elders (all of your "elders" and historical figures of some respect, in the society you are a part of, are "white", most of them "male", as well, so by that virtue, you hate and despise them).

In the words of some self-defense experts who work with law enforcement to help educate thinking men and women on their rights in theory and in practice, and the differences between the two.

13. Virtually anyone of anything resembling basic social or emotional skills or intelligence, able to function in any basic social situation with family, employers, strangers, or businesspeople outside the internet, or one so barely literate or linguistically inept that they are even able to communicate in English at all in an interpersonal setting, casual, formal, or otherwise, outside of texting or typing on an online forum, cell phone, or social media setting.

(Given that the fringe and extremist view of many, if not most of the "anti-white" conspirators, and general social, mental, and interpersonal maladjustment, often lacking even the basic etiquette or social intelligence that a child would be expected to know, let alone an "adult" who somehow barely manages to function enough not to die prematurily, it's no surprise that many, if not most of them have little to no outlet for anything resembling communication outside of "niche" corners of the internet or social media or other
"curious" aspects or fragment of society, designed from the ground up as havens only for the socially maladjusted to begin with, and where having anything of a semblance of "normalcy" would preclude fitting in altogether.

If some are even able to leave their rooms, their terrorist cells, their "darknet" chatrooms on "Tor" where they exchange anime porn and vent their hatred of all of "white" society", it is truly shocking - as even glancing a stranger down the street who happens to look "white", the driver of a passing car with a "European" brand name like "Land Rover", or a fairly ordinary Chinese or Japanese restaurant (e.x. "cultural appropriation" of course. their anime porn collections being one of the few examples example of "cultural appropriation" they have no problem with), or their favorite left-wing propaganda news network, which more or less requires no education or reading level past that of 6th grade, regardless of actual politics to be believed to begin with, and would be out of business, the day that reading instead of TV or mass media consumption became a hobby which Americans, like some of the executives on Ted Talks, started doing every day instead of reading 1 book a year written only at the level of the average bachelor's degree graduate.


I could go on and on with this stream of consciousness - the list is probably infinite, nevertheless - for the "anti-white" conspirators, whose entire world would burst the second you found out there was a world of literature, education, and reading outside of you computer, and that knowledge didn't begin the day your favorite propaganda network aired some time back in the 1980s or 1990s - this is what your up against - all of it.

I think you'd have an easier time just seeing a therapist, a psychologist, a psychiatrist, a shrink, a medicine man, a shaman, your local rich, white male or female church or pastor, or maybe just finding a new hobby, such as watching any TV show which can include "rich, white overpayed, straight male and female actors" without throwing you into a tizzy - whoever - than accomplishing what's in any of these childish, conspiratial; "anti-white", anti-civilization fantasies, or the misinformation and lies which inform them - you'd literally have an easier chance tearing down the entire Great Wall of China.

Or of single-handedly defeating the entire combined US, Russian, European and Chinese militaries, or the combined police forces of all 50 States (as well as the US territories of Guam and Puerto Rico) - all by yourself - bare handedly - like a Jackie Chan movie on steroids.
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Honestly, I think if some of them, "any of them" have had as much as a single (consensual) date or sexual encounter with a fairly attractive, intelligent, or articulate "white" woman who isn't an anime character (or man, in the case of the inverse... maybe, as long as he looks like Brad Pitt - which excludes me... sigh), they would abandon all of their "anti-rich, straight white male supremacist" conspiracy theories and paranoias in a heartbeat.

Much as if the average, overweight, Neo-Nazi or Klansman had anything resembling a consensual, healthy sexual encounter with a black, Hispanic Latino, Jewish or Asian woman (anime characters again excluded) woman or man, most of them would abandon their "racist or white supremacist" views posthaste.

In most of the cases, I honestly believe it's more just unchecked aggression or rage, or mental disturbance, rather than any real "love" for the paranoia, conspiracies, or "anti-white" / "white supremacist conspiracy theory views themselves, this is what biology and the law, such as criminal law seems to indicate, but common sense just doesn't dawn on some maladjusted people, to the point that it has to be restated in legal or biological terms just for it to sink in, if even then... sad.
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