Racism on the Rise


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Racism on the Rise

It’s obvious that in a post-Obama America the anti-white zeitgeist is out of Pandora’s box. Whether it was always lurking beneath the language of multiculturalism and diversity is for historians to figure out. What’s obvious is that when mainstream media personalities like Don Lemon or New York Times employees like Sarah Jeong freely spew textbook anti-white racism the world takes notice, the Overton window shifts and the temperature rises in the frog-pot. Over in Canada, in Europe and Australia whites are under attack. Due to unprecedented immigration and fatalist progressive experiments, there is no country where anti-white cultural currents are... According to the implicit demands of the experiment, whites and by extension what could be perceived as "white culture" was selected for strategic downsizing.... It's unsurprising that when whites were encouraged to jettison the exigencies of tradition in favor of debasing themselves, that we ended-up with an entire class of people now lost in the wilderness without past or future....So where have three decades of feverish placation and encouraging our sons and daughters to take a backseat landed us? Statue toppling, knock out games, self-self-segregated graduations, implicit this, privilege that, people being fired for thought-crimes, higher taxes on struggling families to subsidized race-based transfers, racialized comic book warriors, real historical heroes defaced with graffiti, suppressed speech, our national anthem undermined, and an endless torrent of millions of new immigrants adding more complexity to a difficult situation. Americans of all colors report race relations as having been worse over the last 10 years than decades prior.
The main reason Trump is popular is not because he "hates brown people" like the Left hopes or even because he's some free market bulwark like Reagan. Trump sees what awaits our posterity if society does not change course. Why don't you?

Americans were told that electing Barack Hussein in 2008 would provide "Absolution" for America's "Original Sin" of slavery. We were told Obama would usher in a post-racial age, and the country would be united in racial harmony as never before. We were told to believe that such an exorcism was necessary, even though most of us didn't know why; we were not racists, we did not know why we needed to atone for "sins" we didn't commit.
The entire ruse was absurd. There are no remaining slaves or slave owners in the United States of America; there have been none for many decades. The voters were propagandized by the MSM and the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSAP, coming to believe that people who had nothing to do with slavery owed a massive emotional and financial debt to people who had never been slaves, and that voting for Barry was the way to settle the scores.
Self-Respect or “Esteem” comes from within (and reflects the moral values a person puts into practice in his/her life) it cannot be conferred from outside, and most assuredly not by government edict
Racism on the Rise

It’s obvious that in a post-Obama America the anti-white zeitgeist is out of Pandora’s box. Whether it was always lurking beneath the language of multiculturalism and diversity is for historians to figure out. What’s obvious is that when mainstream media personalities like Don Lemon or New York Times employees like Sarah Jeong freely spew textbook anti-white racism the world takes notice, the Overton window shifts and the temperature rises in the frog-pot. Over in Canada, in Europe and Australia whites are under attack. Due to unprecedented immigration and fatalist progressive experiments, there is no country where anti-white cultural currents are... According to the implicit demands of the experiment, whites and by extension what could be perceived as "white culture" was selected for strategic downsizing.... It's unsurprising that when whites were encouraged to jettison the exigencies of tradition in favor of debasing themselves, that we ended-up with an entire class of people now lost in the wilderness without past or future....So where have three decades of feverish placation and encouraging our sons and daughters to take a backseat landed us? Statue toppling, knock out games, self-self-segregated graduations, implicit this, privilege that, people being fired for thought-crimes, higher taxes on struggling families to subsidized race-based transfers, racialized comic book warriors, real historical heroes defaced with graffiti, suppressed speech, our national anthem undermined, and an endless torrent of millions of new immigrants adding more complexity to a difficult situation. Americans of all colors report race relations as having been worse over the last 10 years than decades prior.
The main reason Trump is popular is not because he "hates brown people" like the Left hopes or even because he's some free market bulwark like Reagan. Trump sees what awaits our posterity if society does not change course. Why don't you?

Americans were told that electing Barack Hussein in 2008 would provide "Absolution" for America's "Original Sin" of slavery. We were told Obama would usher in a post-racial age, and the country would be united in racial harmony as never before. We were told to believe that such an exorcism was necessary, even though most of us didn't know why; we were not racists, we did not know why we needed to atone for "sins" we didn't commit.
The entire ruse was absurd. There are no remaining slaves or slave owners in the United States of America; there have been none for many decades. The voters were propagandized by the MSM and the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSAP, coming to believe that people who had nothing to do with slavery owed a massive emotional and financial debt to people who had never been slaves, and that voting for Barry was the way to settle the scores.
Self-Respect or “Esteem” comes from within (and reflects the moral values a person puts into practice in his/her life) it cannot be conferred from outside, and most assuredly not by government edict

Whites are NOT under attack. This is ridiculous. Christianity is NOT under attack. What you are seeing is people of all colours pushing back against your xenophobia and racism. Mainstream Christianity is having NONE of fundamentalist bigotry against gays, or women. Keep your beliefs to YOURSELF.

This whole notion of white male grievance is laughable.
When Clinton was president racism was on the rise according to liberals

When w was pres racism was on the rise according to liberals

When Hussein was president racism on the rise...

Now Trump is president and racism is still on the rise

These are the same people that tell you we’re making progress but still have a far way to go.

Let’s call it what it is - accusations of racism are political weapons for democrats
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #SOLUTIONS

It’s obvious that in a post-Obama America the anti-white zeitgeist is out of Pandora’s box.

Hello. With all respect and genuine sincerity, I am curious to learn if YOU, a caring, RESPONSIBLE American or foreign born citizen believe Racism or the concept of "White Supremacy" is responsible for inspiring more than a dozen popular American urban story-TRUTH-tellers and music recording artists President Barack "My Brother's Keeper" and First Lady Mrs. Michelle "GIRL POWER" Obama CHOSE to invite to their children's and Nation's home...

...to compose American music art or offer public interviews vividly describing our Nation's current *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS, aka America's potentially life scarring SYSTEMIC & GENERATIONAL Culture of Black or African American Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect and Maltreatment that evolved from America's multi-generational, ignorant, once legal Culture of Racism?!

I am referring to a Culture of Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect, Abandonment and Maltreatment responsible for popular American urban story-TRUTH-tellers and 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victims the late Tupac Shakur (born 1971) and Mr. Barack "My Brother's Keeper" Obama White House guest and friend Kendrick Lamar (born 1987) vividly describing in their American art and interviews the "T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E." and "Good Kid, m.A.A.d. City" Child Abuse Cultures prevalent in far too many American communities.

I am referring to a Culture of Systemic and Generational CHILD ABUSE that THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, deprived Tupac and Kendrick, their childhood friends, as well as many of their elementary and JHS classmates from experiencing a SAFE, fairly or wonderfully happy American kid childhood.

I am curious to learn if you believe Racism or the concept of "White Supremacy" is responsible for motivating more than a dozen President Obama and First Lady Mrs. Michelle Obama friends or WH guests...

...to compose violence riddled American music art vividly describing the VIOLENT, SUIC*DAL, HOMIC*DAL 'people and community harming behaviors' they actively participated in, or witnessed other emotionally ill American citizens engaging in? (*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic*de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*)


I am curious to learn if you believe Racism or the concept of "White Supremacy" is responsible for inspiring more than a DOZEN popular American urban story-TRUTH-tellers and music recording artists who President Barack Obama and First Lady Mrs. Michelle "GIRL POWER" Obama CHOSE to invite to their children's and Nation's home...

...to compose and promote American music art LOUDLY and HATEFULLY advising their fans residing all around our beautiful tiny blue orb, that black or American girls, women and MOTHERS of African descent should be viewed as less than human “*itches” and “*hores”, “hoes” or "t.h.o.t.s." unworthy of being treated with basic human respect? ("thot" - 'that hoe over there')


With all respect and genuine sincerity, I am curious to learn if you believe Racism or the concept of "White Supremacy" is responsible for significant numbers of segregation-minded, apparent slow-to-evolve, freedom-loving "Pro Black, Woke or Conscious Black Community" minded American citizens, ILLOGICALLY believing they have a right, as well as duty to LOUDLY and HATEFULLY demean, denigrate, bully, taunt, harass, and in some instances threaten with violence, our successful, accomplished black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent?

"Sell-out" "C^^n" and "Uncle Tom" are just a few HATEFUL, denigrating terms "Pro Black or Conscious Black Community" American citizens use to LOUDLY demean and intimidate our peaceful, accomplished black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent choosing to peacefully pursue THEIR OWN unique vision for L, L, (Love) & Happiness.

Dr. Umar Johnson Ph.D, Dr. Boyce Watkins Ph.D, Tariq Nasheed.jpg

In my opinion, based on a wealth of evidence and my personal experiences, large numbers of perfectly healthy black or American newborns, infants, toddlers, children and teens of African descent raised, nurtured and socialized by "Pro Black" minded Americans have, THRU NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, experienced a potentially life scarring medical disease/condition known as 'CHILDHOOD TRAUMA' (ACEs).

Am I the only reasonably responsible, as well as reasonably well-adjusted American citizen recognizing a significant population of "Pro Black, Woke or Conscious Black Community" minded American citizens LOUDLY declaring black or African American citizens are being denied equal rights and the opportunity to achieve success in TODAY'S ever-evolving American society...

...are IN FACT the VERY SAME apparent emotionally or mentally ill "Pro Black or Conscious Black Community" American citizens who are LOUDLY, as well as actively attempting to IMPEDE or PREVENT our free-thinking, successful, accomplished black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent from enjoying their INALIENABLE RIGHT to peacefully pursue THEIR OWN individually unique vision for L, L, (Love) & Happiness???


'Exposing 'Pro Black' Modus Operandi, Logic, Fvvkery, Savagery, White Supremacy' ~Mrs. Princella Clark-Carr

"'Pro-Black American' Logic Succinctly Explained By Social Commentator Mr. David Carroll"

Do you believe apparent "Pro Black" minded President and Mrs. Obama were acting in the best interests of black or American citizens of African descent when they invited to their children's and Nation's home, more than a dozen apparent or admitted emotionally ill American urban-TRUTH-tellers composing American music art portraying black or American citizens of African descent, in particular teen boys and adult men, as depressed, angry, frustrated, violent, suic!dal, homic!dal thinking citizens largely lacking compassion, empathy and respect for their peaceful, as well as less fortunate neighbors?

Nasir 'Nas' bin Olu Dara Jones.jpg

Do you believe President and Mrs. Obama were acting in the best interests of ALL American citizens when they actively promoted VIOLENCE riddled, female HATING American music art composed by 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victims vividly describing our Nation's current *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS that 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor Oprah Winfrey passionately addressed during a March 11, 2018, '60 Minutes' segment titled, "Treating Trauma?"

A *CHILD CARE* Public Health Crisis responsible for inspiring the late American urban-TRUTH-teller Tupac Shakur, a Childhood Trauma (#ACEs) and homicide victim, to create his #T_H_U_G_L_I_F_E Child Abuse, Emotional, Neglect, Abandonment and Maltreatment AWARENESS concept!

"The Hate U Give Little Infants Fvvks *EVERYONE"* ~Tupac Shakur

"We need more people who care; you know what I'm saying? We need more women, mothers, fathers, we need more of that..." ~Tupac Shakur


Do you believe American urban-TRUTH-teller Tupac Shakur, an admitted depressed teen and adult who CHOSE to boldly tattoo his "THUGLIFE" Child Abuse AWARENESS concept across his once neglected, hungry, "hurting" belly, would choose to demean and denigrate, or celebrate as true American hero, Dr. Nadine Burke Harris?

Do you believe, in her own way, Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, M.D., pediatrician and CEO of 'The Center for Youth Wellness' joins Tupac Shakur, the late American urban story-TRUTH-teller and creator of the #THUGLIFE Child Abuse, Emotional Maltreatment & Neglect *AWARENESS* concept, in PASSIONATELY speaking about the relationship between Adverse Childhood Experiences (#ACEs), aka *Childhood Trauma*, and later-life health and well being?

_tupac dr nadine burke harris common.jpg

Sorry for the long-winded rant, though after spending near-twelve years of my life as an overworked uniform cop, robbery and death investigator serving young "Childhood Trauma" (#ACEs) victims Shawn "Jay-Z" Carter's and the late Christopher "Biggie Smalls" Wallace's Brooklyn, NY, neighborhoods...


...where on a daily basis I spoke with, interviewed or interrogated innocent (or not-so-innocent) fellow American citizens emotionally and/or physically harmed by the 'people and community harming anti-social behaviors' Biggie, as well as President Obama's friend Shawn Carter gleefully rap about...


...I too have some pain, anger, frustrations and sadness I choose to share with my American and foreign born neighbors.


http://i65.tinypic.com/96db0z.jpg (oprah)
Racism on the Rise

It’s obvious that in a post-Obama America the anti-white zeitgeist is out of Pandora’s box. Whether it was always lurking beneath the language of multiculturalism and diversity is for historians to figure out. What’s obvious is that when mainstream media personalities like Don Lemon or New York Times employees like Sarah Jeong freely spew textbook anti-white racism the world takes notice, the Overton window shifts and the temperature rises in the frog-pot. Over in Canada, in Europe and Australia whites are under attack. Due to unprecedented immigration and fatalist progressive experiments, there is no country where anti-white cultural currents are... According to the implicit demands of the experiment, whites and by extension what could be perceived as "white culture" was selected for strategic downsizing.... It's unsurprising that when whites were encouraged to jettison the exigencies of tradition in favor of debasing themselves, that we ended-up with an entire class of people now lost in the wilderness without past or future....So where have three decades of feverish placation and encouraging our sons and daughters to take a backseat landed us? Statue toppling, knock out games, self-self-segregated graduations, implicit this, privilege that, people being fired for thought-crimes, higher taxes on struggling families to subsidized race-based transfers, racialized comic book warriors, real historical heroes defaced with graffiti, suppressed speech, our national anthem undermined, and an endless torrent of millions of new immigrants adding more complexity to a difficult situation. Americans of all colors report race relations as having been worse over the last 10 years than decades prior.
The main reason Trump is popular is not because he "hates brown people" like the Left hopes or even because he's some free market bulwark like Reagan. Trump sees what awaits our posterity if society does not change course. Why don't you?

Americans were told that electing Barack Hussein in 2008 would provide "Absolution" for America's "Original Sin" of slavery. We were told Obama would usher in a post-racial age, and the country would be united in racial harmony as never before. We were told to believe that such an exorcism was necessary, even though most of us didn't know why; we were not racists, we did not know why we needed to atone for "sins" we didn't commit.
The entire ruse was absurd. There are no remaining slaves or slave owners in the United States of America; there have been none for many decades. The voters were propagandized by the MSM and the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSAP, coming to believe that people who had nothing to do with slavery owed a massive emotional and financial debt to people who had never been slaves, and that voting for Barry was the way to settle the scores.
Self-Respect or “Esteem” comes from within (and reflects the moral values a person puts into practice in his/her life) it cannot be conferred from outside, and most assuredly not by government edict

Whites are NOT under attack. This is ridiculous. Christianity is NOT under attack. What you are seeing is people of all colours pushing back against your xenophobia and racism. Mainstream Christianity is having NONE of fundamentalist bigotry against gays, or women. Keep your beliefs to YOURSELF.

This whole notion of white male grievance is laughable.
I just put out a post on this
whites ARE under attack by the media/celebrities/sports players [ jackass Kap ]
....I've put out links in numerous posts how the MSM is anti-white--with an anti-white story attacking whites just about every day
...just like the OP said Don Jackass Lemon just did it!!!
one day, ABC had 4 of the top 7 stories anti-white
I just put out a link where CNN had an anti-white story
you must live in a hole

Kaepernick is attacking WHITE cops
....I've put put out many links/much evidence on how there is no major, chronic problem of police shooting blacks..his protest is for lies/crap

..o--yes---these are '''activists fighting injustice''' you say------BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!
you people cry racism if a leaf drops
the statistics/facts say you are WRONG
Last edited:
harmonica correctly pointed out, "Kaepernick is attacking WHITE cops
....I've put put out many links/much evidence on how there is no major, chronic problem of police shooting blacks..his protest is for lies/crap

police, parental, colin kaepernick, dr stacey patton NIKE.jpg

The way I see it, large numbers of American citizens are using declarations of RACISM, WHITE PRIVILEGE & POLICE BRUTALITY as a means to DISTRACT from the FVVKERY, SAVAGERY and DYSFUNCTION currently affecting the lives of far too many black or American citizens of African descent.

"Perturbed American Sharing Concerns RE: Dysfunctional ‘Black’ Americans Impeding ‘Black’ Achievement" ~RINGOTVRAW "I SPEAK THE TRUTH."

See the vids in my USMB Sig for more info about savagery and fvvkery.

Dear American People Will Ending Racism.jpg
harmonica correctly pointed out, "Kaepernick is attacking WHITE cops
....I've put put out many links/much evidence on how there is no major, chronic problem of police shooting blacks..his protest is for lies/crap

View attachment 227465

The way I see it, large numbers of American citizens are using declarations of RACISM, WHITE PRIVILEGE & POLICE BRUTALITY as a means to DISTRACT from the FVVKERY, SAVAGERY and DYSFUNCTION currently affecting the lives of far too many black or American citizens of African descent.

"Perturbed American Sharing Concerns RE: Dysfunctional ‘Black’ Americans Impeding ‘Black’ Achievement" ~RINGOTVRAW "I SPEAK THE TRUTH."

See the vids in my USMB Sig for more info about savagery and fvvkery.

You've done nothing of the sort.
I long for an America where white Christians in this nation will finally be able to get a fair shake. Keep on keeping on...
Racism on the Rise

It’s obvious that in a post-Obama America the anti-white zeitgeist is out of Pandora’s box. Whether it was always lurking beneath the language of multiculturalism and diversity is for historians to figure out. What’s obvious is that when mainstream media personalities like Don Lemon or New York Times employees like Sarah Jeong freely spew textbook anti-white racism the world takes notice, the Overton window shifts and the temperature rises in the frog-pot. Over in Canada, in Europe and Australia whites are under attack. Due to unprecedented immigration and fatalist progressive experiments, there is no country where anti-white cultural currents are... According to the implicit demands of the experiment, whites and by extension what could be perceived as "white culture" was selected for strategic downsizing.... It's unsurprising that when whites were encouraged to jettison the exigencies of tradition in favor of debasing themselves, that we ended-up with an entire class of people now lost in the wilderness without past or future....So where have three decades of feverish placation and encouraging our sons and daughters to take a backseat landed us? Statue toppling, knock out games, self-self-segregated graduations, implicit this, privilege that, people being fired for thought-crimes, higher taxes on struggling families to subsidized race-based transfers, racialized comic book warriors, real historical heroes defaced with graffiti, suppressed speech, our national anthem undermined, and an endless torrent of millions of new immigrants adding more complexity to a difficult situation. Americans of all colors report race relations as having been worse over the last 10 years than decades prior.
The main reason Trump is popular is not because he "hates brown people" like the Left hopes or even because he's some free market bulwark like Reagan. Trump sees what awaits our posterity if society does not change course. Why don't you?

Americans were told that electing Barack Hussein in 2008 would provide "Absolution" for America's "Original Sin" of slavery. We were told Obama would usher in a post-racial age, and the country would be united in racial harmony as never before. We were told to believe that such an exorcism was necessary, even though most of us didn't know why; we were not racists, we did not know why we needed to atone for "sins" we didn't commit.
The entire ruse was absurd. There are no remaining slaves or slave owners in the United States of America; there have been none for many decades. The voters were propagandized by the MSM and the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSAP, coming to believe that people who had nothing to do with slavery owed a massive emotional and financial debt to people who had never been slaves, and that voting for Barry was the way to settle the scores.
Self-Respect or “Esteem” comes from within (and reflects the moral values a person puts into practice in his/her life) it cannot be conferred from outside, and most assuredly not by government edict

"Americans were told that electing Barack Hussein in 2008 would provide "Absolution" for America's "Original Sin" of slavery. We were told Obama would usher in a post-racial age, and the country would be united in racial harmony as never before."

Who told you that and why did you actually believe it? I pretty much predicted that there would be a white backlash to Obama being elected. Too many whites are fully invested in racism for there not to be a backlash by all the 3 tooth, inbred, sunflower seed spitting racists among them.
Racism on the Rise

It’s obvious that in a post-Obama America the anti-white zeitgeist is out of Pandora’s box. Whether it was always lurking beneath the language of multiculturalism and diversity is for historians to figure out. What’s obvious is that when mainstream media personalities like Don Lemon or New York Times employees like Sarah Jeong freely spew textbook anti-white racism the world takes notice, the Overton window shifts and the temperature rises in the frog-pot. Over in Canada, in Europe and Australia whites are under attack. Due to unprecedented immigration and fatalist progressive experiments, there is no country where anti-white cultural currents are... According to the implicit demands of the experiment, whites and by extension what could be perceived as "white culture" was selected for strategic downsizing.... It's unsurprising that when whites were encouraged to jettison the exigencies of tradition in favor of debasing themselves, that we ended-up with an entire class of people now lost in the wilderness without past or future....So where have three decades of feverish placation and encouraging our sons and daughters to take a backseat landed us? Statue toppling, knock out games, self-self-segregated graduations, implicit this, privilege that, people being fired for thought-crimes, higher taxes on struggling families to subsidized race-based transfers, racialized comic book warriors, real historical heroes defaced with graffiti, suppressed speech, our national anthem undermined, and an endless torrent of millions of new immigrants adding more complexity to a difficult situation. Americans of all colors report race relations as having been worse over the last 10 years than decades prior.
The main reason Trump is popular is not because he "hates brown people" like the Left hopes or even because he's some free market bulwark like Reagan. Trump sees what awaits our posterity if society does not change course. Why don't you?

Americans were told that electing Barack Hussein in 2008 would provide "Absolution" for America's "Original Sin" of slavery. We were told Obama would usher in a post-racial age, and the country would be united in racial harmony as never before. We were told to believe that such an exorcism was necessary, even though most of us didn't know why; we were not racists, we did not know why we needed to atone for "sins" we didn't commit.
The entire ruse was absurd. There are no remaining slaves or slave owners in the United States of America; there have been none for many decades. The voters were propagandized by the MSM and the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSAP, coming to believe that people who had nothing to do with slavery owed a massive emotional and financial debt to people who had never been slaves, and that voting for Barry was the way to settle the scores.
Self-Respect or “Esteem” comes from within (and reflects the moral values a person puts into practice in his/her life) it cannot be conferred from outside, and most assuredly not by government edict

Whites are NOT under attack. This is ridiculous. Christianity is NOT under attack. What you are seeing is people of all colours pushing back against your xenophobia and racism. Mainstream Christianity is having NONE of fundamentalist bigotry against gays, or women. Keep your beliefs to YOURSELF.

This whole notion of white male grievance is laughable.
I just put out a post on this
whites ARE under attack by the media/celebrities/sports players [ jackass Kap ]
....I've put out links in numerous posts how the MSM is anti-white--with an anti-white story attacking whites just about every day
...just like the OP said Don Ja
ckass Lemon just did it!!!
one day, ABC had 4 of the top 7 stories anti-white
I just put out a link where CNN had an anti-white story
you must live in a hole

Kaepernick is attacking WHITE cops
....I've put put out many links/much evidence on how there is no major, chronic problem of police shooting blacks..his protest is for lies/crap

..o--yes---these are '''activists fighting injustice''' you say------BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!
you people cry racism if a leaf drops
the statistics/facts say you are WRONG

You've put out posts. Well good for you. You're posting lies. There most definitely IS a problem with police shooting unarmed blacks. The comparison statistics are frightening.

Putting our stories which highlight incidents of stories of racism, bigotry and violence against people of colour is not"anti-white". Tellling stories of systemic racism and ill-treatment of minorities, isn't "anti-white". Promoting rights for all races isn't anti-white.

But if your are in denial that America is a racist country, or that racism is a serious problem in the USA, or if you believe that minorities should not have equal rights and opportunites, you ARE a racist.
Racism on the Rise

It’s obvious that in a post-Obama America the anti-white zeitgeist is out of Pandora’s box. Whether it was always lurking beneath the language of multiculturalism and diversity is for historians to figure out. What’s obvious is that when mainstream media personalities like Don Lemon or New York Times employees like Sarah Jeong freely spew textbook anti-white racism the world takes notice, the Overton window shifts and the temperature rises in the frog-pot. Over in Canada, in Europe and Australia whites are under attack. Due to unprecedented immigration and fatalist progressive experiments, there is no country where anti-white cultural currents are... According to the implicit demands of the experiment, whites and by extension what could be perceived as "white culture" was selected for strategic downsizing.... It's unsurprising that when whites were encouraged to jettison the exigencies of tradition in favor of debasing themselves, that we ended-up with an entire class of people now lost in the wilderness without past or future....So where have three decades of feverish placation and encouraging our sons and daughters to take a backseat landed us? Statue toppling, knock out games, self-self-segregated graduations, implicit this, privilege that, people being fired for thought-crimes, higher taxes on struggling families to subsidized race-based transfers, racialized comic book warriors, real historical heroes defaced with graffiti, suppressed speech, our national anthem undermined, and an endless torrent of millions of new immigrants adding more complexity to a difficult situation. Americans of all colors report race relations as having been worse over the last 10 years than decades prior.
The main reason Trump is popular is not because he "hates brown people" like the Left hopes or even because he's some free market bulwark like Reagan. Trump sees what awaits our posterity if society does not change course. Why don't you?

Americans were told that electing Barack Hussein in 2008 would provide "Absolution" for America's "Original Sin" of slavery. We were told Obama would usher in a post-racial age, and the country would be united in racial harmony as never before. We were told to believe that such an exorcism was necessary, even though most of us didn't know why; we were not racists, we did not know why we needed to atone for "sins" we didn't commit.
The entire ruse was absurd. There are no remaining slaves or slave owners in the United States of America; there have been none for many decades. The voters were propagandized by the MSM and the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSAP, coming to believe that people who had nothing to do with slavery owed a massive emotional and financial debt to people who had never been slaves, and that voting for Barry was the way to settle the scores.
Self-Respect or “Esteem” comes from within (and reflects the moral values a person puts into practice in his/her life) it cannot be conferred from outside, and most assuredly not by government edict

Whites are NOT under attack. This is ridiculous. Christianity is NOT under attack. What you are seeing is people of all colours pushing back against your xenophobia and racism. Mainstream Christianity is having NONE of fundamentalist bigotry against gays, or women. Keep your beliefs to YOURSELF.

This whole notion of white male grievance is laughable.
I just put out a post on this
whites ARE under attack by the media/celebrities/sports players [ jackass Kap ]
....I've put out links in numerous posts how the MSM is anti-white--with an anti-white story attacking whites just about every day
...just like the OP said Don Ja
ckass Lemon just did it!!!
one day, ABC had 4 of the top 7 stories anti-white
I just put out a link where CNN had an anti-white story
you must live in a hole

Kaepernick is attacking WHITE cops
....I've put put out many links/much evidence on how there is no major, chronic problem of police shooting blacks..his protest is for lies/crap

..o--yes---these are '''activists fighting injustice''' you say------BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!
you people cry racism if a leaf drops
the statistics/facts say you are WRONG

You've put out posts. Well good for you. You're posting lies. There most definitely IS a problem with police shooting unarmed blacks. The comparison statistics are frightening.

Putting our stories which highlight incidents of stories of racism, bigotry and violence against people of colour is not"anti-white". Tellling stories of systemic racism and ill-treatment of minorities, isn't "anti-white". Promoting rights for all races isn't anti-white.

But if your are in denial that America is a racist country, or that racism is a serious problem in the USA, or if you believe that minorities should not have equal rights and opportunites, you ARE a racist.
YOU are the racist--because you do not accept FACTS
you just believe

  1. 1.
    a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
NO there is not a major, chronic problem
In 2016, the police fatally shot 233 blacks, the vast majority armed and dangerous, according to the Washington Post. The paper categorized only 16 black male victims of police shootings as “unarmed.” That classification masks assaults against officers and violent resistance to arrest.
Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.

there are about 30 MILLION calls for police assistance--not counting traffic stops
divide 30 MILLION by 233 majority armed and dangerous
that would be your percentage of shootings

blacks commit crime/murder at MUCH higher rates!!
the cops are doing a great job at NOT shooting them

During 2011, the
majority of persons who requested assistance from the police for any reason felt the responding officers acted properly (93%) and were helpful (86%) (table 4). About 85% of persons who had contact with police to request assistance were satisfied with how the police handled the situation.

I long for an America where white Christians in this nation will finally be able to get a fair shake. Keep on keeping on...

So do I. I long for the days when the fakery of using Christianity as an excuse to discriminate against people who don't believe like you is over. I long for the days when Christians really DO treat others in manner in which they would like to be treated. I long for the day when Christians pay for the health care coverage that women require, not the health care coverage that Christians think is appropriate.

I long for the day when ALL Christian live by Christ's words, not the words of others who claim to speak on his behalf. If you want to get strictly Biblical, adulterers should be put to death, and yet we don't do that any more. There is no prohibition in the Bible on slavery, and in fact, instructions from God on how one should treat their slaves. But these bigots cling to the Bible as the source of their bigotry against gays. So these are really beliefs they HAVE to follow. They're beliefs they CHOOSE to follow.

Being gay isn't a choice. Being a bigot is.
Racism on the Rise

It’s obvious that in a post-Obama America the anti-white zeitgeist is out of Pandora’s box. Whether it was always lurking beneath the language of multiculturalism and diversity is for historians to figure out. What’s obvious is that when mainstream media personalities like Don Lemon or New York Times employees like Sarah Jeong freely spew textbook anti-white racism the world takes notice, the Overton window shifts and the temperature rises in the frog-pot. Over in Canada, in Europe and Australia whites are under attack. Due to unprecedented immigration and fatalist progressive experiments, there is no country where anti-white cultural currents are... According to the implicit demands of the experiment, whites and by extension what could be perceived as "white culture" was selected for strategic downsizing.... It's unsurprising that when whites were encouraged to jettison the exigencies of tradition in favor of debasing themselves, that we ended-up with an entire class of people now lost in the wilderness without past or future....So where have three decades of feverish placation and encouraging our sons and daughters to take a backseat landed us? Statue toppling, knock out games, self-self-segregated graduations, implicit this, privilege that, people being fired for thought-crimes, higher taxes on struggling families to subsidized race-based transfers, racialized comic book warriors, real historical heroes defaced with graffiti, suppressed speech, our national anthem undermined, and an endless torrent of millions of new immigrants adding more complexity to a difficult situation. Americans of all colors report race relations as having been worse over the last 10 years than decades prior.
The main reason Trump is popular is not because he "hates brown people" like the Left hopes or even because he's some free market bulwark like Reagan. Trump sees what awaits our posterity if society does not change course. Why don't you?

Americans were told that electing Barack Hussein in 2008 would provide "Absolution" for America's "Original Sin" of slavery. We were told Obama would usher in a post-racial age, and the country would be united in racial harmony as never before. We were told to believe that such an exorcism was necessary, even though most of us didn't know why; we were not racists, we did not know why we needed to atone for "sins" we didn't commit.
The entire ruse was absurd. There are no remaining slaves or slave owners in the United States of America; there have been none for many decades. The voters were propagandized by the MSM and the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSAP, coming to believe that people who had nothing to do with slavery owed a massive emotional and financial debt to people who had never been slaves, and that voting for Barry was the way to settle the scores.
Self-Respect or “Esteem” comes from within (and reflects the moral values a person puts into practice in his/her life) it cannot be conferred from outside, and most assuredly not by government edict

Whites are NOT under attack. This is ridiculous. Christianity is NOT under attack. What you are seeing is people of all colours pushing back against your xenophobia and racism. Mainstream Christianity is having NONE of fundamentalist bigotry against gays, or women. Keep your beliefs to YOURSELF.

This whole notion of white male grievance is laughable.

They do have a point when they say there is a massive double-standard. How does Sarah Jeong still have a job? If she were white and you swapped out any other "minority" group into her remarks, she would've been fired instantly. Instead, her hate speech is ignored at best and at worst actually rewarded.

If people are serious about equal treatment in society, they can't just pick and choose. Why do you think white people are scared? A permissive attitude toward their degradation as well as a shrinking share of the population. What happens when a minority is considered "okay to hate"? I think history has taught us that much, many times over ...
Racism on the Rise

It’s obvious that in a post-Obama America the anti-white zeitgeist is out of Pandora’s box. Whether it was always lurking beneath the language of multiculturalism and diversity is for historians to figure out. What’s obvious is that when mainstream media personalities like Don Lemon or New York Times employees like Sarah Jeong freely spew textbook anti-white racism the world takes notice, the Overton window shifts and the temperature rises in the frog-pot. Over in Canada, in Europe and Australia whites are under attack. Due to unprecedented immigration and fatalist progressive experiments, there is no country where anti-white cultural currents are... According to the implicit demands of the experiment, whites and by extension what could be perceived as "white culture" was selected for strategic downsizing.... It's unsurprising that when whites were encouraged to jettison the exigencies of tradition in favor of debasing themselves, that we ended-up with an entire class of people now lost in the wilderness without past or future....So where have three decades of feverish placation and encouraging our sons and daughters to take a backseat landed us? Statue toppling, knock out games, self-self-segregated graduations, implicit this, privilege that, people being fired for thought-crimes, higher taxes on struggling families to subsidized race-based transfers, racialized comic book warriors, real historical heroes defaced with graffiti, suppressed speech, our national anthem undermined, and an endless torrent of millions of new immigrants adding more complexity to a difficult situation. Americans of all colors report race relations as having been worse over the last 10 years than decades prior.
The main reason Trump is popular is not because he "hates brown people" like the Left hopes or even because he's some free market bulwark like Reagan. Trump sees what awaits our posterity if society does not change course. Why don't you?

Americans were told that electing Barack Hussein in 2008 would provide "Absolution" for America's "Original Sin" of slavery. We were told Obama would usher in a post-racial age, and the country would be united in racial harmony as never before. We were told to believe that such an exorcism was necessary, even though most of us didn't know why; we were not racists, we did not know why we needed to atone for "sins" we didn't commit.
The entire ruse was absurd. There are no remaining slaves or slave owners in the United States of America; there have been none for many decades. The voters were propagandized by the MSM and the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSAP, coming to believe that people who had nothing to do with slavery owed a massive emotional and financial debt to people who had never been slaves, and that voting for Barry was the way to settle the scores.
Self-Respect or “Esteem” comes from within (and reflects the moral values a person puts into practice in his/her life) it cannot be conferred from outside, and most assuredly not by government edict

Whites are NOT under attack. This is ridiculous. Christianity is NOT under attack. What you are seeing is people of all colours pushing back against your xenophobia and racism. Mainstream Christianity is having NONE of fundamentalist bigotry against gays, or women. Keep your beliefs to YOURSELF.

This whole notion of white male grievance is laughable.

They do have a point when they say there is a massive double-standard. How does Sarah Jeong still have a job? If she were white and you swapped out any other "minority" group into her remarks, she would've been fired instantly. Instead, her hate speech is ignored at best and at worst actually rewarded.

If people are serious about equal treatment in society, they can't just pick and choose. Why do you think white people are scared? A permissive attitude toward their degradation as well as a shrinking share of the population. What happens when a minority is considered "okay to hate"? I think history has taught us that much, many times over ...
There is no double standard. Nothing Sarah or anyone else says will pry control of this nations system and the resources it controls from the death grip of racist whites. If whites were serious about equal treatment they wouldnt have this attitude that now its time to make sure from this point on everything equal while they havent divested themselves of the resources they grabbed for themselves while they forcibly implemented a policy of discrimination. Thats akin to having a mile race and one person is spotted a 1/2 mile lead and control of the gun to start the race.
Racism on the Rise

It’s obvious that in a post-Obama America the anti-white zeitgeist is out of Pandora’s box. Whether it was always lurking beneath the language of multiculturalism and diversity is for historians to figure out. What’s obvious is that when mainstream media personalities like Don Lemon or New York Times employees like Sarah Jeong freely spew textbook anti-white racism the world takes notice, the Overton window shifts and the temperature rises in the frog-pot. Over in Canada, in Europe and Australia whites are under attack. Due to unprecedented immigration and fatalist progressive experiments, there is no country where anti-white cultural currents are... According to the implicit demands of the experiment, whites and by extension what could be perceived as "white culture" was selected for strategic downsizing.... It's unsurprising that when whites were encouraged to jettison the exigencies of tradition in favor of debasing themselves, that we ended-up with an entire class of people now lost in the wilderness without past or future....So where have three decades of feverish placation and encouraging our sons and daughters to take a backseat landed us? Statue toppling, knock out games, self-self-segregated graduations, implicit this, privilege that, people being fired for thought-crimes, higher taxes on struggling families to subsidized race-based transfers, racialized comic book warriors, real historical heroes defaced with graffiti, suppressed speech, our national anthem undermined, and an endless torrent of millions of new immigrants adding more complexity to a difficult situation. Americans of all colors report race relations as having been worse over the last 10 years than decades prior.
The main reason Trump is popular is not because he "hates brown people" like the Left hopes or even because he's some free market bulwark like Reagan. Trump sees what awaits our posterity if society does not change course. Why don't you?

Americans were told that electing Barack Hussein in 2008 would provide "Absolution" for America's "Original Sin" of slavery. We were told Obama would usher in a post-racial age, and the country would be united in racial harmony as never before. We were told to believe that such an exorcism was necessary, even though most of us didn't know why; we were not racists, we did not know why we needed to atone for "sins" we didn't commit.
The entire ruse was absurd. There are no remaining slaves or slave owners in the United States of America; there have been none for many decades. The voters were propagandized by the MSM and the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSAP, coming to believe that people who had nothing to do with slavery owed a massive emotional and financial debt to people who had never been slaves, and that voting for Barry was the way to settle the scores.
Self-Respect or “Esteem” comes from within (and reflects the moral values a person puts into practice in his/her life) it cannot be conferred from outside, and most assuredly not by government edict

"Americans were told that electing Barack Hussein in 2008 would provide "Absolution" for America's "Original Sin" of slavery. We were told Obama would usher in a post-racial age, and the country would be united in racial harmony as never before."

Who told you that and why did you actually believe it? I pretty much predicted that there would be a white backlash to Obama being elected. Too many whites are fully invested in racism for there not to be a backlash by all the 3 tooth, inbred, sunflower seed spitting racists among them.

And the tobacco spitting racists, don't discriminate against them A. :auiqs.jpg:
I long for an America where white Christians in this nation will finally be able to get a fair shake. Keep on keeping on...
Like the right to be President or to control most of the wealth?

The right to serve in the police and be able to execute people and not be held accountable?
Racism on the Rise

It’s obvious that in a post-Obama America the anti-white zeitgeist is out of Pandora’s box. Whether it was always lurking beneath the language of multiculturalism and diversity is for historians to figure out. What’s obvious is that when mainstream media personalities like Don Lemon or New York Times employees like Sarah Jeong freely spew textbook anti-white racism the world takes notice, the Overton window shifts and the temperature rises in the frog-pot. Over in Canada, in Europe and Australia whites are under attack. Due to unprecedented immigration and fatalist progressive experiments, there is no country where anti-white cultural currents are... According to the implicit demands of the experiment, whites and by extension what could be perceived as "white culture" was selected for strategic downsizing.... It's unsurprising that when whites were encouraged to jettison the exigencies of tradition in favor of debasing themselves, that we ended-up with an entire class of people now lost in the wilderness without past or future....So where have three decades of feverish placation and encouraging our sons and daughters to take a backseat landed us? Statue toppling, knock out games, self-self-segregated graduations, implicit this, privilege that, people being fired for thought-crimes, higher taxes on struggling families to subsidized race-based transfers, racialized comic book warriors, real historical heroes defaced with graffiti, suppressed speech, our national anthem undermined, and an endless torrent of millions of new immigrants adding more complexity to a difficult situation. Americans of all colors report race relations as having been worse over the last 10 years than decades prior.
The main reason Trump is popular is not because he "hates brown people" like the Left hopes or even because he's some free market bulwark like Reagan. Trump sees what awaits our posterity if society does not change course. Why don't you?

Americans were told that electing Barack Hussein in 2008 would provide "Absolution" for America's "Original Sin" of slavery. We were told Obama would usher in a post-racial age, and the country would be united in racial harmony as never before. We were told to believe that such an exorcism was necessary, even though most of us didn't know why; we were not racists, we did not know why we needed to atone for "sins" we didn't commit.
The entire ruse was absurd. There are no remaining slaves or slave owners in the United States of America; there have been none for many decades. The voters were propagandized by the MSM and the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSAP, coming to believe that people who had nothing to do with slavery owed a massive emotional and financial debt to people who had never been slaves, and that voting for Barry was the way to settle the scores.
Self-Respect or “Esteem” comes from within (and reflects the moral values a person puts into practice in his/her life) it cannot be conferred from outside, and most assuredly not by government edict

Whites are NOT under attack. This is ridiculous. Christianity is NOT under attack. What you are seeing is people of all colours pushing back against your xenophobia and racism. Mainstream Christianity is having NONE of fundamentalist bigotry against gays, or women. Keep your beliefs to YOURSELF.

This whole notion of white male grievance is laughable.
I just put out a post on this
whites ARE under attack by the media/celebrities/sports players [ jackass Kap ]
....I've put out links in numerous posts how the MSM is anti-white--with an anti-white story attacking whites just about every day
...just like the OP said Don Ja
ckass Lemon just did it!!!
one day, ABC had 4 of the top 7 stories anti-white
I just put out a link where CNN had an anti-white story
you must live in a hole

Kaepernick is attacking WHITE cops
....I've put put out many links/much evidence on how there is no major, chronic problem of police shooting blacks..his protest is for lies/crap

..o--yes---these are '''activists fighting injustice''' you say------BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!
you people cry racism if a leaf drops
the statistics/facts say you are WRONG

You've put out posts. Well good for you. You're posting lies. There most definitely IS a problem with police shooting unarmed blacks. The comparison statistics are frightening.

Putting our stories which highlight incidents of stories of racism, bigotry and violence against people of colour is not"anti-white". Tellling stories of systemic racism and ill-treatment of minorities, isn't "anti-white". Promoting rights for all races isn't anti-white.

But if your are in denial that America is a racist country, or that racism is a serious problem in the USA, or if you believe that minorities should not have equal rights and opportunites, you ARE a racist.
YOU are the racist--because you do not accept FACTS
you just believe

  1. 1.
    a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
NO there is not a major, chronic problem
In 2016, the police fatally shot 233 blacks, the vast majority armed and dangerous, according to the Washington Post. The paper categorized only 16 black male victims of police shootings as “unarmed.” That classification masks assaults against officers and violent resistance to arrest.
Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.

there are about 30 MILLION calls for police assistance--not counting traffic stops
divide 30 MILLION by 233 majority armed and dangerous
that would be your percentage of shootings

blacks commit crime/murder at MUCH higher rates!!
the cops are doing a great job at NOT shooting them

During 2011, the
majority of persons who requested assistance from the police for any reason felt the responding officers acted properly (93%) and were helpful (86%) (table 4). About 85% of persons who had contact with police to request assistance were satisfied with how the police handled the situation.

And again your post is full of lies and inaccurate information and not surprisingly, the false information is based on race.

There were 318 black men were killed by police in 2017, out of a total of 903 people . Only 58 police officers were killed in the line of duty. This number does not include officers who died in police chases, automobile accidents or heart attacks. This only includes officers who were shot, stabbed, assaulted, or struck by a vehicle, intentionally or otherwise. The race of the killer isn't noted but suffice it to say that police officers aren't dying in sufficient numbers to give ANY credence to your post at all.

List of American police officers killed in the line of duty - Wikipedia

People shot to death by U.S. police 2017-2018, by race | Statistic

And assuming that every police call in the country is responding to a situation where those involved are armed and going to shoot police is exactly the reason why so many unarmed civilians are being shot.

Also, your notion that black peole commit more crime and that's the source the problem. The problem isn't that blacks commit more crime, it's that poor people commit more crime. There are more poor blacks and hispanics in America because of systemic racism so the whole thing becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The gullible idiots like you point at crime statistics and say "See, blacks and Hispanics are thugs", instead of looking at the crime and poverty statistics and saying, "If people in these neighbourhoods had better education, opportunities and jobs, the crime rate would come down.

Then there's this over policing thing which is being reported on over and over. Where arrests, traffic tickets and fines are disproportionately levied against people of colour, as opposed to affluent white neighbourhoods. This, in effects, keeps policing costs in these jurisidctions lower as the minority neighbourhoods are considered "profit centres" for municipal budgets. And when the anger against the system boils over, well it's just those black folks, destroying their neighbourhoods and carrying on like they do. Tsk, tsk.

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