Racism Solved: NBA to boycott itself tonight


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
The NBA has decided to boycott its own games, they will not play any games tonight, as a protest to the Jacob Blake suicide by cop attempt.

Painting “Black Lives Matters” all over their courts hasn’t solved the problem, but this should do the trick:

Is anyone going to miss the games tonight? Is anyone even going to notice them not playing?
If LeBron or the NBA actually cared about “black lives”, they would be Tweeting this public service announcement:

Imagine how many black lives it would actually save today. It may have been comedy years ago, but the left are so brainwashed they are bereft of common sense.
To me, the game should've not only been played, but it could've been dedicated to everyone who has been turned into someone else's victim recently.

God bless you and our homeland always!!!

"4 years ago today, Colin Kaepernick took a knee for the first time to protest social injustice and police brutality"

that's fate right there

all american sports have been cancelled except UFC, as far as i can tell
The NBA has decided to boycott its own games, they will not play any games tonight, as a protest to the Jacob Blake suicide by cop attempt.

Painting “Black Lives Matters” all over their courts hasn’t solved the problem, but this should do the trick:

Is anyone going to miss the games tonight? Is anyone even going to notice them not playing?
Their ratings were down FORTY PERCENT. That is an incredible achievement of stupidity considering the public was starving for sports.

The public CLEARLY doesn't give a fuck about the BLM bullshit.
" lakers & clippers voted to boycott the rest of the season.

they were the only 2 teams to do so"

congrats Dallas Mavericks and my Luka Doncic you are the NBA champions
The NBA has decided to boycott its own games, they will not play any games tonight, as a protest to the Jacob Blake suicide by cop attempt.

Painting “Black Lives Matters” all over their courts hasn’t solved the problem, but this should do the trick:

Is anyone going to miss the games tonight? Is anyone even going to notice them not playing?
Racial arsonist Born in Kenya Barack stands with the repeat offender who resisted arrest
The NBA has decided to boycott its own games, they will not play any games tonight, as a protest to the Jacob Blake suicide by cop attempt.

Painting “Black Lives Matters” all over their courts hasn’t solved the problem, but this should do the trick:

Is anyone going to miss the games tonight? Is anyone even going to notice them not playing?
Their ratings were down FORTY PERCENT. That is an incredible achievement of stupidity considering the public was starving for sports.

The public CLEARLY doesn't give a fuck about the BLM bullshit.

Lol the prima donnas vote to not play,ratings are tanking, no attendance....

Who do these assholes think pays their salaries?

You can't begin to make this up

Wanna prove you’re really about change? Quit your multi million dollar jobs and soft privileged lives playing a kid's game, take a massive pay cut and perform the toughest job in America.

Become cops!
Brett Favre played the Monday Night Football game the day his dad died, threw 4 TDs in the first half, and was a legend for playing in the face of adversity.

NBA players boycott the playoffs because a random dude reaching for a knife, wanted on a felony sexual assault warrant, was involved in some random dispute with the police
"The NBA's players have decided to resume the playoffs, source tells ESPN"


Kushner said NBA players were "fortunate" to have the night off

for once, he's absolutely right! black privilege!

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