Racism may be the new "patriotism"....

Define Racism? You seem to be an authority on it. Let's see what you know.

Racism is the strong conviction that one's race is SUPERIOR to another based on a fucked up feeling of narcissism.......(You know, like Trump's naricissism?)

So, according to you, Racism is driven by a feeling of Narcissism? Further, how is calling out behavior of someone or holding one personally accountable = racism? Look how loosely defined and applied the term "racism" is vs. they way you have defined it as a case of one feeling SUPERIOR to another based on race? I agree with that part of your definition, btw. I just think that the number of cases where one is called "racist" or "racism" is charged, in the majority of the cases, it is inapplicable based on the role that personal superiority based on race plays.
And since you've never denounced Clinton, guess you're a racist.

have another drink, change your diaper and go take a nap......LOL

You realize that Senator Byrd may have recruited people into the Klan that harassed, beat and possible killed blacks. Since Hillary and Bill think he was a hero, and you've not denounced the Clintons for their association with him...........

By your own logic. You are a racist.

How can you look at yourself in the mirror?

Antifa..............at it again...............in Boston........Dems can shove these little threads where the sun doesn't shine.
You realize that Senator Byrd may have recruited people into the Klan that harassed, beat and possible killed blacks. Since Hillary and Bill think he was a hero, and you've not denounced the Clintons for their association with him...........

Hey, moron....I'm not here to "defend' Byrd.....The idiot stopped being a KKK member in 1950 or so....any recruits he must have made must now be about your age....and about as brain dead.......LOL
You realize that Senator Byrd may have recruited people into the Klan that harassed, beat and possible killed blacks. Since Hillary and Bill think he was a hero, and you've not denounced the Clintons for their association with him...........

Hey, moron....I'm not here to "defend' Byrd.....The idiot stopped being a KKK member in 1950 or so....any recruits he must have made must now be about your age....and about as brain dead.......LOL

You don't think blacks were attacked and killed in the 50's?

Not that it matters to a racist like you, but get a history book and do some studying!

Hell, for all we know, Byrds recruits might have been part of a lynching.
Hell, for all we know, Byrds recruits might have been part of a lynching.

Tell you what you old fuckhead.....I would NEVER ever vote for Robert Byrd.....

Feel better????....Now, change your diaper and get a life......LOL
Hell, for all we know, Byrds recruits might have been part of a lynching.

Tell you what you old fuckhead.....I would NEVER ever vote for Robert Byrd.....

Feel better????....Now, change your diaper and get a life......LOL
You are one thin skinned little Racist aren't you................tskk..........tskk..........

Calling everyone who doesn't think like you Racist......and every name in the book........get a taste back and cry like a baby............

Only a small number of Republicans support groups like the KKK or Nazi SCUMBAGS..............the same goes for the other side.............but little GNATS like you try to pin LABELS on everyone with a blanket.....................which is a dang LIE.

aka...........I'm calling you a LIAR GNAT.
but little GNATS like you try to pin LABELS on everyone with a blanket.

Not true.....I would NEVER place a label on......
Under the guidance of our beloved orange clown in the [sometime, when not golfing] oval office, the expression of white supremacy has become the validation of one's"patriotism."

NOT all Trump ass kissers are racists......BUT, virtually every racist votes republican......

An interesting factoid......

An interesting fantasy maybe. I know many more commiecrat racist than republican, in fact I can't say I know any republican racist.

Under the guidance of our beloved orange clown in the [sometime, when not golfing] oval office, the expression of white supremacy has become the validation of one's"patriotism."

NOT all Trump ass kissers are racists......BUT, virtually every racist votes republican......

An interesting factoid......

They were racists before Trump.

You guys have crossed over from being pathetic to being really funny.
Under the guidance of our beloved orange clown in the [sometime, when not golfing] oval office, the expression of white supremacy has become the validation of one's"patriotism."

NOT all Trump ass kissers are racists......BUT, virtually every racist votes republican......

An interesting factoid......
/----/ 30 years in the public eye and not one charge of racism until Trump ran against a democrat
What the hell passes for patriotism in the small minds of lefties these days? They have been burning and defecating on the American Flag for forty years not to mention ripping the Ten Commandments off court house walls and suing localities into bankruptcy if they dared put up a Christmas tree on public property. Democrat icon and mover and shaker in (Barry Hussein's home town) Chicago, Bill Ayers, set off bombs at the Pentagon and corporate headquarters and the last bomb was intended for Soldiers at a Ft. Dix dance before it went off prematurely and killed four of his comrades. Is patriotism just a political slogan that lefties can attach to race baiting or does it have some meaning?

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